He said he wouldn’t join his company’s Bible study. After being let go, he’s suing.

We need freedom FROM religion.
Nope not freedom from religion, but rather a mutual respect towards both things exsisting within the sectors be it public and/or private once again. We as individuals need freedom of choice, and not enslavement in anything we choose to participate in or not to participate in. Religion can co-exist in anything we have going, but it's when it demands participation against a person's will is when it violates the individuals rights.

The same goes for anything not religious as well. All can exist together in the private and public speres, just as long as these things don't force themselves on an individual against his or her will.
So you think that Muslims should have sharia law in the US?

In fact, I do support the idea of Islamic Courts in the US.

We already have community based religious law courts in some Jewish communities that deal only with Jews and only with issues of Jewish Law that aren't covered under civil law.

Jewish religious courts, Beit Dein, have jurisdiction only in matters of Jewish Law and only deal with non-criminal matters within the Jewish Community. The rulings of Beit Din only apply to Jews who voluntarily take their religious matters to the court.
And women get the shaft every time. Religious courts should be outlawed.
Nope not freedom from religion, but rather a mutual respect towards both things exsisting within the sectors be it public and/or private once again. We as individuals need freedom of choice, and not enslavement in anything we choose to participate in or not to participate in. Religion can co-exist in anything we have going, but it's when it demands participation against a person's will is when it violates the individuals rights.

The same goes for anything not religious as well. All can exist together in the private and public speres, just as long as these things don't force themselves on an individual against his or her will.
So you think that Muslims should have sharia law in the US?
---------------------------------- no , Foreign and imported muslims shouldn't be imported into the USA , Being muslim should disqualify muslims from being imported into the USA Taz . JUST a comment Taz .

Are people of the Muslim faith "imported"? The ones I know immigrated, just like the rest of our families, with the exception of our indigenous families who immigrated hundreds/thousands of years ago, maybe across the Bering Strait. No one is imposing "sharia law" on the American public. No one should try to impose "Christian law," or Jewish law on the American public, either.
There are muslims in the United States that are trying to impose sharia law here. If you don't know that, then you're very ignorant or lying.
---------------------------------------------- of course there are , muslims see 'shariah' as their Constitution . That is why i say that muslims should not be imported into the USA BSFilter .
--------------------------------------------------- --- ---
We need freedom FROM religion.
Nope not freedom from religion, but rather a mutual respect towards both things exsisting within the sectors be it public and/or private once again. We as individuals need freedom of choice, and not enslavement in anything we choose to participate in or not to participate in. Religion can co-exist in anything we have going, but it's when it demands participation against a person's will is when it violates the individuals rights.

The same goes for anything not religious as well. All can exist together in the private and public speres, just as long as these things don't force themselves on an individual against his or her will.
So you think that Muslims should have sharia law in the US?
---------------------------------- no , Foreign and imported muslims shouldn't be imported into the USA , Being muslim should disqualify muslims from being imported into the USA Taz . JUST a comment Taz .
Japan doesn't allow Muslims to gain citizenship because of their religion. They also don't allow the koran into japan.
he should have that right ...

does that mean to you that presently the employer does not have that right ... due to civil rights legislation over the last few decades.
I think if he only wants to hire believers then he should. If someone doesn't like it then go work somewhere else. It's his business.

What if someone becomes an atheist after they are hired, should he had the right to fire them??
What if being a believer was a condition of their hiring?

I asked what if he became an atheist while employed.
What if he did?

Should he be fired???
He said he wouldn’t join his company’s Bible study. After being let go, he’s suing.

A 34-year-old painter is suing Dahled Up Construction, a company based south of Portland, Ore., for allegedly firing him after he refused to join a Christian Bible group for employees. Ryan Coleman is seeking $800,000 from the company after its owner allegedly said participation in the Bible group was required if he wanted to keep his job.

Coleman told The Washington Post that when he explained to the company's owner, Joel Dahl, that he had different beliefs, Dahl said: "If you want to keep your job, everybody needs to attend. If not, I'm going to be forced to replace you."

He said he wouldn’t join his company’s Bible study. After being let go, he’s suing.


I hope he wins.

Sound like BS. He was probably jerking off on the job
Is that what you do? I know Frank would. :biggrin:
I think if he only wants to hire believers then he should. If someone doesn't like it then go work somewhere else. It's his business.

What if someone becomes an atheist after they are hired, should he had the right to fire them??
What if being a believer was a condition of their hiring?

I asked what if he became an atheist while employed.
What if he did?

Should he be fired???
Not for converting to atheism. I'd have just fire him without a reason, which is perfectly legal in my state.
We need freedom FROM religion.
Nope not freedom from religion, but rather a mutual respect towards both things exsisting within the sectors be it public and/or private once again. We as individuals need freedom of choice, and not enslavement in anything we choose to participate in or not to participate in. Religion can co-exist in anything we have going, but it's when it demands participation against a person's will is when it violates the individuals rights.

The same goes for anything not religious as well. All can exist together in the private and public speres, just as long as these things don't force themselves on an individual against his or her will.
So you think that Muslims should have sharia law in the US?
---------------------------------- no , Foreign and imported muslims shouldn't be imported into the USA , Being muslim should disqualify muslims from being imported into the USA Taz . JUST a comment Taz .
Japan doesn't allow Muslims to gain citizenship because of their religion. They also don't allow the koran into japan.
--------------------------------------- makes perfect sense to me that foreign muslims should not be imported into the USA or Japan or anywhere else that is halfway civilized . Look at that one 'muslim' Gent thats born and raised in the USA and is mad that 'ex muslims' are practicing their Freedom of Speech at some Starbucks in Houston . See the recently imported 'birber' muslim thats in the USA and wants to get rid of Americas Second Amendment . It is utmost stupidity [or part of the plan] to import muslims into a Free Country like the USA that was founded on Western Principles and God Given Rights or a Bill of RIGHTS Taz
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What if someone becomes an atheist after they are hired, should he had the right to fire them??
What if being a believer was a condition of their hiring?

