He wasn't kidding: Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states

U.S. immigration authorities arrested hundreds of undocumented immigrants in at least a half-dozen states this week in a series of raids that marked the first large-scale enforcement of President Trump’s Jan. 26 order to crack down on the estimated 11 million immigrants living here illegally.

The raids, which officials said targeted known criminals, also netted some immigrants who did not have criminal records, an apparent departure from similar enforcement waves during the Obama administration that aimed to just corral and deport those who had committed crimes.

Trump has pledged to deport as many as 3 million undocumented immigrants with criminal records. Last month he also made a change to the Obama administration’s policy of prioritizing deportation for convicted criminals, substantially broadening the scope of who the Department of Homeland Security can target to include those with minor offenses or no convictions at all.

Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states

Eventually, if you have an outstanding parking ticket, out you go the way it should be.

Attention liberals: keep those pussy hats ready to go because I'm sure you are going to get the call to protest and riot. Today six states, tomorrow twelve. :banana::banana::banana:

Gasphhhh. The comrade already stated they won't be deporting anyone who hasn't committed a crime in this country, so the ones that haven't but have been rounded up will be set free after they're checked out.

Being an illegal is a crime you idiot

There's a lot of shades of gray here. Most of what you consider Illegal's in this country actually overstayed their Visa's. Typically they have legal family members in this country that they came out to visit, and decided to stay. So the courts will look at them differently, especially if the family still vouches for them and or they are still living with them. IOW--it would be the equivalent of you going to stay with your family in the U.K. and not renewing your VISA. Would they insist that you leave? Probably not.

I doubt this country is really willing to tear apart families. We won't separate husbands from wives, mothers from kids, grandparents from the family circle. That's just not going to happen.

Really the only ones that face immediate deportation are the ones that are actually CAUGHT crossing the border. These people are NOT crossing the border to go from nothing to nothing. There are family members and friends waiting for them on the other side, that are willing to help them, and to establish them into this country. Others are crossing to pick fruit for jobs they have done in the past, and will recross the border, (again illegally) to get back to family members in Mexico. But they will receive their day in court, & receive their due process via immigration lawyers and most of the time new Visa's and or Green Cards will be issued to ones that are no threat to this country, i.e what you consider criminals whom the courts do not.

I doubt many of you live in states where there are a lot of Hispanics. Where I live, this is constant and it's not unusual to see ICE raid Restaurants, Fast food places, and Hotels to round up a bunch, but the overwhelming majority are in fact set free back into their areas.

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someone called me a Nazi on twitter because i called illegals "illegals"
The left is simply not capable of dealing with reality. They are a bunch of fuck'n children that never learned how to lose. They were given participation trophies even if they were the worst player on the worst team. Thus they believe that when they create a false narrative - the entire world must embrace it. If someone doesn't, they will be relentlessly attacked (can you say fascism?).

That's why they have completely lost their shit with President Trump. He's not a typical politician. He doesn't give a fuck what they think, what they want, or what they need. He's just going to tell it like it is - and since the left can't deal with reality, it is shaking them to their fragile little core. Oh well...

Very few have asked themselves why people are protesting. They are protesting because they don't like this country or the way we choose leaders.

They are upset that Trump won. What does that tell us? It tells us they don't want fair elections and want to win every single time. That's what dictator led countries are all about. There is no counter point of view or competition. There is no allowing the other side to run things for a while. According to liberals, it's our way all the time, and nobody should be allowed to defeat us. If somebody does, we will protest and riot.
Look after Miller USSC 1930's , which upheld the NFA as within the powers of congress under the interstate commerce clause.
A. The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land (the Supremacy Clause establishes as much). It trumps any and all other law. And it really trumps the Supreme Court which is not permitted to create law from the bench (the Supreme Court is part of the Judicial branch and only the Legislative branch can create law).

B. Keyword there being "interstate". Even if that ruling trumped the U.S. Constitution (and it sure as hell doesn't) you'd still only have a case in the interstate transport of a sawed off shotgun. Anything built in a state and remaining there would be 100% legal. Would you like to try again?
How does that explain the drug war?
ICE is targeting rapists, child molesters, drug lords, felony offenders for deportation. The left is defending these pigs. Let that sink in
Yeah that's what they're telling you who they're targeting.
This guy lied his way thruhis campaign and now as prez the lies have accelerated. And we're now supposed to believe anything he says?
When he has lied every day of his presidency, knowing the facts are easily proven, you have to be a goddamn moron to trust anything to come out of his lying pie hole.

How did that hope and change work out for you?

Much better than turning massive federal surpluses into massive federal deficits, and using our exorbitantly expensive superpower to actually Invade the Middle East;

Only to not solve any problems.
How does that explain the drug war?
Nobody is attempting to explain the drug war buttercup. We get it - you're a strung out junkie. Drugs are illegal. Get over it already.

