He said he wouldn’t join his company’s Bible study. After being let go, he’s suing.

Yes, they are. The queers targeted the Christian Baker. They were free to go to many other bakers that would gladly do what they wanted.

Don't blame LGBTs for this shithead. The LGBTs are not to blame. I looked at guy's advertising on the web. He said nothing of the sort and invited the public into his business. I didn't look up his advertising in the Yellow Pages. He lied, though, and it was there for all to see on the internet.There is no evidence that the couple who were refused service "targeted" anyone. They, as you or I am, were entitled to walk into a shop that advertised what it had to offer. How was this couple to know what kind of guy this phillips is? Crystal ball?

The couple who sought to order a cake from him are in no way, shape, or form to blame for what he did. I don't know why you want to reverse these things and place blame on innocent shoppers.
Yes, the Baker was targeted, you filthy lying deranged cockroach. The queers want submission. You and the filthy perverts can go to hell. We'll never submit to you filthy degenerate scum.

So you know how to call someone else a name. How proud you must be. You have no evidence that the phillips guy was "targeted." Go on lying. Incidentally, why do you want to disgrace us heterosexuals so? Are you this sexually fucked up? Knowing many people who are LGBT, I don't find them doing anything but wanting to be left alone. You people are sickos.
The Baker was targeted and you know it, so stop your lying. You called me a name, so I called you a name. If you don't like it, then don't call names, you filthy degenerate.
What name did I call you beside 'sicko" much after you started calling people names? Queers? "Filthy dengerates"? You called me a name. What is this "filthy lying deranged cockroach" thing? These people who wanted to order cakes did nothing to you or me. Why do you choose to live in the gutter? Are you Southern Baptist cult?
You call yourselves "queer". LGBTQ. The Q stands for queer. You're an idiot.
What if he did?

Should he be fired???
Not for converting to atheism. I'd have just fire him without a reason, which is perfectly legal in my state.

You don't convert to atheism, the employer must of hired him.
Who says you don't convert to atheism? I've heard of many people that change beliefs over their life.

You just quit believing in a god, there is no conversion. Yes many do change beliefs in their life. Is not like you need to get baptized, but you just don't believe in a God of the bible or any God.
It's still a "belief". They BELIEVE there is no God. Look up the definitions of conversion.
we also have INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS Taz !!
What do you mean, like a right to discriminate? Is that what the Big Cheeto said?
------------------------------------------ don't know anything about any 'big cheeto' but discrimination happens every day and many do it purposely because they are probably older folks that still have brains in their heads and haven't ACCEPTED anti Discrimination brainwashing and never will , thank God !! I think that Buttercup post number 160 is right on . The only thing i would add is that ALL Americans should be able to Legally discriminate for any reason that they like in PRIVATE Dealings and HATE is a fine reason as well as IRRATIONAL Fear because Who gets to decide what is IRRATIONAL eh ?? USA Government is the only ENTITY that should not be able to Discriminate ever or at all TAZ ,
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we also have INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS Taz !!
What do you mean, like a right to discriminate? Is that what the Big Cheeto said?

There are different types of discrimination, not all are the type that you have in mind. For example, as a web designer, I get to choose who I will create websites for. If someone came to me and wanted a porn site, would I be "discriminating" when I say "I'm sorry, I don't do those types of websites." ? Yes, that is a form of discrimination, but it is not a bad thing, it is my right to choose what type of work I do, and what I want to be associated with. People discriminate every day, but it's not always based out of hate or irrational ideas or ill intent.
Hating gays for religious reasons is ludicrous. What’s next? Signs that say “we don’t serve n1ggers?”
LUDICROUS is simply YOUR opinion TAZ . And if a Private business owner doesn't want my rent money , lunch money or any other kinda money then i'll just go elsewhere Taz .
Hating gays for religious reasons is ludicrous. What’s next? Signs that say “we don’t serve n1ggers?”

