Have you noticed, Trump has pretty much stopped talking about new jobs?

I don't see why they don't just let the feral liberals rush the convention center so everyone can see just how uncivilized they really are.
I think it probably is best that they don't as these sharia creeps and fascists have disturbances going on all over the world trying to destabilize governments. The international news media and networks are not broadcasting it.
I would enjoy seeing the savages rush the stage while Hillary is giving her acceptance speech. It would be poetic justice.
I don't see why they don't just let the feral liberals rush the convention center so everyone can see just how uncivilized they really are.
I think it probably is best that they don't as these sharia creeps and fascists have disturbances going on all over the world trying to destabilize governments. The international news media and networks are not broadcasting it.
I would enjoy seeing the savages rush the stage while Hillary is giving her acceptance speech. It would be poetic justice.
They are getting their justice and as a friend told me "true justice will continue on for many years" as it all goes forward.
Actually the jobs issue is a big issue for Trump. The return of corporations to our shores under his tax and deregulation policies will create many new skilled and high-paying jobs. Also his plan to renegotiate trade agreements will open the door to American workers producing many products which we now import.

On the other side of the coin, most Democrats have been out of the work force for so long technology has simply passed them by. The low-skilled jobs currently being performed by illegal aliens will have to go to these unskilled Democrats once we begin deporting the illegal aliens. Realize please, many Democrats have never before been in the work force at all. These will have to be trained even in the most medial of jobs. It's a pretty sizable undertaking but we will get it done.
yep and many made a lot from his university. Perhaps you should learn to investigate better.

Those suing didn't put in any effort I bet. It's what will be the extent of the outcome.

Indeed. Trump made out like a bandit. I am sure that a degree from Frump U is worth almost as much as a degree from Devry University.
I have a degree from Devry and been working almost 40 years at the same company with it. I have two homes, boat, two cars, eight grand kids. What's your point?

Congratulations. They should put your picture on the front of every paper match book promotion piece.
i agree, to show that a degree from Devry is as valuable as a degree from a university

Not only that, but you get this beanie for free!

I already have one. you use it as a reminder that is as good a degree as any university.
Have you noticed that Crooked Hillary doesn't talk about her disaster in Benghazi, the corruption in the money laundering Clinton Foundation scam or about her "security review" by the FBI?

Despicable, isn't it?
Have you noticed that 40% of democrats think the government should be in charge of jobs?
Probably because Democrats find the term "job" offensive.
It's funny that so many Republicans say that. Yet, the base of Trump's party are unemployed blue collar workers without an education who don't make enough when they do have a low paying job.
Probably because Democrats find the term "job" offensive.
It's funny that so many Republicans say that. Yet, the base of Trump's party are unemployed blue collar workers without an education who don't make enough when they do have a low paying job.
I know it's hard to believe, but there are people who would prefer to have Jobs (sorry) than sponge off the state. They are called Republicans.
Democrats talk about his much better the country has become since 2008. How the economy has improved. All the new jobs, 5.8 million unfilled.


Donald Trump and the press talk about Hillary's emails.

He's got nothing else. And his email obsession will be the thing that causes him to lose.

Never Trump's lawsuit charging Fraud and Racketeering under Rico court date 28 Nov.
Never Trump being investigated for bribery.

Trump donated to attorneys general who dropped Trump U. inquiries: report

All those swindled in Trump U case.
All those workers stiffed because Trump refused to pay them.

Yup. He's a world-class scumbag.

So where is Trump talking about jobs and education? Did the GOP tell him to stop wasting his breath.
Did his base finally realize it wasn't going to happen? Not with Donald Trump as a

He doesn't care. He's got nothing to offer, doesn't give 2 shits about the middle class, and couldn't care less about jobs unless he can create more low paying jobs for his own slave trade operations masquerading as companies.

Instead he fixates and obsesses about rightist hatchet jobs, fake stats, and cares only about himself. Trump supporters are the dumbest people in existence -- even moderate Republicans can't stand the orange orangutan.
He talks about jobs all the time. Is this one of the phony talking points for Thursday?
Have you noticed that Crooked Hillary doesn't talk about her disaster in Benghazi, the corruption in the money laundering Clinton Foundation scam or about her "security review" by the FBI?

Despicable, isn't it?

Why would she spend time talking about unproven GOP hatchet jobs? She passed the Benghazi trial with flying colors, there's zero evidence for money laundering, and the FBI said that they couldn't find any criminal intent. Why don't conservatives understand when they've lost -- and lost badly?
Actually the jobs issue is a big issue for Trump. The return of corporations to our shores under his tax and deregulation policies will create many new skilled and high-paying jobs. Also his plan to renegotiate trade agreements will open the door to American workers producing many products which we now import.