I wouldn't think they would find rapists & drug lords working at fast food joints, restaurants and hotels--LOL They are raiding "work places"--and that's where you'll usually find people who have overstayed their Visas and their green cards have expired. Drug lords typically don't get involved in that type of work.
U.S. immigration authorities arrested hundreds of undocumented immigrants in at least a half-dozen states this week in a series of raids that marked the first large-scale enforcement of President Trump’s Jan. 26 order to crack down on the estimated 11 million immigrants living here illegally.

The raids, which officials said targeted known criminals, also netted some immigrants who did not have criminal records, an apparent departure from similar enforcement waves during the Obama administration that aimed to just corral and deport those who had committed crimes.

Trump has pledged to deport as many as 3 million undocumented immigrants with criminal records. Last month he also made a change to the Obama administration’s policy of prioritizing deportation for convicted criminals, substantially broadening the scope of who the Department of Homeland Security can target to include those with minor offenses or no convictions at all.

Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states

Eventually, if you have an outstanding parking ticket, out you go the way it should be.

Attention liberals: keep those pussy hats ready to go because I'm sure you are going to get the call to protest and riot. Today six states, tomorrow twelve. :banana::banana::banana:

Gasphhhh. The comrade already stated they won't be deporting anyone who hasn't committed a crime in this country, so the ones that haven't but have been rounded up will be set free after they're checked out.

Being an illegal is a crime you idiot

There's a lot of shades of gray here. Most of what you consider Illegal's in this country actually overstayed their Visa's. Typically they have legal family members in this country that they came out to visit, and decided to stay. So the courts will look at them differently, especially if the family still vouches for them and or they are still living with them. IOW--it would be the equivalent of you going to stay with your family in the U.K. and not renewing your VISA. Would they insist that you leave? Probably not.

I doubt this country is really willing to tear apart families. We won't separate husbands from wives, mothers from kids, grandparents from the family circle. That's just not going to happen.

Really the only ones that face immediate deportation are the ones that are actually CAUGHT crossing the border. These people are NOT crossing the border to go from nothing to nothing. There are family members and friends waiting for them on the other side, that are willing to help them, and to establish them into this country. Others are crossing to pick fruit for jobs they have done in the past, and will recross the border, (again illegally) to get back to family members in Mexico. But they will receive their day in court, & receive their due process via immigration lawyers and most of the time new Visa's and or Green Cards will be issued to ones that are no threat to this country, i.e what you consider criminals whom the courts do not.

I doubt many of you live in states where there are a lot of Hispanics. Where I live, this is constant and it's not unusual to see ICE raid Restaurants, Fast food places, and Hotels to round up a bunch, but the overwhelming majority are in fact set free back into their areas.


What shades of gray it's black and white.
U.S. immigration authorities arrested hundreds of undocumented immigrants in at least a half-dozen states this week in a series of raids that marked the first large-scale enforcement of President Trump’s Jan. 26 order to crack down on the estimated 11 million immigrants living here illegally.

The raids, which officials said targeted known criminals, also netted some immigrants who did not have criminal records, an apparent departure from similar enforcement waves during the Obama administration that aimed to just corral and deport those who had committed crimes.

Trump has pledged to deport as many as 3 million undocumented immigrants with criminal records. Last month he also made a change to the Obama administration’s policy of prioritizing deportation for convicted criminals, substantially broadening the scope of who the Department of Homeland Security can target to include those with minor offenses or no convictions at all.

Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states

Eventually, if you have an outstanding parking ticket, out you go the way it should be.

Attention liberals: keep those pussy hats ready to go because I'm sure you are going to get the call to protest and riot. Today six states, tomorrow twelve. :banana::banana::banana:

Gasphhhh. The comrade already stated they won't be deporting anyone who hasn't committed a crime in this country, so the ones that haven't but have been rounded up will be set free after they're checked out.

Being an illegal is a crime you idiot

There's a lot of shades of gray here. Most of what you consider Illegal's in this country actually overstayed their Visa's. Typically they have legal family members in this country that they came out to visit, and decided to stay. So the courts will look at them differently, especially if the family still vouches for them and or they are still living with them. IOW--it would be the equivalent of you going to stay with your family in the U.K. and not renewing your VISA. Would they insist that you leave? Probably not.

I doubt this country is really willing to tear apart families. We won't separate husbands from wives, mothers from kids, grandparents from the family circle. That's just not going to happen.

Really the only ones that face immediate deportation are the ones that are actually CAUGHT crossing the border. These people are NOT crossing the border to go from nothing to nothing. There are family members and friends waiting for them on the other side, that are willing to help them, and to establish them into this country. Others are crossing to pick fruit for jobs they have done in the past, and will recross the border, (again illegally) to get back to family members in Mexico. But they will receive their day in court, & receive their due process via immigration lawyers and most of the time new Visa's and or Green Cards will be issued to ones that are no threat to this country, i.e what you consider criminals whom the courts do not.

I doubt many of you live in states where there are a lot of Hispanics. Where I live, this is constant and it's not unusual to see ICE raid Restaurants, Fast food places, and Hotels to round up a bunch, but the overwhelming majority are in fact set free back into their areas.


What shades of gray it's black and white.

