He wasn't kidding: Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states

A market friendly visa could generate revenue while solving our illegal problem on a permanent basis via Capitalism instead of socialism on a national basis. Is it any wonder, the right wing refuses to go along with Capitalism.

Why the fuck would I want wealthy arab muslims and russians with their ill-gotten gains buying visas?

BTW uneducated dimwit, it already exists:

EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program
silly; are you claiming, nationalists and protectionists, don't consider themselves, "conservative"?
So wait....are you claiming that left-wingers don't consider themselves nationalists? They don't desire independence for the U.S.? :laugh:

1. a person who advocates political independence for a country.
Only the right wing gets their entire, "encyclopedic" understanding of concepts, from a dictionary
Bwahahahahaha!!! Danny boy here is so intellectually dishonest that he's actually going to denounce a dictionary and make the case that words have no meaning.

Snowflake - you've had your ass kicked here. Just go home. Seriously. There is no point in continuing to embarrass yourself like this.
Just ignorance? why not take a political science class. the political jargon you resort to, was for the masses.
We have a Constitution. What happened to Individual Liberty and personal responsibility? Just stop whining about the poor needing social services.

We don't have an issue with AMERICANS needing social services, we DO have an issue having to support the poor of OTHER countries.
are you new here or something? the right wingers have a problem with the poor, getting equal protection of our own laws.
Yet, we can "afford" alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror; but, not equal protection of the law for the poor.

Let me fix that for you:

"Yet, we can afford alleged providing free healthcare, schooling, benefits, food and shelter for illegals from central/south america; but, not equal protection for veterans, the poor, or infrastructure."
no illegals are poor?
We have a Constitution. What happened to Individual Liberty and personal responsibility? Just stop whining about the poor needing social services.

We don't have an issue with AMERICANS needing social services, we DO have an issue having to support the poor of OTHER countries.
are you new here or something? the right wingers have a problem with the poor, getting equal protection of our own laws.

What laws do not apply equal protection of the poor?
Finally, a president with balls large enough to have the courage to do the right thing.

Ah, the snowflakes will be siding with the criminals as usual.

Kind of nice having a President that does what he promises. This is something that's strange to us voters.

Yup. It sure is nice.

Obama did the same thing for his entire eight years in office. Never heard one single word from the lefties on this board about him breaking up families or any of that other bullshit they like to spout.

Now that Trump is doing it its a national disgrace as far as these lefty idiots are concerned.

Hope Trump keeps deporting these illegals and he builds that wall so they can't come back. More than works for me.
Finally, a president with balls large enough to have the courage to do the right thing.

Ah, the snowflakes will be siding with the criminals as usual.

Kind of nice having a President that does what he promises. This is something that's strange to us voters.

Yup. It sure is nice.

Obama did the same thing for his entire eight years in office. Never heard one single word from the lefties on this board about him breaking up families or any of that other bullshit they like to spout.

Now that Trump is doing it its a national disgrace as far as these lefty idiots are concerned.

Hope Trump keeps deporting these illegals and he builds that wall so they can't come back. More than works for me.

This is a perfect example of how the MSM controls the minds of people. It's clear that they were hoping for protests and riots just like they always do. The more protests and riots, the more ratings. Yet you can't convince the left of this no matter how much evidence you provide. They simply tell you that you were programmed by Fox or Rush when in fact, they are the ones being programmed.
Only the right wing gets their entire, "encyclopedic" understanding of concepts, from a dictionary
Bwahahahahaha!!! Danny boy here is so intellectually dishonest that he's actually going to denounce a dictionary and make the case that words have no meaning.

Snowflake - you've had your ass kicked here. Just go home. Seriously. There is no point in continuing to embarrass yourself like this.
Just ignorance? why not take a political science class. the political jargon you resort to, was for the masses.
"Just ignorance?" - who are you, Ron Burgundy? Who puts a question mark after a statement? Someone who is still in junior high and has a LOT of English classes left to take - that's who.

