He wasn't kidding: Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states

Since you are clearly in over your head, and are not particularly intelligent since you a-resort to insults b-keep repeating the same nonsense, I will limit my response to just a few points:

3. 1. Who are you to tell them that they cannot leave their kids where they know where/how to survive? What kind of parents who leave their to fend for themselves?

They and their children are NOT legitimately in the country, therefore I and no other US taxpayer can or should legally be forced to pay for them.

For 2016 alone we have total 59,692 unaccompanied minors arrived at the border.

That was only one month's total, IIRC.

How did you came up with 2,000 miles?

The distance from the mexican border to my state. Also the distance from central america to the US border.

Yeah Right............ All 12 millions + their kids? Dude lots of them have jobs that they feed and shelter their American kids that we don't have to worry about.

Dimwit, the jobs these illegals do - mostly low wage - don't come close to paying the taxes to cover the free healthcare, schooling and benefits they and their kids use. Many of these kids eat both breakfast and lunch free at school, how many fucking times do you need to hear this, imbecile?

Who will fill in those jobs let say 12 to 25 millions?

The wages for those jobs will rise, and americans - as they did for centuries - will again take those jobs. Fuck off idiot if all you can do is toss insults.

Fuck off? When you keep babbling idiotic non sense post far from reality and facts.
I keep repeating the questions bc you are not answering directly but keep deflecting and insisting your toughness. Just bc you are tough doesn't mean it's the common sense rule. Dude grow up and get real.
That is right most illegals hold low paying jobs.....by the millions with S. So again...... who will take over those jobs? This is a very simple question but you are so stupid you cannot even answer a simple question.

Wages will rise. Because of your almighty toughness....... Are you speaking for the rest of the struggling Americans paying high prices?
If you are willing to pay people cleaning you at convalescence home $20/hour ...... How much do you think they will charge you? Are you speaking for the rest of Americans?
Agricultural jobs...... if they hire Americans like you.......... Farm owners will hire accountant to figure taxes, pay check/paperworks, insurance just incase you hurt your back, shoes bc you don't want to ruin your Walmart sneaker, maybe uniform, breaks every 2 hours. Since you were not born to do those jobs most likely you will walk out after 2 hours or less. What do you think the business and farmer owners will do if that happen? How much do you think those lettuce/head will cost? Are you speaking for the rest of Americans just bc you are so tough?

BTW you potty mouth.......... go wash your mouth with toilet water.

This debate has been had a million times over. I'll bite anyway and make this brief.
These "jobs" you speak of that you insist only illegals are capable of fulfilling; who do you think worked these jobs before the U.S. became beanerized?
If the U.S. we're to eradicate all the human cockroaches taxpayers would save 100 billion-ish per year...I'm thinking we could afford to pay some inflated costs on goods and services due to hire wages being paid...Your thoughts?
What part of Mexico are you from?

Yes this has been debated a million times but so far only tough guy like you came out nothing but tough shit.
There are jobs right now and there are shortages of workers with low paying jobs all over the place. Where the fuck are they if they need or willing to work?
Are you going to get those lazy Americans that are depending on welfare go for to work for minimum wage let say $16? Most of these has kids. Are they going to pay babysitter that cost them more what they make? That's just one example.
And if I eradicate peasant like you out of America the world will be better.

I'm an American born and raised 100% a business owner. And am having a hard time filling warehouse jobs and engineering jobs vacancies. So where the hell are the Americans willing to work? I do not have illegal or H1B employees.

"I'm an American born and raised 100%"
I'm gonna call bullshit right now!
No REAL American speaks the way you do. You're here by illegal means...I'll just call it...you're an original anchor baby...hands down FOR SURE!
"And am having a hard time filling warehouse jobs and engineering jobs vacancies. So where the hell are the Americans willing to work?"
If you are a business owner I'm 100% sure you hire illegals. Yep, you're that guy.
What's odd is; I too am a business owner and each time we run an add or a listing offering employment we receive more inquiry's than we're able to process in timely fashion....That leads me to believe...yep, you guessed it, again you're full of shit.

You are a bullshit. You don't know anything about me idiot. I never hire illegals nor H1B employees. My profile here where I live and what I do for a living has been the same for almost 2 years. You never posted what you do for a living ............... Suddenly you are a business owner? You told me you live in a shitty neighborhood. And you are a business owner? You are a fill of shit.
Have you look at the unemployment rate?
Yes I'm having a hard time filling in vacancies. I'm in the business of medical instrumentation based here in San Diego and Miami.

As I told you in a separate thread an hour ago before this post. I will let you know if and when you are qualified to talk to me. You don't want me to repeat this again.
Since you are clearly in over your head, and are not particularly intelligent since you a-resort to insults b-keep repeating the same nonsense, I will limit my response to just a few points:

3. 1. Who are you to tell them that they cannot leave their kids where they know where/how to survive? What kind of parents who leave their to fend for themselves?

They and their children are NOT legitimately in the country, therefore I and no other US taxpayer can or should legally be forced to pay for them.

For 2016 alone we have total 59,692 unaccompanied minors arrived at the border.

That was only one month's total, IIRC.

How did you came up with 2,000 miles?

The distance from the mexican border to my state. Also the distance from central america to the US border.

Yeah Right............ All 12 millions + their kids? Dude lots of them have jobs that they feed and shelter their American kids that we don't have to worry about.

