He wasn't kidding: Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states

I would like to ask my so called leaders, The representatives of My state, my city of my birth, how they can dare pretend represent ME, and then give SANCTUARY to illegal aliens without consent, let alone violate laws in MY NAME as if if is was some kind of virtue? And they hurt ME, contribute to crime and contempt of American laws and culture. And WHY? They tell me, its good. Good because of diversity. Really? How so? Like Slavery or deforestation or strip mining, because its good for THEM that profit? I am not seeing the virtues of selling out or profiting from corruption , either way.
You've nailed it on every post you've made MaryL. And here is the reality - the left doesn't give a damn about any illegal alien or refugee. That's why none of them will take those people into their own home or foot the bill for them.

The hatriots are doing simply what they always do - collecting "useful idiots" for their cause. They think if they can champion citizenship for 20 million people, then throw money at them (in the form of welfare, healthcare, housing, etc.) that they can instantly add 20 million voters to their side.
I would like to ask my so called leaders, The representatives of My state, my city of my birth, how they can dare pretend represent ME, and then give SANCTUARY to illegal aliens without consent, let alone violate laws in MY NAME as if if is was some kind of virtue? And they hurt ME, contribute to crime and contempt of American laws and culture. And WHY? They tell me, its good. Good because of diversity. Really? How so? Like Slavery or deforestation or strip mining, because its good for THEM that profit? I am not seeing the virtues of selling out or profiting from corruption , either way.
You've nailed it on every post you've made MaryL. And here is the reality - the left doesn't give a damn about any illegal alien or refugee. That's why none of them will take those people into their own home or foot the bill for them.

The hatriots are doing simply what they always do - collecting "useful idiots" for their cause. They think if they can champion citizenship for 20 million people, then throw money at them (in the form of welfare, healthcare, housing, etc.) that they can instantly add 20 million voters to their side.
I can't begin to say just how fed up with our government I am on immigration, let alone businesses or the media, I sense you understand that frustration. The government is supposed to represent us, not the other way around. Nobody is above the law, we are told. I wonder who the laws apply too anymore.
"every immigrant who comes here should be required within 5 years to learn English or leave America!" - Theodore Roosevelt
I would like to ask my so called leaders, The representatives of My state, my city of my birth, how they can dare pretend represent ME, and then give SANCTUARY to illegal aliens without consent, let alone violate laws in MY NAME as if if is was some kind of virtue? And they hurt ME, contribute to crime and contempt of American laws and culture. And WHY? They tell me, its good. Good because of diversity. Really? How so? Like Slavery or deforestation or strip mining, because its good for THEM that profit? I am not seeing the virtues of selling out or profiting from corruption , either way.
You've nailed it on every post you've made MaryL. And here is the reality - the left doesn't give a damn about any illegal alien or refugee. That's why none of them will take those people into their own home or foot the bill for them.

The hatriots are doing simply what they always do - collecting "useful idiots" for their cause. They think if they can champion citizenship for 20 million people, then throw money at them (in the form of welfare, healthcare, housing, etc.) that they can instantly add 20 million voters to their side.

More than that, they are trying to win over the entire Hispanic population in this country. They actually believe that Hispanics can be bought off like the blacks.

The Democrat party no longer represents white America liberal or conservative. Their long term goal is to make whites a minority in this country as quickly as possible. In doing so, they can make this a one-party country for eternity.
Where you are wrong is stating no Americans will take these jobs. Americans will do any job for proper compensation. The problem is the consumer is too cheap and demands low prices for just about anything.

The supply and demand process is nearly perfect when it comes to jobs and employment provided we don't throw monkey wrenches into the works like unions and foreigners. Without those two things, jobs will increase in wages and Americans will take those jobs when the wages reach satisfactory levels.

I see it in my line of work constantly. Transportation companies can't find workers to do the labor for cheap, so they are bringing in foreigners instead of increasing wage and benefit offers. That's part of the problem. The other problem is our social programs that pay enough for people to live comfortably without taking those jobs.