If that's what you think, no wonder you're confused on this. We don't hate gays. We don't fear gays. Believing that homosexuality is a sin does not mean that you hate the individual. This has been stated 50 trillion times, so I'm not sure why it's so hard for some people to grasp. As for the baker, he considered himself an artist, and he clearly stated that he does not do that type of art. That is his right. Just as I said in my example, I would not take a job creating a website for pornographers… You never did answer my question, do you think that is discriminatory? And if so, can you see that being discriminating is not always a bad thing?
LUDICROUS is simply YOUR opinion TAZ . And if a Private business owner doesn't want my rent money , lunch money or any other kinda money then i'll just go elsewhere Taz .
Sure, a large part of the US is racist and discriminatory like you, Is the country great again yet?
we also have INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS Taz !!
What do you mean, like a right to discriminate? Is that what the Big Cheeto said?

There are different types of discrimination, not all are the type that you have in mind. For example, as a web designer, I get to choose who I will create websites for. If someone came to me and wanted a porn site, would I be "discriminating" when I say "I'm sorry, I don't do those types of websites." ? Yes, that is a form of discrimination, but it is not a bad thing, it is my right to choose what type of work I do, and what I want to be associated with. People discriminate every day, but it's not always based out of hate or irrational ideas or ill intent.
Hating gays for religious reasons is ludicrous. What’s next? Signs that say “we don’t serve n1ggers?”
Why not? Many black people call each other n1gger. I hear it often when some jungle bunny pulls up next to me at a stop light with their gangsta rap blaring.
but look , i don't mind that you are brainwashed and unthinking probably through you schooling and by being in society Taz .
Hating gays for religious reasons is ludicrous. What’s next? Signs that say “we don’t serve n1ggers?”

If that's what you think, no wonder you're confused on this. We don't hate gays. We don't fear gays. Believing that homosexuality is a sin does not mean that you hate the individual. This has been stated 50 trillion times, so I'm not sure why it's so hard for some people to grasp. As for the baker, he considered himself an artist, and he clearly stated that he does not do that type of art. That is his right. Just as I said in my example, I would not take a job creating a website for pornographers… You never did answer my question, do you think that is discriminatory? And if so, can you see that being discriminating is not always a bad thing?
Yes, I agree about the website, but using the belief in an invisible being who wants you hate gays to discriminate against them is childish, pure fantasy, and not dignified of a free society like ours.
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we also have INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS Taz !!
What do you mean, like a right to discriminate? Is that what the Big Cheeto said?

There are different types of discrimination, not all are the type that you have in mind. For example, as a web designer, I get to choose who I will create websites for. If someone came to me and wanted a porn site, would I be "discriminating" when I say "I'm sorry, I don't do those types of websites." ? Yes, that is a form of discrimination, but it is not a bad thing, it is my right to choose what type of work I do, and what I want to be associated with. People discriminate every day, but it's not always based out of hate or irrational ideas or ill intent.
Hating gays for religious reasons is ludicrous. What’s next? Signs that say “we don’t serve n1ggers?”
Why not? Many black people call each other n1gger. I hear it often when some jungle bunny pulls up next to me at a stop light with their gangsta rap blaring.
So you think a sign like that in a store window is ok. Shit man, we MUST be great again by now. :biggrin:
we also have INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS Taz !!
What do you mean, like a right to discriminate? Is that what the Big Cheeto said?

There are different types of discrimination, not all are the type that you have in mind. For example, as a web designer, I get to choose who I will create websites for. If someone came to me and wanted a porn site, would I be "discriminating" when I say "I'm sorry, I don't do those types of websites." ? Yes, that is a form of discrimination, but it is not a bad thing, it is my right to choose what type of work I do, and what I want to be associated with. People discriminate every day, but it's not always based out of hate or irrational ideas or ill intent.
Hating gays for religious reasons is ludicrous. What’s next? Signs that say “we don’t serve n1ggers?”
Why not? Many black people call each other n1gger. I hear it often when some jungle bunny pulls up next to me at a stop light with their gangsta rap blaring.
So you think a sign like that in a store window is ok. Shit man, we MUST be great again by now. :biggrin:
You're the racist that thought of it.
What do you mean, like a right to discriminate? Is that what the Big Cheeto said?

