He wasn't kidding: Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states

Agree. You can eat all your cup cakes.......... But this is where we are now.

And why WE voted for Trump, so that the raids we are seeing in the news this weekend can be enormously increased until all 35 MM are gone, including their anchor kids.

The world doesn't work that way but Hitler does.

Obama isn't President anymore. So Hitler comparisons don't even make sense.

So how did Obama came to the picture?

Your buddy here is so tough he also wants to deport Americans. As far a I know only dictator that can do that.
Agree. You can eat all your cup cakes.......... But this is where we are now.

And why WE voted for Trump, so that the raids we are seeing in the news this weekend can be enormously increased until all 35 MM are gone, including their anchor kids.

The world doesn't work that way but Hitler does.

Obama isn't President anymore. So Hitler comparisons don't even make sense.

So how did Obama came to the picture?

Your buddy here is so tough he also wants to deport Americans. As far a I know only dictator that can do that.

Deporting illegal immigrants is something a dictator would do? Allowing them to stay here and allowing sanctuary cities and suing states for enforcing the law is ACTUALLY something a dictator would do.
Since you are clearly in over your head, and are not particularly intelligent since you a-resort to insults b-keep repeating the same nonsense, I will limit my response to just a few points:

3. 1. Who are you to tell them that they cannot leave their kids where they know where/how to survive? What kind of parents who leave their to fend for themselves?

They and their children are NOT legitimately in the country, therefore I and no other US taxpayer can or should legally be forced to pay for them.

For 2016 alone we have total 59,692 unaccompanied minors arrived at the border.

That was only one month's total, IIRC.

How did you came up with 2,000 miles?

The distance from the mexican border to my state. Also the distance from central america to the US border.

Yeah Right............ All 12 millions + their kids? Dude lots of them have jobs that they feed and shelter their American kids that we don't have to worry about.

Dimwit, the jobs these illegals do - mostly low wage - don't come close to paying the taxes to cover the free healthcare, schooling and benefits they and their kids use. Many of these kids eat both breakfast and lunch free at school, how many fucking times do you need to hear this, imbecile?

Who will fill in those jobs let say 12 to 25 millions?

The wages for those jobs will rise, and americans - as they did for centuries - will again take those jobs. Fuck off idiot if all you can do is toss insults.

Fuck off? When you keep babbling idiotic non sense post far from reality and facts.
I keep repeating the questions bc you are not answering directly but keep deflecting and insisting your toughness. Just bc you are tough doesn't mean it's the common sense rule. Dude grow up and get real.
That is right most illegals hold low paying jobs.....by the millions with S. So again...... who will take over those jobs? This is a very simple question but you are so stupid you cannot even answer a simple question.

Wages will rise. Because of your almighty toughness....... Are you speaking for the rest of the struggling Americans paying high prices?
If you are willing to pay people cleaning you at convalescence home $20/hour ...... How much do you think they will charge you? Are you speaking for the rest of Americans?
Agricultural jobs...... if they hire Americans like you.......... Farm owners will hire accountant to figure taxes, pay check/paperworks, insurance just incase you hurt your back, shoes bc you don't want to ruin your Walmart sneaker, maybe uniform, breaks every 2 hours. Since you were not born to do those jobs most likely you will walk out after 2 hours or less. What do you think the business and farmer owners will do if that happen? How much do you think those lettuce/head will cost? Are you speaking for the rest of Americans just bc you are so tough?

BTW you potty mouth.......... go wash your mouth with toilet water.

This debate has been had a million times over. I'll bite anyway and make this brief.
These "jobs" you speak of that you insist only illegals are capable of fulfilling; who do you think worked these jobs before the U.S. became beanerized?
If the U.S. we're to eradicate all the human cockroaches taxpayers would save 100 billion-ish per year...I'm thinking we could afford to pay some inflated costs on goods and services due to hire wages being paid...Your thoughts?
What part of Mexico are you from?
Agree. You can eat all your cup cakes.......... But this is where we are now.

