He said he wouldn’t join his company’s Bible study. After being let go, he’s suing.

So you know how to call someone else a name. How proud you must be. You have no evidence that the phillips guy was "targeted." Go on lying. Incidentally, why do you want to disgrace us heterosexuals so? Are you this sexually fucked up? Knowing many people who are LGBT, I don't find them doing anything but wanting to be left alone. You people are sickos.
The Baker was targeted and you know it, so stop your lying. You called me a name, so I called you a name. If you don't like it, then don't call names, you filthy degenerate.
What name did I call you beside 'sicko" much after you started calling people names? Queers? "Filthy dengerates"? You called me a name. What is this "filthy lying deranged cockroach" thing? These people who wanted to order cakes did nothing to you or me. Why do you choose to live in the gutter? Are you Southern Baptist cult?
You call yourselves "queer". LGBTQ. The Q stands for queer. You're an idiot.

Why the name calling on the basis that someone is LGBT? I think that the "Q" stands for "questioning." BTW: I'm a female of European descent on both sides who is sexually attracted to sexually attractive male persons. You are the idiot. I do not know why you are as sexually insecure as you are. I have not experienced in my considerable lifetime that LGBT persons have ever called me anything derogatory based on my sexual orientation.
And the Q also stands for queer. Why would someone question if they're born that way?
-------------------------------- agree , think it stands for QUEER as thats something that 'homos' proudly call themselves BSFilter .
Hating gays for religious reasons is ludicrous. What’s next? Signs that say “we don’t serve n1ggers?”

If that's what you think, no wonder you're confused on this. We don't hate gays. We don't fear gays. Believing that homosexuality is a sin does not mean that you hate the individual. This has been stated 50 trillion times, so I'm not sure why it's so hard for some people to grasp. As for the baker, he considered himself an artist, and he clearly stated that he does not do that type of art. That is his right. Just as I said in my example, I would not take a job creating a website for pornographers… You never did answer my question, do you think that is discriminatory? And if so, can you see that being discriminating is not always a bad thing?
Yes, I agree about the website, but using the belief in an invisible being who wants you hate gays to discriminate against them is childish, pure fantasy, and not dignified of a free society like ours.
------------------------------------- not a free society when government tells you what you have to do in cases of private discrimination in private dealings Taz ,
-------------------------------------- people should be FREE to do what they like just so its non violent Taz .
FINE! Get out there, find someone of the other sex, and ENJOY it. Kiss, have sex,

how about we get together the next time you cross the Atlantic ... the 4th century guy will never step across the line to the proper side, they've written their bible for that very reason, to be sinners.
Schools for example don't have to be religion free, but only that they provide an out to those who wish not to participate in a religious function or event taking place. It can easily be done, but the left wants complete removal because it wants to force a limited option to the students in which it wants to control or brainwash.
I agree that schools don’t have to be reliant free in that students should be free to express their religious beliefs as long as it is not proselytizing or disruptive.
But the school itself?
The Establishment Clause, unlike the Free Exercise Clause, does not depend upon any showing of direct governmental compulsion and is violated by the enactment of laws which establish an official religion whether those laws operate directly to coerce nonobserving individuals or not.
Engel v Vitale 370 U.S. 421 (1962)

In other words, schools, and the government in general, cannot sponsor or endorse any religious activities, voluntary or not. Neither can the school be hostile to religion.
It should relate to the majority, and it also should be allowed in the school when the school operators and staff come to a consensus on such a thing, and where as the majority of most agree with or wishes the school to add some form of prayer or religious content to the appropriate settings within the school.

With this said, it should also be considerate of those who might not agree, and this even if they only number by one, and so in such a case it should provide a very appropriate non-bullying or intimidation free area in order that the student, staff member or other can freely choose to depart to if that is nessesary in their mind to do so during an event.
Do you realize you are advocating government support for the majority religion, setting up a de facto establishment of religion. Those of minority religions would not have equal expression or freedom of religion.