There are different types of discrimination, not all are the type that you have in mind. For example, as a web designer, I get to choose who I will create websites for. If someone came to me and wanted a porn site, would I be "discriminating" when I say "I'm sorry, I don't do those types of websites." ? Yes, that is a form of discrimination, but it is not a bad thing, it is my right to choose what type of work I do, and what I want to be associated with. People discriminate every day, but it's not always based out of hate or irrational ideas or ill intent.
Hating gays for religious reasons is ludicrous. What’s next? Signs that say “we don’t serve n1ggers?”
Why not? Many black people call each other n1gger. I hear it often when some jungle bunny pulls up next to me at a stop light with their gangsta rap blaring.
So you think a sign like that in a store window is ok. Shit man, we MUST be great again by now. :biggrin:
You're the racist that thought of it.
Sorry, you already lost this one. Racist.
Yes, I agree about the website, but using the belief in an invisible being who wants you hate gays to discriminate against them is childish, pure fantasy, and not dignified of a free society like ours.

I just finished saying that we don't hate gays. I can't speak for other religions, but Christianity teaches to love others, even our enemies. Obviously you're an atheist, so I guess it's understandable that you have such a warped idea about God. Loving others entails truth and honesty. It doesn't mean supporting everything that person does. For example, I can love someone who is an alcoholic, without loving all of their actions.

You talk about a free society, but you want to take away the right of a private business owner to create art according to his conscience. There is nothing libertarian about that, at all. It is dictatorial and anti-freedom.
Hating gays for religious reasons is ludicrous. What’s next? Signs that say “we don’t serve n1ggers?”

If that's what you think, no wonder you're confused on this. We don't hate gays. We don't fear gays. Believing that homosexuality is a sin does not mean that you hate the individual. This has been stated 50 trillion times, so I'm not sure why it's so hard for some people to grasp. As for the baker, he considered himself an artist, and he clearly stated that he does not do that type of art. That is his right. Just as I said in my example, I would not take a job creating a website for pornographers… You never did answer my question, do you think that is discriminatory? And if so, can you see that being discriminating is not always a bad thing?
Yes, I agree about the website, but using the belief in an invisible being who wants you hate gays to discriminate against them is childish, pure fantasy, and not dignified of a free society like ours.
------------------------------------- not a free society when government tells you what you have to do in cases of private discrimination in private dealings Taz ,
Don't blame LGBTs for this shithead. The LGBTs are not to blame. I looked at guy's advertising on the web. He said nothing of the sort and invited the public into his business. I didn't look up his advertising in the Yellow Pages. He lied, though, and it was there for all to see on the internet.There is no evidence that the couple who were refused service "targeted" anyone. They, as you or I am, were entitled to walk into a shop that advertised what it had to offer. How was this couple to know what kind of guy this phillips is? Crystal ball?

The couple who sought to order a cake from him are in no way, shape, or form to blame for what he did. I don't know why you want to reverse these things and place blame on innocent shoppers.
Yes, the Baker was targeted, you filthy lying deranged cockroach. The queers want submission. You and the filthy perverts can go to hell. We'll never submit to you filthy degenerate scum.

So you know how to call someone else a name. How proud you must be. You have no evidence that the phillips guy was "targeted." Go on lying. Incidentally, why do you want to disgrace us heterosexuals so? Are you this sexually fucked up? Knowing many people who are LGBT, I don't find them doing anything but wanting to be left alone. You people are sickos.
The Baker was targeted and you know it, so stop your lying. You called me a name, so I called you a name. If you don't like it, then don't call names, you filthy degenerate.
What name did I call you beside 'sicko" much after you started calling people names? Queers? "Filthy dengerates"? You called me a name. What is this "filthy lying deranged cockroach" thing? These people who wanted to order cakes did nothing to you or me. Why do you choose to live in the gutter? Are you Southern Baptist cult?
You call yourselves "queer". LGBTQ. The Q stands for queer. You're an idiot.

