He is PROUD to shut down the Government!

Over border security....he should be proud...he is the only president that has the guts to defend America....to make things safe and fair for us!...dummy.....
Defend America from what?

We already know that most of the things he talks about aren't true.

This is a made-up "crisis" that inky exists in the collective conservative imagination.
You are a terrible person to pretend to be ignorant of the many crimes committed by illegals after coming here.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk

Immigrants, both legal and not, commit crimes at a lower rate than other groups.

Trump is trying to defend our southern border from illegal aliens and drug cartels...What is Pelosi trying to do?.....

Bullshit ElChapo says 95% of drugs come in from LEGAL ports of entry I'll believe him before a known scumbag like trump

Do the ports after the wall.
Over border security....he should be proud...he is the only president that has the guts to defend America....to make things safe and fair for us!...dummy.....
Defend America from what?

We already know that most of the things he talks about aren't true.

This is a made-up "crisis" that inky exists in the collective conservative imagination.
You are a terrible person to pretend to be ignorant of the many crimes committed by illegals after coming here.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk

Immigrants, both legal and not, commit crimes at a lower rate than other groups.

Trump is trying to defend our southern border from illegal aliens and drug cartels...What is Pelosi trying to do?.....

Rump is trying to defend his fragile ego from what he thinks is a "loss" in a game he can't begin to understand.
Over border security....he should be proud...he is the only president that has the guts to defend America....to make things safe and fair for us!...dummy.....
Defend America from what?

We already know that most of the things he talks about aren't true.

This is a made-up "crisis" that inky exists in the collective conservative imagination.
You are a terrible person to pretend to be ignorant of the many crimes committed by illegals after coming here.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk

Immigrants, both legal and not, commit crimes at a lower rate than other groups.

Trump is trying to defend our southern border from illegal aliens and drug cartels...What is Pelosi trying to do?.....

It might help if you knew that the drugs coming into this country are being smuggled in cars and trucks that are driven by paid drug mules, and they come through our ports of entry, or via tunnels. Very few drugs are carried here on the backs of migrants. Why? Cartels like people they can control, and there is no guarantee their product will reach its destination on the back of a migrant. A paid drug mule? Well, in addition to paying the mule, they also know who their family is, in case the delivery goes missing.

And, it also might help if you knew that the drug responsible for most of the overdoses in this country today are from Fentanyl, which is a drug that is manufactured by pharma companies in China. Cartels have nothing to do with that drug.

As far as the opioid crisis? That wasn't caused by the cartels, it was caused by doctors over prescribing opiates and people getting addicted to them. When they get cut off, they turn to heroin, because it provides a similar effect.

And finally.........................illegal immigration is at a 10 year low. Fewer people are trying to cross the border than ever before.

So..................I ask...................what exactly is the crisis at the border?
Defend America from what?

We already know that most of the things he talks about aren't true.

This is a made-up "crisis" that inky exists in the collective conservative imagination.
You are a terrible person to pretend to be ignorant of the many crimes committed by illegals after coming here.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk

Immigrants, both legal and not, commit crimes at a lower rate than other groups.

Trump is trying to defend our southern border from illegal aliens and drug cartels...What is Pelosi trying to do?.....

Bullshit ElChapo says 95% of drugs come in from LEGAL ports of entry I'll believe him before a known scumbag like trump

Do the ports after the wall.

Democrat voters struggle with prioritizing steps to reach a goal. It’s why many of them are still living in their parents basement.
Over border security....he should be proud...he is the only president that has the guts to defend America....to make things safe and fair for us!...dummy.....
Defend America from what?

We already know that most of the things he talks about aren't true.

This is a made-up "crisis" that inky exists in the collective conservative imagination.
You are a terrible person to pretend to be ignorant of the many crimes committed by illegals after coming here.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk

Immigrants, both legal and not, commit crimes at a lower rate than other groups.
They should be committing their 'delightful' crimes that you condone here, ELSEWHERE!

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk

Ok, stop making shit up. Nobody here said any crime is "delightful".
Over border security....he should be proud...he is the only president that has the guts to defend America....to make things safe and fair for us!...dummy.....
Defend America from what?

We already know that most of the things he talks about aren't true.

This is a made-up "crisis" that inky exists in the collective conservative imagination.
You are a Jihadist.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk

You've just proven you are a moron.
And because you post indisti guishably from Jihadis, who can say that you arent.

The Crossfield Memo.