On the other side of the coin, most Democrats have been out of the work force for so long technology has simply passed them by. The low-skilled jobs currently being performed by illegal aliens will have to go to these unskilled Democrats once we begin deporting the illegal aliens. Realize please, many Democrats have never before been in the work force at all. These will have to be trained even in the most medial of jobs. It's a pretty sizable undertaking but we will get it done.
This is what many factories in Asia used to look like:


This is what they look like now:


Could you imagine this guy working in either one of those places?


But I could see him as an electrician or doing plumbing or some other important and good paying job. But that takes training. Where has Trump talked about training? Is it because Trump stiffs those kinds of people.

Dozens of lawsuits accuse Trump of not paying his bills, reports claim | Fox News

Trump Accused of Routinely Stiffing His Own Employees

Donald Trump Has a History of Not Paying His Bills. That Offers Some Insights Into His Personality.

You know he stiffs those who work for him. What will he do as president. When he says he will renegotiate trade agreements, you assume he will make them better. But for a guy who says he's against raising the minimum wage, what is it you expect he will do for you?
Have you noticed that Crooked Hillary doesn't talk about her disaster in Benghazi, the corruption in the money laundering Clinton Foundation scam or about her "security review" by the FBI?

Despicable, isn't it?

Why would she spend time talking about unproven GOP hatchet jobs? She passed the Benghazi trial with flying colors, there's zero evidence for money laundering, and the FBI said that they couldn't find any criminal intent. Why don't conservatives understand when they've lost -- and lost badly?
30 years of smearing that one family. It's done a lot of damage to that family. Right wingers who throw out their own children have no problem trying to ruin someone else's family.

Republican disowns lesbian daughter
Have you noticed, Trump has pretty much stopped talking about new jobs?
That's because instead of talking the talk, he just walks the walk.

He just quietly hired 78 foreign workers to staff his clubs in Palm Beach and Jupiter. No, not the planet, nutters.

Obviously he prefers his employees and his wives to be foreigners. Shouldn't this upset his crazy followers? Nah.

Trump Said He Would Bring Jobs Back To The Country. He Just Quietly Hired 78 Foreign Workers.

"Earlier this month, Trump filed temporary visa applications for 78 positions for servers, housekeepers, and cooks to staff his Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach and the Trump National Golf Club in Jupiter, citing an inability to find Americans who can fill the positions. The positions pay $10.17 an hour for housekeepers, $11.13 an hour for servers, and $12.74 for cooks, according toBuzzfeed."

"“You can’t get help,” Trump said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” last year. “Getting help in Palm Beach during the season is almost impossible.” Yet, when Buzzfeed reached out to a nearby job placement agency, Tom Veenstra, a senior director at Palm Beach’s career services center, said there was a database of more than 1,300 people who had an interest in some of these very hospitality positions. Other hotels in the area have sought out Veenstra’s services, but Mar-a-Lago was not one of them."

"If anything, Trump has proven to be more than comfortable and adept at finding foreign workers to staff his various properties. Undocumented construction workers were found to be working at his latest hotel in Washington, D.C. as well as in his restaurant in the chic SoHo neighborhood of New York City. And once he’s hired them, Trump has a habit of underpaying his employees, as he allegedly did with 200 undocumented Polish workers who were contracted to raze a building in midtown Manhattan to make room for his Trump Tower."
Have you noticed, Trump has pretty much stopped talking about new jobs?
That's because instead of talking the talk, he just walks the walk.

He just quietly hired 78 foreign workers to staff his clubs in Palm Beach and Jupiter. No, not the planet, nutters.

Obviously he prefers his employees and his wives to be foreigners. Shouldn't this upset his crazy followers? Nah.

Trump Said He Would Bring Jobs Back To The Country. He Just Quietly Hired 78 Foreign Workers.

"Earlier this month, Trump filed temporary visa applications for 78 positions for servers, housekeepers, and cooks to staff his Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach and the Trump National Golf Club in Jupiter, citing an inability to find Americans who can fill the positions. The positions pay $10.17 an hour for housekeepers, $11.13 an hour for servers, and $12.74 for cooks, according toBuzzfeed."

"“You can’t get help,” Trump said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” last year. “Getting help in Palm Beach during the season is almost impossible.” Yet, when Buzzfeed reached out to a nearby job placement agency, Tom Veenstra, a senior director at Palm Beach’s career services center, said there was a database of more than 1,300 people who had an interest in some of these very hospitality positions. Other hotels in the area have sought out Veenstra’s services, but Mar-a-Lago was not one of them."

"If anything, Trump has proven to be more than comfortable and adept at finding foreign workers to staff his various properties. Undocumented construction workers were found to be working at his latest hotel in Washington, D.C. as well as in his restaurant in the chic SoHo neighborhood of New York City. And once he’s hired them, Trump has a habit of underpaying his employees, as he allegedly did with 200 undocumented Polish workers who were contracted to raze a building in midtown Manhattan to make room for his Trump Tower."
That's been reported as often as his court dates and his bribery charges.
Actually the jobs issue is a big issue for Trump. The return of corporations to our shores under his tax and deregulation policies will create many new skilled and high-paying jobs. Also his plan to renegotiate trade agreements will open the door to American workers producing many products which we now import.

