He wasn't kidding: Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states

What does that mean? The parents were aware they were illegally trespassing into the country, and that their life here could be stopped at any time.

2. Then change the constitution retroactively.

If I had the power to do so, I would terminate the anchor baby BS going back to 1965, eliminating the citizenship for tens of millions born to illegal parents.

3.1. You are right nothing will stop them if they take their kids with them. But nobody will stop them if they leave their kids behind either.

Then the parents should be told their kids cannot remain in the US if they are under 21.

And what kind of shit parent would leave their kids to fend for themselves in a foreign country 2,000 miles away?

3.2. Who give a fuck? You and me bc you will end up taking care of these kids. Which we never have to worry in the first place.

We are ALREADY FUCKING PAYING FOR THEM, it is clueless liberals who are trying to obfuscate/camouflage that fact. THAT is what I want to stop; I am no longer willing to pay taxes to support them.

3.3. Obviously you are thinking like an Americans. They think survivals. They came here for better life taking their kids with no certainty is not acceptable to anybody. Are you going to take your kids with no home, no school and no future to the other side when you know I will take care of your kids? Think.

So you're willing to bring 15 kids into your home to pay for them? Put your money where your mouth is, and stop expecting me the taxpayer to have to do so. If you believe that america should raise and support these kids, you can fucking forget it, not going to happen.

What I'm telling you are the reality and facts in life.

What you are offering does not occur elsewhere on earth, and as someone from another part of the planet I can assure you of that fact. All you are providing is leftist pablum nonsense that america owes these kids anything - we don't, in any way.

If you are worried about cost. Think how much will it cost to shelter 20 millions (at the minimum ) of these kids.

20 MM is ludicrous, but why the flying fuck should the US taxpayer have so support any of them? A quirk /legal mis-reading by some idiot democraps claim they are citizens entitled to support, a claim I and most other rational humans worldwide do NOT.

Who will fill in those jobs they left behind? You? What will happen to their car and home loans by the millions in numbers? What happen to the banks?

LOL are you fucking kidding? Any idiotic company that lent money to an illegal deserves to lose their funds, they are fucking fools.

What happen to the enterprises they left behind like.............. home care, elderly care, convalescence home, restaurants, cleaning services, agricultural products, groceries etc etc etc that totally depends on these people? If you don't have an answer to all of these or just ignore the facts and reality. Then I feel sorry for you. Just because getting rid of illegals doesn't mean it will end your misery.

The US survived quite nicely WITHOUT massive amounts of illegals in the economy from 1775 to 1965 just fine. A lot of the income inequality derives from the existence of the illegal alien-buttressed underclass, and besides reducing my taxes, overcrowding on the highways and schools, etc, would welcome the reduction in illegal alien kids who are taking the space of americans in colleges and elsewhere.

1. Why?
2. Meaning you can't do diddly shit.
3. 1. Who are you to tell them that they cannot leave their kids where they know where/how to survive? What kind of parents who leave their to fend for themselves? I don't have an answer but you are ignorant. For 2016 alone we have total 59,692 unaccompanied minors arrived at the border. That you are sheltering and feeding them right now. Stupid. How did you came up with 2,000 miles?
3.2. We are paying for them right now. Yeah Right............ All 12 millions + their kids? Dude lots of them have jobs that they feed and shelter their American kids that we don't have to worry about.
Do I want to o waste my tax dollars? Heck NO. But the consequences of what you want being a tough shit guy because of your ignorance will triple our problem.
3.3. No dumbshit. I'm not taking any of these kids but their relatives are and they are receiving welfare benefits right now to support these American kids........ Repeat right now as we speak ............ that you are feeding and sheltering. If you are going to stop supporting these American kids then you can also stop supporting all the whites and blacks that are on welfare. Can you do that? If you want to change the constitution retroactively go ahead no one is stopping you but for right now this is where we stand.
I'm NOT offering anything idiot .......... I'm just telling you the reality in life but not with your tough shit attitude.
I asked you a question.... Who will fill in those jobs let say 12 to 25 millions? But you gave me an idiotic answer. So let me repeat it again. Who will fill in those jobs?
They do have car, home and cash loans from the bank by proxies. Idiot. So let me repeat that question. What will happen to those loans and the banks?
This is not 1775 or 1965 that you are dreaming ........ Dude wake up we are now in 2017. Things had changed.