If you post like the enemy you will be treated like the enemy.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk
Boy, you are just dumber than two stacked rocks aren't you.

You are dismissed are utterly irrelevant.
Over border security....he should be proud...he is the only president that has the guts to defend America....to make things safe and fair for us!...dummy.....
Defend America from what?

We already know that most of the things he talks about aren't true.

This is a made-up "crisis" that inky exists in the collective conservative imagination.

If it's a fake "made-up crisis" then how about you removing all the doors and walls from your humble little domicile, so I can help myself to what I want?

You don't need all that shit anyway, I deserve it more than you do.
All his shit has cooties.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk
Are you kids masturbating to my posts again?

Your posts are juvenile and frankly, similar to a whiny woman who for some reason always has to have the last word, no matter what. I'd even go so far as to say that you probably stalk people on discussion boards like this one, just to have the last word.

Imagine that: I have my own personal "internet stalker." I must be important.

Hope you don't mind, but I came up with a good nickname for ya: "Creepyass." Get it? It's kind of a play on words.

Back to the OP, the government is still shut down, isn't it? That makes me smile a little inside. Go President Trump. Don't back down, ever. :laugh:
Lol, riiiight.

But you kids are the ones gossiping around behind backs.


Over border security....he should be proud...he is the only president that has the guts to defend America....to make things safe and fair for us!...dummy.....
Defend America from what?

We already know that most of the things he talks about aren't true.

This is a made-up "crisis" that inky exists in the collective conservative imagination.
You are a terrible person to pretend to be ignorant of the many crimes committed by illegals after coming here.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk

Immigrants, both legal and not, commit crimes at a lower rate than other groups.

Trump is trying to defend our southern border from illegal aliens and drug cartels...What is Pelosi trying to do?.....

Wrong. tRump is trying to waste a bunch money on a useless symbol. Pelosi is trying to secure the border the proper way.
It is really very simple. Everyone knows that if the democrats cave on the wall, Trump will shut down the government every time he does not get what he wants. Trump has the mentality of a child, who is constantly pushing the envelope to see what he can get away with. Accordingly, he must be dealt with by Congress like a parent should, with a child like that.
Why, of course. The government never partially shut down before Trump, huh.
Over border security....he should be proud...he is the only president that has the guts to defend America....to make things safe and fair for us!...dummy.....
Defend America from what?

We already know that most of the things he talks about aren't true.

This is a made-up "crisis" that inky exists in the collective conservative imagination.
You are a terrible person to pretend to be ignorant of the many crimes committed by illegals after coming here.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk

Immigrants, both legal and not, commit crimes at a lower rate than other groups.

Trump is trying to defend our southern border from illegal aliens and drug cartels...What is Pelosi trying to do?.....

Wrong. tRump is trying to waste a bunch money on a useless symbol. Pelosi is trying to secure the border the proper way.

That's assuming Pelosi doesn't support illegals. She does.
Over border security....he should be proud...he is the only president that has the guts to defend America....to make things safe and fair for us!...dummy.....
Defend America from what?

We already know that most of the things he talks about aren't true.

This is a made-up "crisis" that inky exists in the collective conservative imagination.
You are a terrible person to pretend to be ignorant of the many crimes committed by illegals after coming here.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk

Immigrants, both legal and not, commit crimes at a lower rate than other groups.

Trump is trying to defend our southern border from illegal aliens and drug cartels...What is Pelosi trying to do?.....

Wrong. tRump is trying to waste a bunch money on a useless symbol. Pelosi is trying to secure the border the proper way.

Now that we all laughed at that watch this.....
Defend America from what?

We already know that most of the things he talks about aren't true.

This is a made-up "crisis" that inky exists in the collective conservative imagination.
You are a terrible person to pretend to be ignorant of the many crimes committed by illegals after coming here.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk

Immigrants, both legal and not, commit crimes at a lower rate than other groups.

Trump is trying to defend our southern border from illegal aliens and drug cartels...What is Pelosi trying to do?.....

Bullshit ElChapo says 95% of drugs come in from LEGAL ports of entry I'll believe him before a known scumbag like trump

Do the ports after the wall.

Do the ports and you don't need the wall.
You are a terrible person to pretend to be ignorant of the many crimes committed by illegals after coming here.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk

Immigrants, both legal and not, commit crimes at a lower rate than other groups.

Trump is trying to defend our southern border from illegal aliens and drug cartels...What is Pelosi trying to do?.....