Dimwit, the jobs these illegals do - mostly low wage - don't come close to paying the taxes to cover the free healthcare, schooling and benefits they and their kids use. Many of these kids eat both breakfast and lunch free at school, how many fucking times do you need to hear this, imbecile?

Who will fill in those jobs let say 12 to 25 millions?

The wages for those jobs will rise, and americans - as they did for centuries - will again take those jobs. Fuck off idiot if all you can do is toss insults.

Fuck off? When you keep babbling idiotic non sense post far from reality and facts.
I keep repeating the questions bc you are not answering directly but keep deflecting and insisting your toughness. Just bc you are tough doesn't mean it's the common sense rule. Dude grow up and get real.
That is right most illegals hold low paying jobs.....by the millions with S. So again...... who will take over those jobs? This is a very simple question but you are so stupid you cannot even answer a simple question.

Wages will rise. Because of your almighty toughness....... Are you speaking for the rest of the struggling Americans paying high prices?
If you are willing to pay people cleaning you at convalescence home $20/hour ...... How much do you think they will charge you? Are you speaking for the rest of Americans?
Agricultural jobs...... if they hire Americans like you.......... Farm owners will hire accountant to figure taxes, pay check/paperworks, insurance just incase you hurt your back, shoes bc you don't want to ruin your Walmart sneaker, maybe uniform, breaks every 2 hours. Since you were not born to do those jobs most likely you will walk out after 2 hours or less. What do you think the business and farmer owners will do if that happen? How much do you think those lettuce/head will cost? Are you speaking for the rest of Americans just bc you are so tough?

BTW you potty mouth.......... go wash your mouth with toilet water.

This debate has been had a million times over. I'll bite anyway and make this brief.
These "jobs" you speak of that you insist only illegals are capable of fulfilling; who do you think worked these jobs before the U.S. became beanerized?
If the U.S. we're to eradicate all the human cockroaches taxpayers would save 100 billion-ish per year...I'm thinking we could afford to pay some inflated costs on goods and services due to hire wages being paid...Your thoughts?
What part of Mexico are you from?

Yes this has been debated a million times but so far only tough guy like you came out nothing but tough shit.
There are jobs right now and there are shortages of workers with low paying jobs all over the place. Where the fuck are they if they need or willing to work?
Are you going to get those lazy Americans that are depending on welfare go for to work for minimum wage let say $16? Most of these has kids. Are they going to pay babysitter that cost them more what they make? That's just one example.
And if I eradicate peasant like you out of America the world will be better.

I'm an American born and raised 100% a business owner. And am having a hard time filling warehouse jobs and engineering jobs vacancies. So where the hell are the Americans willing to work? I do not have illegal or H1B employees.

The problem is our government welfare system. The reason you can't hire people is because it makes more sense to stay on government programs. If you don't work, you get a free home by HUD in the suburbs, all medical taken care of under Commie Care, a free cell phone with 250 anytime minutes, all the food you and your family can eat, and the more kids you have, the better the benefits.

So the solution is very simple: cut welfare while at the same time, get rid of these illegals. When work pays better than social programs, you will get applicants to work for your company.

Agree on most part of your post Ray.

But........... There will be no mass deportation or force deportation by Mr. Trump. He is a very successful businessman and he knows the impact to the economy if you deport these people by the millions. I don't believe my fellow Americans will fill in those jobs some maybe but I'm not sure the rest.
So if we do not have a force deportation....... What should we do with these illegals?
Deporting illegal immigrants is something a dictator would do? Allowing them to stay here and allowing sanctuary cities and suing states for enforcing the law is ACTUALLY something a dictator would do.

You're responding to probably the least intelligent poster I've seen here in ages, and believe you me, given some of the vanquished/banned dogshit in my sig I've seen my share. Don't waste your time on an idiot whose sole argument is to call people names/making childish comments/and when all else fails, throw in the nazi labels. Yawnnnnnn....

Really? You have nothing to counter act except your toughness hatred bull shit. So you come down to this.
All I'm telling you are the reality in life. No bullshit just facts. I know you don't like it but it is what it is.
You called with names that is inappropriate but I didn't lower myself to your low life category.
Agree on most part of your post Ray.

But........... There will be no mass deportation or force deportation by Mr. Trump. He is a very successful businessman and he knows the impact to the economy if you deport these people by the millions. I don't believe my fellow Americans will fill in those jobs some maybe but I'm not sure the rest.
So if we do not have a force deportation....... What should we do with these illegals?

Mass deportation was not a Trump agenda. He said it was the primaries but (at the time) was unaware that each deportation had to go through court proceedings.

What to do with illegals? Send them back where they came from. Unlike Obama, Trump is taking this issue seriously, and word gets around to people that plan on overstaying their visas or sneaking into this country some other way. That would help reduce new offenders.

Correct, some of these jobs will go unfulfilled unless we drastically reduce our government dependency. Today, $10.00 an hour doesn't seem like enough to take a job. But if there is nothing to eat in the house and you don't have electricity, that $10.00 an hour job will seem like a blessing.
Since you are clearly in over your head, and are not particularly intelligent since you a-resort to insults b-keep repeating the same nonsense, I will limit my response to just a few points:

3. 1. Who are you to tell them that they cannot leave their kids where they know where/how to survive? What kind of parents who leave their to fend for themselves?