Im not sure what proper compensation for these kind of work. How much are they willing to get paid for those kinds of work? The $18 I gave you are the starters.
I gave you 2 examples and 3 links which included Trump to prove these people are not taking these jobs.
Agree part of the problem is our social program. The other one that worries me are these kids coming out from college crap of bs majors with massive loans that can't find a high paying jobs. I have lots of these kids.

I think that's a huge problem. My sister will be paying off college loans for my niece and nephew until after she retries. My nephew isn't doing bad. He got a Masters degree and was working in the field before he graduated. My niece? She graduated several years ago and is still waiting tables at a restaurant in Florida.

The problem with college is supply and demand; more demand than supply. As a baby boomer when I was in school, out of a class of 35 kids, maybe seven or eight went to college. Lord knows how many graduated. Today, it's almost a must to get an advanced education because those big paying union days are long gone.

I don't know what the solution is other than erecting more colleges which I don't think Trump is in control of, but you never know.

My live in house sitter in Key Biscayne has the same problem with his 32yo son but at least he went back to school and took nursing. He graduated last month and he will take his board exam first week of April. If he passed his RN board exam I can help him get a job here in SD at Kaiser. But lord his nursing school loan alone is about $70k not sure how much is his other loan with his bs psychology.
My daughter's maid is a 28yo with bs liberal arts making $13/hour but free food and lodging with health insurance. I can say she is just lucky otherwise she is homeless. This really bothers me bc how in the world are they going to make it. Her mother is my son's maid in last 18 years with a green card holder from the Philippines.

Well there is the problem: a BS illiberal arts???

When kids go to school they are not taking the courses needed to secure a financial or professional future, they are taking courses that are easy to pass.

For example, the son of your house sitter doesn't need your help. If you are an RN today, you can easily get a job anytime--anywhere in the country. He chose a field in great demand.

The cost of training in the medical field helps to fuel our problem of being able to afford medical care; college costs play a part in that. Unions were another problem.

Back in the 80's when I was working in the medical field, our company had weekly meetings. At the time, the company was erecting a pharmacy; not like CVS or anything, but a section of the building so the pharmacist could make medications for our customers.

After one of our Monday morning meetings, we went into the warehouse where the coffee pot was, and started our own conversation which at the time, was the UPS strike.

Our newest employee--the pharmacist, listened on as we discussed the problem. Her face turned red with ire, and she abruptly walked away from us without saying a word. We kind of looked at each other like WTF???

Our coffee pot meeting broke up and as usual, I was the last one standing there. The pharmacist returned, and in her hand was her pharmacist magazine. Still in anger, she shoved it in my chest. She told me to read the article that she had highlighted.

What the article said was that senior UPS drivers made around 55K a year at the time. A pharmacist made about 60K a year. She said "Do you know what I went through to become a pharmacist? Do you know what my parents went through to send me to college? If I would have known I would only be making 5K more than a Fn UPS driver, I wouldn't' be here right now, I would be delivering packages to this Fn place instead...... and THEY ARE THE PEOPLE GOING ON STRIKE????"

When talking about medical costs, I always remembered that encounter. She had a vary valid point, and that's why many younger people at the time never pursued a professional career. Yes, unions did increase the cost of our delivered products, but the domino effect into other professional fields cost us even more. You simply can't expect people to go hundreds of thousands of dollars into debt, give up the best part of their lives, only to make as much as an assembly line worker at the Ford plant or a UPS driver. That's why today, a pharmacist makes twice what our pharmacist made in the mid 80's.
I think for the most part, salaries are determined by supply and demand, and only indirectly by the cost of education and training. Doctors can command the salaries they do because very few people are able or willing to suffer through 4 years of premed, 4 years of medical school, interning and residency which takes 3 to 7 years more. Thus it limits supply.

Only partly true. Education is only good if you get into a field of demand.

Years ago I was repairing medical equipment so my company sent me to electronics school. Working full-time, supporting a family, and going to school three nights a week wore me out quickly. So after a couple of months, I asked my teacher what kind of money I could make after the first year of school and getting my FCC license. He told me about 16K a year. Shocked, I asked what I could be making after two years of school getting an associates degree, he told me 18K a year. Hell, I was making more than that with the job I had.