And why WE voted for Trump, so that the raids we are seeing in the news this weekend can be enormously increased until all 35 MM are gone, including their anchor kids.

The world doesn't work that way but Hitler does.

Obama isn't President anymore. So Hitler comparisons don't even make sense.

So how did Obama came to the picture?

Your buddy here is so tough he also wants to deport Americans. As far a I know only dictator that can do that.

Deporting illegal immigrants is something a dictator would do? Allowing them to stay here and allowing sanctuary cities and suing states for enforcing the law is ACTUALLY something a dictator would do.

That is correct.
Deporting American citizen is also what dictator do.
Since you are clearly in over your head, and are not particularly intelligent since you a-resort to insults b-keep repeating the same nonsense, I will limit my response to just a few points:

3. 1. Who are you to tell them that they cannot leave their kids where they know where/how to survive? What kind of parents who leave their to fend for themselves?

They and their children are NOT legitimately in the country, therefore I and no other US taxpayer can or should legally be forced to pay for them.

For 2016 alone we have total 59,692 unaccompanied minors arrived at the border.

That was only one month's total, IIRC.

How did you came up with 2,000 miles?

The distance from the mexican border to my state. Also the distance from central america to the US border.

Yeah Right............ All 12 millions + their kids? Dude lots of them have jobs that they feed and shelter their American kids that we don't have to worry about.

Dimwit, the jobs these illegals do - mostly low wage - don't come close to paying the taxes to cover the free healthcare, schooling and benefits they and their kids use. Many of these kids eat both breakfast and lunch free at school, how many fucking times do you need to hear this, imbecile?

Who will fill in those jobs let say 12 to 25 millions?

The wages for those jobs will rise, and americans - as they did for centuries - will again take those jobs. Fuck off idiot if all you can do is toss insults.

Fuck off? When you keep babbling idiotic non sense post far from reality and facts.
I keep repeating the questions bc you are not answering directly but keep deflecting and insisting your toughness. Just bc you are tough doesn't mean it's the common sense rule. Dude grow up and get real.
That is right most illegals hold low paying jobs.....by the millions with S. So again...... who will take over those jobs? This is a very simple question but you are so stupid you cannot even answer a simple question.

Wages will rise. Because of your almighty toughness....... Are you speaking for the rest of the struggling Americans paying high prices?
If you are willing to pay people cleaning you at convalescence home $20/hour ...... How much do you think they will charge you? Are you speaking for the rest of Americans?
Agricultural jobs...... if they hire Americans like you.......... Farm owners will hire accountant to figure taxes, pay check/paperworks, insurance just incase you hurt your back, shoes bc you don't want to ruin your Walmart sneaker, maybe uniform, breaks every 2 hours. Since you were not born to do those jobs most likely you will walk out after 2 hours or less. What do you think the business and farmer owners will do if that happen? How much do you think those lettuce/head will cost? Are you speaking for the rest of Americans just bc you are so tough?

BTW you potty mouth.......... go wash your mouth with toilet water.

I'm more than happy to pay twice the cost for a head of lettuce if it means I'm paying Americans to do American jobs.

Now you leftists are worried about price, but have no care about price when talking a huge minimum wage increase. You bitch and complain about those evil Republicans sending our jobs overseas, but have no problem with people coming here to take our jobs.
And why WE voted for Trump, so that the raids we are seeing in the news this weekend can be enormously increased until all 35 MM are gone, including their anchor kids.

The world doesn't work that way but Hitler does.

Obama isn't President anymore. So Hitler comparisons don't even make sense.

So how did Obama came to the picture?

Your buddy here is so tough he also wants to deport Americans. As far a I know only dictator that can do that.

Deporting illegal immigrants is something a dictator would do? Allowing them to stay here and allowing sanctuary cities and suing states for enforcing the law is ACTUALLY something a dictator would do.

That is correct.
Deporting American citizen is also what dictator do.

So who's deporting American citizens?
Since you are clearly in over your head, and are not particularly intelligent since you a-resort to insults b-keep repeating the same nonsense, I will limit my response to just a few points:

3. 1. Who are you to tell them that they cannot leave their kids where they know where/how to survive? What kind of parents who leave their to fend for themselves?