They and their children are NOT legitimately in the country, therefore I and no other US taxpayer can or should legally be forced to pay for them.

For 2016 alone we have total 59,692 unaccompanied minors arrived at the border.

That was only one month's total, IIRC.

How did you came up with 2,000 miles?

The distance from the mexican border to my state. Also the distance from central america to the US border.

Yeah Right............ All 12 millions + their kids? Dude lots of them have jobs that they feed and shelter their American kids that we don't have to worry about.

Dimwit, the jobs these illegals do - mostly low wage - don't come close to paying the taxes to cover the free healthcare, schooling and benefits they and their kids use. Many of these kids eat both breakfast and lunch free at school, how many fucking times do you need to hear this, imbecile?

Who will fill in those jobs let say 12 to 25 millions?

The wages for those jobs will rise, and americans - as they did for centuries - will again take those jobs. Fuck off idiot if all you can do is toss insults.

Fuck off? When you keep babbling idiotic non sense post far from reality and facts.
I keep repeating the questions bc you are not answering directly but keep deflecting and insisting your toughness. Just bc you are tough doesn't mean it's the common sense rule. Dude grow up and get real.
That is right most illegals hold low paying jobs.....by the millions with S. So again...... who will take over those jobs? This is a very simple question but you are so stupid you cannot even answer a simple question.

Wages will rise. Because of your almighty toughness....... Are you speaking for the rest of the struggling Americans paying high prices?
If you are willing to pay people cleaning you at convalescence home $20/hour ...... How much do you think they will charge you? Are you speaking for the rest of Americans?
Agricultural jobs...... if they hire Americans like you.......... Farm owners will hire accountant to figure taxes, pay check/paperworks, insurance just incase you hurt your back, shoes bc you don't want to ruin your Walmart sneaker, maybe uniform, breaks every 2 hours. Since you were not born to do those jobs most likely you will walk out after 2 hours or less. What do you think the business and farmer owners will do if that happen? How much do you think those lettuce/head will cost? Are you speaking for the rest of Americans just bc you are so tough?

BTW you potty mouth.......... go wash your mouth with toilet water.

I'm more than happy to pay twice the cost for a head of lettuce if it means I'm paying Americans to do American jobs.

Now you leftists are worried about price, but have no care about price when talking a huge minimum wage increase. You bitch and complain about those evil Republicans sending our jobs overseas, but have no problem with people coming here to take our jobs.

Really? Are you speaking for the rest of Americans that are struggling with high cost of living? What made you think only agricultural products will only cost twice? I gave you an example above..... What made you think it will only jump twice?
If you own a business ....... suddenly everything cost 2x or 3x....... What made you think the rest of the commodities doesn't follow?

This just show the rest or most of you don't understand simple economy 101. That is sad.
U.S. immigration authorities arrested hundreds of undocumented immigrants in at least a half-dozen states this week in a series of raids that marked the first large-scale enforcement of President Trump’s Jan. 26 order to crack down on the estimated 11 million immigrants living here illegally.

The raids, which officials said targeted known criminals, also netted some immigrants who did not have criminal records, an apparent departure from similar enforcement waves during the Obama administration that aimed to just corral and deport those who had committed crimes.

Trump has pledged to deport as many as 3 million undocumented immigrants with criminal records. Last month he also made a change to the Obama administration’s policy of prioritizing deportation for convicted criminals, substantially broadening the scope of who the Department of Homeland Security can target to include those with minor offenses or no convictions at all.

Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states

Eventually, if you have an outstanding parking ticket, out you go the way it should be.

Attention liberals: keep those pussy hats ready to go because I'm sure you are going to get the call to protest and riot. Today six states, tomorrow twelve. :banana::banana::banana:
According to immigration authorities these raid are not a result of Trump's immigration order but are routinely carried out 3 or 4 times a year. These raids were planed before Trump was inaugurated.

Possibly Trump will deport 3 million beating Obama's record of 2 million. However, the number entering illegally and the number becoming illegal because of Visa expiration will keep the number of undocumented immigrants about the same. However, it Trump policies creates a financial crisis in Mexico, Mexicans will pour across boarder as they did in 2000-2003 and we could well end up with more than we have today.
Fact check: Are recent immigration raids result of Trump policy?

The only way Trump can radically reduce the number of undocumented immigrants during his term in office is going to be detention camps and mass deportations. However, without the help of local communities, that's not possible.
Last edited:
Agree on most part of your post Ray.

But........... There will be no mass deportation or force deportation by Mr. Trump. He is a very successful businessman and he knows the impact to the economy if you deport these people by the millions. I don't believe my fellow Americans will fill in those jobs some maybe but I'm not sure the rest.
So if we do not have a force deportation....... What should we do with these illegals?

Mass deportation was not a Trump agenda. He said it was the primaries but (at the time) was unaware that each deportation had to go through court proceedings.

What to do with illegals? Send them back where they came from. Unlike Obama, Trump is taking this issue seriously, and word gets around to people that plan on overstaying their visas or sneaking into this country some other way. That would help reduce new offenders.

Correct, some of these jobs will go unfulfilled unless we drastically reduce our government dependency. Today, $10.00 an hour doesn't seem like enough to take a job. But if there is nothing to eat in the house and you don't have electricity, that $10.00 an hour job will seem like a blessing.

