Hawley: we need to end the FBI as we know it, there need to be prosecutions & consequences for Hillary, Brennan briefed Obama, almost got away with it

Ummm, all of the fucking evidence that has been posted for years you fucking cultist.
Buuuuuut none...............in court........under oath.
WHY is that, moron?
Hawley on Fox Business: The leadership of the FBI has got to go. I've listened to the director, Chris Wray, testify time and again that there is no problem with the FBI. They don't have a cultural problem. Yeah, they do. They're lying to courts.
GQP's version of leadership: "We're gonna keep destroying things until we get our way"
They've destroyed the SC's credibility, made DC more corrupt with the Citizens United ruling, Trump is still working on damaging confidence in elections, they are moving towards an authoritarian state by restricting the rights of minorities, they want to allow the government to control women's bodies, they've enacted a nationwide push for voter suppression laws and gerrymandered districts, are actively engaged in trying to destroy the full faith and credit in the US, 1/3 of Repubs support a man who plotted an illegal takeover of the government, and on it goes.
They've destroyed the SC's credibility, made DC more corrupt with the Citizens United ruling, Trump is still working on damaging confidence in elections, they are moving towards an authoritarian state by restricting the rights of minorities, they want to allow the government to control women's bodies, they've enacted a nationwide push for voter suppression laws and gerrymandered districts, are actively engaged in trying to destroy the full faith and credit in the US, 1/3 of Repubs support a man who plotted an illegal takeover of the government, and on it goes.
What I wonder about is, how many of them have ANY IDEA what tearing down our institutions would actually LOOK LIKE if it happens. The damage and absolute anarchy it would cause. Do they think that ripping everything down would just be a little inconvenient for a while?

If asked about that, they would probably respond with something like "well, it can't get any WORSE", which is just fucking spectacular in its ignorance. They just don't think things through, because they don't HAVE to. It's all done FOR them, and their only role is to play along with it.

They're being led down this path by people who don't have their best interests in mind.

They've destroyed the SC's credibility, made DC more corrupt with the Citizens United ruling, Trump is still working on damaging confidence in elections, they are moving towards an authoritarian state by restricting the rights of minorities, they want to allow the government to control women's bodies, they've enacted a nationwide push for voter suppression laws and gerrymandered districts, are actively engaged in trying to destroy the full faith and credit in the US, 1/3 of Repubs support a man who plotted an illegal takeover of the government, and on it goes.

Squeals the baboon who ignores proven corruption from the DOJ and the fbi.

You are dismissed
Squeals the baboon who ignores proven corruption from the DOJ and the fbi.
Well, not so much proven as alleged by Billy the Bagman's sock puppet John Durham and witless cranks like Gym Jordan. A man who continues to humiliate himself further with every hearing he holds.
Well, not so much proven as alleged by Billy the Bagman's sock puppet John Durham and witless cranks like Gym Jordan. A man who continues to humiliate himself further with every hearing he holds.

No, PROVEN LYING TO THE FISA COURT, for one example. Keep grunting, baboon.
What I wonder about is, how many of them have ANY IDEA what tearing down our institutions would actually LOOK LIKE if it happens. The damage and absolute anarchy it would cause. Do they think that ripping everything down would just be a little inconvenient for a while?

If asked about that, they would probably respond with something like "well, it can't get any WORSE", which is just fucking spectacular in its ignorance.
What I wonder is whether, because they've been whipped in to a frenzy by propagandists like Carlson, they think anarchy is what we need. Because of their colossal misunderstanding of Jefferson's quote about the tree of liberty needing to be refreshed. Though I doubt their knowledge base is that deep.
What I wonder is whether, because they've been whipped in to a frenzy by propagandists like Carlson, they think anarchy is what we need. Because of their colossal misunderstanding of Jefferson's quote about the tree of liberty needing to be refreshed. Though I doubt their knowledge base is that deep.

It is quite obvious that it is you who are the ignorant one.
I thought you'd come back with the kind of vague, simplistic, generalization that puts your idiocy on full display.

And I am rewarded that when presented with a focused claim, you lie and call it vague.

Keep grunting, baboon.
What I wonder is whether, because they've been whipped in to a frenzy by propagandists like Carlson, they think anarchy is what we need. Because of their colossal misunderstanding of Jefferson's quote about the tree of liberty needing to be refreshed. Though I doubt their knowledge base is that deep.
Yeah, I do believe that. They tell us so. They're at "war" to "save America" from "evil".

They just don't understand the ramifications. This isn't a freakin' reality teevee show.
It's illegal to talk to foreigners, now? You know how stupid you sound?

Bush Lets U.S. Spy on Callers Without Courts​

The New York Times
https://www.nytimes.com › U.S. › Politics

Dec 16, 2005 — Military and F.B.I. officials have drawn criticism for monitoring what were ... the agency monitors their international communications, ...

A law passed by Congress in 2008 allowing the government to monitor the overseas communications of individuals without obtaining a warrant for each target.

After the attacks of September 11, 2001, President George W. Bush authorized the National Security Agency’s use of warrantless wiretaps in the hunt for people with ties to al Qaeda and other militant groups. The Bush administration ended that program in 2007, but Congress legalized parts of it in an overhaul of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act in 2008.

Under the new law, the government no longer has to provide the court with specific names, phone numbers or email addresses of people to be tapped. Instead, it can apply for permission to conduct mass surveillance merely by stating that it plans to monitor non-U.S. persons overseas to gather foreign intelligence.

FBI Used Electronic Surveillance in 3.4M Warrantless ...​

Well News
https://www.thewellnews.com › law-enforcement › fbi...

May 2, 2022 — Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act authorizes intelligence officers to monitor foreign electronic communications ...
Buuuuuut none...............in court........under oath.
WHY is that, moron?
All they have to do is claim corruption and it's all good. Even when it's Trump-appointed judges laughing them out of court.

That's good enough to make them try to bring the whole fucking system down.


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