They and their children are NOT legitimately in the country, therefore I and no other US taxpayer can or should legally be forced to pay for them.

For 2016 alone we have total 59,692 unaccompanied minors arrived at the border.

That was only one month's total, IIRC.

How did you came up with 2,000 miles?

The distance from the mexican border to my state. Also the distance from central america to the US border.

Yeah Right............ All 12 millions + their kids? Dude lots of them have jobs that they feed and shelter their American kids that we don't have to worry about.

Dimwit, the jobs these illegals do - mostly low wage - don't come close to paying the taxes to cover the free healthcare, schooling and benefits they and their kids use. Many of these kids eat both breakfast and lunch free at school, how many fucking times do you need to hear this, imbecile?

Who will fill in those jobs let say 12 to 25 millions?

The wages for those jobs will rise, and americans - as they did for centuries - will again take those jobs. Fuck off idiot if all you can do is toss insults.

Fuck off? When you keep babbling idiotic non sense post far from reality and facts.
I keep repeating the questions bc you are not answering directly but keep deflecting and insisting your toughness. Just bc you are tough doesn't mean it's the common sense rule. Dude grow up and get real.
That is right most illegals hold low paying jobs.....by the millions with S. So again...... who will take over those jobs? This is a very simple question but you are so stupid you cannot even answer a simple question.

Wages will rise. Because of your almighty toughness....... Are you speaking for the rest of the struggling Americans paying high prices?
If you are willing to pay people cleaning you at convalescence home $20/hour ...... How much do you think they will charge you? Are you speaking for the rest of Americans?
Agricultural jobs...... if they hire Americans like you.......... Farm owners will hire accountant to figure taxes, pay check/paperworks, insurance just incase you hurt your back, shoes bc you don't want to ruin your Walmart sneaker, maybe uniform, breaks every 2 hours. Since you were not born to do those jobs most likely you will walk out after 2 hours or less. What do you think the business and farmer owners will do if that happen? How much do you think those lettuce/head will cost? Are you speaking for the rest of Americans just bc you are so tough?

BTW you potty mouth.......... go wash your mouth with toilet water.

This debate has been had a million times over. I'll bite anyway and make this brief.
These "jobs" you speak of that you insist only illegals are capable of fulfilling; who do you think worked these jobs before the U.S. became beanerized?
If the U.S. we're to eradicate all the human cockroaches taxpayers would save 100 billion-ish per year...I'm thinking we could afford to pay some inflated costs on goods and services due to hire wages being paid...Your thoughts?
What part of Mexico are you from?

Exactly. Americans will do any job provided the compensation if fair. When these illegals disappear, industry will have to increase their offer to attract workers. That's the way we've always done things in this country.
Since you are clearly in over your head, and are not particularly intelligent since you a-resort to insults b-keep repeating the same nonsense, I will limit my response to just a few points:

3. 1. Who are you to tell them that they cannot leave their kids where they know where/how to survive? What kind of parents who leave their to fend for themselves?

They and their children are NOT legitimately in the country, therefore I and no other US taxpayer can or should legally be forced to pay for them.

For 2016 alone we have total 59,692 unaccompanied minors arrived at the border.

That was only one month's total, IIRC.

How did you came up with 2,000 miles?

The distance from the mexican border to my state. Also the distance from central america to the US border.

Yeah Right............ All 12 millions + their kids? Dude lots of them have jobs that they feed and shelter their American kids that we don't have to worry about.

Dimwit, the jobs these illegals do - mostly low wage - don't come close to paying the taxes to cover the free healthcare, schooling and benefits they and their kids use. Many of these kids eat both breakfast and lunch free at school, how many fucking times do you need to hear this, imbecile?

Who will fill in those jobs let say 12 to 25 millions?

The wages for those jobs will rise, and americans - as they did for centuries - will again take those jobs. Fuck off idiot if all you can do is toss insults.

