Hawley: we need to end the FBI as we know it, there need to be prosecutions & consequences for Hillary, Brennan briefed Obama, almost got away with it

All they have to do is claim corruption and it's all good. Even when it's Trump-appointed judges laughing them out of court.
It's funny, just like Rudy claiming he had 1000's of affidavits, but not one person to testify?
That's good enough to make them try to bring the whole fucking system down.
It's what they have done since Reagan declared war on the government.
Jim Jones wished he had a cult, that gullible and stupid.
Fuck YOU and your constant GASLIGHT THEATRE!!!!
You're just ANOTHER demented avenger subverted demoralized zombie Marxist ASSHOLE!!!
You eggs for brains have been scrambled!
Who did this to you?

You are just another right wing Nazi who wants to jail your political enemies. Durham found no evidence for anything he is alleging.
You have no brains at all.
How did that happen?
Yeah, the government going rogue is a nothing burger.
Are you fucking kidding?????

Where is your evidence of this?
Allegations are not fact. Not one case was even brought alleging this. His 2 lone prosecutions were laughed out of court by the jury.
Where is your evidence of this?
Allegations are not fact. Not one case was even brought alleging this. His 2 lone prosecutions were laughed out of court by the jury.
Oooooo, more GASLIGHT THEATRE, with a touch of stalking too!

Or this one:

View attachment 786076

What blithering idiots like August West don't understand (or perhaps pretend not to understand), is that the German Nazi party started out very much as a small cult, effectively a Deep State, which defied the existing government to gradually push an agenda up and into the mainstream, just as the Democrats do now in our MSM, and use shame and ridicule like August West just did to try to dissuade me from pointing out the truth. It took them years to take over the mainstream, but gradually they have normalized all the societal demons which facilitate their power and if you point it out youre an instant hater/racist/sexist/fascist. It's like the Nazis are back but are using reverse psychology instead of Kristallnacht to take over. The latter may still be coming for those who call them out on it. It took the Nazis over two decades to build themselves up from a sleazy cult into an elite circle of bureaucrats with millions of followers and control of the one of the most powerful militaries in the world. We are seeing the same pattern in our country now. The Nazis eventually destroyed their own country and that's what the New Democrats are doing to us now. They started as an evasive Deep State, took over the Democratic Party, started positioning RINOs in the Republican Party, took over most MSM, and from there they have created the Fourth Reich. Eventually the world may gang up on the U.S. to stop it just as the Allies did to the Nazis.

The people that are destroying our country are Republicans as they plot a fascist takeover. First is starts with making it more difficult to vote. Then they ensure that they cannot be voted out of office through gerrymandering. Wisconsin is a swing state. Yet Republicans control nearly 2/3rds of the legislative seats. That is fascism. Republicans attack transgenders and gays. The hate that Republicans are stirring are no different than how Hitler used the jews. Trump and his supporters are the RINOs. The party of Ronald Reagan was not relying on hate.

The Republican Party is trying to create the Fourth Reich. The world will gang up on the Republican Party and eventually the young people will destroy it.
No just certain ones in high office who authorize the paychecks of those millions. It has nothing to do with slaughter except via the false flags they create to influence public sentiment. Contrary to what your rose-colored glasses tell your tiny little mind to believe, our intelligence agencies are loaded with sleaze bags who are more dedicated to helping certain politicians attain power than they are to assuring national security. Then there are many who "just do their jobs" not even knowing who they are ultimately helping.

You are the ones who are more interested in attaining power than in protecting this country. You attack our intelligence agencies because they do their job and refuse to kowtow to rightwing trash like you. You thugs are the biggest threat to our country.
The GAS you are putting out is toxic. Demanding evidence is what separates us from Nazi Germany. Apparently you have a problem with that NAZI.
It's amusing how the Durham Report broke you commie bots as it exposed everything we've known all along and put it on The Record.
You are short circuiting with every post since that dropped, the lot of you demented zombies.
Flail away, beebot.
The US is a banana republic with the legal system being a partisan entity, and not an unbiased upholder of the Law.