Trump is only deporting those illegals with criminal records which is no different from Obama. I have not seen Trump taking this seriously so I'm waiting. And how do you suppose Trump can stop those over stay visas? Unless he stop tourism industry completely.

Yes Trump did mentioned that there will be a force deportation....... So if there's no mass deportation. Again what should we do with them? You and I can't deport them.
Agree on most part of your post Ray.

But........... There will be no mass deportation or force deportation by Mr. Trump. He is a very successful businessman and he knows the impact to the economy if you deport these people by the millions. I don't believe my fellow Americans will fill in those jobs some maybe but I'm not sure the rest.
So if we do not have a force deportation....... What should we do with these illegals?

Mass deportation was not a Trump agenda. He said it was the primaries but (at the time) was unaware that each deportation had to go through court proceedings.

What to do with illegals? Send them back where they came from. Unlike Obama, Trump is taking this issue seriously, and word gets around to people that plan on overstaying their visas or sneaking into this country some other way. That would help reduce new offenders.

Correct, some of these jobs will go unfulfilled unless we drastically reduce our government dependency. Today, $10.00 an hour doesn't seem like enough to take a job. But if there is nothing to eat in the house and you don't have electricity, that $10.00 an hour job will seem like a blessing.
Migrants are not concerned about deportation until they have been in the US for sometime and establish themselves so deportation is not much of a deterrent. If there was lengthy prison time, then it might be.

A policy of work in the fields for $10/hr or starve is not likely to happen. Most American are just to softhearted for that. If you have been to some of the cities in Bangladesh a few years and seen the bodies in the street in early morning, I think would agree.
You can say whatever you want about Trump but one thing is for sure: he does what he says :)
And it's a rare quality in a politician ;)
History will not judge a president, based on whether his actions fulfilled campaign promises but whether those actions were the right thing to do.
Since you are clearly in over your head, and are not particularly intelligent since you a-resort to insults b-keep repeating the same nonsense, I will limit my response to just a few points:

They and their children are NOT legitimately in the country, therefore I and no other US taxpayer can or should legally be forced to pay for them.

That was only one month's total, IIRC.

The distance from the mexican border to my state. Also the distance from central america to the US border.

Dimwit, the jobs these illegals do - mostly low wage - don't come close to paying the taxes to cover the free healthcare, schooling and benefits they and their kids use. Many of these kids eat both breakfast and lunch free at school, how many fucking times do you need to hear this, imbecile?

The wages for those jobs will rise, and americans - as they did for centuries - will again take those jobs. Fuck off idiot if all you can do is toss insults.

Fuck off? When you keep babbling idiotic non sense post far from reality and facts.
I keep repeating the questions bc you are not answering directly but keep deflecting and insisting your toughness. Just bc you are tough doesn't mean it's the common sense rule. Dude grow up and get real.
That is right most illegals hold low paying jobs.....by the millions with S. So again...... who will take over those jobs? This is a very simple question but you are so stupid you cannot even answer a simple question.

Wages will rise. Because of your almighty toughness....... Are you speaking for the rest of the struggling Americans paying high prices?
If you are willing to pay people cleaning you at convalescence home $20/hour ...... How much do you think they will charge you? Are you speaking for the rest of Americans?
Agricultural jobs...... if they hire Americans like you.......... Farm owners will hire accountant to figure taxes, pay check/paperworks, insurance just incase you hurt your back, shoes bc you don't want to ruin your Walmart sneaker, maybe uniform, breaks every 2 hours. Since you were not born to do those jobs most likely you will walk out after 2 hours or less. What do you think the business and farmer owners will do if that happen? How much do you think those lettuce/head will cost? Are you speaking for the rest of Americans just bc you are so tough?

BTW you potty mouth.......... go wash your mouth with toilet water.

This debate has been had a million times over. I'll bite anyway and make this brief.
These "jobs" you speak of that you insist only illegals are capable of fulfilling; who do you think worked these jobs before the U.S. became beanerized?
If the U.S. we're to eradicate all the human cockroaches taxpayers would save 100 billion-ish per year...I'm thinking we could afford to pay some inflated costs on goods and services due to hire wages being paid...Your thoughts?
What part of Mexico are you from?

Yes this has been debated a million times but so far only tough guy like you came out nothing but tough shit.
There are jobs right now and there are shortages of workers with low paying jobs all over the place. Where the fuck are they if they need or willing to work?
Are you going to get those lazy Americans that are depending on welfare go for to work for minimum wage let say $16? Most of these has kids. Are they going to pay babysitter that cost them more what they make? That's just one example.
And if I eradicate peasant like you out of America the world will be better.

I'm an American born and raised 100% a business owner. And am having a hard time filling warehouse jobs and engineering jobs vacancies. So where the hell are the Americans willing to work? I do not have illegal or H1B employees.

"I'm an American born and raised 100%"
I'm gonna call bullshit right now!
No REAL American speaks the way you do. You're here by illegal means...I'll just call it...you're an original anchor baby...hands down FOR SURE!
"And am having a hard time filling warehouse jobs and engineering jobs vacancies. So where the hell are the Americans willing to work?"
If you are a business owner I'm 100% sure you hire illegals. Yep, you're that guy.
What's odd is; I too am a business owner and each time we run an add or a listing offering employment we receive more inquiry's than we're able to process in timely fashion....That leads me to believe...yep, you guessed it, again you're full of shit.