Fuck off? When you keep babbling idiotic non sense post far from reality and facts.
I keep repeating the questions bc you are not answering directly but keep deflecting and insisting your toughness. Just bc you are tough doesn't mean it's the common sense rule. Dude grow up and get real.
That is right most illegals hold low paying jobs.....by the millions with S. So again...... who will take over those jobs? This is a very simple question but you are so stupid you cannot even answer a simple question.

Wages will rise. Because of your almighty toughness....... Are you speaking for the rest of the struggling Americans paying high prices?
If you are willing to pay people cleaning you at convalescence home $20/hour ...... How much do you think they will charge you? Are you speaking for the rest of Americans?
Agricultural jobs...... if they hire Americans like you.......... Farm owners will hire accountant to figure taxes, pay check/paperworks, insurance just incase you hurt your back, shoes bc you don't want to ruin your Walmart sneaker, maybe uniform, breaks every 2 hours. Since you were not born to do those jobs most likely you will walk out after 2 hours or less. What do you think the business and farmer owners will do if that happen? How much do you think those lettuce/head will cost? Are you speaking for the rest of Americans just bc you are so tough?

BTW you potty mouth.......... go wash your mouth with toilet water.

This debate has been had a million times over. I'll bite anyway and make this brief.
These "jobs" you speak of that you insist only illegals are capable of fulfilling; who do you think worked these jobs before the U.S. became beanerized?
If the U.S. we're to eradicate all the human cockroaches taxpayers would save 100 billion-ish per year...I'm thinking we could afford to pay some inflated costs on goods and services due to hire wages being paid...Your thoughts?
What part of Mexico are you from?

Yes this has been debated a million times but so far only tough guy like you came out nothing but tough shit.
There are jobs right now and there are shortages of workers with low paying jobs all over the place. Where the fuck are they if they need or willing to work?
Are you going to get those lazy Americans that are depending on welfare go for to work for minimum wage let say $16? Most of these has kids. Are they going to pay babysitter that cost them more what they make? That's just one example.
And if I eradicate peasant like you out of America the world will be better.

I'm an American born and raised 100% a business owner. And am having a hard time filling warehouse jobs and engineering jobs vacancies. So where the hell are the Americans willing to work? I do not have illegal or H1B employees.
Since you are clearly in over your head, and are not particularly intelligent since you a-resort to insults b-keep repeating the same nonsense, I will limit my response to just a few points:

3. 1. Who are you to tell them that they cannot leave their kids where they know where/how to survive? What kind of parents who leave their to fend for themselves?

They and their children are NOT legitimately in the country, therefore I and no other US taxpayer can or should legally be forced to pay for them.

For 2016 alone we have total 59,692 unaccompanied minors arrived at the border.

That was only one month's total, IIRC.

How did you came up with 2,000 miles?

The distance from the mexican border to my state. Also the distance from central america to the US border.

Yeah Right............ All 12 millions + their kids? Dude lots of them have jobs that they feed and shelter their American kids that we don't have to worry about.

Dimwit, the jobs these illegals do - mostly low wage - don't come close to paying the taxes to cover the free healthcare, schooling and benefits they and their kids use. Many of these kids eat both breakfast and lunch free at school, how many fucking times do you need to hear this, imbecile?

Who will fill in those jobs let say 12 to 25 millions?

The wages for those jobs will rise, and americans - as they did for centuries - will again take those jobs. Fuck off idiot if all you can do is toss insults.

Fuck off? When you keep babbling idiotic non sense post far from reality and facts.
I keep repeating the questions bc you are not answering directly but keep deflecting and insisting your toughness. Just bc you are tough doesn't mean it's the common sense rule. Dude grow up and get real.
That is right most illegals hold low paying jobs.....by the millions with S. So again...... who will take over those jobs? This is a very simple question but you are so stupid you cannot even answer a simple question.

