He wasn't kidding: Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states

Trump is only deporting those illegals with criminal records which is no different from Obama. I have not seen Trump taking this seriously so I'm waiting. And how do you suppose Trump can stop those over stay visas? Unless he stop tourism industry completely.

Yes Trump did mentioned that there will be a force deportation....... So if there's no mass deportation. Again what should we do with them? You and I can't deport them.

That's tough to say what Trump is going to do about the Visa's because activist judges already put a snag in his temporary ban on people coming here from terrorist countries. So I'm sure he's now spending a lot of time on that instead of progressing to other things such as the Visa's.

If it were up to me, it would be a five year minimum federal prison sentence for anybody caught here illegally. It would solve our problem with no wall at all. People would be fighting to get the hell out of this country. Self-deporation is the cheapest and quickest.

Look. Do I like illegals draining our resources especially here in California? HELL NO.
However just like majority of Americans and so with GOPs like Paul Ryan or Rubio support comprehensive immigration reform.

I know tons of business owners from different kinds of enterprises from aqua farming, agricultural farming, low/high tech, building, wineries to casino owners etc etc etc. But I'll just pick 2 as an example.
1. Home care located in Hawaii, Beverly Hills and Anaheim. All these 3 only catered to *very rich* patients with lots of luxuries like round the clock RNs, physical therapist, view your love one from your iPad 24hours etc etc etc. Which btw they have a very long waiting list. All these 3 .......... no employees making less than $18, no illegals, most are asians/hispanics, only 3 whites are RNs, 1 white physical therapist......... but no blacks or whites that take care patients. Why? Few maybe but If people are not used or born to do these kind work you don't expect people would last.

2. Central California and Avocado farmers here in San Diego. Without these illegals they might as well just shut down their farms. It's as simple as that. Here are 2 (links) good examples from Georgia when they acted HB-56 against illegals.
This is the one of the reason why Trump hired foreign workers ( link below) for his vineyard in Virginia because they cannot find Americans that are willing or stay for these kind of work. Actually it's worst and cost more than $15/hour bc they have to feed and shelter these foreign workers.

NOW.......... Tell me where I'm wrong from all my post?

Ga. immigrant crackdown backfires

Georgia's Harsh Immigration Law Costs Millions in Unharvested Crops - The Atlantic


Where you are wrong is stating no Americans will take these jobs. Americans will do any job for proper compensation. The problem is the consumer is too cheap and demands low prices for just about anything.

The supply and demand process is nearly perfect when it comes to jobs and employment provided we don't throw monkey wrenches into the works like unions and foreigners. Without those two things, jobs will increase in wages and Americans will take those jobs when the wages reach satisfactory levels.

I see it in my line of work constantly. Transportation companies can't find workers to do the labor for cheap, so they are bringing in foreigners instead of increasing wage and benefit offers. That's part of the problem. The other problem is our social programs that pay enough for people to live comfortably without taking those jobs.

Im not sure what proper compensation for these kind of work. How much are they willing to get paid for those kinds of work? The $18 I gave you are the starters.
I gave you 2 examples and 3 links which included Trump to prove these people are not taking these jobs.
Agree part of the problem is our social program. The other one that worries me are these kids coming out from college crap of bs majors with massive loans that can't find a high paying jobs. I have lots of these kids.

I think that's a huge problem. My sister will be paying off college loans for my niece and nephew until after she retries. My nephew isn't doing bad. He got a Masters degree and was working in the field before he graduated. My niece? She graduated several years ago and is still waiting tables at a restaurant in Florida.

The problem with college is supply and demand; more demand than supply. As a baby boomer when I was in school, out of a class of 35 kids, maybe seven or eight went to college. Lord knows how many graduated. Today, it's almost a must to get an advanced education because those big paying union days are long gone.

I don't know what the solution is other than erecting more colleges which I don't think Trump is in control of, but you never know.

My live in house sitter in Key Biscayne has the same problem with his 32yo son but at least he went back to school and took nursing. He graduated last month and he will take his board exam first week of April. If he passed his RN board exam I can help him get a job here in SD at Kaiser. But lord his nursing school loan alone is about $70k not sure how much is his other loan with his bs psychology.
My daughter's maid is a 28yo with bs liberal arts making $13/hour but free food and lodging with health insurance. I can say she is just lucky otherwise she is homeless. This really bothers me bc how in the world are they going to make it. Her mother is my son's maid in last 18 years with a green card holder from the Philippines.
Trump is only deporting those illegals with criminal records which is no different from Obama. I have not seen Trump taking this seriously so I'm waiting. And how do you suppose Trump can stop those over stay visas? Unless he stop tourism industry completely.

