Hawaii Becomes First State in The Nation to Ban Plastic Bags

considering its totally surrounded by water, it makes sense to ban plastic bags. That and the problem of the plastic in landfills.
funny though, the liberals just a few years back were all about using plastic to save trees, now they found out they were wrong and want to use paper instead of plastic. Sort of like the Ice age that was coming due to global cooling in the 70s that turned into global warming, or the threats of running out of fuel oil by the year 2000.
considering how wrong they always are, what causes them to think they are ever right.
Hawaii Becomes First State in The Nation to Ban Plastic Bags GOOD
It's crazy how many plastic bags Americans use when shopping.
Am I the only one that can never think of Hawaii as a state? It's just so different. Strange. Anyway, that's irrelevant but good for them. It's a small inconvenience but necessary.

I thought CA had as well. Good news. We should bring our own bags, like some stores have. I hate to see people out of work who make them though.

The implementation of our CA law got hung up in court.

It's a small inconvenience but necessary.

Hawaii is just south of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, so understandable. Bring a bag, or practice your juggling.

Hawaii Becomes First State in The Nation to Ban Plastic Bags GOOD
It's crazy how many plastic bags Americans use when shopping.
Am I the only one that can never think of Hawaii as a state? It's just so different. Strange. Anyway, that's irrelevant but good for them. It's a small inconvenience but necessary.

I thought CA had as well. Good news. We should bring our own bags, like some stores have. I hate to see people out of work who make them though.

The implementation of our CA law got hung up in court.

It's a small inconvenience but necessary.

Hawaii is just south of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, so understandable. Bring a bag, or practice your juggling.

that garbage patch looks like Baltimore harbor.
CA banned plastic bags two years ago! It hasn't worked out and the state is considering rescinding the ban. Some liberals are fighting not only to keep the ban, but extend it to all bags including paper bags.
We really shouldn't need a law.

It's not that hard to put some bags in your car. If you're cycling, you're going to use a backpack or paniers anyway. Use a canteen instead of buying plastic water bottles. It should just be an ethic by now. We don't need a law banning farting in an elevator, it's just a common ethic to refrain from such behavior.
Somebody needs to invent a confederate plastic bag flag.
then what are they going to use in the movies? arent plastic bags a common technique in choking people, and then putting them in plastic bags? (like in most alfred hitchcock movies}
Somebody needs to invent a confederate plastic bag flag.
then what are they going to use in the movies? arent plastic bags a common technique in choking people, and then putting them in plastic bags? (like in most alfred hitchcock movies}

You can suffocate someone with a cloth bag. You just need to dunk the cloth in your large $6.00 Dr. Pepper.

Or, hit the person with your Kleen Kanteen;
We really shouldn't need a law.

It's not that hard to put some bags in your car. If you're cycling, you're going to use a backpack or paniers anyway. Use a canteen instead of buying plastic water bottles. It should just be an ethic by now. We don't need a law banning farting in an elevator, it's just a common ethic to refrain from such behavior.
I make a point of using disposables and not recycling. I bought a Keurig coffee maker just to throw away the little plastic cups. I bought and use my own plastic bags.

Every day, in some way, an act of rebellion in some form. It might be nothing more than throwing a plastic water bottle in the trash but it will be some act of rebellion.
what about Hospitals, aren't many supplies there stored in plastic? what about plastic gloves? guess they will be operating with bare hands or robots.
I don't know about everyone else here, but I prefer plastic bags over paper bags because of them being easier to carry with there being handles on them. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

I don't know about everyone else here, but I prefer plastic bags over paper bags because of them being easier to carry with there being handles on them. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

Why you should prefer plastic bags over paper bags.

Roaches hide in the paper bags. They eat the glue. When you bring in paper bags from the grocery store, you bring in roaches and their eggs.
They talk about grocery bags but forget the obvious.

Trash bags are plastic and I'll wager there are more trash bags in the land fill than grocery bags

So this is just another ill thought out feel good law that will have no real effect
Hawaii Becomes First State in The Nation to Ban Plastic Bags GOOD
It's crazy how many plastic bags Americans use when shopping.
Am I the only one that can never think of Hawaii as a state? It's just so different. Strange. Anyway, that's irrelevant but good for them. It's a small inconvenience but necessary.

How do you get your groceries home?

I use my brain. I think "I'm going shopping" and I take a rucksack with me. I hardly ever use plastic bags. Some places charge for them, others don't. Doesn't matter, I don't take them unless I have to.

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