Why the name calling on the basis that someone is LGBT? I think that the "Q" stands for "questioning." BTW: I'm a female of European descent on both sides who is sexually attracted to sexually attractive male persons. You are the idiot. I do not know why you are as sexually insecure as you are. I have not experienced in my considerable lifetime that LGBT persons have ever called me anything derogatory based on my sexual orientation.
There are different types of discrimination, not all are the type that you have in mind. For example, as a web designer, I get to choose who I will create websites for. If someone came to me and wanted a porn site, would I be "discriminating" when I say "I'm sorry, I don't do those types of websites." ? Yes, that is a form of discrimination, but it is not a bad thing, it is my right to choose what type of work I do, and what I want to be associated with. People discriminate every day, but it's not always based out of hate or irrational ideas or ill intent.
Hating gays for religious reasons is ludicrous. What’s next? Signs that say “we don’t serve n1ggers?”
Why not? Many black people call each other n1gger. I hear it often when some jungle bunny pulls up next to me at a stop light with their gangsta rap blaring.
So you think a sign like that in a store window is ok. Shit man, we MUST be great again by now. :biggrin:
You're the racist that thought of it.
Sorry, you already lost this one. Racist.
Everyone can see your post about putting a sign in the window. You thought of it, Mr. Racist. Move along.
Yes, the Baker was targeted, you filthy lying deranged cockroach. The queers want submission. You and the filthy perverts can go to hell. We'll never submit to you filthy degenerate scum.

So you know how to call someone else a name. How proud you must be. You have no evidence that the phillips guy was "targeted." Go on lying. Incidentally, why do you want to disgrace us heterosexuals so? Are you this sexually fucked up? Knowing many people who are LGBT, I don't find them doing anything but wanting to be left alone. You people are sickos.
The Baker was targeted and you know it, so stop your lying. You called me a name, so I called you a name. If you don't like it, then don't call names, you filthy degenerate.
What name did I call you beside 'sicko" much after you started calling people names? Queers? "Filthy dengerates"? You called me a name. What is this "filthy lying deranged cockroach" thing? These people who wanted to order cakes did nothing to you or me. Why do you choose to live in the gutter? Are you Southern Baptist cult?
You call yourselves "queer". LGBTQ. The Q stands for queer. You're an idiot.

Why the name calling on the basis that someone is LGBT? I think that the "Q" stands for "questioning." BTW: I'm a female of European descent on both sides who is sexually attracted to sexually attractive male persons. You are the idiot. I do not know why you are as sexually insecure as you are. I have not experienced in my considerable lifetime that LGBT persons have ever called me anything derogatory based on my sexual orientation.
And the Q also stands for queer. Why would someone question if they're born that way?
So you know how to call someone else a name. How proud you must be. You have no evidence that the phillips guy was "targeted." Go on lying. Incidentally, why do you want to disgrace us heterosexuals so? Are you this sexually fucked up? Knowing many people who are LGBT, I don't find them doing anything but wanting to be left alone. You people are sickos.
The Baker was targeted and you know it, so stop your lying. You called me a name, so I called you a name. If you don't like it, then don't call names, you filthy degenerate.
What name did I call you beside 'sicko" much after you started calling people names? Queers? "Filthy dengerates"? You called me a name. What is this "filthy lying deranged cockroach" thing? These people who wanted to order cakes did nothing to you or me. Why do you choose to live in the gutter? Are you Southern Baptist cult?
You call yourselves "queer". LGBTQ. The Q stands for queer. You're an idiot.

Why the name calling on the basis that someone is LGBT? I think that the "Q" stands for "questioning." BTW: I'm a female of European descent on both sides who is sexually attracted to sexually attractive male persons. You are the idiot. I do not know why you are as sexually insecure as you are. I have not experienced in my considerable lifetime that LGBT persons have ever called me anything derogatory based on my sexual orientation.
And the Q also stands for queer. Why would someone question if they're born that way?
You are the one who keeps insisting that this matters. I am hetero, but I am not a monkey. Do you have problems with your sexual orientation? Can't you get out in society and be a heterosexual without something eating at you? If you are hetero, FINE! Get out there, find someone of the other sex, and ENJOY it. Kiss, have sex, share laughs, love one another, whatever. Why do you have to bother?

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