On the other side of the coin, most Democrats have been out of the work force for so long technology has simply passed them by. The low-skilled jobs currently being performed by illegal aliens will have to go to these unskilled Democrats once we begin deporting the illegal aliens. Realize please, many Democrats have never before been in the work force at all. These will have to be trained even in the most medial of jobs. It's a pretty sizable undertaking but we will get it done.
This is what many factories in Asia used to look like:


This is what they look like now:


Could you imagine this guy working in either one of those places?


But I could see him as an electrician or doing plumbing or some other important and good paying job. But that takes training. Where has Trump talked about training? Is it because Trump stiffs those kinds of people.

Dozens of lawsuits accuse Trump of not paying his bills, reports claim | Fox News

Trump Accused of Routinely Stiffing His Own Employees

Donald Trump Has a History of Not Paying His Bills. That Offers Some Insights Into His Personality.

You know he stiffs those who work for him. What will he do as president. When he says he will renegotiate trade agreements, you assume he will make them better. But for a guy who says he's against raising the minimum wage, what is it you expect he will do for you?

Well my goodness Sherlock. One might question why he is leading your candidate after she has spent millions in advertising against him. Perhaps you should clue Hillary into all this and save her a ton of campaign money.
Have you noticed, Trump has pretty much stopped talking about new jobs?
That's because instead of talking the talk, he just walks the walk.

He just quietly hired 78 foreign workers to staff his clubs in Palm Beach and Jupiter. No, not the planet, nutters.

Obviously he prefers his employees and his wives to be foreigners. Shouldn't this upset his crazy followers? Nah.

Trump Said He Would Bring Jobs Back To The Country. He Just Quietly Hired 78 Foreign Workers.

"Earlier this month, Trump filed temporary visa applications for 78 positions for servers, housekeepers, and cooks to staff his Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach and the Trump National Golf Club in Jupiter, citing an inability to find Americans who can fill the positions. The positions pay $10.17 an hour for housekeepers, $11.13 an hour for servers, and $12.74 for cooks, according toBuzzfeed."

"“You can’t get help,” Trump said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” last year. “Getting help in Palm Beach during the season is almost impossible.” Yet, when Buzzfeed reached out to a nearby job placement agency, Tom Veenstra, a senior director at Palm Beach’s career services center, said there was a database of more than 1,300 people who had an interest in some of these very hospitality positions. Other hotels in the area have sought out Veenstra’s services, but Mar-a-Lago was not one of them."

"If anything, Trump has proven to be more than comfortable and adept at finding foreign workers to staff his various properties. Undocumented construction workers were found to be working at his latest hotel in Washington, D.C. as well as in his restaurant in the chic SoHo neighborhood of New York City. And once he’s hired them, Trump has a habit of underpaying his employees, as he allegedly did with 200 undocumented Polish workers who were contracted to raze a building in midtown Manhattan to make room for his Trump Tower."

How many people do Hillary and Bill employ? What businesses do they run?
Have you noticed, Trump has pretty much stopped talking about new jobs?
That's because instead of talking the talk, he just walks the walk.

He just quietly hired 78 foreign workers to staff his clubs in Palm Beach and Jupiter. No, not the planet, nutters.

Obviously he prefers his employees and his wives to be foreigners. Shouldn't this upset his crazy followers? Nah.

Trump Said He Would Bring Jobs Back To The Country. He Just Quietly Hired 78 Foreign Workers.

"Earlier this month, Trump filed temporary visa applications for 78 positions for servers, housekeepers, and cooks to staff his Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach and the Trump National Golf Club in Jupiter, citing an inability to find Americans who can fill the positions. The positions pay $10.17 an hour for housekeepers, $11.13 an hour for servers, and $12.74 for cooks, according toBuzzfeed."

"“You can’t get help,” Trump said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” last year. “Getting help in Palm Beach during the season is almost impossible.” Yet, when Buzzfeed reached out to a nearby job placement agency, Tom Veenstra, a senior director at Palm Beach’s career services center, said there was a database of more than 1,300 people who had an interest in some of these very hospitality positions. Other hotels in the area have sought out Veenstra’s services, but Mar-a-Lago was not one of them."

"If anything, Trump has proven to be more than comfortable and adept at finding foreign workers to staff his various properties. Undocumented construction workers were found to be working at his latest hotel in Washington, D.C. as well as in his restaurant in the chic SoHo neighborhood of New York City. And once he’s hired them, Trump has a habit of underpaying his employees, as he allegedly did with 200 undocumented Polish workers who were contracted to raze a building in midtown Manhattan to make room for his Trump Tower."
That's been reported as often as his court dates and his bribery charges.
He is the gift that keeps giving. It just never stops with this KKKlown.

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