Yes Trump did mentioned that there will be a force deportation....... So if there's no mass deportation. Again what should we do with them? You and I can't deport them.

That's tough to say what Trump is going to do about the Visa's because activist judges already put a snag in his temporary ban on people coming here from terrorist countries. So I'm sure he's now spending a lot of time on that instead of progressing to other things such as the Visa's.

If it were up to me, it would be a five year minimum federal prison sentence for anybody caught here illegally. It would solve our problem with no wall at all. People would be fighting to get the hell out of this country. Self-deporation is the cheapest and quickest.

Look. Do I like illegals draining our resources especially here in California? HELL NO.
However just like majority of Americans and so with GOPs like Paul Ryan or Rubio support comprehensive immigration reform.

I know tons of business owners from different kinds of enterprises from aqua farming, agricultural farming, low/high tech, building, wineries to casino owners etc etc etc. But I'll just pick 2 as an example.
1. Home care located in Hawaii, Beverly Hills and Anaheim. All these 3 only catered to *very rich* patients with lots of luxuries like round the clock RNs, physical therapist, view your love one from your iPad 24hours etc etc etc. Which btw they have a very long waiting list. All these 3 .......... no employees making less than $18, no illegals, most are asians/hispanics, only 3 whites are RNs, 1 white physical therapist......... but no blacks or whites that take care patients. Why? Few maybe but If people are not used or born to do these kind work you don't expect people would last.

2. Central California and Avocado farmers here in San Diego. Without these illegals they might as well just shut down their farms. It's as simple as that. Here are 2 (links) good examples from Georgia when they acted HB-56 against illegals.
This is the one of the reason why Trump hired foreign workers ( link below) for his vineyard in Virginia because they cannot find Americans that are willing or stay for these kind of work. Actually it's worst and cost more than $15/hour bc they have to feed and shelter these foreign workers.

NOW.......... Tell me where I'm wrong from all my post?

Ga. immigrant crackdown backfires

Georgia's Harsh Immigration Law Costs Millions in Unharvested Crops - The Atlantic


Where you are wrong is stating no Americans will take these jobs. Americans will do any job for proper compensation. The problem is the consumer is too cheap and demands low prices for just about anything.

The supply and demand process is nearly perfect when it comes to jobs and employment provided we don't throw monkey wrenches into the works like unions and foreigners. Without those two things, jobs will increase in wages and Americans will take those jobs when the wages reach satisfactory levels.

I see it in my line of work constantly. Transportation companies can't find workers to do the labor for cheap, so they are bringing in foreigners instead of increasing wage and benefit offers. That's part of the problem. The other problem is our social programs that pay enough for people to live comfortably without taking those jobs.
What you're saying is the American consumers should be willing to subside the American farmer by paying more at the grocery store so the farmer can hire Americans to do the same work migrants were doing only at a higher cost. Forcing consumers to pay more money so businesses can run inefficiently and unable to compete in world markets is not the way to solve the problem.

American supermarkets will buy produce from Mexico because it's cheaper. Then what happens. To protect US farmers, we put import tariff on Mexican produce. Mexico retaliates by putting a tariff on the import of US tomatoes. ect etc.... Both countries loose. America workers are doing jobs they aren't well suited to do and don't want to do. Mexicans working are working at a lower pay in jobs they don't want. Both Mexican and American consumers are paying more, often poor for lower quality products.

I think you're putting the cart before the horse. If Mexico is such a threat, why don't they undercut us now? It can't be just because of the illegals because not everybody in the US uses illegals or even legal immigrants.

Most producers (of any product) like to produce near their customers because of transportation costs that go up all the time because of our wonderful environmental regulations. I seriously doubt we in Ohio would be buying grapes from Mexico instead of a closer producer that harvests them at a higher cost.
Grocery chains are going to buy the best quality at the lowest price without regard to where the produce is grown or produced because that is exactly what their customers do.

Mexico would only be a threat to American farmers if we removed their low priced labor, migrants and they had to hire US labor at a much higher cost. That would make their product overprice compared to Mexican and central American producers.

