And the atheists, once again, can't leave well enough alone.
I do hope you can find it in your hearts, to love others, even when not like you.
Yet Christians exhibit their hate toward gay Americans and Muslims, for example.

Those free from faith are perfectly justified to recognize the hypocrisy common to many Christians, as Christians are in no position to admonish others about 'love.'
And the atheists, once again, can't leave well enough alone.
I do hope you can find it in your hearts, to love others, even when not like you.
Yet Christians exhibit their hate toward gay Americans and Muslims, for example.

Those free from faith are perfectly justified to recognize the hypocrisy common to many Christians, as Christians are in no position to admonish others about 'love.'
So what acts of hate can you show me from the US's most religious city Salt Lake City, Utah
Jesus never existed.
Yes He did. There is historical proof that the apostle Paul wrote one of the books of the new testament. I believe it was Romans. He was a contemporary of the other apostles, who were eyewitnesses to the life of Jesus.
It was on the road to Emmaues(sp) Paul saw the risen Lord in the book of Acts.
Interestingly enough Paul wrote that he was one born out of due time, meaning he wasn't a personal witness of the Lord's ministry.
If Jesus was a myth, why did all but one of his apostles die, rather than be silenced? People do not die for something that they know to be a lie.

why am I being quoted in this
Jesus never existed.
Yes He did. There is historical proof that the apostle Paul wrote one of the books of the new testament. I believe it was Romans. He was a contemporary of the other apostles, who were eyewitnesses to the life of Jesus.

Just as there is no 'god' as perceived by theists, so too was there no 'Christ' as perceived by Christians.

The Jesus myth is an amalgam of ancient myths and legends that well predated the advent of Christianity; there is no 'son of “god”' and no one 'arose from the dead' – it's all made up, a collection of contrivances, lies, and religious fabrications, completely devoid of objective, documented evidence.
And the atheists, once again, can't leave well enough alone.
I do hope you can find it in your hearts, to love others, even when not like you.
Yet Christians exhibit their hate toward gay Americans and Muslims, for example.

Those free from faith are perfectly justified to recognize the hypocrisy common to many Christians, as Christians are in no position to admonish others about 'love.'
So what acts of hate can you show me from the US's most religious city Salt Lake City, Utah
This doesn't make any sense, just like the Jesus myth.

One need only read conservative posts, blogs, and websites to find overwhelming evidence of Christian hate toward others.

If you're a Christian your hatred of African-Americans is evidence.
Jesus never existed.
Yes He did. There is historical proof that the apostle Paul wrote one of the books of the new testament. I believe it was Romans. He was a contemporary of the other apostles, who were eyewitnesses to the life of Jesus.

Just as there is no 'god' as perceived by theists, so too was there no 'Christ' as perceived by Christians.

The Jesus myth is an amalgam of ancient myths and legends that well predated the advent of Christianity; there is no 'son of “god”' and no one 'arose from the dead' – it's all made up, a collection of contrivances, lies, and religious fabrications, completely devoid of objective, documented evidence.
That tired old argument again? Go educate yourself. Your ignorance offends me. That argument has been soundly debunked countless times.
Jesus never existed.
Yes He did. There is historical proof that the apostle Paul wrote one of the books of the new testament. I believe it was Romans. He was a contemporary of the other apostles, who were eyewitnesses to the life of Jesus.

Just as there is no 'god' as perceived by theists, so too was there no 'Christ' as perceived by Christians.

The Jesus myth is an amalgam of ancient myths and legends that well predated the advent of Christianity; there is no 'son of “god”' and no one 'arose from the dead' – it's all made up, a collection of contrivances, lies, and religious fabrications, completely devoid of objective, documented evidence.
That tired old argument again? Go educate yourself. Your ignorance offends me. That argument has been soundly debunked countless times.

They roll it out every Easter and Christmas.
And the atheists, once again, can't leave well enough alone.
I do hope you can find it in your hearts, to love others, even when not like you.
Yet Christians exhibit their hate toward gay Americans and Muslims, for example.

Those free from faith are perfectly justified to recognize the hypocrisy common to many Christians, as Christians are in no position to admonish others about 'love.'
So what acts of hate can you show me from the US's most religious city Salt Lake City, Utah
This doesn't make any sense, just like the Jesus myth.

One need only read conservative posts, blogs, and websites to find overwhelming evidence of Christian hate toward others.

If you're a Christian your hatred of African-Americans is evidence.
You must be one of those people who think that everyone who doesn't agree with you is a hater.
Mathew 28:6
He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.


The erection of jebus!
The retardation of guno.

Au contraire bible thumper
Mathew 28:6
He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.



This is the Current Events forum. That means what's going down now. Myths from two thousand years ago fall just short of that standard.

Repost from last year:

"Easter".... "estrus"...

The modern belief that eggs are delivered by a rabbit, comes from the legend of the Goddess Eostre. Eostre was walking one fine Spring day and came upon a beautiful little bird. The poor bird’s wing was badly injured and Eostre, feeling great compassion for the little creature, wanted to heal it. But the little bird’ wing was so badly damaged that Eostre knew it would never be able to fly again even after She healed it. So, Eostre decided to help the bird by healing it in a way that would give it mobility and a little something more? She turned it into a rabbit!

During the transformation, the rabbit retained the ability to lay eggs. The rabbit was so grateful to Eostre for saving its life that it laid a sacred egg in Her honor, joyously decorated it and then humbly presented it to the Goddess. She was so pleased and so touched by the rabbit’s thoughtful gift that She wished all humankind to share in her joy. In honoring her wishes, the rabbit went all over the world distributing these beautifully decorated little gifts of life and continues to do so even today.​

Sorry, this is a current event that is celebrated throughout the world.


Even if it were an actual event, it's two thousand years old. That's not "current" under any definition.

Yes it is. Did you miss the part about it being celebrated around the world every year? Which mean, ding....ding....ding....

It's a current event once a year

Rightfully so for a country founded on Christianity


Low IQ Much?

35 Founding Father Quotes Conservative Christians Will Hate

Addicting Info 35 Founding Father Quotes Conservative Christians Will Hate
Treaty of Tripoli

Treaty of Tripoli - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

No America is not a Christian nation - Salon.com
Mathew 28:6
He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.


The erection of jebus!
The retardation of guno.

Au contraire bible thumper
You still are a retard, idiot.

Says the shit stained bible thumping yokel in flyover country
You prove you are an idiot every time you open your mouth and fart, idiot.
The erection of jebus!
The retardation of guno.

Au contraire bible thumper
You still are a retard, idiot.

Says the shit stained bible thumping yokel in flyover country
You prove you are an idiot every time you open your mouth and fart, idiot.
Looks like you are arguing with the German Muslim Guno, who pretends to be a Jew, just do what everyone with any sense does, and put him on ignore.

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