Civil rights should not be up to majority vote.
Civil rights should be controlled by a minority vote ?? I advocate fairness be placed back into every facet of society, and that means freedom reinstated with the consideration of others of course, but in a way as to not damage our overall freedoms that we have built this great nation upon, but we must do these things right.
Civil rights are not up for a vote.
Do you think that a vote on anything or upon any issue is something that is to be written in stone from it's inception (never to be reconsidered or tweeked/changed ever)?

Don't people make mistakes on some things, and in doing so shouldn't they revert to the stats and history in order to get a better solution when something isn't working in total and/or in part of upon some thing's that were done at the height of urgency when they were done ?

Sometimes a vote means to have a consensus on or for the nation as a United country to agree upon or not. If anything in that which includes some of the areas worked out in the civil rights deal (that are actually being abused today), were to now be rehashed or changed), then so be it.

People who can't tweek or accept the fact that we as a nation can always keep doing better as a people, is someone that is out of step as human beings in life.
Yes, I agree about the website, but using the belief in an invisible being who wants you hate gays to discriminate against them is childish, pure fantasy, and not dignified of a free society like ours.

I just finished saying that we don't hate gays. I can't speak for other religions, but Christianity teaches to love others, even our enemies. Obviously you're an atheist, so I guess it's understandable that you have such a warped idea about God. Loving others entails truth and honesty. It doesn't mean supporting everything that person does. For example, I can love someone who is an alcoholic, without loving all of their actions.

You talk about a free society, but you want to take away the right of a private business owner to create art according to his conscience. There is nothing libertarian about that, at all. It is dictatorial and anti-freedom.
Total bullshit. Stop trying to represent the Christian faith in this way, you phony.
I just finished saying that we don't hate gays. I can't speak for other religions, but Christianity teaches to love others, even our enemies. Obviously you're an atheist, so I guess it's understandable that you have such a warped idea about God. Loving others entails truth and honesty. It doesn't mean supporting everything that person does. For example, I can love someone who is an alcoholic, without loving all of their actions.

You talk about a free society, but you want to take away the right of a private business owner to create art according to his conscience. There is nothing libertarian about that, at all. It is dictatorial and anti-freedom.
Total bullshit. Stop trying to represent the Christian faith in this way, you phony.

What did I say about Christianity that you think is untrue? Be specific.
I just finished saying that we don't hate gays. I can't speak for other religions, but Christianity teaches to love others, even our enemies. Obviously you're an atheist, so I guess it's understandable that you have such a warped idea about God. Loving others entails truth and honesty. It doesn't mean supporting everything that person does. For example, I can love someone who is an alcoholic, without loving all of their actions.

You talk about a free society, but you want to take away the right of a private business owner to create art according to his conscience. There is nothing libertarian about that, at all. It is dictatorial and anti-freedom.
Total bullshit. Stop trying to represent the Christian faith in this way, you phony.

What did I say about Christianity that you think is untrue? Be specific.

Why? You know that whole anti-LGBT thing is made up. As are a lot of this jeffress thing cherry-picked and made up. Bet you are one of the morons who decided that the bibble was written by a supreme being and is inerrant and infallible. a conclusion drawn by guys like Calvin, darby, rushdoony. This is just crap.
I just finished saying that we don't hate gays. I can't speak for other religions, but Christianity teaches to love others, even our enemies. Obviously you're an atheist, so I guess it's understandable that you have such a warped idea about God. Loving others entails truth and honesty. It doesn't mean supporting everything that person does. For example, I can love someone who is an alcoholic, without loving all of their actions.

You talk about a free society, but you want to take away the right of a private business owner to create art according to his conscience. There is nothing libertarian about that, at all. It is dictatorial and anti-freedom.
Total bullshit. Stop trying to represent the Christian faith in this way, you phony.

What did I say about Christianity that you think is untrue? Be specific.

