He Didn't Do Anything Of Note

You'd be surprised at how much space golf clubs and socialist mementos take up. Reagan only has Air Force One in his, no doubt Chicago Jesus needs more room.

You lie again...

Research Home - Ronald Reagan Presidential Library - National Archives and Records Administration
I'm a member of the Reagan Library, dufus. Learn to read my point better.

A member? You've now shown that you opinions are groundless. You were screwed by Reagan and are a member of his legacy? That's stupid!
That is one ugly design. It just is.
Lot of cover available for the Chicago shootouts.
That is one ugly design. It just is.
Lot of cover available for the Chicago shootouts.
are they really gonna build it in chicago? does this mean all construction workers will be wearing body armor?
Likely the construction will be done by the Chicago mafia, so the gangbangers will be staying away during construction. But afterwards....
i wonder what will be the catch phrase right before they start the construction,,,,,,if u build it,,,they will _____________________________???
That is one ugly design. It just is.
Lot of cover available for the Chicago shootouts.
are they really gonna build it in chicago? does this mean all construction workers will be wearing body armor?
Likely the construction will be done by the Chicago mafia, so the gangbangers will be staying away during construction. But afterwards....
does anyone actually think anyone would risk thier lives being on the site,,,,in chicago? stray sniper bullet capital of the world?
OK, they all do it, so this no anti-Obama rant. But what the fuck is the purpose of a Presidential Library?
An exceptional president? Education.

Otherwise it's nothing more than ego stroking.
Jesus, you guys will cry about anything. Just wait until Trump opens the "Donald Zoolander Center for kids who can't read good"


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