Wages will rise. Because of your almighty toughness....... Are you speaking for the rest of the struggling Americans paying high prices?
If you are willing to pay people cleaning you at convalescence home $20/hour ...... How much do you think they will charge you? Are you speaking for the rest of Americans?
Agricultural jobs...... if they hire Americans like you.......... Farm owners will hire accountant to figure taxes, pay check/paperworks, insurance just incase you hurt your back, shoes bc you don't want to ruin your Walmart sneaker, maybe uniform, breaks every 2 hours. Since you were not born to do those jobs most likely you will walk out after 2 hours or less. What do you think the business and farmer owners will do if that happen? How much do you think those lettuce/head will cost? Are you speaking for the rest of Americans just bc you are so tough?

BTW you potty mouth.......... go wash your mouth with toilet water.

This debate has been had a million times over. I'll bite anyway and make this brief.
These "jobs" you speak of that you insist only illegals are capable of fulfilling; who do you think worked these jobs before the U.S. became beanerized?
If the U.S. we're to eradicate all the human cockroaches taxpayers would save 100 billion-ish per year...I'm thinking we could afford to pay some inflated costs on goods and services due to hire wages being paid...Your thoughts?
What part of Mexico are you from?

Yes this has been debated a million times but so far only tough guy like you came out nothing but tough shit.
There are jobs right now and there are shortages of workers with low paying jobs all over the place. Where the fuck are they if they need or willing to work?
Are you going to get those lazy Americans that are depending on welfare go for to work for minimum wage let say $16? Most of these has kids. Are they going to pay babysitter that cost them more what they make? That's just one example.
And if I eradicate peasant like you out of America the world will be better.

I'm an American born and raised 100% a business owner. And am having a hard time filling warehouse jobs and engineering jobs vacancies. So where the hell are the Americans willing to work? I do not have illegal or H1B employees.

"I'm an American born and raised 100%"
I'm gonna call bullshit right now!
No REAL American speaks the way you do. You're here by illegal means...I'll just call it...you're an original anchor baby...hands down FOR SURE!
"And am having a hard time filling warehouse jobs and engineering jobs vacancies. So where the hell are the Americans willing to work?"
If you are a business owner I'm 100% sure you hire illegals. Yep, you're that guy.
What's odd is; I too am a business owner and each time we run an add or a listing offering employment we receive more inquiry's than we're able to process in timely fashion....That leads me to believe...yep, you guessed it, again you're full of shit.
Watched a report on TV Monday that said the wealthy down in Mexico are pissed off cuz the US is deporting criminal illegals. Cracked me up.
Watched a report on TV Monday that said the wealthy down in Mexico are pissed off cuz the US is deporting criminal illegals. Cracked me up.

Haha...I'm not at all surprised. Nobody but the twisted, whack-job Liberals here operating with my check book want to harbor and care for adult filth....Funny shit!
Since you are clearly in over your head, and are not particularly intelligent since you a-resort to insults b-keep repeating the same nonsense, I will limit my response to just a few points:

3. 1. Who are you to tell them that they cannot leave their kids where they know where/how to survive? What kind of parents who leave their to fend for themselves?

They and their children are NOT legitimately in the country, therefore I and no other US taxpayer can or should legally be forced to pay for them.

For 2016 alone we have total 59,692 unaccompanied minors arrived at the border.

That was only one month's total, IIRC.

How did you came up with 2,000 miles?

The distance from the mexican border to my state. Also the distance from central america to the US border.

Yeah Right............ All 12 millions + their kids? Dude lots of them have jobs that they feed and shelter their American kids that we don't have to worry about.

Dimwit, the jobs these illegals do - mostly low wage - don't come close to paying the taxes to cover the free healthcare, schooling and benefits they and their kids use. Many of these kids eat both breakfast and lunch free at school, how many fucking times do you need to hear this, imbecile?

Who will fill in those jobs let say 12 to 25 millions?

The wages for those jobs will rise, and americans - as they did for centuries - will again take those jobs. Fuck off idiot if all you can do is toss insults.

