He ‘Wants to Kill Us’: Rachel Maddow


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
"“So it’s a weird tension. It’s a dangerous time for the first amendment and the free press in this country. At the same time, we’re oddly influential with the guy who wants to kill us.

Wow what a claim! Now if I were the normal MSM reporting institution, I'd drop that headline into everything!
In fact I just did a google search on "Trump wants to kill us" and from the below...
it would appear as the media is doing is leaving out the context...
Trump by the way never said this!

How many anti-Trump people will take this literally. "Trump wants to kill us"!

He ‘Wants to Kill Us’: Rachel Maddow Describes Her Bizarre Phone Call With Donald Trump

Rhetoric... hatred... "Trump anti-immigrant"! Wow... isn't this amazing that the MSM can bias the news so millions of people think that Trump wants to kill us and that Trump is "anti-immigrant"!
This is the same woman who touted her great revealing show about Trump and his taxes only to declare live on the air that Trump pays his taxes, right?!

And after THAT they still allowed her to keep her show?

'Madcow' is an attention whore who will say anything and go as far as to embarrass herself live on the air just to get higher ratings.

and for you snowflakes...it MUST be true, eight - 'Madcow' tweeted it!


(Had she been a Russian citizen and had done this in Russia, she would have found out how dangerous journalism is and how good she has it in this country. She'd have a bullet in her head by now if she was in Russia.)
Another thread that complains about responses to Trump's actions without mentioning his actions.

More and more of these popping up.
So tell me closed, where has he stated or his actions show he wishes to kill anyone, other than terrorists. I'll be waiting
Another thread that complains about responses to Trump's actions without mentioning his actions.

More and more of these popping up.
Another thread that complains about responses to Trump's actions without mentioning his actions.

More and more of these popping up.
ACTUALLY, snowflake, this thread is about Rachel 'MADCOW' and HER actions....
She has to say crazy shit like that or whack job liberals will stop watching her show.
Another thread that complains about responses to Trump's actions without mentioning his actions.

More and more of these popping up.
ACTUALLY, snowflake, this thread is about Rachel 'MADCOW' and HER actions....

Her actions in regard to Trump's actions. You only report on the reactions.

Lib please, she does this shit for the money she doesn't give a shit about liberals or liberalism.
You're cute but I see through this like a clean window. You can't address Trump's actions so all your time is spent talking about people's reactions to Trump's actions. Weeee!
Another thread that complains about responses to Trump's actions without mentioning his actions.

More and more of these popping up.
ACTUALLY, snowflake, this thread is about Rachel 'MADCOW' and HER actions....

Her actions in regard to Trump's actions. You only report on the reactions.

Lib please, she does this shit for the money she doesn't give a shit about liberals or liberalism.
You're cute but I see through this like a clean window. You can't address Trump's actions so all your time is spent talking about people's reactions to Trump's actions. Weeee!

The thread isn't about Trump you dumb ass ignorant hack.
Yet you refuse to list those actions that prove such.
Another thread that complains about responses to Trump's actions without mentioning his actions.

More and more of these popping up.
ACTUALLY, snowflake, this thread is about Rachel 'MADCOW' and HER actions....

Her actions in regard to Trump's actions. You only report on the reactions.

Lib please, she does this shit for the money she doesn't give a shit about liberals or liberalism.
You're cute but I see through this like a clean window. You can't address Trump's actions so all your time is spent talking about people's reactions to Trump's actions. Weeee!
Another thread that complains about responses to Trump's actions without mentioning his actions.

More and more of these popping up.
ACTUALLY, snowflake, this thread is about Rachel 'MADCOW' and HER actions....

Her actions in regard to Trump's actions. You only report on the reactions.

Lib please, she does this shit for the money she doesn't give a shit about liberals or liberalism.
You're cute but I see through this like a clean window. You can't address Trump's actions so all your time is spent talking about people's reactions to Trump's actions. Weeee!

The thread isn't about Trump you dumb ass ignorant hack.

It never is. It's always about people's reactions. It seems you think this is clever but I see through it like cellophane.
ACTUALLY, snowflake, this thread is about Rachel 'MADCOW' and HER actions....

Her actions in regard to Trump's actions. You only report on the reactions.

Lib please, she does this shit for the money she doesn't give a shit about liberals or liberalism.
You're cute but I see through this like a clean window. You can't address Trump's actions so all your time is spent talking about people's reactions to Trump's actions. Weeee!

The thread isn't about Trump you dumb ass ignorant hack.

It never is. It's always about people's reactions. It seems you think this is clever but I see through it like cellophane.

You seem, unhinged return after you seek treatment.
ACTUALLY, snowflake, this thread is about Rachel 'MADCOW' and HER actions....

Her actions in regard to Trump's actions. You only report on the reactions.

Lib please, she does this shit for the money she doesn't give a shit about liberals or liberalism.
You're cute but I see through this like a clean window. You can't address Trump's actions so all your time is spent talking about people's reactions to Trump's actions. Weeee!

The thread isn't about Trump you dumb ass ignorant hack.

It never is. It's always about people's reactions. It seems you think this is clever but I see through it like cellophane.
If there are no Trump actions that lead to her "reaction", then her "reaction" is the valid topic.

Unless, of course, you wish to note Trump's actions to which she's "reacting". This is your third opportunity.
Maybe Madcow should look at some real suppression of Freedom of Speech:

Black conservative woman's column suspended by major paper

"The St. Louis Post-Dispatch suspended an opinion column by Stacy Washington, a black conservative commentator, after she blasted an op-ed in another newspaper that compared the National Rifle Association to the Islamic State.

The Post-Dispatch didn’t mention Washington’s opinion as a reason for suspending her column, but it
did contend that her “active promotional activities and professional association with the National Rifle Association represented an unacceptable conflict of interest in her most recent column, which resulted in our suspension of her work.” After the suspension, “Washington chose to terminate her contract” with the paper, the Post-Dispatch said."

Freedom of the Press? Not when offended snowflakes become 'triggered' - then you lose your job.

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