Hawley is right, Biden endangers Americans

You showed how much of afraid that you are when you argued for Biden when he labelled half the country as domestic terrorists. Then doubled down on stupid when you on the debt by biden. I feel sorry for you. You're an emotional mess.
MAGA is terrorism. They've proven so through forensics. That's on them. Biden just exposed them for what they are. Pretty simple to do.
No, I was there hammering orange man for spending and pushing operation snake juice.
Dude, you don't know what you are hammering. You are clueless. You run your mouth about Communists, and you don't even know what it is. You keep exposing your ignorance here. Please, continue.
What's a Communist?

You don't know? Let me help: Here is a link to the US Communist party. They describe what they are all about. You will find very few differences between their agenda and the Democrat party. So in short, Democrats are Communists:

MAGA is terrorism. They've proven so through forensics. That's on them. Biden just exposed them for what they are. Pretty simple to do.
Looks bad for dumb old Joe. We all knew he’s a dumb ass, but you’d think his advisors would know better. Maybe Joe WANTS a civil war.

Matt Taibbi nails it…
Seventy-four million people voted for Trump in 2020. It’s beyond delusional to think they are all violent extremists. A smart politician would recognize the overwhelming majority are just people who pay taxes, work crap jobs, raise kids, obey the law, and give at most a tiny share of attention to politics. The University of Virginia did a study arguing that as many as 8 million previously voted for Obama, so there’s that. I’d bet more than half would pick a screening of Thor: Love and Thunder over a Trump speech. The only sure way to radicalize the lot is to call them one big terror cell, or have the president go on TV to describe them as an existential threat to national security.
Biden Brings the War on Terror Home
Right there you proved you are FOS. There are no communists you douche.

DA, do you know who the 87,000 are targeting?

Yes I do, anybody that goes against the Communist agenda. Just like the FBI are doing, just like the IRS has done in the past, and just like they will do in the future.
I wish he had been more specific, though. He should have targeted the craven politicians, politicos and pundits who have manipulated the rubes into this frenzy of ignorant, misguided rage. More than anyone else, THEY are responsible the condition this country is in. The rubes are just pawns.

Nobody is in any "frenzy" except in your head. We welcome the commies sending more voters our way. Should make for a very entertaining end of the year.
Sure, defiance
Politicians demonstrate defiance in the face of their adversaries fairly frequently.

I will happily concede that Pelosi's actions in that setting were (a) intentional and (b) inappropriate and (c) tacky (low-brow, low-class).

But that hardly rises to the level of Insurrection.

The Legislative Branch is on Equal Footing with the Executive and the Judicial.

Photo-Op tacky behaviors like we saw out of the Speaker that evening were mere bitch-slaps between branches of government; not Insurrection nor Rebellion nor Sedition.

And you know that just as well as I do.
But there isn't a snowball's-chance-in-Hell that you can make an argument that that stands on an equal footing with the Insurrection of January 6, 2021.

Right. A country wide riot that lasted for months doesn't even come close, now does it? What's the score now when it comes to riots, like 120 to 1?
This was nothing more than a desperation speech. The idea was not to incite violence, but to encourage voter turnout for the Communists.

People are not happy with their last stunt of attacking MAL, nor are any happy with wasting 80 billion dollars to expand government with 87,000 IRS employees. Besides all the economic damage they've done to this country, the only thing left is to turn the people against each other, and IMO, encourage ANTIFA to start riots again.

The speech was a warning to Americans to the threat you Nazis pose to this country. Biden was 100% right. Turnout is already high. The turnout in deep red Kansas was very high and resulted in the defeat of a anti-abortion amendment. Democrats have picked up a House seat in a swing district in NY. They picked up the Alaska House seat that was open due to the death of the incumbent. A Minnesota House seat that voted for Trump by 15 was retained by Republicans by 4 points. Republicans are trying to run away from their extreme positions on abortion. Republicans are illegally trying to block a vote in Michigan on a pro-choice law.

Republicans are the ones trying to divide people. They come to school board meetings and threaten school board members who do not submit to their will. You have right wing Nazis showing up to a library board meeting in a town in Idaho with guns. The FBI should be involved in this.
They know they cheated, know they can’t do the same stunt again and declared war on us

You know there was no cheating. You are the ones who are cheating by making it harder to vote and trying to put people in office who will overturn results they don't like.

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