As far as economics goes, it is best that government not interfere with pricing, be it the cost of labor, cost of goods, or the cost to the consumer. That means the free flow of labor and goods between nations without government interference. In that way each nation can produce what it produces best. In the end, everyone benefits if business are allowed to operate efficiently. This is of course economic theory and does not account for political or sociological problems that may arise such as the inability of a labor force to adapt to changes in the market.
BTW. Didn't I challenged challenge you directly but you are were a fucking coward and you ignored me?
That is some seriously broken English there. What part of Mexico are you from? And how long have you been an illegal alien in my country?

Look coward. Is this all you got? Just insult?

I like to challenge you live one on one debate.
TOPIC: Quantum Physics, DNA/Genome Counting, both Chemistry and Hematology, Mechanical/ Electrical Engineering and Medical instrumentations. IN 6 LANGUAGES.
Tell me what city you live and I will direct you to a local place where they have a live conference system. My cost....... I will issue you an 1800 number which you can block your number.

On the subject of quantum physics I will let you use a calculator and I will only use the bulletin board. Plus bring all the cash you can afford. If you say $10k I will multiply it by 10x or 20x remember banks are half day tomorrow.
I will stay in my house with a special camera that handle this kind of conference so I can move around my home. That way you can view my house, cash and my cars.
If you don't take my challenge. I say you are fucking coward. I'm waiting.

Patriot you little piece of shit. Where the hell are you? IM STILL WAITING.
Rich whites ought to bang their heads , shame, shame. It begs the question, why didn't we just enforce immigration laws since day one? It would have made everyone's lives a little easier. But all the wealthy white exploiters would just have had to just pay more in the long run. Boo hoo. Paying more for your pool boys or grape pickers when you just should have done that all along? Excuses, excuses. So you pine for slavery now?
Last edited:
That's tough to say what Trump is going to do about the Visa's because activist judges already put a snag in his temporary ban on people coming here from terrorist countries. So I'm sure he's now spending a lot of time on that instead of progressing to other things such as the Visa's.

If it were up to me, it would be a five year minimum federal prison sentence for anybody caught here illegally. It would solve our problem with no wall at all. People would be fighting to get the hell out of this country. Self-deporation is the cheapest and quickest.

Look. Do I like illegals draining our resources especially here in California? HELL NO.
However just like majority of Americans and so with GOPs like Paul Ryan or Rubio support comprehensive immigration reform.

I know tons of business owners from different kinds of enterprises from aqua farming, agricultural farming, low/high tech, building, wineries to casino owners etc etc etc. But I'll just pick 2 as an example.
1. Home care located in Hawaii, Beverly Hills and Anaheim. All these 3 only catered to *very rich* patients with lots of luxuries like round the clock RNs, physical therapist, view your love one from your iPad 24hours etc etc etc. Which btw they have a very long waiting list. All these 3 .......... no employees making less than $18, no illegals, most are asians/hispanics, only 3 whites are RNs, 1 white physical therapist......... but no blacks or whites that take care patients. Why? Few maybe but If people are not used or born to do these kind work you don't expect people would last.

2. Central California and Avocado farmers here in San Diego. Without these illegals they might as well just shut down their farms. It's as simple as that. Here are 2 (links) good examples from Georgia when they acted HB-56 against illegals.
This is the one of the reason why Trump hired foreign workers ( link below) for his vineyard in Virginia because they cannot find Americans that are willing or stay for these kind of work. Actually it's worst and cost more than $15/hour bc they have to feed and shelter these foreign workers.

NOW.......... Tell me where I'm wrong from all my post?

Ga. immigrant crackdown backfires

Georgia's Harsh Immigration Law Costs Millions in Unharvested Crops - The Atlantic


Where you are wrong is stating no Americans will take these jobs. Americans will do any job for proper compensation. The problem is the consumer is too cheap and demands low prices for just about anything.

The supply and demand process is nearly perfect when it comes to jobs and employment provided we don't throw monkey wrenches into the works like unions and foreigners. Without those two things, jobs will increase in wages and Americans will take those jobs when the wages reach satisfactory levels.

I see it in my line of work constantly. Transportation companies can't find workers to do the labor for cheap, so they are bringing in foreigners instead of increasing wage and benefit offers. That's part of the problem. The other problem is our social programs that pay enough for people to live comfortably without taking those jobs.

Im not sure what proper compensation for these kind of work. How much are they willing to get paid for those kinds of work? The $18 I gave you are the starters.
I gave you 2 examples and 3 links which included Trump to prove these people are not taking these jobs.
Agree part of the problem is our social program. The other one that worries me are these kids coming out from college crap of bs majors with massive loans that can't find a high paying jobs. I have lots of these kids.