You are a bullshit. You don't know anything about me idiot. I never hire illegals nor H1B employees. My profile here where I live and what I do for a living has been the same for almost 2 years. You never posted what you do for a living ............... Suddenly you are a business owner? You told me you live in a shitty neighborhood. And you are a business owner? You are a fill of shit.
Have you look at the unemployment rate?
Yes I'm having a hard time filling in vacancies. I'm in the business of medical instrumentation based here in San Diego and Miami.

As I told you in a separate thread an hour ago before this post. I will let you know if and when you are qualified to talk to me. You don't want me to repeat this again.
Hahaha...you're a pretty funny guy to think you're "qualified" to dictate when I speak.
"You told me you live in a shitty neighborhood. And you are a business owner? You are a fill of shit."
I don't believe I ever said I live in a shitty neighborhood, in fact, I said quite the contrast. (I reposted that conversation for you below) Once again you're sadly mistaken or just full of shit.
Todays unemployment rate means nothing as it doesn't include those who exhausted their Ui benefits and still couldn't find work. Also, consider this; there are thousands of over qualified people working shit jobs as that was all they could land at one point...now they're looking for the next best thing.
You're welcome for the free lesson. Sorry bud...I'm sticking with my presumptions of you until you start to talk like a legit, real American.

There is something that you just don't get. . . . Something that you have never gotten.

The globalists have naturally imported many different people from all over the world, to try to lessen the power of the folks that built the nation.

But WHY do folks want to come here? Do they want to come here to remain who they are? Or do they want to become. . . AMERICANS?

Trump got enough votes from women, blacks, hispanics, Asians, Jews and every other groups that shares in a vision of America that these "white chisters" that you hate so much. None of these disparate groups, alone, will ever have a greater percentage stake hold than the 45% white christers that you hate so much, that will never, ever change.

Sure, their young may turn to atheism, humanism, or agnosticism. . . for a while. But they will remember the old religion of the grand parents when hopelessness and corruption of the state makes all seem lost. Love is what makes the world go round.

You think this is about racism, it isn't. The elites are the one that have poisoned your mind, they have used this divide and conquer bullshit so long on you, that you think it is what got Trump elected. It isn't. It's the economy stupid. If Trump can't turn it around, he'll lose. Then someone else will come to power.

That is silly, people from all over the world have been coming here since the Pilgrims..very entertaining though.


So true...though the difference is simple.
"People" use to come here and offer a positive contribution...NOW people come here with a sad face, an anchor baby to drop and their hand held out and Libtard minded ignorance thinks it's a good idea to keep that hand full, allow these bottom feeders to continue recreating themselves and wave more in by the millions. Good job Liberal Loonys!

Read your history book dumb dumb..............................


California isn't going anywhere. It's too strong a financial powerhouse for the United States.

You all are idiots if you'd be willing to let California go for political reasons. Yeah, let's give up our highest GDP state by a large margin... cause we hate valley girls!
It's not even that.

CA could not function as an independent country. If CA secedes it will turn into an official third world shithole

Southern California already is a 3rd world shit-hole. The number of low class humans here from the south is staggering...everything they touch turns to filth...they are literally destroying every community and neighborhood they settle in. Southern California is the new Tijuana

REALLY? I mean REALLY? Read my post #220 & 223. Maybe you are stuck crossing the border that you cant compare Southern California with other states. Go get a job.
I read your posts and good for you...you've done a great job self manipulating and pretending this place is amazing. Your perception of what's "good" is different than mine. One's perception is one's reality...right?
I've also read your resume that you posted about your lavish lifestyle in La Jolla and Palm Springs. Like you, I live in a very nice exclusive area so I'm able to blind myself from what's just down the road from me most of the time. But the truth is when I leave my little safe haven I have to shop with the filth, get fuel with the filth, work near the filth, drive through the ghettos and barrios where beer cans and trash line the streets, where graffiti is everywhere you look, where pit bull's and chihuahua's run wild, where uninsured and or under insured drivers run a muck, where there's degenerate pedestrian traffic all over, where off ramps always have someone begging for a free hand-out...Don't pretend this isn't happening.
I've lived here my whole life...born and raised here. I've watched it morph from a beautiful place full of like-minded friendly people who speak the same language and respect one another to the shit-hole it has become...California, "the place" is still beautiful all over but the people here SUCK and make it the armpit / shit-hole it is today.
Agree on most part of your post Ray.

But........... There will be no mass deportation or force deportation by Mr. Trump. He is a very successful businessman and he knows the impact to the economy if you deport these people by the millions. I don't believe my fellow Americans will fill in those jobs some maybe but I'm not sure the rest.
So if we do not have a force deportation....... What should we do with these illegals?

Mass deportation was not a Trump agenda. He said it was the primaries but (at the time) was unaware that each deportation had to go through court proceedings.

What to do with illegals? Send them back where they came from. Unlike Obama, Trump is taking this issue seriously, and word gets around to people that plan on overstaying their visas or sneaking into this country some other way. That would help reduce new offenders.

Correct, some of these jobs will go unfulfilled unless we drastically reduce our government dependency. Today, $10.00 an hour doesn't seem like enough to take a job. But if there is nothing to eat in the house and you don't have electricity, that $10.00 an hour job will seem like a blessing.
Migrants are not concerned about deportation until they have been in the US for sometime and establish themselves so deportation is not much of a deterrent. If there was lengthy prison time, then it might be.