Not to immigration courts it's not. And all you need to do is put the shoe on the other foot to understand it. You are allowed to invite family members to come and stay in your home, regardless of their origin or what country they come from. As long as "you're a legal citizen of the United States" and the family member or friend that you're inviting in, is not on some type of criminal or on the most wanted list, they will be allowed in. The overwhelming majority of what you consider "illegal" did not cross a desert to get here, they obtained Visa's, and came in legally. They just didn't go back. The immigration court will look at them differently. Furthermore, this country would never stand for Gestapo type squads ripping families apart. They won't do that.

There are also many types of different visa's. The typical 6 month tourist visa, to finance visa's, to 2 and 5 year visas. Green cards--permission to work are centered around what type of visa a person has.

It's more than clear by the article they are looking for the violent, criminal element in these raids, but they're looking in the wrong places by raiding work places. No drug lord is going to be working at fast food joints, restaurants & hotels. The people they're dragging in, that have no criminal record in this country, will just be sent home with renewed Visa's and Green cards.

That's how it works. We need immigration reform in this country to insure, that those that are in this country are paying their fair share in social security/medicare, federal & state taxes, so they are in effect actually supporting the government that graciously let them in. But I doubt the Reich wing will ever catch onto that concept.
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How does that explain the drug war?
Nobody is attempting to explain the drug war buttercup. We get it - you're a strung out junkie. Drugs are illegal. Get over it already.
In other words, you really don't care about being, illegal to our own laws.

Just practicing, hypocrisy?

There is nothing illegal about it. You just make crap up all the time.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
How does that explain the drug war?
Nobody is attempting to explain the drug war buttercup. We get it - you're a strung out junkie. Drugs are illegal. Get over it already.
In other words, you really don't care about being, illegal to our own laws.

Just practicing, hypocrisy?

There is nothing illegal about it. You just make crap up all the time.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
I am not on the national socialist, right wing.

Welfare for individuals is more legal than our drug war. Only the national socialist right wing complains about promoting the general welfare, but not the general warfare.
Still don't have a clue what's the reality. Why in the world they will deport themselves when there are no food, home, shelter, school...... you lucky if you have a place to take a dump. There are no such things as self deportation. Dude get real.

But but but we keep hearing from the liberals how the illegals are leaving the US in droves every week because the US economy is so tough - does that mean the leftist media and the pro-illegal alien crowd has been caught lying again?

Those Mexican or other foreigners that travel back and forth that you are talking about when it gets tougher........ Are the foreigners that has legal papers works. Millions have green cards or US citizens and I'm sure you don't know that either.
All im telling you are the realities. If they go back........ what will they expect better lives? Here all they have to do is go churches or welfare or other facilities that catered poor people.
How does that explain the drug war?
Nobody is attempting to explain the drug war buttercup. We get it - you're a strung out junkie. Drugs are illegal. Get over it already.
In other words, you really don't care about being, illegal to our own laws.

Just practicing, hypocrisy?

There is nothing illegal about it. You just make crap up all the time.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
I am not on the national socialist, right wing.

Welfare for individuals is more legal than our drug war. Only the national socialist right wing complains about promoting the general welfare, but not the general warfare.

In your response you didn't address what I said. There is nothing illegal about the war on drugs. It's a product illegal to have or use without a doctors prescription..
I am not on the national socialist, right wing.
Well duh....how could you possibly be something that doesn't exist? Saying "socialist right-wing" is as idiotic as saying "left-wing Sovereign Citizen". You continue to take stupidity to unprecedented levels.
How does that explain the drug war?
Nobody is attempting to explain the drug war buttercup. We get it - you're a strung out junkie. Drugs are illegal. Get over it already.
In other words, you really don't care about being, illegal to our own laws.

Just practicing, hypocrisy?

There is nothing illegal about it. You just make crap up all the time.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
I am not on the national socialist, right wing.

Welfare for individuals is more legal than our drug war. Only the national socialist right wing complains about promoting the general welfare, but not the general warfare.

In your response you didn't address what I said. There is nothing illegal about the war on drugs. It's a product illegal to have or use without a doctors prescription..
It is legal in California. There is no, drug war clause in our federal Constitution.

Both, promote and provide, are terms used for the general welfare. There is no, general warfare clause or common offense clause.
I am not on the national socialist, right wing.
Well duh....how could you possibly be something that doesn't exist? Saying "socialist right-wing" is as idiotic as saying "left-wing Sovereign Citizen". You continue to take stupidity to unprecedented levels.
Only the right wing is that, ignorant. Liberal socialism is to the left of national socialism.
Yeah....and "liberal Sovereign Citizen" is to the left of "conservative Sovereign Citizen". :eusa_doh:

No matter how many times you repeat an idiotic lie - it doesn't become true. It is literally impossible to have "right-wing socialism" as they are polar opposites. Do you understand what that means? That's as stupid as saying "this boiling water is freezing" or "this frozen water is scolding hot". It is impossible to be both at the same time. Now run along junior while the adults talk.

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