I dropped out. Electronics is very hard. It's all math. So why such low pay? Because everybody and their mother wanted to be in electronics at the time. Too much supply. A couple of years later cable television came to town and I jumped on it. The guy that came out to install it was a former classmate I had in electronics school. He told me how smart I was to get the hell out of there. He couldn't find any kind of work in the field, and the work that was out there was like our teacher told us--low pay.

It's the same thing with cosmetology. Cutting hair is on the top ten worst paid professions in the country. That too takes a lot of work and training, and then you have to mess around with the state and their certifications and regulations. But for many women, cutting hair is a dream job come true so again, the profession is flooded with workers. The problem is you can probably make more at Walmart.
Illegal Aliens gotta go.

There will, of course, be some genuine tragedies associated with a large-scale nationwide and sad-but-necessary initiative.

To make omelettes ya gotta break a few eggs.

The FUN part about this is going to be watching the impotent Lefties squeal like stuck pigs, as a 5-4 Supreme Court upholds the sanctions against Sanctuaries.
Illegal Aliens gotta go.

There will, of course, be some genuine tragedies associated with a large-scale nationwide and sad-but-necessary initiative.

To make omelettes ya gotta break a few eggs.

The FUN part about this is going to be watching the impotent Lefties squeal like stuck pigs, as a 5-4 Supreme Court upholds the sanctions against Sanctuaries.

I have a few liberal family members and friends on FaceBook. They are already posting the sympathy stories.
Illegal Aliens gotta go.

There will, of course, be some genuine tragedies associated with a large-scale nationwide and sad-but-necessary initiative.

To make omelettes ya gotta break a few eggs.

The FUN part about this is going to be watching the impotent Lefties squeal like stuck pigs, as a 5-4 Supreme Court upholds the sanctions against Sanctuaries.

I have a few liberal family members and friends on FaceBook. They are already posting the sympathy stories.

Illegal Aliens depress wages in construction, roofing, landscaping, plumbing, carpentry, electrical, etc... low-paid apprentices and "helpers"...

LibTards are really big on emoting and standing alongside Aliens - those here illegally - rather than their own countrymen...

It's a huge part of the overall reason why they've lost the House, the Senate, the White House, and the Supreme Court, and large numbers of state elected offices...

They can't admit it to themselves, but, until they do, and until they once again stand alongside their countrymen, they will remain impotent on the sidelines; without power.
Illegal Aliens gotta go.

There will, of course, be some genuine tragedies associated with a large-scale nationwide and sad-but-necessary initiative.

To make omelettes ya gotta break a few eggs.

The FUN part about this is going to be watching the impotent Lefties squeal like stuck pigs, as a 5-4 Supreme Court upholds the sanctions against Sanctuaries.

I have a few liberal family members and friends on FaceBook. They are already posting the sympathy stories.

Illegal Aliens depress wages in construction, roofing, landscaping, plumbing, carpentry, electrical, etc... low-paid apprentices and "helpers"...

LibTards are really big on emoting and standing alongside Aliens - those here illegally - rather than their own countrymen...

It's a huge part of the overall reason why they've lost the House, the Senate, the White House, and the Supreme Court, and large numbers of state elected offices...

They can't admit it to themselves, but, until they do, and until they once again stand alongside their countrymen, they will remain impotent on the sidelines; without power.

Liberals will take the side of their leaders without a second thought. They are like sheep who just act but can't explain why they are acting.

Immigrants of any kind are having an impact on the black community. It is they who work the jobs that immigrants are taking today. Unfortunately, the Democrats have them so brainwashed they don't understand what their party is doing to them. Democrat leaders just keep promoting the evil rich white guy thing to them and they believe it.

