He did not keep us safe...


Gold Member
Apr 8, 2008
It's time for the righties to let this ridiculous idea (that Bush kept us safe)die.

Bush's first term was twenty percent over when 9-11 happened. It happened on his watch.
Not only that but he ignored repeated warnings like the PDB entitled"Bin Laden determined to strike within the US". Or maybe you don't think it's fair to say he ignored the warning, he simply did not take any action in response to the warning.

Claiming that Bush kept us safe after 9-11 is like saying "the Captain of the Titanic never sank another ship"

Not only did Bush not keep us safe, he failed at that responability more spectaularly than any other President.

He did not keep us safe...
It's time for the righties to let this ridiculous idea (that Bush kept us safe)die.

Bush's first term was twenty percent over when 9-11 happened. It happened on his watch.
Not only that but he ignored repeated warnings like the PDB entitled"Bin Laden determined to strike within the US". Or maybe you don't think it's fair to say he ignored the warning, he simply did not take any action in response to the warning.

Claiming that Bush kept us safe after 9-11 is like saying "the Captain of the Titanic never sank another ship"

Not only did Bush not keep us safe, he failed at that responability more spectaularly than any other President.

He did not keep us safe...
Why sure he did, i dont recall one single attack after 9-11?. However had Clinton done his job during the treasonist 8 years he served, several terrorist attacks,not to mention the 1993 World Trade Center Attacks that eventually lead up to what Bush had to deal with in 9-11-01??doh? Oh and Obama will do the exact same thing Clinton did TALK TALK TALK and the next admins after Obama will have to more than likely deal with the same thing BUSH did behind Clinton,spent another trillion dollars going after terrorist that previous admins failed to do???? So get out ya fucking wallets and bend waaay the hell over for one more shafting of failed social re-engineneering.... Bush was a fallguy behind the fail social housing melt down that both Clinton and Obama had their hands in?????? dont make me post links to thier involvement...The war on terrorism that Bush had to take on because the previous admins refused to is explained in the following link....

Clinton Paid 'Lip Service' to Terror Attacks, Expert Charges
At least President Bush didn't release Gitmo prisoners so they could re-join terrorists groups.
It's time for the righties to let this ridiculous idea (that Bush kept us safe)die.

Bush's first term was twenty percent over when 9-11 happened. It happened on his watch.
Not only that but he ignored repeated warnings like the PDB entitled"Bin Laden determined to strike within the US". Or maybe you don't think it's fair to say he ignored the warning, he simply did not take any action in response to the warning.

Claiming that Bush kept us safe after 9-11 is like saying "the Captain of the Titanic never sank another ship"

Not only did Bush not keep us safe, he failed at that responability more spectaularly than any other President.

He did not keep us safe...

It's time for the righties to let this ridiculous idea (that Bush kept us safe)die.

Bush's first term was twenty percent over when 9-11 happened. It happened on his watch.
Not only that but he ignored repeated warnings like the PDB entitled"Bin Laden determined to strike within the US". Or maybe you don't think it's fair to say he ignored the warning, he simply did not take any action in response to the warning.

Claiming that Bush kept us safe after 9-11 is like saying "the Captain of the Titanic never sank another ship"

Not only did Bush not keep us safe, he failed at that responability more spectaularly than any other President.

He did not keep us safe...

Do tell, what terrorist event happened on U.S. soil since 9/11? I must have missed that. Link it, please.
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At least President Bush didn't release Gitmo prisoners so they could re-join terrorists groups.

Firstly they're not being just flat out released into the public they will face a trial here in America with a jury and all and if convicted (which they all probobly will) they will get sentanced to either death or life in Maximum Security.

Obama is ending more of the torture side of this entire deal. I still don't know if it is the right move.
At least President Bush didn't release Gitmo prisoners so they could re-join terrorists groups.

Firstly they're not being just flat out released into the public they will face a trial here in America with a jury and all and if convicted (which they all probobly will) they will get sentanced to either death or life in Maximum Security.

Obama is ending more of the torture side of this entire deal. I still don't know if it is the right move.
First of all, these detainees will be eligible for bail. If a judge grants bail, how many of them do you think will make good on it and appear in court?

Secondly, there was no torture. Interesting that liberals in Washington would rather call terrorism "man-caused disaster" but want to call waterboarding "torture" isn't it?

And it didn't make big headlines of course but, recently Gitmo was found to have been FOLLOWING the rules of the Geneva Convention the whole time. So what this means is, the international community says there was NO torture going on there. It's only liars in Washington who say there is/was.
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It's time for the righties to let this ridiculous idea (that Bush kept us safe)die.

Bush's first term was twenty percent over when 9-11 happened. It happened on his watch.
Not only that but he ignored repeated warnings like the PDB entitled"Bin Laden determined to strike within the US". Or maybe you don't think it's fair to say he ignored the warning, he simply did not take any action in response to the warning.

Claiming that Bush kept us safe after 9-11 is like saying "the Captain of the Titanic never sank another ship"

Not only did Bush not keep us safe, he failed at that responability more spectaularly than any other President.

He did not keep us safe...

If Bush had found the cure to cancer, you would still despise the man. You are a hack who only thinks from your own point without reason. The bottom line is that it would not have mattered who the President was, we still would have been attacked on 9/11, and that includes Gore who would have been spending his time worrying about global warming.
OK, so we have a couple of people who can't seem to understand that 9-11 happened during Bush's watch!

Bush failed to keep us safe on 9-11.

Is there a single righty on this site that can acknowledge this simple fact? It happened more than 1/2 a year after Bush was sworn in. How long did Bush need to get up to speed on keeping Americas safe?