Again............ Do I like the traffic, illegals, crowding, feeding all welfare people and wasting my tax dollars? Heck NO. I'm just telling you the reality. Aside from that I'm very impressed with your ignorance.
Statement #1:

Why would they ( or you) take their American kids to a place where there is no home, no hope and no future?

Statement #2:

Maybe you are not aware that there are tens of thousands of unaccompanied children without parents that are already here and they are not even American kids. We are feeding and housing them.

We ARE so fucking aware of them you have no clue.

IT IS NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF ME OR THE UNITED STATES to support these people. They have illegally entered the country, not even as refugees but as economic migrants. No sane human without an agenda would ever justify the support of having to provide food, clothing, shelter, free education, free healthcare, for tens of millions of poor streaming in from outside the country - it will lead to the eventual bankruptcy of the nation.

The countries from where these people are immigration from are responsible for them, and these people need to figure out how to make their native countries more functional, successful and economically sustainable - not act as parasites off the American public, who is already under enormous pressure economically to survive. It is hard enough to generate sufficient income to support one's own family in 2017, having to support many others is not acceptable.

It is long past time for the system the democraps created to increase their electability to be eradicated, and thank goodness that Trump or someone like him came along; my only disappointment is he did not come 30 years sooner.

Agree. You can eat all your cup cakes.......... But this is where we are now.
I am not on the national socialist, right wing.
Well duh....how could you possibly be something that doesn't exist? Saying "socialist right-wing" is as idiotic as saying "left-wing Sovereign Citizen". You continue to take stupidity to unprecedented levels.
Only the right wing is that, ignorant. Liberal socialism is to the left of national socialism.
Yeah....and "liberal Sovereign Citizen" is to the left of "conservative Sovereign Citizen". :eusa_doh:

No matter how many times you repeat an idiotic lie - it doesn't become true. It is literally impossible to have "right-wing socialism" as they are polar opposites. Do you understand what that means? That's as stupid as saying "this boiling water is freezing" or "this frozen water is scolding hot". It is impossible to be both at the same time. Now run along junior while the adults talk.
No, it isn't. We only have liberal socialists and national socialists.
Since you are clearly in over your head, and are not particularly intelligent since you a-resort to insults b-keep repeating the same nonsense, I will limit my response to just a few points:

3. 1. Who are you to tell them that they cannot leave their kids where they know where/how to survive? What kind of parents who leave their to fend for themselves?

They and their children are NOT legitimately in the country, therefore I and no other US taxpayer can or should legally be forced to pay for them.

For 2016 alone we have total 59,692 unaccompanied minors arrived at the border.

That was only one month's total, IIRC.

How did you came up with 2,000 miles?

The distance from the mexican border to my state. Also the distance from central america to the US border.

Yeah Right............ All 12 millions + their kids? Dude lots of them have jobs that they feed and shelter their American kids that we don't have to worry about.

Dimwit, the jobs these illegals do - mostly low wage - don't come close to paying the taxes to cover the free healthcare, schooling and benefits they and their kids use. Many of these kids eat both breakfast and lunch free at school, how many fucking times do you need to hear this, imbecile?

Who will fill in those jobs let say 12 to 25 millions?

The wages for those jobs will rise, and americans - as they did for centuries - will again take those jobs. Fuck off idiot if all you can do is toss insults.
It is legal in California. There is no, drug war clause in our federal Constitution.

Learn something about this country. You do not have to have any clause in the Constitution to make something illegal. Marrying more than one person is illegal. Being in possession of child porn is illegal. And yes, being in this country without permission is illegal; none of it mentioned in the US Constitution.
I am not on the national socialist, right wing.
Well duh....how could you possibly be something that doesn't exist? Saying "socialist right-wing" is as idiotic as saying "left-wing Sovereign Citizen". You continue to take stupidity to unprecedented levels.
Only the right wing is that, ignorant. Liberal socialism is to the left of national socialism.
Yeah....and "liberal Sovereign Citizen" is to the left of "conservative Sovereign Citizen". :eusa_doh:

No matter how many times you repeat an idiotic lie - it doesn't become true. It is literally impossible to have "right-wing socialism" as they are polar opposites. Do you understand what that means? That's as stupid as saying "this boiling water is freezing" or "this frozen water is scolding hot". It is impossible to be both at the same time. Now run along junior while the adults talk.
No, it isn't. We only have liberal socialists and national socialists.
Yeah....and "liberal Sovereign Citizen" is to the left of "conservative Sovereign Citizen". :eusa_doh:

No matter how many times you repeat an idiotic lie - it doesn't become true. It is literally impossible to have "right-wing socialism" as they are polar opposites. Do you understand what that means? That's as stupid as saying "this boiling water is freezing" or "this frozen water is scolding hot". It is impossible to be both at the same time. Now run along junior while the adults talk.
immigration is an organized replacement of our population. this threatens our very survival. we don't have the means to integrate the folks who are already here. the end result is endless cultural conflict.
immigration is an organized replacement of our population. this threatens our very survival. we don't have the means to integrate the folks who are already here. the end result is endless cultural conflict.
Much more importantly than "cultural conflict" is that a nation only has "x" amount of resources to sustain life. We only have so much currency in our economy - dividing that among an additional 35,000,000 unaccounted for people is unsustainable. We only have so much food that we can produce - dividing that among an additional 35,000,000 unaccounted for people is unsustainable. We only have so many doctors and nurses to provide healthcare - dividing that among an additional 35,000,000 is unsustainable.

It's such a shame that our friends on the left operate off of irrational emotions rather than logic and reason.
As long as we have the power, Congress should introduce a bill that makes English the official language of our country.
As long as we have the power, Congress should introduce a bill that makes English the official language of our country.
That's pretty fuck'n sad that we need a bill for that. English already is the official language of the United States. We don't need a fuck'n piece of paper to confirm that.
It is legal in California. There is no, drug war clause in our federal Constitution.

Learn something about this country. You do not have to have any clause in the Constitution to make something illegal. Marrying more than one person is illegal. Being in possession of child porn is illegal. And yes, being in this country without permission is illegal; none of it mentioned in the US Constitution.
We have a Constitution. What happened to Individual Liberty and personal responsibility?

Just stop whining about the poor needing social services.
I am not on the national socialist, right wing.
Well duh....how could you possibly be something that doesn't exist? Saying "socialist right-wing" is as idiotic as saying "left-wing Sovereign Citizen". You continue to take stupidity to unprecedented levels.
Only the right wing is that, ignorant. Liberal socialism is to the left of national socialism.
Yeah....and "liberal Sovereign Citizen" is to the left of "conservative Sovereign Citizen". :eusa_doh:

No matter how many times you repeat an idiotic lie - it doesn't become true. It is literally impossible to have "right-wing socialism" as they are polar opposites. Do you understand what that means? That's as stupid as saying "this boiling water is freezing" or "this frozen water is scolding hot". It is impossible to be both at the same time. Now run along junior while the adults talk.
No, it isn't. We only have liberal socialists and national socialists.
Yeah....and "liberal Sovereign Citizen" is to the left of "conservative Sovereign Citizen". :eusa_doh:

No matter how many times you repeat an idiotic lie - it doesn't become true. It is literally impossible to have "right-wing socialism" as they are polar opposites. Do you understand what that means? That's as stupid as saying "this boiling water is freezing" or "this frozen water is scolding hot". It is impossible to be both at the same time. Now run along junior while the adults talk.
No they are not. Left wing socialism is liberal; right wing socialism is national.
immigration is an organized replacement of our population. this threatens our very survival. we don't have the means to integrate the folks who are already here. the end result is endless cultural conflict.
Much more importantly than "cultural conflict" is that a nation only has "x" amount of resources to sustain life. We only have so much currency in our economy - dividing that among an additional 35,000,000 unaccounted for people is unsustainable. We only have so much food that we can produce - dividing that among an additional 35,000,000 unaccounted for people is unsustainable. We only have so many doctors and nurses to provide healthcare - dividing that among an additional 35,000,000 is unsustainable.

It's such a shame that our friends on the left operate off of irrational emotions rather than logic and reason.
Yet, we can "afford" alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror; but, not equal protection of the law for the poor.

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