A policy of work in the fields for $10/hr or starve is not likely to happen. Most American are just to softhearted for that. If you have been to some of the cities in Bangladesh a few years and seen the bodies in the street in early morning, I think would agree.

I don't know how old you are, but that's the way it was years ago. Social programs didn't pay very much and it forced people to go out and look for work......any kind of work, and there weren't any dead bodies in the street.

I worked minimum wage jobs for the first couple of years after school. By the time the Reagan recession hit, I had my first apartment and lost my job. I went back to working minimum wage jobs, it's just that I had to work a lot of hours.

The only people that I know of today who work seven days a week, a lot of overtime, or have two jobs are older people. Younger people will choose to go on government programs before they do that.

So don't worry, if we cut social programs, people will just have to learn how to try harder to make ends meet. The problem in this country is we make it too easy for people not to try.
Agree on most part of your post Ray.

But........... There will be no mass deportation or force deportation by Mr. Trump. He is a very successful businessman and he knows the impact to the economy if you deport these people by the millions. I don't believe my fellow Americans will fill in those jobs some maybe but I'm not sure the rest.
So if we do not have a force deportation....... What should we do with these illegals?

Mass deportation was not a Trump agenda. He said it was the primaries but (at the time) was unaware that each deportation had to go through court proceedings.

What to do with illegals? Send them back where they came from. Unlike Obama, Trump is taking this issue seriously, and word gets around to people that plan on overstaying their visas or sneaking into this country some other way. That would help reduce new offenders.

Correct, some of these jobs will go unfulfilled unless we drastically reduce our government dependency. Today, $10.00 an hour doesn't seem like enough to take a job. But if there is nothing to eat in the house and you don't have electricity, that $10.00 an hour job will seem like a blessing.

Trump is only deporting those illegals with criminal records which is no different from Obama. I have not seen Trump taking this seriously so I'm waiting. And how do you suppose Trump can stop those over stay visas? Unless he stop tourism industry completely.

Yes Trump did mentioned that there will be a force deportation....... So if there's no mass deportation. Again what should we do with them? You and I can't deport them.

That's tough to say what Trump is going to do about the Visa's because activist judges already put a snag in his temporary ban on people coming here from terrorist countries. So I'm sure he's now spending a lot of time on that instead of progressing to other things such as the Visa's.

If it were up to me, it would be a five year minimum federal prison sentence for anybody caught here illegally. It would solve our problem with no wall at all. People would be fighting to get the hell out of this country. Self-deporation is the cheapest and quickest.
U.S. immigration authorities arrested hundreds of undocumented immigrants in at least a half-dozen states this week in a series of raids that marked the first large-scale enforcement of President Trump’s Jan. 26 order to crack down on the estimated 11 million immigrants living here illegally.

The raids, which officials said targeted known criminals, also netted some immigrants who did not have criminal records, an apparent departure from similar enforcement waves during the Obama administration that aimed to just corral and deport those who had committed crimes.

Trump has pledged to deport as many as 3 million undocumented immigrants with criminal records. Last month he also made a change to the Obama administration’s policy of prioritizing deportation for convicted criminals, substantially broadening the scope of who the Department of Homeland Security can target to include those with minor offenses or no convictions at all.

Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states

Eventually, if you have an outstanding parking ticket, out you go the way it should be.

Attention liberals: keep those pussy hats ready to go because I'm sure you are going to get the call to protest and riot. Today six states, tomorrow twelve. :banana::banana::banana:
According to immigration authorities these raid are not a result of Trump's immigration order but are routinely carried out 3 or 4 times a year. These raids were planed before Trump was inaugurated.

Possibly Trump will deport 3 million beating Obama's record of 2 million. However, the number entering illegally and the number becoming illegal because of Visa expiration will keep the number of undocumented immigrants about the same. However, it Trump policies creates a financial crisis in Mexico, Mexicans will pour across boarder as they did in 2000-2003 and we could well end up with more than we have today.
Fact check: Are recent immigration raids result of Trump policy?

The only way Trump can radically reduce the number of undocumented immigrants during his term in office is going to be detention camps and mass deportations. However, without the help of local communities, that's not possible.

If Trump went to mass deportation, the only thing stopping him would be the courts where it's already cumbersome. He may decide to open up dozens of new depression courts to speed up the process.

As for Trump doing the same as Obama, you sure wouldn't' know it by the press. If that's so, then it's a clear demonstration how the media has most of us brainwashed into believing whatever they want us to believe. Now we have more protests that (for whatever reason) we've never seen during the DumBama administration. And who said the MSM was left????

High deportation figures are misleading

Court Deportations Drop 43 Percent in Past Five Years

Continue reading the main story
And this is exactly why the hatriots support illegal unconstitutional actions, illegal immigrants, voter fraud, rioting, etc. They are not patriots.

Fuck off? When you keep babbling idiotic non sense post far from reality and facts.
I keep repeating the questions bc you are not answering directly but keep deflecting and insisting your toughness. Just bc you are tough doesn't mean it's the common sense rule. Dude grow up and get real.
That is right most illegals hold low paying jobs.....by the millions with S. So again...... who will take over those jobs? This is a very simple question but you are so stupid you cannot even answer a simple question.