It's funny how Repubs think that Obama should be able to fix the mess they have made of the economy in sixty days but some how Bush should be given a pass on his number one priority, keeping America safe because, well, it was ONLY six months into his first term. Don't forget that the parting advice from the Clinton Administration was that terrorism would be the number one defense priority for the new Bush Admin. "Oh, what does Clinton know?!"

The facts are undeniable, Bush FAILED to keep us safe!
You continue to parrot the DU and Daily KoS garbage. Which of course is dishonest and circular. Because you same dumbasses will be blaming Bush if another 9-11 happens on Obama's watch, and you well know it.

You're just a disingenuous troll.
Do you deny that 9-11 happened on Bush's watch?

Had there been a Democrat in office at the time would you have been willing to give him a pass because after all he had ONLY been in office for six months?

Hell, Obama doesn't even get a pass for sixty days from the rabid right on the mess he inherited.

"He kept us safe" another Repub fantasy, right up there with "If you cut taxes, you'll get more tax revenue".
Do you deny that 9-11 happened on Bush's watch?

Had there been a Democrat in office at the time would you have been willing to give him a pass because after all he had ONLY been in office for six months?

Hell, Obama doesn't even get a pass for sixty days from the rabid right on the mess he inherited.

"He kept us safe" another Repub fantasy, right up there with "If you cut taxes, you'll get more tax revenue".
Hey idiot. Everyone knows Bush was President on 9-11-01. Everyone also knows that attack was planned for years. And everyone also knows Bill Clinton passed on three separate situations where he could have jailed Bin Laden, who was wanted in the US for the 1993 WTC bombing.

Everyone also knows what a mess our intelligence and federal LE services were, due to Clinton making it impossible for them to share information. In fact there's a whole plethora of crap Clinton both did and didn't do, which led up to the 9-11 attacks. HE himself even admits as much.

So, blame shift all you wish, but the 9-11 attacks were the result of 25 years of appeasement of terrorism, half-assed solutions and sometimes just simply ignoring the problem, by BOTH parties.

And just to make sure you understand, though I am not a republican or even a right winger, I do know the "he kept us safe" mantra is talking about AFTER 9-11, there have been no further attacks. No one's ever claimed Bush "kept us safe" FROM the 9-11 attacks. No one did, dishonest troll, or it wouldn't have happened!

But, you already knew that.
You really don't improve your argument by calling me names.

So if Clinton had opportunities to get Bin Laden and all this info was out there why didn't Bush put on a full court press as soon as he got into office?

Did he not understand the nature of the threat? He was warned by the Clinbton admin.

Did he not think it was serious because he believed his own propaganda that the Clinton Admin didn't know anything?

Don't forget that 9-11 was not the first attack on the WTC, Bush was forwarned and should have known tohe potential for disaster.

For whatever reason Bush failed on 9-11, whatever he did after can not erase that failure.
You really don't improve your argument by calling me names.

So if Clinton had opportunities to get Bin Laden and all this info was out there why didn't Bush put on a full court press as soon as he got into office?

Did he not understand the nature of the threat? He was warned by the Clinbton admin.

Did he not think it was serious because he believed his own propaganda that the Clinton Admin didn't know anything?

Don't forget that 9-11 was not the first attack on the WTC, Bush was forwarned and should have known tohe potential for disaster.

For whatever reason Bush failed on 9-11, whatever he did after can not erase that failure.
There was NO way to get Bin Laden after Sudan let him go. He disappeared.

Your little strawman has been shot down thoroughly. Move along now sonny.

And by the way, you weren't 'name called' you were defined. See the difference?
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You really don't improve your argument by calling me names.

So if Clinton had opportunities to get Bin Laden and all this info was out there why didn't Bush put on a full court press as soon as he got into office?

Did he not understand the nature of the threat? He was warned by the Clinbton admin.

Did he not think it was serious because he believed his own propaganda that the Clinton Admin didn't know anything?

Don't forget that 9-11 was not the first attack on the WTC, Bush was forwarned and should have known tohe potential for disaster.

For whatever reason Bush failed on 9-11, whatever he did after can not erase that failure.
There was NO way to get Bin Laden after Sudan let him go. He disappeared.

Your little strawman has been shot down thoroughly. Move along now sonny.

And by the way, you weren't 'name called' you were defined. See the difference?

OK, so even though 9-11 happened on Bush's watch it was all Clinton's fault. Gee that seems very reasonable.

It seems that you expect a lot more of a Democratic president than from Bush, but that is probably just reality creeping into your head.

Clearly Bush was ill equipped and under prepared for the presidency and we all paid for his failure.
....Claiming that Bush kept us safe after 9-11 is like saying "the Captain of the Titanic never sank another ship"....
You actually stumbled on a good analogy there, since the Titanic disaster was the fault of the builder, a flaw based on crappy design that occurred months or years before thousands of innocents paid for the mistake with their lives.
....Claiming that Bush kept us safe after 9-11 is like saying "the Captain of the Titanic never sank another ship"....
You actually stumbled on a good analogy there, since the Titanic disaster was the fault of the builder, a flaw based on crappy design that occurred months or years before thousands of innocents paid for the mistake with their lives.

Are you saying that it was the ship builders fault even though the Captain of the Titanic was sailing at high speed through waters where icebergs were commonly found?

Your premise is faulty, even if an automobile has a mechanical problem which was caused by the manufacturer, the driver is still liable if he crashes his car into something, unless of course you could show that the mechanical problem led to the crash, for instance if the brakes failed.

Whatever the design flaws in the Titanic, the Captain does not get a pass for sailing his ship into an iceberg, and Bush certainly does not get a pass because he never 'sank another ship'.

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