Why? You know that whole anti-LGBT thing is made up. As are a lot of this jeffress thing cherry-picked and made up. Bet you are one of the morons who decided that the bibble was written by a supreme being and is inerrant and infallible. a conclusion drawn by guys like Calvin, darby, rushdoony. This is just crap.
You queers hate your Creator. Why?
I just finished saying that we don't hate gays. I can't speak for other religions, but Christianity teaches to love others, even our enemies. Obviously you're an atheist, so I guess it's understandable that you have such a warped idea about God. Loving others entails truth and honesty. It doesn't mean supporting everything that person does. For example, I can love someone who is an alcoholic, without loving all of their actions.

You talk about a free society, but you want to take away the right of a private business owner to create art according to his conscience. There is nothing libertarian about that, at all. It is dictatorial and anti-freedom.
Total bullshit. Stop trying to represent the Christian faith in this way, you phony.

What did I say about Christianity that you think is untrue? Be specific.

Why? You know that whole anti-LGBT thing is made up. As are a lot of this jeffress thing cherry-picked and made up. Bet you are one of the morons who decided that the bibble was written by a supreme being and is inerrant and infallible. a conclusion drawn by guys like Calvin, darby, rushdoony. This is just crap.
You queers hate your Creator. Why?

This doesn't have anything to do with a Creator/Supreme Being, Goddess, etc. As I think that you associate the word "queer" with having a same-sex sexual orientation, I will tell you now very firmly that my sexual orientation involves an attraction to the other gender and always has been. I don't know where you are coming from. I do not know why you are so insecure in your sexual attraction. This issue has absolutely nothing to do with anyone's thoughts about a supreme being/creator.
and it is not forced on others
Which is precisely, "freedom from religion". It is quite the feat to disagree with that poster, then also agree with him in the same breath.
There never was a guarantee of freedom from religion --- only a guarantee of free of religion. One could choose which religious affiliation one desired to associate with. There is nothing in the Constitution that says anyone had the right to exclude either religion or GOD. Freedom of speech is not only for the secular humanist.
I just finished saying that we don't hate gays. I can't speak for other religions, but Christianity teaches to love others, even our enemies. Obviously you're an atheist, so I guess it's understandable that you have such a warped idea about God. Loving others entails truth and honesty. It doesn't mean supporting everything that person does. For example, I can love someone who is an alcoholic, without loving all of their actions.

You talk about a free society, but you want to take away the right of a private business owner to create art according to his conscience. There is nothing libertarian about that, at all. It is dictatorial and anti-freedom.
Total bullshit. Stop trying to represent the Christian faith in this way, you phony.

What did I say about Christianity that you think is untrue? Be specific.

Why? You know that whole anti-LGBT thing is made up. As are a lot of this jeffress thing cherry-picked and made up. Bet you are one of the morons who decided that the bibble was written by a supreme being and is inerrant and infallible. a conclusion drawn by guys like Calvin, darby, rushdoony. This is just crap.
What makes you believe that the Bible was not edited by GOD?
What makes you believe that the Bible was not edited by GOD?

there is nothing in the 4th century christian bible that relates to the religion of Antiquity as prescribed by the Almighty nor is there a repudiation for the crime against humanity that concluded the last scene of the 1st century.
The courts will rule in his favor, but I can't see his feels being worth a quarter million Federal Reserve Notes. Of course, they're his feels, so, I suppose he may define their value accordingly.
The courts will rule in his favor, but I can't see his feels being worth a quarter million Federal Reserve Notes. Of course, they're his feels, so, I suppose he may define their value accordingly.

think again ...
Coleman is suing for $50,000 for alleged loss of income, and an additional $750,000 for mental stress and humiliation.

not exactly chicken feed

Of course, they're his feels, so, I suppose he may define their value accordingly.

the back door is their putting a limit on his compensation, the religious frieks that want him to work for nothing to begin with ... no doubt who the courts will side with for that.
I just finished saying that we don't hate gays. I can't speak for other religions, but Christianity teaches to love others, even our enemies. Obviously you're an atheist, so I guess it's understandable that you have such a warped idea about God. Loving others entails truth and honesty. It doesn't mean supporting everything that person does. For example, I can love someone who is an alcoholic, without loving all of their actions.