You are the ones who are turning this into a banana republic. You are the one who wants to turn our legal system into a partisan entity. You want to use our legal system to go after your political enemies.
And I am rewarded that when presented with a focused claim, you lie and call it vague.
You give yourself far too much credit for your non-specific reference to the FISA warrants. No doubt because all you know about the matter is what you've been told by liars like Gateway Pundit, Newsmax, and Faux.

The purpose of the Justice Department review was to answer those remaining questions. In a filing to the FISC on July 29 concluding the report, the Justice Department stated that of hundreds of facts contained in the 29 FISA applications reviewed by the inspector general’s office, one was a material misstatement and one a material omission. In the department’s view, neither material error invalidated the authorizations granted by the FISC to carry out surveillance, although the report acknowledged that that determination was ultimately up to the FISC. And where the inspector general’s office was unable to locate supporting documents in a Woods File, Justice Department accuracy reviewers in many cases were able to track down supporting documents. As a result, in a declaration included in the filing, FBI Acting General Counsel Dawn Browning concluded that the review “should instill confidence in the FBI’s use of its FISA authorities.” But Browning nonetheless committed the agency to “meeting the highest standard of exactness” and “eliminat[ing] errors of any kind.”
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It's amusing how the Durham Report broke you commie bots as it exposed everything we've known all along and put it on The Record.
You are short circuiting with every post since that dropped, the lot of you demented zombies.
Flail away, beebot.

You are the ones who are posting thread after thread on Durham's piece of fiction. The IG and the Mueller report contradict Durham.
Durham thinks that they should have opened a preliminary investigation. The FBI opened a full investigation.

It’s a difference of opinion. That’s all.
The FBI can't be trusted to investigate anything. That is a proven fact.
False. I understand that left wingers would like to dismiss the report as a mere nothing burger, but that’s a ridiculous contention.

It demonstrates what was happening within the FBI which is contrary to their mission and standards. It constitutes a damning report about the highly improper politicization of the Federal Law enforcement system and the FBI in particular.

In reality, it was a one way street. Liberals and Democrats took advantage of the ability to politicize the FBI in a very dangerous manner targeting conservatives and Republicans.

You libs would be crying to the Gods above in outraged protest had it been the conservatives and Republicans who had compromised the FBI in that way to targeted any or your political compatriots.

The IG report and Mueller's report contradict Durham. Mueller got numerous convictions.
1 for 3.

And it was no Hoax. Just because you don’t like the findings doesn’t mean they are wrong

It was a hoax. Durham got no convictions.

"In fact, attorney and former FBI special agent Asha Rangappa observed, “I’ll be interested to see how Durham argues that there was no predication in the Russia probe when the DOJ’s OIG [Office of the Inspector General] found the opposite AND a Republican-led Senate Intel Committee found that Trump’s campaign manager was, in fact, in frequent contact with a Russian intel officer,” she wrote. “As many have noted, even before Durham’s report was released Monday, that FBI investigation Durham claimed had no basis of being opened, resulted in dozens of criminal prosecutions.

Former federal prosecutor Renato Mariotti also takes Durham to task. He writes, former Special Counsel Robert Mueller “rightfully resisted using the term ‘collusion,’ which has no legal meaning in this context, instead focusing on conspiracy law. Durham’s report comes out and says there is “no actual evidence of collusion,” a media soundbite, not a legal conclusion. What a contrast,” he notes.

“The Trump-Russia investigation produced 37 indictments and several other outside criminal referrals. People were convicted at trial. People pleaded guilty. Hostile foreign government actors faced legal and diplomatic sanctions,” notes Media Matter’s Craig Harrington. “All of this was real!”

Indeed, in December of 2019, Vox reported, “Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team indicted or got guilty pleas from 34 people and three companies during their lengthy investigation.”


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