I think that's a huge problem. My sister will be paying off college loans for my niece and nephew until after she retries. My nephew isn't doing bad. He got a Masters degree and was working in the field before he graduated. My niece? She graduated several years ago and is still waiting tables at a restaurant in Florida.

The problem with college is supply and demand; more demand than supply. As a baby boomer when I was in school, out of a class of 35 kids, maybe seven or eight went to college. Lord knows how many graduated. Today, it's almost a must to get an advanced education because those big paying union days are long gone.

I don't know what the solution is other than erecting more colleges which I don't think Trump is in control of, but you never know.

My live in house sitter in Key Biscayne has the same problem with his 32yo son but at least he went back to school and took nursing. He graduated last month and he will take his board exam first week of April. If he passed his RN board exam I can help him get a job here in SD at Kaiser. But lord his nursing school loan alone is about $70k not sure how much is his other loan with his bs psychology.
My daughter's maid is a 28yo with bs liberal arts making $13/hour but free food and lodging with health insurance. I can say she is just lucky otherwise she is homeless. This really bothers me bc how in the world are they going to make it. Her mother is my son's maid in last 18 years with a green card holder from the Philippines.

Well there is the problem: a BS illiberal arts???

When kids go to school they are not taking the courses needed to secure a financial or professional future, they are taking courses that are easy to pass.

For example, the son of your house sitter doesn't need your help. If you are an RN today, you can easily get a job anytime--anywhere in the country. He chose a field in great demand.

The cost of training in the medical field helps to fuel our problem of being able to afford medical care; college costs play a part in that. Unions were another problem.

Back in the 80's when I was working in the medical field, our company had weekly meetings. At the time, the company was erecting a pharmacy; not like CVS or anything, but a section of the building so the pharmacist could make medications for our customers.

After one of our Monday morning meetings, we went into the warehouse where the coffee pot was, and started our own conversation which at the time, was the UPS strike.

Our newest employee--the pharmacist, listened on as we discussed the problem. Her face turned red with ire, and she abruptly walked away from us without saying a word. We kind of looked at each other like WTF???

Our coffee pot meeting broke up and as usual, I was the last one standing there. The pharmacist returned, and in her hand was her pharmacist magazine. Still in anger, she shoved it in my chest. She told me to read the article that she had highlighted.

What the article said was that senior UPS drivers made around 55K a year at the time. A pharmacist made about 60K a year. She said "Do you know what I went through to become a pharmacist? Do you know what my parents went through to send me to college? If I would have known I would only be making 5K more than a Fn UPS driver, I wouldn't' be here right now, I would be delivering packages to this Fn place instead...... and THEY ARE THE PEOPLE GOING ON STRIKE????"

When talking about medical costs, I always remembered that encounter. She had a vary valid point, and that's why many younger people at the time never pursued a professional career. Yes, unions did increase the cost of our delivered products, but the domino effect into other professional fields cost us even more. You simply can't expect people to go hundreds of thousands of dollars into debt, give up the best part of their lives, only to make as much as an assembly line worker at the Ford plant or a UPS driver. That's why today, a pharmacist makes twice what our pharmacist made in the mid 80's.
BTW. Didn't I challenged challenge you directly but you are were a fucking coward and you ignored me?
That is some seriously broken English there. What part of Mexico are you from? And how long have you been an illegal alien in my country?
Look coward. Is this all you got? Just insult?
Dude...I didn't insult you. You have horribly broken English. I asked a simple question. What part of Mexico are you from and how long have you been an illegal alien in my country?
BTW. Didn't I challenged challenge you directly but you are were a fucking coward and you ignored me?
That is some seriously broken English there. What part of Mexico are you from? And how long have you been an illegal alien in my country?
I like to challenge you live one on one debate.
TOPIC: Quantum Physics, DNA/Genome Counting, both Chemistry and Hematology, Mechanical/ Electrical Engineering and Medical instrumentations. IN 6 LANGUAGES.
Yeah....5 different dialects of poor Mexican and one version of really broken English. Not impressed señor. Not at all.
I like to challenge you live one on one debate.
TOPIC: Quantum Physics, DNA/Genome Counting, both Chemistry and Hematology, Mechanical/ Electrical Engineering and Medical instrumentations. IN 6 LANGUAGES.
Hey señor - how are you going to debate Quantum Physics when you haven't mastered the English language yet?