Bullshit ElChapo says 95% of drugs come in from LEGAL ports of entry I'll believe him before a known scumbag like trump

Do the ports after the wall.

Do the ports and you don't need the wall.

I do not believe that. Our politicians are corrupted and sell outs like Rome after it started to fall. From republic to democracy to tyranny and empire in the American version.
Defend America from what?

We already know that most of the things he talks about aren't true.

This is a made-up "crisis" that inky exists in the collective conservative imagination.
You are a terrible person to pretend to be ignorant of the many crimes committed by illegals after coming here.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk

Immigrants, both legal and not, commit crimes at a lower rate than other groups.

Trump is trying to defend our southern border from illegal aliens and drug cartels...What is Pelosi trying to do?.....

Wrong. tRump is trying to waste a bunch money on a useless symbol. Pelosi is trying to secure the border the proper way.

That's assuming Pelosi doesn't support illegals. She does.

No, your controllers told you she does.

There's a difference between that and reality.
Over border security....he should be proud...he is the only president that has the guts to defend America....to make things safe and fair for us!...dummy.....
Defend America from what?

We already know that most of the things he talks about aren't true.

This is a made-up "crisis" that inky exists in the collective conservative imagination.
You are a terrible person to pretend to be ignorant of the many crimes committed by illegals after coming here.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk

Immigrants, both legal and not, commit crimes at a lower rate than other groups.

Trump is trying to defend our southern border from illegal aliens and drug cartels...What is Pelosi trying to do?.....

Wrong. tRump is trying to waste a bunch money on a useless symbol. Pelosi is trying to secure the border the proper way.

Wrong, Creepyass. Pelosi as well as the Democrats in general want open borders, so they can gain more illegitimate voters.. That's going to be the only way they think they can beat Trump in 2020 but even with the help of millions of illegals voting, they lost in 2016, so...

Now answer me this: Which is better? Putting Americans to work on The Wall, or paying China for a bunch of "Gee-whiz" high-tech gadgets like they want to do?
Over border security....he should be proud...he is the only president that has the guts to defend America....to make things safe and fair for us!...dummy.....
Defend America from what?

We already know that most of the things he talks about aren't true.

This is a made-up "crisis" that inky exists in the collective conservative imagination.
You are a terrible person to pretend to be ignorant of the many crimes committed by illegals after coming here.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk

Immigrants, both legal and not, commit crimes at a lower rate than other groups.

Trump is trying to defend our southern border from illegal aliens and drug cartels...What is Pelosi trying to do?.....

Bullshit ElChapo says 95% of drugs come in from LEGAL ports of entry I'll believe him before a known scumbag like trump

Of course you and CNN will believe a drug dealing murderer that has destroyed millions of lives before you will believe the president of the United States...that is why you are the enemy of America....just like the liberal media....
... As far as being heartless ...

You defend monsters. Or how else do you call animals, who separated children and mothers and imprisoned them im different places very far away from each other, because their families tried to improve their living conditions by trying to migrate from South America to North America? What to do with assholes in uniforms, who tell children in the age of six or seven years they never will see their mother again, because they are now imprisoned in the allmighty state Only-USA? Do you know what had happened when Lady Liberty met Mother Mary? Their tears filled the Atlantic and the Pacific because of the idiocies of lots of super assholes who call themselve "homo sapiens sapiens"!

Last edited:
I am not saying you are wrong, but NOW fighting in Vietnam is defending America?

What did Trumpybear say about John McCain?
He declined to bring up the Tokyo Rose- like radio broadcast McCain made (albeit under duress) while in captivity.

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A Fox News analyst was fired from the right-wing network in May 2018 after regurgitating a long-standing, long-debunked smear against Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona) and his experiences as a prisoner of war.

Retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney was terminated from Fox just one day after insulting the lawmaker for opposing the nomination of Gina Haspel to head the Central Intelligence Agency. McInerney told host Charles Payne that Haspel cannot employ torture (or “enhanced interrogation”) against prisoners:

FACT CHECK: Was Sen. John McCain a 'Hanoi Hilton Songbird'?

Any American Patriot should be proud of John McCain. But Trump is no Patriot.
D.J. Trump is doing what McCain couldn't or wouldn't.

Protecting Americans here at home from our enemies.

Who was it who told the Obama IRS to target Tea Partiers?

Wasn't that McCain???

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Bwahahahaha you guys and your wacky CT's are just too hard to follow. The Great IRS Scandal that neverwas.....I hear they they have that cell for Lois waiting.......

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