Dude...why not get out of junior high before joining a message board? You should be studying (it's painfully clear you need to study). You didn't even know what the term "nationalism" meant - causing you to look like an idiot using it Look at the posts here - you are dead wrong and everyone is obliterating your stupid comments.
ignore or "repeal" is all the right wing has.
You just proved we're not "socialists" snowflake. Socialism creates laws to force people into sharing what they have. Repealing laws liberates people and markets.

dear, Taxation is Not Capitalism.
Nobody mentioned "taxation" nitwit. You said (and I quote) "repeal is all the right-wing has". Exactly. The right is all about small, constitutional government and free markets. Repealing the illegal, marxist laws implemented by the ignorant Dumbocrats results in the end of socialism.
Thank you president Trump. I saw the tear fest on TV, "he's ripping families apart". Cry me a river. How odd to leftists that the laws are for everyone and should be enforced. For me they are more than welcome to join their illegal immigrant.
Precisely. At no time has President Trump suggested that the children, and spouses of illegal aliens would be forbidden from leaving the US. That's a matter for them to take up with the aliens native government. Has zero to do with US law, or policy.

Would be more easy if they just collected the ones sitting in all the county jails in the US, then all the ones on probation.
are you new here or something? the right wingers have a problem with the poor, getting equal protection of our own laws.

New here, idiot asshole? I've been here like what 7 years before you? You have mental issues? And stop deflecting from the topic, moron - this thread is about illegal aliens.
We have a Constitution. What happened to Individual Liberty and personal responsibility? Just stop whining about the poor needing social services.

We don't have an issue with AMERICANS needing social services, we DO have an issue having to support the poor of OTHER countries.
are you new here or something? the right wingers have a problem with the poor, getting equal protection of our own laws.

What laws do not apply equal protection of the poor?
The legal concept of employment at will. We have a federal Doctrine and State laws that claim, employment is at the will of either party, not just the employer, for Any employment relationship and anyThing, pursuant to it.
Yet, we can "afford" alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror; but, not equal protection of the law for the poor.
Well if you truly are all about "equal protection under the law" then you unquestionably would agree that a man cannot be brought up on charges for an abortion:

The law MUST be applied EQUALLY
It seems to involve, questionable ethics.

Why does the right wing complain about both, the cost of an ounce of prevention and the cost of a pound of cure; it only increases our tax burden.
Since you are clearly in over your head, and are not particularly intelligent since you a-resort to insults b-keep repeating the same nonsense, I will limit my response to just a few points:

3. 1. Who are you to tell them that they cannot leave their kids where they know where/how to survive? What kind of parents who leave their to fend for themselves?

They and their children are NOT legitimately in the country, therefore I and no other US taxpayer can or should legally be forced to pay for them.

For 2016 alone we have total 59,692 unaccompanied minors arrived at the border.

That was only one month's total, IIRC.

How did you came up with 2,000 miles?

The distance from the mexican border to my state. Also the distance from central america to the US border.

Yeah Right............ All 12 millions + their kids? Dude lots of them have jobs that they feed and shelter their American kids that we don't have to worry about.

Dimwit, the jobs these illegals do - mostly low wage - don't come close to paying the taxes to cover the free healthcare, schooling and benefits they and their kids use. Many of these kids eat both breakfast and lunch free at school, how many fucking times do you need to hear this, imbecile?

Who will fill in those jobs let say 12 to 25 millions?

The wages for those jobs will rise, and americans - as they did for centuries - will again take those jobs. Fuck off idiot if all you can do is toss insults.

Fuck off? When you keep babbling idiotic non sense post far from reality and facts.
I keep repeating the questions bc you are not answering directly but keep deflecting and insisting your toughness. Just bc you are tough doesn't mean it's the common sense rule. Dude grow up and get real.
That is right most illegals hold low paying jobs.....by the millions with S. So again...... who will take over those jobs? This is a very simple question but you are so stupid you cannot even answer a simple question.

Wages will rise. Because of your almighty toughness....... Are you speaking for the rest of the struggling Americans paying high prices?
If you are willing to pay people cleaning you at convalescence home $20/hour ...... How much do you think they will charge you? Are you speaking for the rest of Americans?
Agricultural jobs...... if they hire Americans like you.......... Farm owners will hire accountant to figure taxes, pay check/paperworks, insurance just incase you hurt your back, shoes bc you don't want to ruin your Walmart sneaker, maybe uniform, breaks every 2 hours. Since you were not born to do those jobs most likely you will walk out after 2 hours or less. What do you think the business and farmer owners will do if that happen? How much do you think those lettuce/head will cost? Are you speaking for the rest of Americans just bc you are so tough?

BTW you potty mouth.......... go wash your mouth with toilet water.

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