"I like to challenge you live"?!? Really? Dude...it's abundantly clear that English is not your native language. Why are you lying about everything? The sentence would be "I would like to challenge you to a live one on one debate" señor.
I like to challenge you live one on one debate.
TOPIC: Quantum Physics, DNA/Genome Counting, both Chemistry and Hematology, Mechanical/ Electrical Engineering and Medical instrumentations. IN 6 LANGUAGES.
Hey señor - how are you going to debate Quantum Physics when you haven't mastered the English language yet?

"I like to challenge you live"?!? Really? Dude...it's abundantly clear that English is not your native language. Why are you lying about everything? The sentence would be "I would like to challenge you to a live one on one debate" señor.

Blah blah blah........... Instead of keep insulting because that's all you got. I don't have to impress you or anybody because I know you are just poor peasant........

Why don't you just take my challenge and let's see what you got. You piece of shit. LETS GO.
Look. Do I like illegals draining our resources especially here in California? HELL NO.
However just like majority of Americans and so with GOPs like Paul Ryan or Rubio support comprehensive immigration reform.

I know tons of business owners from different kinds of enterprises from aqua farming, agricultural farming, low/high tech, building, wineries to casino owners etc etc etc. But I'll just pick 2 as an example.
1. Home care located in Hawaii, Beverly Hills and Anaheim. All these 3 only catered to *very rich* patients with lots of luxuries like round the clock RNs, physical therapist, view your love one from your iPad 24hours etc etc etc. Which btw they have a very long waiting list. All these 3 .......... no employees making less than $18, no illegals, most are asians/hispanics, only 3 whites are RNs, 1 white physical therapist......... but no blacks or whites that take care patients. Why? Few maybe but If people are not used or born to do these kind work you don't expect people would last.

2. Central California and Avocado farmers here in San Diego. Without these illegals they might as well just shut down their farms. It's as simple as that. Here are 2 (links) good examples from Georgia when they acted HB-56 against illegals.
This is the one of the reason why Trump hired foreign workers ( link below) for his vineyard in Virginia because they cannot find Americans that are willing or stay for these kind of work. Actually it's worst and cost more than $15/hour bc they have to feed and shelter these foreign workers.

NOW.......... Tell me where I'm wrong from all my post?

Ga. immigrant crackdown backfires

Georgia's Harsh Immigration Law Costs Millions in Unharvested Crops - The Atlantic


Where you are wrong is stating no Americans will take these jobs. Americans will do any job for proper compensation. The problem is the consumer is too cheap and demands low prices for just about anything.

The supply and demand process is nearly perfect when it comes to jobs and employment provided we don't throw monkey wrenches into the works like unions and foreigners. Without those two things, jobs will increase in wages and Americans will take those jobs when the wages reach satisfactory levels.

I see it in my line of work constantly. Transportation companies can't find workers to do the labor for cheap, so they are bringing in foreigners instead of increasing wage and benefit offers. That's part of the problem. The other problem is our social programs that pay enough for people to live comfortably without taking those jobs.

Im not sure what proper compensation for these kind of work. How much are they willing to get paid for those kinds of work? The $18 I gave you are the starters.
I gave you 2 examples and 3 links which included Trump to prove these people are not taking these jobs.
Agree part of the problem is our social program. The other one that worries me are these kids coming out from college crap of bs majors with massive loans that can't find a high paying jobs. I have lots of these kids.

I think that's a huge problem. My sister will be paying off college loans for my niece and nephew until after she retries. My nephew isn't doing bad. He got a Masters degree and was working in the field before he graduated. My niece? She graduated several years ago and is still waiting tables at a restaurant in Florida.

The problem with college is supply and demand; more demand than supply. As a baby boomer when I was in school, out of a class of 35 kids, maybe seven or eight went to college. Lord knows how many graduated. Today, it's almost a must to get an advanced education because those big paying union days are long gone.

I don't know what the solution is other than erecting more colleges which I don't think Trump is in control of, but you never know.

My live in house sitter in Key Biscayne has the same problem with his 32yo son but at least he went back to school and took nursing. He graduated last month and he will take his board exam first week of April. If he passed his RN board exam I can help him get a job here in SD at Kaiser. But lord his nursing school loan alone is about $70k not sure how much is his other loan with his bs psychology.
My daughter's maid is a 28yo with bs liberal arts making $13/hour but free food and lodging with health insurance. I can say she is just lucky otherwise she is homeless. This really bothers me bc how in the world are they going to make it. Her mother is my son's maid in last 18 years with a green card holder from the Philippines.

