He is risen, indeed

This OP is sick!

What a moron......to post this!

Who's in charge of this fruit loop.

Goes from Happy Easter to threatening dreamers.

And if you don't know what a dreamer is, you need to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.

View attachment 185824

Nobody, moron, he is a free individual and an American and that is why all sane folks voted for him and why your are consumed by your hatred....Neo-Marxists HATE free individuals.
so the OP is old BPPoop ????

and this is her sock? Witchit??? wow

ok I sensed something was wrong there..... LOL

And if you don't know what a dreamer is, you need to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.
Spoken like a true progressive oppressive fascist!

We all know what a “dreamer” is, snowflake. A “dreamer” is a piece of shit illegal alien who believes they are entitled to stay in a foreign nation simply because their parents brought them here. It’s the special type of idiotic “logic” that could only come from the left.
What the actual fuck does “no more DACA deal mean to you!?
It means the American people are completely fed up with the Dumbocrat Party, sent them the fuck home with their tail between their legs, and because of that we are now once again enforcing the law.

The American people are beyond tired of you leftist lawless thugs. Barack Insane Obama ran the most corrupt administration in U.S. history. Every law imaginable was violated. And that’s why Republicans control the House, the Senate, the White House, and 33 of the 50 states. You don’t get to break into the U.S. and demand citizenship. That’s not how it works. Deal with it you ignorant, uneducated snowflake.
Lawsuit Against Trump’s DACA Policy Can Proceed, Judge Says


U.S District Judge Nicholas Garaufis in Brooklyn, New York, narrowed but didn’t dismiss the suit on Thursday, finding that there was a “plausible inference” that it was illegally aimed at Mexicans. He previously blocked the U.S. government from ending the program known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, and from halting the renewal process, but hadn’t decided whether to allow the case to proceed.

On Thursday, Garaufis said those suing the U.S may proceed with a claim that Trump’s policy was driven by unlawful racial animus against Latinos, and in particular, Mexicans, who make up about 78 percent of the program. He also said that ending the program violates Constitutional protections because it disproportionately affects them.

The Trump administration has argued there wasn’t any evidence of bias. However, a coalition of plaintiffs, including New York State and 15 state attorneys general as well as the District of Columbia, cited statements Trump made during his campaign describing Mexicans as "thugs," "animals" and "bad hombres,"
Lawsuit Against Trump’s DACA Policy Can Proceed, Judge Says


U.S District Judge Nicholas Garaufis in Brooklyn, New York, narrowed but didn’t dismiss the suit on Thursday, finding that there was a “plausible inference” that it was illegally aimed at Mexicans. He previously blocked the U.S. government from ending the program known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, and from halting the renewal process, but hadn’t decided whether to allow the case to proceed.

On Thursday, Garaufis said those suing the U.S may proceed with a claim that Trump’s policy was driven by unlawful racial animus against Latinos, and in particular, Mexicans, who make up about 78 percent of the program. He also said that ending the program violates Constitutional protections because it disproportionately affects them.

The Trump administration has argued there wasn’t any evidence of bias. However, a coalition of plaintiffs, including New York State and 15 state attorneys general as well as the District of Columbia, cited statements Trump made during his campaign describing Mexicans as "thugs," "animals" and "bad hombres,"

OOPS? what happened did you mess your underwear? :iyfyus.jpg:
Who's in charge of this fruit loop.

Goes from Happy Easter to threatening dreamers.

And if you don't know what a dreamer is, you need to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.

View attachment 185824
Here's an idea!
Why don't YOU sponsor one of the dreamer families?
Take them under YOUR roof, feed, cloth them, pay for their meds, schooling, etc.
YOU do it, and leave me alone!
The evangelical right.....

Well the Bible clearly states that homosexuality is a sin. So not embracing that is merely adhering to scripture as we are told to do. That doesn’t mean that one should harass them, attack them, etc. and I am not advocating that. But this monumental push to promote and accept homosexuality is unacceptable by any biblical standard.
Who's in charge of this fruit loop. Goes from Happy Easter to threatening dreamers. And if you don't know what a dreamer is, you need to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.
Here's an idea! Why don't YOU sponsor one of the dreamer families? Take them under YOUR roof, feed, cloth them, pay for their meds, schooling, etc. YOU do it, and leave me alone!
Bingo! Here is Steven Crowder proving that snowflakes like Witchit are disgusting hypocrites who refuse to practice what they preach...


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