Wages will rise. Because of your almighty toughness....... Are you speaking for the rest of the struggling Americans paying high prices?
If you are willing to pay people cleaning you at convalescence home $20/hour ...... How much do you think they will charge you? Are you speaking for the rest of Americans?
Agricultural jobs...... if they hire Americans like you.......... Farm owners will hire accountant to figure taxes, pay check/paperworks, insurance just incase you hurt your back, shoes bc you don't want to ruin your Walmart sneaker, maybe uniform, breaks every 2 hours. Since you were not born to do those jobs most likely you will walk out after 2 hours or less. What do you think the business and farmer owners will do if that happen? How much do you think those lettuce/head will cost? Are you speaking for the rest of Americans just bc you are so tough?

BTW you potty mouth.......... go wash your mouth with toilet water.

This debate has been had a million times over. I'll bite anyway and make this brief.
These "jobs" you speak of that you insist only illegals are capable of fulfilling; who do you think worked these jobs before the U.S. became beanerized?
If the U.S. we're to eradicate all the human cockroaches taxpayers would save 100 billion-ish per year...I'm thinking we could afford to pay some inflated costs on goods and services due to hire wages being paid...Your thoughts?
What part of Mexico are you from?

Yes this has been debated a million times but so far only tough guy like you came out nothing but tough shit.
There are jobs right now and there are shortages of workers with low paying jobs all over the place. Where the fuck are they if they need or willing to work?
Are you going to get those lazy Americans that are depending on welfare go for to work for minimum wage let say $16? Most of these has kids. Are they going to pay babysitter that cost them more what they make? That's just one example.
And if I eradicate peasant like you out of America the world will be better.

I'm an American born and raised 100% a business owner. And am having a hard time filling warehouse jobs and engineering jobs vacancies. So where the hell are the Americans willing to work? I do not have illegal or H1B employees.

"I'm an American born and raised 100%"
I'm gonna call bullshit right now!
No REAL American speaks the way you do. You're here by illegal means...I'll just call it...you're an original anchor baby...hands down FOR SURE!
"And am having a hard time filling warehouse jobs and engineering jobs vacancies. So where the hell are the Americans willing to work?"
If you are a business owner I'm 100% sure you hire illegals. Yep, you're that guy.
What's odd is; I too am a business owner and each time we run an add or a listing offering employment we receive more inquiry's than we're able to process in timely fashion....That leads me to believe...yep, you guessed it, again you're full of shit.

You are a bullshit. You don't know anything about me idiot. I never hire illegals nor H1B employees. My profile here where I live and what I do for a living has been the same for almost 2 years. You never posted what you do for a living ............... Suddenly you are a business owner? You told me you live in a shitty neighborhood. And you are a business owner? You are a fill of shit.
Have you look at the unemployment rate?
Yes I'm having a hard time filling in vacancies. I'm in the business of medical instrumentation based here in San Diego and Miami.

As I told you in a separate thread an hour ago before this post. I will let you know if and when you are qualified to talk to me. You don't want me to repeat this again.
Hahaha...you're a pretty funny guy to think you're "qualified" to dictate when I speak.
"You told me you live in a shitty neighborhood. And you are a business owner? You are a fill of shit."
I don't believe I ever said I live in a shitty neighborhood, in fact, I said quite the contrast. (I reposted that conversation for you below) Once again you're sadly mistaken or just full of shit.
Todays unemployment rate means nothing as it doesn't include those who exhausted their Ui benefits and still couldn't find work. Also, consider this; there are thousands of over qualified people working shit jobs as that was all they could land at one point...now they're looking for the next best thing.
You're welcome for the free lesson. Sorry bud...I'm sticking with my presumptions of you until you start to talk like a legit, real American.

There is something that you just don't get. . . . Something that you have never gotten.

The globalists have naturally imported many different people from all over the world, to try to lessen the power of the folks that built the nation.

But WHY do folks want to come here? Do they want to come here to remain who they are? Or do they want to become. . . AMERICANS?

Trump got enough votes from women, blacks, hispanics, Asians, Jews and every other groups that shares in a vision of America that these "white chisters" that you hate so much. None of these disparate groups, alone, will ever have a greater percentage stake hold than the 45% white christers that you hate so much, that will never, ever change.

Sure, their young may turn to atheism, humanism, or agnosticism. . . for a while. But they will remember the old religion of the grand parents when hopelessness and corruption of the state makes all seem lost. Love is what makes the world go round.

You think this is about racism, it isn't. The elites are the one that have poisoned your mind, they have used this divide and conquer bullshit so long on you, that you think it is what got Trump elected. It isn't. It's the economy stupid. If Trump can't turn it around, he'll lose. Then someone else will come to power.

That is silly, people from all over the world have been coming here since the Pilgrims..very entertaining though.


So true...though the difference is simple.
"People" use to come here and offer a positive contribution...NOW people come here with a sad face, an anchor baby to drop and their hand held out and Libtard minded ignorance thinks it's a good idea to keep that hand full, allow these bottom feeders to continue recreating themselves and wave more in by the millions. Good job Liberal Loonys!

Read your history book dumb dumb..............................


California isn't going anywhere. It's too strong a financial powerhouse for the United States.

You all are idiots if you'd be willing to let California go for political reasons. Yeah, let's give up our highest GDP state by a large margin... cause we hate valley girls!
It's not even that.