Well there is the problem: a BS illiberal arts???

When kids go to school they are not taking the courses needed to secure a financial or professional future, they are taking courses that are easy to pass.

For example, the son of your house sitter doesn't need your help. If you are an RN today, you can easily get a job anytime--anywhere in the country. He chose a field in great demand.

The cost of training in the medical field helps to fuel our problem of being able to afford medical care; college costs play a part in that. Unions were another problem.

Back in the 80's when I was working in the medical field, our company had weekly meetings. At the time, the company was erecting a pharmacy; not like CVS or anything, but a section of the building so the pharmacist could make medications for our customers.

After one of our Monday morning meetings, we went into the warehouse where the coffee pot was, and started our own conversation which at the time, was the UPS strike.

Our newest employee--the pharmacist, listened on as we discussed the problem. Her face turned red with ire, and she abruptly walked away from us without saying a word. We kind of looked at each other like WTF???

Our coffee pot meeting broke up and as usual, I was the last one standing there. The pharmacist returned, and in her hand was her pharmacist magazine. Still in anger, she shoved it in my chest. She told me to read the article that she had highlighted.

What the article said was that senior UPS drivers made around 55K a year at the time. A pharmacist made about 60K a year. She said "Do you know what I went through to become a pharmacist? Do you know what my parents went through to send me to college? If I would have known I would only be making 5K more than a Fn UPS driver, I wouldn't' be here right now, I would be delivering packages to this Fn place instead...... and THEY ARE THE PEOPLE GOING ON STRIKE????"

When talking about medical costs, I always remembered that encounter. She had a vary valid point, and that's why many younger people at the time never pursued a professional career. Yes, unions did increase the cost of our delivered products, but the domino effect into other professional fields cost us even more. You simply can't expect people to go hundreds of thousands of dollars into debt, give up the best part of their lives, only to make as much as an assembly line worker at the Ford plant or a UPS driver. That's why today, a pharmacist makes twice what our pharmacist made in the mid 80's.
I think for the most part, salaries are determined by supply and demand, and only indirectly by the cost of education and training. Doctors can command the salaries they do because very few people are able or willing to suffer through 4 years of premed, 4 years of medical school, interning and residency which takes 3 to 7 years more. Thus it limits supply.
Look. Do I like illegals draining our resources especially here in California? HELL NO.
However just like majority of Americans and so with GOPs like Paul Ryan or Rubio support comprehensive immigration reform.

I know tons of business owners from different kinds of enterprises from aqua farming, agricultural farming, low/high tech, building, wineries to casino owners etc etc etc. But I'll just pick 2 as an example.
1. Home care located in Hawaii, Beverly Hills and Anaheim. All these 3 only catered to *very rich* patients with lots of luxuries like round the clock RNs, physical therapist, view your love one from your iPad 24hours etc etc etc. Which btw they have a very long waiting list. All these 3 .......... no employees making less than $18, no illegals, most are asians/hispanics, only 3 whites are RNs, 1 white physical therapist......... but no blacks or whites that take care patients. Why? Few maybe but If people are not used or born to do these kind work you don't expect people would last.

2. Central California and Avocado farmers here in San Diego. Without these illegals they might as well just shut down their farms. It's as simple as that. Here are 2 (links) good examples from Georgia when they acted HB-56 against illegals.
This is the one of the reason why Trump hired foreign workers ( link below) for his vineyard in Virginia because they cannot find Americans that are willing or stay for these kind of work. Actually it's worst and cost more than $15/hour bc they have to feed and shelter these foreign workers.

NOW.......... Tell me where I'm wrong from all my post?

Ga. immigrant crackdown backfires

Georgia's Harsh Immigration Law Costs Millions in Unharvested Crops - The Atlantic


Where you are wrong is stating no Americans will take these jobs. Americans will do any job for proper compensation. The problem is the consumer is too cheap and demands low prices for just about anything.

The supply and demand process is nearly perfect when it comes to jobs and employment provided we don't throw monkey wrenches into the works like unions and foreigners. Without those two things, jobs will increase in wages and Americans will take those jobs when the wages reach satisfactory levels.

I see it in my line of work constantly. Transportation companies can't find workers to do the labor for cheap, so they are bringing in foreigners instead of increasing wage and benefit offers. That's part of the problem. The other problem is our social programs that pay enough for people to live comfortably without taking those jobs.

