He is risen, indeed

Yup. Swearing is much worse than hypocrisy and lies.
Taking the Lord's name in vain is a sin serious Christians would never do

You shall not take the Name of the Lord your God in vain. The Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain
Who's in charge of this fruit loop.

Goes from Happy Easter to threatening dreamers.

And if you don't know what a dreamer is, you need to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.

View attachment 185824

Well, Hope Hicks was a pretty good Trump whisperer .. but she gone and this weekend he hung out with Hannity at Mar-a-Lago so not him either.

Kelly is on a short leash, all the wife beaters are gone and everyone else is bailing like fleas off a freshly sprayed dog.

So to answer your question? Nobody is in charge of this Fruit Loop.

Yup. Swearing is much worse than hypocrisy and lies.
Taking the Lord's name in vain is a sin serious Christians would never do

You shall not take the Name of the Lord your God in vain. The Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain
Why no, no 'Christian' would take the name of the Lord in vain. They just support a President whose speeches are measured in lies per minute. Who is a serial adulterer, and quite possibly cooperated with an adversarial State in a manner that is treason to win the election. I am so sure that Jesus would approve of that. LOL
Who's in charge of this fruit loop.

Goes from Happy Easter to threatening dreamers.

And if you don't know what a dreamer is, you need to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.

View attachment 185824
Trump is Presbyterian and therefore happy Easter would be a typical comment for the season.

I would not fault him for that.

Don't let hate take over your life.
Goes from Happy Easter to threatening dreamers.

I see no threat to the "dreamers" in his tweets...

Apparently you don't know what a threat is...

Perhaps you should be the one to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up...

What the actual fuck does “no more DACA deal mean to you!? Jesus fuck, for willful stupidity!
Well, Muhammad H. Allah!
And what, pussy?
Who's in charge of this fruit loop.

Goes from Happy Easter to threatening dreamers.

And if you don't know what a dreamer is, you need to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.

View attachment 185824
Trump is Presbyterian and therefore happy Easter would be a typical comment for the season.

I would not fault him for that.

Don't let hate take over your life.

Did you happen to read the rest of his tweets?
Goes from Happy Easter to threatening dreamers.

I see no threat to the "dreamers" in his tweets...

Apparently you don't know what a threat is...

Perhaps you should be the one to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up...

What the actual fuck does “no more DACA deal mean to you!? Jesus fuck, for willful stupidity!

I read that to mean he is no longer willing to deal with the Democrats on DACA. That's not a threat. Do you understand the definition of the word "threat"? Here, allow me to help you...

Definition of threat

1 : an expression of intention to inflict evil, injury, or damage

2 : one that treatens

3 : an indication of something impending

Now, the only thing in the tweets you posted that could be considered a threat is "They must stop the big drug and people flows or I will stop their cash cow, NAFTA."

That is not a threat to the "dreamers" as they do not benefit from NAFTA, it was a threat to the government of Mexico.

Seems to me that you are the one being willfully stupid. At the very least you a reading things that aren't there... or perhaps you have a comprehension problem?
Goes from Happy Easter to threatening dreamers.

I see no threat to the "dreamers" in his tweets...

Apparently you don't know what a threat is...

Perhaps you should be the one to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up...

What the actual fuck does “no more DACA deal mean to you!? Jesus fuck, for willful stupidity!

I read that to mean he is no longer willing to deal with the Democrats on DACA. That's not a threat. Do you understand the definition of the word "threat"? Here, allow me to help you...

Definition of threat

1 : an expression of intention to inflict evil, injury, or damage

2 : one that treatens

3 : an indication of something impending

Now, the only thing in the tweets you posted that could be considered a threat is "They must stop the big drug and people flows or I will stop their cash cow, NAFTA."

That is not a threat to the "dreamers" as they do not benefit from NAFTA, it was a threat to the government of Mexico.

Seems to me that you are the one being willfully stupid. At the very least you a reading things that aren't there... or perhaps you have a comprehension problem?

No more DACA deal is a threat. Fine if you don't perceive it. Go ahead and find yourself a dreamer who is not scared out of their mind right now.
Goes from Happy Easter to threatening dreamers.

I see no threat to the "dreamers" in his tweets...

Apparently you don't know what a threat is...

Perhaps you should be the one to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up...

What the actual fuck does “no more DACA deal mean to you!? Jesus fuck, for willful stupidity!

I read that to mean he is no longer willing to deal with the Democrats on DACA. That's not a threat. Do you understand the definition of the word "threat"? Here, allow me to help you...

Definition of threat

1 : an expression of intention to inflict evil, injury, or damage

2 : one that treatens

3 : an indication of something impending

Now, the only thing in the tweets you posted that could be considered a threat is "They must stop the big drug and people flows or I will stop their cash cow, NAFTA."

That is not a threat to the "dreamers" as they do not benefit from NAFTA, it was a threat to the government of Mexico.

Seems to me that you are the one being willfully stupid. At the very least you a reading things that aren't there... or perhaps you have a comprehension problem?

No more DACA deal is a threat. Fine if you don't perceive it. Go ahead and find yourself a dreamer who is not scared out of their mind right now.

A threat requires the intent to do one or more things if a party or parties does another.

"No more DACA deal" is a statement, a decision made. No one is required to perform an action in order for him to stop dealing on DACA.

Your inability to understand the workings of the English language will not change these facts.

As for finding a "dreamer" who is not scared? I have no doubt there are many immigrants whose illegal status makes them nervous right now.

Personally, I think a good number of them should be allowed to stay. But that is beyond my control.
Why is dreamer in quotes, like it's not a group of people who meet a certain criteria.

I fucking despise the asshole in chief. He did this damage all by himself. He could undo it if he wanted to. He just refuses.

PALM BEACH, Fla. — President Trump spent his Easter morning here on an anti-immigrant tirade, declaring Sunday that there would be no deal to legalize the status of undocumented immigrants known as “dreamers” and threatening to exit the North American Free Trade Agreement unless Mexico increases border security.

Trump thrust the future of millions of immigrants who were brought illegally to the United States as children into peril by promising “NO MORE DACA DEAL,” and he directed congressional Republicans to pass tough anti-immigration legislation.

An hour after he wished Americans a “HAPPY EASTER,” Trump fired off three tweets in which he vented, sometimes in all caps, about immigration laws he derided as “ridiculous” and “dumb” and about border enforcement he deemed dangerously lax.

‘No more DACA deal,’ Trump says as he threatens to ‘stop’ NAFTA if Mexico doesn’t better secure border

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