Fuck off? When you keep babbling idiotic non sense post far from reality and facts.
I keep repeating the questions bc you are not answering directly but keep deflecting and insisting your toughness. Just bc you are tough doesn't mean it's the common sense rule. Dude grow up and get real.
That is right most illegals hold low paying jobs.....by the millions with S. So again...... who will take over those jobs? This is a very simple question but you are so stupid you cannot even answer a simple question.

Wages will rise. Because of your almighty toughness....... Are you speaking for the rest of the struggling Americans paying high prices?
If you are willing to pay people cleaning you at convalescence home $20/hour ...... How much do you think they will charge you? Are you speaking for the rest of Americans?
Agricultural jobs...... if they hire Americans like you.......... Farm owners will hire accountant to figure taxes, pay check/paperworks, insurance just incase you hurt your back, shoes bc you don't want to ruin your Walmart sneaker, maybe uniform, breaks every 2 hours. Since you were not born to do those jobs most likely you will walk out after 2 hours or less. What do you think the business and farmer owners will do if that happen? How much do you think those lettuce/head will cost? Are you speaking for the rest of Americans just bc you are so tough?

BTW you potty mouth.......... go wash your mouth with toilet water.

This debate has been had a million times over. I'll bite anyway and make this brief.
These "jobs" you speak of that you insist only illegals are capable of fulfilling; who do you think worked these jobs before the U.S. became beanerized?
If the U.S. we're to eradicate all the human cockroaches taxpayers would save 100 billion-ish per year...I'm thinking we could afford to pay some inflated costs on goods and services due to hire wages being paid...Your thoughts?
What part of Mexico are you from?

Yes this has been debated a million times but so far only tough guy like you came out nothing but tough shit.
There are jobs right now and there are shortages of workers with low paying jobs all over the place. Where the fuck are they if they need or willing to work?
Are you going to get those lazy Americans that are depending on welfare go for to work for minimum wage let say $16? Most of these has kids. Are they going to pay babysitter that cost them more what they make? That's just one example.
And if I eradicate peasant like you out of America the world will be better.

I'm an American born and raised 100% a business owner. And am having a hard time filling warehouse jobs and engineering jobs vacancies. So where the hell are the Americans willing to work? I do not have illegal or H1B employees.

The problem is our government welfare system. The reason you can't hire people is because it makes more sense to stay on government programs. If you don't work, you get a free home by HUD in the suburbs, all medical taken care of under Commie Care, a free cell phone with 250 anytime minutes, all the food you and your family can eat, and the more kids you have, the better the benefits.

So the solution is very simple: cut welfare while at the same time, get rid of these illegals. When work pays better than social programs, you will get applicants to work for your company.
Deporting illegal immigrants is something a dictator would do? Allowing them to stay here and allowing sanctuary cities and suing states for enforcing the law is ACTUALLY something a dictator would do.

You're responding to probably the least intelligent poster I've seen here in ages, and believe you me, given some of the vanquished/banned dogshit in my sig I've seen my share. Don't waste your time on an idiot whose sole argument is to call people names/making childish comments/and when all else fails, throw in the nazi labels. Yawnnnnnn....
"I'm an American born and raised 100%"
I'm gonna call bullshit right now! No REAL American speaks the way you do. You're here by illegal means...I'll just call it...you're an original anchor baby...hands down FOR SURE! "And am having a hard time filling warehouse jobs and engineering jobs vacancies. So where the hell are the Americans willing to work?" If you are a business owner I'm 100% sure you hire illegals. Yep, you're that guy.What's odd is; I too am a business owner and each time we run an add or a listing offering employment we receive more inquiry's than we're able to process in timely fashion....That leads me to believe...yep, you guessed it, again you're full of shit.

Given how bad the moron's english is, its pretty obvious the low IQ turd is as american as a fleck of lunar dust. I am really beginning to think that there are genetic intelligence differences between peoples.

41 arrested in NY-area ICE operation targeting criminal aliens, illegal re-entrants & immigration fugitives

ICE arrests 161 in Los Angeles-area operation

235 arrested by ICE in 7 Midwestern states

190 arrested in GA, Carolinas by ICE

he wasn't kidding!

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