CA could not function as an independent country. If CA secedes it will turn into an official third world shithole

Southern California already is a 3rd world shit-hole. The number of low class humans here from the south is staggering...everything they touch turns to filth...they are literally destroying every community and neighborhood they settle in. Southern California is the new Tijuana

REALLY? I mean REALLY? Read my post #220 & 223. Maybe you are stuck crossing the border that you cant compare Southern California with other states. Go get a job.
I read your posts and good for you...you've done a great job self manipulating and pretending this place is amazing. Your perception of what's "good" is different than mine. One's perception is one's reality...right?
I've also read your resume that you posted about your lavish lifestyle in La Jolla and Palm Springs. Like you, I live in a very nice exclusive area so I'm able to blind myself from what's just down the road from me most of the time. But the truth is when I leave my little safe haven I have to shop with the filth, get fuel with the filth, work near the filth, drive through the ghettos and barrios where beer cans and trash line the streets, where graffiti is everywhere you look, where pit bull's and chihuahua's run wild, where uninsured and or under insured drivers run a muck, where there's degenerate pedestrian traffic all over, where off ramps always have someone begging for a free hand-out...Don't pretend this isn't happening.
I've lived here my whole life...born and raised here. I've watched it morph from a beautiful place full of like-minded friendly people who speak the same language and respect one another to the shit-hole it has become...California, "the place" is still beautiful all over but the people here SUCK and make it the armpit / shit-hole it is today.

Blah blah blah blah. Idiot. Do you expect me to read all that garbage you are spewing? I stop reading after 2 sentences. Ask me if I care if you believe me or not.

You have nothing to counter act except your patented hatred. Do you expect me to believe you own a business? When you don't even understand the economy.
All you have is your hate and I believe you are a racist piece of shit. . That is why I said on 2 separate threads you are not qualified to talk to me. You are waste of my time. Go eat your paint chips. Again I will let you know if you are even qualified to talk to me.

For the record I challenged 3 members here to visit my company. And 4 separate members to give them a tour at the Ca or Tx border to show how they pick up and deport illegals. My cost but no takers.
Blah blah blah blah. Idiot. I stop reading after 2 sentences.
And that folks is how one becomes an uneducated, ignorant, left-wing hatriot. Note how he said "I stop reading". He didn't say "I stopped reading". As in - just this particular time I stopped reading. Nope - like all government-dependent, left-wing dropouts, he stops reading anything that is more than 2 sentences.

That's exactly why these people don't understand the U.S. Constitution, can't hold a job, and need to mooch off of society.
Agree on most part of your post Ray.

But........... There will be no mass deportation or force deportation by Mr. Trump. He is a very successful businessman and he knows the impact to the economy if you deport these people by the millions. I don't believe my fellow Americans will fill in those jobs some maybe but I'm not sure the rest.
So if we do not have a force deportation....... What should we do with these illegals?

Mass deportation was not a Trump agenda. He said it was the primaries but (at the time) was unaware that each deportation had to go through court proceedings.

What to do with illegals? Send them back where they came from. Unlike Obama, Trump is taking this issue seriously, and word gets around to people that plan on overstaying their visas or sneaking into this country some other way. That would help reduce new offenders.

Correct, some of these jobs will go unfulfilled unless we drastically reduce our government dependency. Today, $10.00 an hour doesn't seem like enough to take a job. But if there is nothing to eat in the house and you don't have electricity, that $10.00 an hour job will seem like a blessing.

Trump is only deporting those illegals with criminal records which is no different from Obama. I have not seen Trump taking this seriously so I'm waiting. And how do you suppose Trump can stop those over stay visas? Unless he stop tourism industry completely.

Yes Trump did mentioned that there will be a force deportation....... So if there's no mass deportation. Again what should we do with them? You and I can't deport them.

That's tough to say what Trump is going to do about the Visa's because activist judges already put a snag in his temporary ban on people coming here from terrorist countries. So I'm sure he's now spending a lot of time on that instead of progressing to other things such as the Visa's.

If it were up to me, it would be a five year minimum federal prison sentence for anybody caught here illegally. It would solve our problem with no wall at all. People would be fighting to get the hell out of this country. Self-deporation is the cheapest and quickest.

Well Ray overstay violators are the tourist coming from all over the world from Asia to Africa. Especially rich Asians. Last time I checked is about 500k/year. Putting them in jail will cost at least $30k a year so............. Why not just deport them right away? that is if you can catch them. How are you going to rounded them up? Check points all over America? Are you going to stop tourism business? Some countries do require to deposit a bond when traveling as a tourist coming to US but lots of them just decided to stay here......... then pay and marry a US citizen to get green card.
As I said repeatedly. There is no such thing as self deportation.

I don't have any solution to offer Ray except that I'm just trying to explain the reality and facts that we are facing. It's not that simple to say ............... *deport them all* without consequences.
Blah blah blah blah. Idiot. I stop reading after 2 sentences.
And that folks is how one becomes an uneducated, ignorant, left-wing hatriot. Note how he said "I stop reading". He didn't say "I stopped reading". As in - just this particular time I stopped reading. Nope - like all government-dependent, left-wing dropouts, he stops reading anything that is more than 2 sentences.

That's exactly why these people don't understand the U.S. Constitution, can't hold a job, and need to mooch off of society.

Haha...a very on-point assessment of this clown.
He's got himself amused with his illiterate un-American rhetoric. I'd bet he's posting from his little hut in Tijuana Mexico right now.

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