If the black community ever figures this out, Democrats could find themselves in a world of trouble. But it would take a prominent black figure to explain this to his or her people before they will believe anything.
"every immigrant who comes here should be required within 5 years to learn English or leave America!" - Theodore Roosevelt

"every immigrant who comes here should be required within 5 years to learn Navaho or leave Ammerica" - Sitting Bull

Why would anybody need to learn Navaho? Nobody speaks it here. We speak English and have for quite a long time now
Im not sure what proper compensation for these kind of work. How much are they willing to get paid for those kinds of work? The $18 I gave you are the starters.
I gave you 2 examples and 3 links which included Trump to prove these people are not taking these jobs.
Agree part of the problem is our social program. The other one that worries me are these kids coming out from college crap of bs majors with massive loans that can't find a high paying jobs. I have lots of these kids.

I think that's a huge problem. My sister will be paying off college loans for my niece and nephew until after she retries. My nephew isn't doing bad. He got a Masters degree and was working in the field before he graduated. My niece? She graduated several years ago and is still waiting tables at a restaurant in Florida.

The problem with college is supply and demand; more demand than supply. As a baby boomer when I was in school, out of a class of 35 kids, maybe seven or eight went to college. Lord knows how many graduated. Today, it's almost a must to get an advanced education because those big paying union days are long gone.

I don't know what the solution is other than erecting more colleges which I don't think Trump is in control of, but you never know.

My live in house sitter in Key Biscayne has the same problem with his 32yo son but at least he went back to school and took nursing. He graduated last month and he will take his board exam first week of April. If he passed his RN board exam I can help him get a job here in SD at Kaiser. But lord his nursing school loan alone is about $70k not sure how much is his other loan with his bs psychology.
My daughter's maid is a 28yo with bs liberal arts making $13/hour but free food and lodging with health insurance. I can say she is just lucky otherwise she is homeless. This really bothers me bc how in the world are they going to make it. Her mother is my son's maid in last 18 years with a green card holder from the Philippines.

Well there is the problem: a BS illiberal arts???

When kids go to school they are not taking the courses needed to secure a financial or professional future, they are taking courses that are easy to pass.

For example, the son of your house sitter doesn't need your help. If you are an RN today, you can easily get a job anytime--anywhere in the country. He chose a field in great demand.

The cost of training in the medical field helps to fuel our problem of being able to afford medical care; college costs play a part in that. Unions were another problem.

Back in the 80's when I was working in the medical field, our company had weekly meetings. At the time, the company was erecting a pharmacy; not like CVS or anything, but a section of the building so the pharmacist could make medications for our customers.

After one of our Monday morning meetings, we went into the warehouse where the coffee pot was, and started our own conversation which at the time, was the UPS strike.

Our newest employee--the pharmacist, listened on as we discussed the problem. Her face turned red with ire, and she abruptly walked away from us without saying a word. We kind of looked at each other like WTF???

Our coffee pot meeting broke up and as usual, I was the last one standing there. The pharmacist returned, and in her hand was her pharmacist magazine. Still in anger, she shoved it in my chest. She told me to read the article that she had highlighted.

What the article said was that senior UPS drivers made around 55K a year at the time. A pharmacist made about 60K a year. She said "Do you know what I went through to become a pharmacist? Do you know what my parents went through to send me to college? If I would have known I would only be making 5K more than a Fn UPS driver, I wouldn't' be here right now, I would be delivering packages to this Fn place instead...... and THEY ARE THE PEOPLE GOING ON STRIKE????"

When talking about medical costs, I always remembered that encounter. She had a vary valid point, and that's why many younger people at the time never pursued a professional career. Yes, unions did increase the cost of our delivered products, but the domino effect into other professional fields cost us even more. You simply can't expect people to go hundreds of thousands of dollars into debt, give up the best part of their lives, only to make as much as an assembly line worker at the Ford plant or a UPS driver. That's why today, a pharmacist makes twice what our pharmacist made in the mid 80's.
I think for the most part, salaries are determined by supply and demand, and only indirectly by the cost of education and training. Doctors can command the salaries they do because very few people are able or willing to suffer through 4 years of premed, 4 years of medical school, interning and residency which takes 3 to 7 years more. Thus it limits supply.

