He is again telling us who he is

Conservatism is fundamentally illiberal, authoritarian, and anti-democratic – Trump is the right’s perfect representative.

You have some rather odd notions of authoritarianism and anti-democratic policies.

It is, in fact, the Dems / Socialists who are reviled by 1st Amendment rights. It was the corrupt Dem / Socialist controlled FBI and DOJ which colluded with Facebook to censor free speech on that platform. The Dems / Socialists pressed their Soviet style authoritarianism with an alliance of tech companies and the media. Companies like the former Twitter and Facebook with the same hyper-leftist ideology presumed it was their mission to prevent the spread of misinformation. Yet they allowed China to use their platforms to help shield itself from criticism. The Dems / Socialists tried to suppress legitimate information regarding the relationship among Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, and China.

It was the Dem / Socialist controlled IRS that descended upon the home of journalist Mike Taibi when he testifying before Congress.

It is the Dems / Socialists who wanted their “Ministry of Truth” headed by a complete loon as their version of the Stasi.

You know that one of the first things that authoritarians do when in power is to shut down access to social media platforms and to control all forms of media. Authoritarians also use the weight of government to control the population. That is exactly what we see from the Dem / Socialist party. Hey, the Democrat Party, the Party of Slavery.
Because computers aren't sex toys to be anally inserted. Any other stupid questions, Jethro?

Being stupid is a good reason not to post on this board.

But that doesn't stop you.

So, using a computer for something besides computing shouldn't stop your either.

Go ahead and give it a try. Let us know how it turns out.
You mean sort of like the Appian Way?


More like a 1910 America and you fucked up way.
You know that one of the first things that authoritarians do when in power is to shut down access to social media platforms and to control all forms of media. Authoritarians also use the weight of government to control the population. That is exactly what we see from the Dem / Socialist party. Hey, the Democrat Party, the Party of Slavery.
^ They did that in 2020. The 2020 election was stolen.
The media and social media platforms were complicit in it, too.
That's pretty bad.
Come 2024, Musk I don't think will play that.
The networks and Zuckerberg will, though. I don't see that not happening.

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