Hawley: we need to end the FBI as we know it, there need to be prosecutions & consequences for Hillary, Brennan briefed Obama, almost got away with it

The FBI can't be trusted to investigate anything. That is a proven fact.
Well, not so much a proven fact as exactly what criminals like Trump want you gullible rubes to believe. His playbook has always been to try to discredit those trying to enforce the rule of law because he can't prove his innocence.
Not at all.
The emails on Hunter's laptop were easily verified since email bounces back and forth between a half dozen different servers.
Time makes absolutely no difference.
And the emails verify that Joe was meeting with those who were illegally dumping kickbacks on Hunter.

The emails confirm nothing. The Russians know fools like you will take the bait.
Back to the OP thread topic. Hawley is right.

The over broad power of the centralized FBI is in clear and urgent need of being properly reined-in.

If anyone in actual power in DC were inclined to make the right move, to break it apart and then carefully rebuild it in a manner designed to secure our rights, freedoms and liberties, the questions might become:

  • How to accomplish it?
  • How could it still be effective for what it is supposed to do while still restraining the likelihood of future abuse?
  • Would it involve regional directors rather than one central director.
  • What checks could most likely prove effective against future abuses?

There is no abuse. The abuse is that you don't like the criminals that you follow being held accountable. You are a CRIMINAL.
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That would be your party. Make up a story about your political rival, then have the government go full steam to destroy them. Just think, you loons impeached Trump for making a phone call about what Biden was bragging about. Everyone that did this to Trump and the country should be imprisoned for life.

Evidence be damned. No stories were made up. Trump did exactly what was alleged.
Evidence be damned. No stories were made up. Trump did exactly what was alleged.
Lol, the fbi says different. Thanks for proving you don't have a mind of your own, you do as your are told. Oh and your party is the treason party now.
You mean when Obama asked Putin to wait till after the election to talk about arm's reduction? So he could screw us over more?
ARMS reduction?
NO, you moron.
It was about the missile defense treaty the US.......... HAD with Russia, since 1987.
Guess Hannity didn't tell you what Obama ended up doing?
Guess Trump's son didn't tell you what his daddy did?
Trump canceled the treaty.
Just like his daddy, Putin......wanted.
I have not paid much attention to the Durham probe, but it should be clear even to those who are against Trump, that the 2 impeachments were totally illegal, as well as the Mar-a-lago search, and the Carroll case were all illegal.
As bad as Trump may be, none of these things should have happened or even been allowed.
It is clear the Steele Dossier was itself illegal foreign collusion to harm the election.
It is clear Trump asked Zelensky to simply investigate Burisma Holding, which should have already happened.
It is clear presidents are above and the total arbiter of all classified docs.
Carroll should have been allowed to bring up a 30 year old case, without a single shred of evidence.

I am far left, progressive, liberal, but the dems were totally criminal on all these subjects.
I doubt I will ever vote dem again because of it.

The two impeachments were not illegal. They were well founded. The Mara Largo search was totally legal and sanctioned by a federal magistrate. There was nothing illegal about the Carroll case. It is very clear that you believe that Trump is above the law. The Steele dossier had nothing to do with foreign collusion. Two parts of it were true., The Russians would not have wanted anyone to know they were interfering in our elections or the fact that a embassy employee was really a spy. The fact that Burisma was not being investigated was the reason the Obama Administration wanted the corrupt prosecutor removed. It is clear that there are procedures for declassifying documents and presidents cannot do this on a whim.

You are not a far left liberal. There was nothing criminal about what democrats did. You never have voted democrat.,
ARMS reduction?
NO, you moron.
It was about the missile defense treaty the US.......... HAD with Russia, since 1987.
Guess Hannity didn't tell you what Obama ended up doing?
Guess Trump's son didn't tell you what his daddy did?
Trump canceled the treaty.
Just like his daddy, Putin......wanted.
They were talking about reducing the nuclear arms both counties had.
The two impeachments were not illegal. They were well founded. The Mara Largo search was totally legal and sanctioned by a federal magistrate. There was nothing illegal about the Carroll case. It is very clear that you believe that Trump is above the law. The Steele dossier had nothing to do with foreign collusion. Two parts of it were true., The Russians would not have wanted anyone to know they were interfering in our elections or the fact that a embassy employee was really a spy. The fact that Burisma was not being investigated was the reason the Obama Administration wanted the corrupt prosecutor removed. It is clear that there are procedures for declassifying documents and presidents cannot do this on a whim.

You are not a far left liberal. There was nothing criminal about what democrats did. You never have voted democrat.,
That's okay titles of impeachment has been filed on Biden.
I agree there is no criminal implication too the word "collusion" really.
It just sort of implies secret cooperation.
But you can secretly cooperate over legal things as well as illegal things.
And my point is there was not even any cooperations between the Trump campaign and Russia.
The Trump campaign did meet with Russians, but it was to convince them to hold back on retaliation.
That did help Trump very slightly, but also helped the US, and was not at all illegal.

The Steele Dossier claimed there were huge Russian troll programs to defame Hillary, and that was disproven.
The whole Steele Dossier was illegal libel.
The facts were that Russia did not bother with the 2016 election at all.
Someone did release the DNC email showing how the DNC illegally gave Hillary the debate questions, but that almost for certain was a US citizen at the DNC.
There was no evidence of Russian hackers at the DNC, even though the FBI claimed there was.
The FBI simply lied.
No should anyone be complaining about a crime being exposed, like Hillary cheating on the debates.

The Mueller investigation found a meeting that the Trump campaign had with a Russian spy. Internal polling data and other campaign information over to the spy. Swing states were discussed as well. That enabled the Russians to target their pro-Trump media ads.

The Steele dossier was not illegal and not libel. It correctly found the Russians were interfering in our elections. It also found that a Russian embassy employee was a spy. This was confirmed when the Russians were forced to recall the employee. The Russians hacked the DNC server and Podesta's e-mails. We have seem similar incidents in the later French Presidential elections when Macron's e-mails were hacked. The FBI did not lie. You are the one lying. There is no evidence that Clinton cheated and it is not a crime.
That was criminal slander, not to mention an illegal attempt to interfere with the legally required investigation.
The fact that to this day, the firing of Shokin, Burisma Holdings, Hunter's millions, the laptop, etc. have never been fully investigated, is a horrendous crime.

And in fact, all those accusing Trump of crimes, like Russian collusion, Ukraine intimidation, classified doc violations, sexual assault, etc., clearly have no legal basis and instead are all guilty of bearing false witness in criminal charges.
Trump is sleazy, but never committed a single crime that has any proof at all.

There was no criminal slander and no attempt to illegally interfere in a investigation. Trump's campaign used it to interfere in our elections and was no doubt helped by the Russians. The firing of Shokin was supported by world leaders and reformers in Ukraine. Again you have no scintilla of evidence.

They do have a legal basis. A federal magistrate's issuance of a search warrant proves that. Sexual assault does have a legal basis and a jury found Trump guilty. Trump has pleaded guilty to numerous crimes which carry civil penalties rather than criminal penalties.

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