You talk about a free society, but you want to take away the right of a private business owner to create art according to his conscience. There is nothing libertarian about that, at all. It is dictatorial and anti-freedom.
Total bullshit. Stop trying to represent the Christian faith in this way, you phony.

What did I say about Christianity that you think is untrue? Be specific.

Why? You know that whole anti-LGBT thing is made up. As are a lot of this jeffress thing cherry-picked and made up. Bet you are one of the morons who decided that the bibble was written by a supreme being and is inerrant and infallible. a conclusion drawn by guys like Calvin, darby, rushdoony. This is just crap.
You queers hate your Creator. Why?

This doesn't have anything to do with a Creator/Supreme Being, Goddess, etc. As I think that you associate the word "queer" with having a same-sex sexual orientation, I will tell you now very firmly that my sexual orientation involves an attraction to the other gender and always has been. I don't know where you are coming from. I do not know why you are so insecure in your sexual attraction. This issue has absolutely nothing to do with anyone's thoughts about a supreme being/creator.
It certainly does. Queers hate God, their creator. You hate God.
There never was a guarantee of freedom from religion
Nor was a freedom of religion guaranteed. It was only guaranteed that there would be no law respecting religion, and no law against exercise of the freedom of religion. If you are to argue that banning laws "prohibiting the free exercise thereof (religion)" is a guarantee of freedom of religion, then guaranteeing no law shall respect religion is a guarantee of freedom from religion.
Yes, I agree about the website, but using the belief in an invisible being who wants you hate gays to discriminate against them is childish, pure fantasy, and not dignified of a free society like ours.

I just finished saying that we don't hate gays. I can't speak for other religions, but Christianity teaches to love others, even our enemies. Obviously you're an atheist, so I guess it's understandable that you have such a warped idea about God. Loving others entails truth and honesty. It doesn't mean supporting everything that person does. For example, I can love someone who is an alcoholic, without loving all of their actions.

You talk about a free society, but you want to take away the right of a private business owner to create art according to his conscience. There is nothing libertarian about that, at all. It is dictatorial and anti-freedom.
Treating people with respect is the American thing to do. You’re simply a hater.

PS Jesus was likely gay.
Hating gays for religious reasons is ludicrous. What’s next? Signs that say “we don’t serve n1ggers?”

If that's what you think, no wonder you're confused on this. We don't hate gays. We don't fear gays. Believing that homosexuality is a sin does not mean that you hate the individual. This has been stated 50 trillion times, so I'm not sure why it's so hard for some people to grasp. As for the baker, he considered himself an artist, and he clearly stated that he does not do that type of art. That is his right. Just as I said in my example, I would not take a job creating a website for pornographers… You never did answer my question, do you think that is discriminatory? And if so, can you see that being discriminating is not always a bad thing?
Yes, I agree about the website, but using the belief in an invisible being who wants you hate gays to discriminate against them is childish, pure fantasy, and not dignified of a free society like ours.
------------------------------------- not a free society when government tells you what you have to do in cases of private discrimination in private dealings Taz ,
-------------------------------------- people should be FREE to do what they like just so its non violent Taz .
People are so hateful in the US that anti discrimination laws are needed.
We've had 'Cakegate' incidents in Britain where bakers have refused to put LGBT wording on cakes, and got sued by the LGBT's.
Many ordinary Brits can't help thinking that some LGBT's do it deliberately so that they can 'sting' the bakers.
If I was a baker I'd avoid trouble by printing leaflets containing specific standard phrases such as "Happy Birthday you old fart" etc which I'd be willing to put on cakes and I'd say to all customers- "Choose which phrase you want"..:)

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