Im not sure what proper compensation for these kind of work. How much are they willing to get paid for those kinds of work? The $18 I gave you are the starters.
I gave you 2 examples and 3 links which included Trump to prove these people are not taking these jobs.
Agree part of the problem is our social program. The other one that worries me are these kids coming out from college crap of bs majors with massive loans that can't find a high paying jobs. I have lots of these kids.

I think that's a huge problem. My sister will be paying off college loans for my niece and nephew until after she retries. My nephew isn't doing bad. He got a Masters degree and was working in the field before he graduated. My niece? She graduated several years ago and is still waiting tables at a restaurant in Florida.

The problem with college is supply and demand; more demand than supply. As a baby boomer when I was in school, out of a class of 35 kids, maybe seven or eight went to college. Lord knows how many graduated. Today, it's almost a must to get an advanced education because those big paying union days are long gone.

I don't know what the solution is other than erecting more colleges which I don't think Trump is in control of, but you never know.

My live in house sitter in Key Biscayne has the same problem with his 32yo son but at least he went back to school and took nursing. He graduated last month and he will take his board exam first week of April. If he passed his RN board exam I can help him get a job here in SD at Kaiser. But lord his nursing school loan alone is about $70k not sure how much is his other loan with his bs psychology.
My daughter's maid is a 28yo with bs liberal arts making $13/hour but free food and lodging with health insurance. I can say she is just lucky otherwise she is homeless. This really bothers me bc how in the world are they going to make it. Her mother is my son's maid in last 18 years with a green card holder from the Philippines.

Well there is the problem: a BS illiberal arts???

When kids go to school they are not taking the courses needed to secure a financial or professional future, they are taking courses that are easy to pass.

For example, the son of your house sitter doesn't need your help. If you are an RN today, you can easily get a job anytime--anywhere in the country. He chose a field in great demand.

The cost of training in the medical field helps to fuel our problem of being able to afford medical care; college costs play a part in that. Unions were another problem.

Back in the 80's when I was working in the medical field, our company had weekly meetings. At the time, the company was erecting a pharmacy; not like CVS or anything, but a section of the building so the pharmacist could make medications for our customers.

After one of our Monday morning meetings, we went into the warehouse where the coffee pot was, and started our own conversation which at the time, was the UPS strike.

Our newest employee--the pharmacist, listened on as we discussed the problem. Her face turned red with ire, and she abruptly walked away from us without saying a word. We kind of looked at each other like WTF???

Our coffee pot meeting broke up and as usual, I was the last one standing there. The pharmacist returned, and in her hand was her pharmacist magazine. Still in anger, she shoved it in my chest. She told me to read the article that she had highlighted.

What the article said was that senior UPS drivers made around 55K a year at the time. A pharmacist made about 60K a year. She said "Do you know what I went through to become a pharmacist? Do you know what my parents went through to send me to college? If I would have known I would only be making 5K more than a Fn UPS driver, I wouldn't' be here right now, I would be delivering packages to this Fn place instead...... and THEY ARE THE PEOPLE GOING ON STRIKE????"

When talking about medical costs, I always remembered that encounter. She had a vary valid point, and that's why many younger people at the time never pursued a professional career. Yes, unions did increase the cost of our delivered products, but the domino effect into other professional fields cost us even more. You simply can't expect people to go hundreds of thousands of dollars into debt, give up the best part of their lives, only to make as much as an assembly line worker at the Ford plant or a UPS driver. That's why today, a pharmacist makes twice what our pharmacist made in the mid 80's.

Agree 99% but my son live in sitter wants to move here in SD. Plus starting at Kaiser is $50/hour per diem best he can get in Florida is around $30.
Defend illegals all you want, but they aren't slaves to the rich white elitist classistt jerks that defend them .I live with illegals, I resent them and those that created this artificial situation. It's solely to the benefit of rich liberals that hire these assholes, and they are the driving force here. I see how rich whites condescend and then justify the effects, as if they are the absolute judges of right and wrong, with out care or a clue how it actually affects anyone outside their cliques.
I like to challenge you live one on one debate.
TOPIC: Quantum Physics, DNA/Genome Counting, both Chemistry and Hematology, Mechanical/ Electrical Engineering and Medical instrumentations. IN 6 LANGUAGES.
Hey señor - how are you going to debate Quantum Physics when you haven't mastered the English language yet?

