Have you seen aliens or ghost before?

Have you seen Aliens or ghost before? I seen ghost a few times in my life. One time I woke up and seen a white glow run across the fucking room. Looked like a person but you could see partly through it. It was really fucking shocking. Another time I seen the fucking door slam shut and there was no wind or nothing to push it shut. Must be ghost???

Have you seen anything like it or maybe even aliens??? Tell me about your experience.
Same as the Yeti, the Loch Ness Monster, and an honest Democrat, Ghosts don't exist.
I met a lass who was "spiritual" who seemed quite lovely most of the time. She said she saw ghosts often and they'd pass straight through most people but with me they went around me. I started using deodorant not long after. I was about 20 yo.

I met a lass who was "spiritual" who seemed quite lovely most of the time. She said she saw ghosts often and they'd pass straight through most people but with me they went around me. I started using deodorant not long after. I was about 20 yo.

The thing is, ghosts and aliens only seem to appear infront of the person holding the world's first Nokia phone with the crappiest camera on it. Until a ghost or and alien appears on the pitch of an FA Cup final, or when the SuperBowl final is on infront of umpteen thousand pound/dollar TV cameras, these mythical beings are simply just to keep tourism moving.
The thing is, ghosts and aliens only seem to appear infront of the person holding the world's first Nokia phone with the crappiest camera on it. Until a ghost or and alien appears on the pitch of an FA Cup final, or when the SuperBowl final is on infront of umpteen thousand pound/dollar TV cameras, these mythical beings are simply just to keep tourism moving.
I've never seen any.

Have you seen Aliens or ghost before? I seen ghost a few times in my life. One time I woke up and seen a white glow run across the fucking room. Looked like a person but you could see partly through it. It was really fucking shocking. Another time I seen the fucking door slam shut and there was no wind or nothing to push it shut. Must be ghost???

Have you seen anything like it or maybe even aliens??? Tell me about your experience.
Not much I haven’t seen, I haven’t see a UFO though. There is a lot going on around us and it’s not hard or special to see things. You just have to tune into it. Same thing with being psychic, everyone is naturally, they have just forgotten how to tune into it and read energy. We know as children, but forget.

So it’s all about remembering and then awakening from the dream.
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I want a strong powerful handsome alien that rules a planet to abduct me and to take me to his planet. I want to have his children to be his queen. .
Oh boy. 😀

Wanna make peole see more ghosts? Make a popular movie about ghosts. Or write a popular book about ghosts.

Wanna make more people see UFOs? Make a popular movie or book about UFOs. Or run a bunch of news stories about them.

Funny how that works.
Have you seen Aliens or ghost before? I seen ghost a few times in my life. One time I woke up and seen a white glow run across the fucking room. Looked like a person but you could see partly through it. It was really fucking shocking. Another time I seen the fucking door slam shut and there was no wind or nothing to push it shut. Must be ghost???

Have you seen anything like it or maybe even aliens??? Tell me about your experience.
ex-wives are worse than any ghost or aliens I have seen.
I saw a steam locomotive pulling a few cars go by our house when I was like twelve. I literally couldn't believe it.
Have you seen Aliens or ghost before? I seen ghost a few times in my life. One time I woke up and seen a white glow run across the fucking room. Looked like a person but you could see partly through it. It was really fucking shocking. Another time I seen the fucking door slam shut and there was no wind or nothing to push it shut. Must be ghost???

Have you seen anything like it or maybe even aliens??? Tell me about your experience.
In dimensions beyond our comprehension,
Gods exist without any apprehension.
They may be hiding in realms unseen,
Pulling strings like a cosmic dream.
In the fifth, sixth, or seventh dimension,
God's presence defies all convention.
With powers beyond what we can know,
Creating universes like a pro.
So next time you ponder the infinite space,
Remember there's more to this cosmic race.
Supernatural beings might just be there,
In dimensions where they roam without a care.
So let your imagination run wild and free,
In higher dimensions, what wonders there might be!
But be cautious and don't lose your way,
For in the unknown, mysteries may sway.
Just remember, in dimensions vast and grand,
Gods and beings might lend a hand.
But whether they're real or just a notion,
It's all part of the cosmic commotion!


Here are two renowned scientists from the past who believed in God or the supernatural:

Isaac Newton (1643-1727): A physicist and mathematician, Newton was a devout Christian and wrote extensively on theology and the Bible.
(Welcome to the Newton Project)

James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879): A physicist and mathematician, Maxwell was a Christian and wrote about the relationship between science and faith.
(Welcome to the James Clerk Maxwell Foundation Website)

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