I asked what if he became an atheist while employed.
What if he did?

Should he be fired???
Not for converting to atheism. I'd have just fire him without a reason, which is perfectly legal in my state.

You don't convert to atheism, the employer must of hired him.
seems to me that a person can not be REQUIRED to attend Bible Studies in the USA . And i think that thats the end of it as i think that the employer will lose .
..Call me a wimp but I chickened out and got a job in a charity shop instead.
The moral?- always read the job description first.

OK, you are a wimp!
I am glad to be of service.

Ironically I handle all types of weapons in internet multiplayer games for several hours a day under my fighting name 'Poor Old Spike' and do alright at it, I won this 6" silver trophy for topping a wargame league; it sits on a small table in my living room carefully positioned so that it's the first thing guests see when they arrive, and I can keep steering the conversation towards it during the course of the evening..:)

He said he wouldn’t join his company’s Bible study. After being let go, he’s suing.

A 34-year-old painter is suing Dahled Up Construction, a company based south of Portland, Ore., for allegedly firing him after he refused to join a Christian Bible group for employees. Ryan Coleman is seeking $800,000 from the company after its owner allegedly said participation in the Bible group was required if he wanted to keep his job.

Coleman told The Washington Post that when he explained to the company's owner, Joel Dahl, that he had different beliefs, Dahl said: "If you want to keep your job, everybody needs to attend. If not, I'm going to be forced to replace you."

He said he wouldn’t join his company’s Bible study. After being let go, he’s suing.


I hope he wins.
I wouldn't joined either. I'm Christian, but I'm neither Catholic nor Protestant. A person's personal beliefs are personal.
What if being a believer was a condition of their hiring?

I asked what if he became an atheist while employed.
What if he did?

Should he be fired???
Not for converting to atheism. I'd have just fire him without a reason, which is perfectly legal in my state.

You don't convert to atheism, the employer must of hired him.
Who says you don't convert to atheism? I've heard of many people that change beliefs over their life.
Personally I'd only raise a stink if my boss wanted us to study the Koran or Bhagavad-Gita or something like that..:)
We need freedom FROM religion.
Nope not freedom from religion, but rather a mutual respect towards both things exsisting within the sectors be it public and/or private once again. We as individuals need freedom of choice, and not enslavement in anything we choose to participate in or not to participate in. Religion can co-exist in anything we have going, but it's when it demands participation against a person's will is when it violates the individuals rights.

The same goes for anything not religious as well. All can exist together in the private and public speres, just as long as these things don't force themselves on an individual against his or her will.
So you think that Muslims should have sharia law in the US?

In fact, I do support the idea of Islamic Courts in the US.

We already have community based religious law courts in some Jewish communities that deal only with Jews and only with issues of Jewish Law that aren't covered under civil law.

Jewish religious courts, Beit Dein, have jurisdiction only in matters of Jewish Law and only deal with non-criminal matters within the Jewish Community. The rulings of Beit Din only apply to Jews who voluntarily take their religious matters to the court.
And women get the shaft every time. Religious courts should be outlawed.
So many of these "religions" are really social constructs designed by male people to dump on female people and advance some sort of superstitious nonsense about female reproductive biology. Not only the "Abrahamic" religions, Christians, Jewish, Muslim, but also Hindus, Sikhs, and other religions. It is amazing how many of these religions include these superstitious beliefs in their "beliefs."

I was once invited to a dinner in a Muslim household, when most excused themselves from the table to go upstairs to pray. The woman who stayed with me at the table explained that she was menstruating, and therefore could not join the others in prayer. The lining of her uterus was shedding the discards so that her reproductive organ could prepare itself again to perhaps receive another fertilized egg. So shy could not pray with the rest???

What is this superstitious thing about in "religious" cultures? And Old Testament rules about new mothers being "unclean" for a shorter or longer period depending upon the sex of the child they bore? We now know that the sex of the child depends on what sperm the father shot and landed.

It's more than past time that people of the male and female genders sat down and had a real heart-to-heart talk about this stuff.

I'm seeing a group of male human being very afraid.
So many of these "religions" are really social constructs designed by male people to dump on female people...

Not all religions do that..:)-
For example-
"There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus" (Bible:Galatians 3:28 )
We need freedom FROM religion.

We have that already.
Gays aren't free from religious bakers is but one example.
Yes, they are. The queers targeted the Christian Baker. They were free to go to many other bakers that would gladly do what they wanted.
You don't get the concept. Carry on.
Oh, I do get it. I nailed it and you have no rebuttal.
We need freedom FROM religion.

We have that already.
Gays aren't free from religious bakers is but one example.
Yes, they are. The queers targeted the Christian Baker. They were free to go to many other bakers that would gladly do what they wanted.

Don't blame LGBTs for this shithead. The LGBTs are not to blame. I looked at guy's advertising on the web. He said nothing of the sort and invited the public into his business. I didn't look up his advertising in the Yellow Pages. He lied, though, and it was there for all to see on the internet.There is no evidence that the couple who were refused service "targeted" anyone. They, as you or I am, were entitled to walk into a shop that advertised what it had to offer. How was this couple to know what kind of guy this phillips is? Crystal ball?

The couple who sought to order a cake from him are in no way, shape, or form to blame for what he did. I don't know why you want to reverse these things and place blame on innocent shoppers.

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