He is risen, indeed

As for finding a "dreamer" who is not scared? I have no doubt there are many immigrants whose illegal status makes them nervous right now.

Personally, I think a good number of them should be allowed to stay. But that is beyond my control.
They will. And the Democrat Party appreciates your support for Obama's long term plan.
Who's in charge of this fruit loop.

Goes from Happy Easter to threatening dreamers.

And if you don't know what a dreamer is, you need to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.

View attachment 185824

So 'caravan' is the new Little Lying Donald/Fake Fox News buzzword. Trump is such a shitstain.

Always has been. New Yorkers look on him with complete disdain. No class, white trash, that one. Nouveau riche.
Nobody puts you in the Easter Spirit like Crooked Donnie
Who's in charge of this fruit loop.

Goes from Happy Easter to threatening dreamers.

And if you don't know what a dreamer is, you need to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.

View attachment 185824
He’s the hero of bigots and racists who have an unwarranted fear of immigrants.

There are people all over the place who don't even know what DACA is, when it was started, when it stopped and/or who did so, and firmly believe everybody who is brown should be removed from America, probably including our indigenous peoples.
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Specifically addressed to the desperately delusional;

Immigration Facts: Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)

To qualify for the DACA program, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Have arrived in the United States prior to age 16
  • Have continuously resided in the United States without legal status since June 15, 2007
  • Be less than age 31 as of June 15, 2012 and at least age 15 at application (unauthorized immigrants under 15 but in removal proceedings are also eligible to apply)
  • Be currently enrolled in school, have graduated high school or obtained a general development certificate (GED), or be an honorably discharged veteran
  • Have not been convicted of a felony or multiple or serious misdemeanors and not pose a threat to national security or public safety
Now, I realize that this outline doesn't fit your "all brown people are thug people" mindset but too bad, so fucking sad. Further, there's a relative shit-ton of Hispanics who've been in this country since before the annexation of Texas, and you sorry lot can't even see/tell/attempt to comprehend the difference.
Typical wealthy asshole, makes a mess and expects the help to clean up after him. Sorry, prick; that's not actually how the government works.

Read Trump's full statement on why he decided to end DACA

Trump claims that Democrats aren't cooperating in finding a better solution to the DACA crisis. Ignoring the fact that Trump created the DACA crisis, the Democrats control neither house of Congress and so couldn't pass a satisfactory version without substantial compromise. Notably, Trump offered a path to citizenship for the DACA “Dreamers” if Democrats agreed to pass funding for the border wall. But this “compromise” could result in serious voter backlash, as evidenced by an NPR poll which found that 60 percent of Americans believe that the border wall “wastes taxpayer money.”

With members of Congress facing the threat of being voted out of office or losing a majority in the next election, it's doubtful that either side is looking to compromise right now. Instead, Trump is really trying to make Democrats look like they’re uncooperative, by making them choose between a bad deal or nothing, which could hurt Democrats in the next election. Plus, if Democrats choose the deal, it could fund the border wall, which was a large campaign promise that Trump ran on.

In order to force a bad deal, Trump needs to pressure Democrats, and he has been able to use the 689,800 DACA recipients whose immigration status is in danger as that pressure. What Trump is essentially doing is holding over half a million individuals’ well-being hostage and demanding a ransom from the Democrats.

But as I was told earlier, that is absolutely not a threat.

OPINION: Never forget that Trump killed DACA
This OP is sick!

What a moron......to post this!
Yup. Swearing is much worse than hypocrisy and lies.
Taking the Lord's name in vain is a sin serious Christians would never do

You shall not take the Name of the Lord your God in vain. The Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain
Why no, no 'Christian' would take the name of the Lord in vain. They just support a President whose speeches are measured in lies per minute. Who is a serial adulterer, and quite possibly cooperated with an adversarial State in a manner that is treason to win the election. I am so sure that Jesus would approve of that. LOL


So much wrong in such a little bit of space

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