"I like to challenge you live"?!? Really? Dude...it's abundantly clear that English is not your native language. Why are you lying about everything? The sentence would be "I would like to challenge you to a live one on one debate" señor.

Blah blah blah........... Instead of keep insulting because that's all you got. I don't have to impress you or anybody because I know you are just poor peasant........

Why don't you just take my challenge and let's see what you got. You piece of shit. LETS GO.
I haven't insulted anyone snowflake. Simply pointing out the facts - that you speak broken English - is not an "insult".

Here's the thing snowflake - your challenge is pitiful. For starters, none of those topics have any relevance with regards to our paths crossing on a political website. So the debate I would challenge your uneducated, illegal alien ass on is the U.S. Constitution. And I would put up $100 for every $1 you would put up. And I would completely obliterate your pitiful and uninformed ass too.

But here's the thing - you don't have an honest bone in your body. You wouldn't even engage in the debate, you'd have someone else do it for you. Then you'd claim you "won" even when I obliterated you. And finally - you'd never pay.

So rather than making outrageous and absurd challenges on USMB for hours a day - why don't you use that time to better yourself and study the English language?
I think for the most part, salaries are determined by supply and demand, and only indirectly by the cost of education and training. Doctors can command the salaries they do because very few people are able or willing to suffer through 4 years of premed, 4 years of medical school, interning and residency which takes 3 to 7 years more. Thus it limits supply.
And you'd be dead-wrong. I never cease to marvel at the left's complete lack of understanding about basic economics and basic business.
I like to challenge you live one on one debate.
TOPIC: Quantum Physics, DNA/Genome Counting, both Chemistry and Hematology, Mechanical/ Electrical Engineering and Medical instrumentations. IN 6 LANGUAGES.
Hey señor - how are you going to debate Quantum Physics when you haven't mastered the English language yet?

"I like to challenge you live"?!? Really? Dude...it's abundantly clear that English is not your native language. Why are you lying about everything? The sentence would be "I would like to challenge you to a live one on one debate" señor.

Blah blah blah........... Instead of keep insulting because that's all you got. I don't have to impress you or anybody because I know you are just poor peasant........

Why don't you just take my challenge and let's see what you got. You piece of shit. LETS GO.
I haven't insulted anyone snowflake. Simply pointing out the facts - that you speak broken English - is not an "insult".

Here's the thing snowflake - your challenge is pitiful. For starters, none of those topics have any relevance with regards to our paths crossing on a political website. So the debate I would challenge your uneducated, illegal alien ass on is the U.S. Constitution. And I would put up $100 for every $1 you would put up. And I would completely obliterate your pitiful and uninformed ass too.

But here's the thing - you don't have an honest bone in your body. You wouldn't even engage in the debate, you'd have someone else do it for you. Then you'd claim you "won" even when I obliterated you. And finally - you'd never pay.

So rather than making outrageous and absurd challenges on USMB for hours a day - why don't you use that time to better yourself and study the English language?

Blah blah blah. You are full of shit. If you want to talk to me decently I will talk to you decently but if you start with an insult....... this is what you are getting from me.

Cut your bullshit lame excuses and take my real live challenge. Let's go coward.
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Blah blah blah. You are full of shit. If you want to talk to me decently I will talk to you decently but if you start with an insult....... this is what you are getting from me.
Cut your bullshit and take my real live challenge. Let's go coward.
The challenge is the U.S. Constitution, señor. And you wouldn't stand a chance. I've got $100 right now that you've never even read the document in its entirety one time.
Blah blah blah. You are full of shit. If you want to talk to me decently I will talk to you decently but if you start with an insult....... this is what you are getting from me.
Cut your bullshit and take my real live challenge. Let's go coward.
The challenge is the U.S. Constitution, señor. And you wouldn't stand a chance. I've got $100 right now that you've never even read the document in its entirety one time.

Okay will do it live. Same protocol I offered you which include your cash that you can afford on display. Let's go.
I would like to ask my so called leaders, The representatives of My state, my city of my birth, how they can dare pretend represent ME, and then give SANCTUARY to illegal aliens without consent, let alone violate laws in MY NAME as if if is was some kind of virtue? And they hurt ME, contribute to crime and contempt of American laws and culture. And WHY? They tell me, its good. Good because of diversity. Really? How so? Like Slavery or deforestation or strip mining, because its good for THEM that profit? I am not seeing the virtues of selling out or profiting from corruption , either way.

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