Only partly true. Education is only good if you get into a field of demand.

Years ago I was repairing medical equipment so my company sent me to electronics school. Working full-time, supporting a family, and going to school three nights a week wore me out quickly. So after a couple of months, I asked my teacher what kind of money I could make after the first year of school and getting my FCC license. He told me about 16K a year. Shocked, I asked what I could be making after two years of school getting an associates degree, he told me 18K a year. Hell, I was making more than that with the job I had.

I dropped out. Electronics is very hard. It's all math. So why such low pay? Because everybody and their mother wanted to be in electronics at the time. Too much supply. A couple of years later cable television came to town and I jumped on it. The guy that came out to install it was a former classmate I had in electronics school. He told me how smart I was to get the hell out of there. He couldn't find any kind of work in the field, and the work that was out there was like our teacher told us--low pay.

It's the same thing with cosmetology. Cutting hair is on the top ten worst paid professions in the country. That too takes a lot of work and training, and then you have to mess around with the state and their certifications and regulations. But for many women, cutting hair is a dream job come true so again, the profession is flooded with workers. The problem is you can probably make more at Walmart.
The pay for cutting hair is low because there is a lot of people cutting hair relative to the demand which drives down wages. You can get the training you need to become a barber in about 3 months at a cost as low as $1500 so any increase in demand can be easily met.

It takes a minimum 8 years of education plus residency to become a doctor with an average cost, excusing living expenses of over $200,000. So becoming a doctor is neither easy nor inexpensive which limits the supply relative to the demand.

Supply and demand in the labor force is of course altered by unions and civil service but it is the most important factor in determining wages.

BTW The mean wage for an electrician today is $55,590. The highest-paid earned about $88,000, while the lowest-paid electricians earned around $31,000 a year excluding benefits. However, entry into the field takes time and money. Programs include both classroom courses and on-the-job training, and can take about 4 years to complete.

A 4 year degree in electrical engineer which cost a lot more is a good choice if you can make it through school. Electrical Engineers earn a median salary of $93,010 per year. Salaries typically start from $59,240 and go up to $146,820.
"every immigrant who comes here should be required within 5 years to learn English or leave America!" - Theodore Roosevelt

"every immigrant who comes here should be required within 5 years to learn Navaho or leave Ammerica" - Sitting Bull

Why would anybody need to learn Navaho? Nobody speaks it here. We speak English and have for quite a long time now
Tribal members Anthropologists??
I think that's a huge problem. My sister will be paying off college loans for my niece and nephew until after she retries. My nephew isn't doing bad. He got a Masters degree and was working in the field before he graduated. My niece? She graduated several years ago and is still waiting tables at a restaurant in Florida.

The problem with college is supply and demand; more demand than supply. As a baby boomer when I was in school, out of a class of 35 kids, maybe seven or eight went to college. Lord knows how many graduated. Today, it's almost a must to get an advanced education because those big paying union days are long gone.

I don't know what the solution is other than erecting more colleges which I don't think Trump is in control of, but you never know.

My live in house sitter in Key Biscayne has the same problem with his 32yo son but at least he went back to school and took nursing. He graduated last month and he will take his board exam first week of April. If he passed his RN board exam I can help him get a job here in SD at Kaiser. But lord his nursing school loan alone is about $70k not sure how much is his other loan with his bs psychology.
My daughter's maid is a 28yo with bs liberal arts making $13/hour but free food and lodging with health insurance. I can say she is just lucky otherwise she is homeless. This really bothers me bc how in the world are they going to make it. Her mother is my son's maid in last 18 years with a green card holder from the Philippines.

Well there is the problem: a BS illiberal arts???

When kids go to school they are not taking the courses needed to secure a financial or professional future, they are taking courses that are easy to pass.

For example, the son of your house sitter doesn't need your help. If you are an RN today, you can easily get a job anytime--anywhere in the country. He chose a field in great demand.

The cost of training in the medical field helps to fuel our problem of being able to afford medical care; college costs play a part in that. Unions were another problem.

Back in the 80's when I was working in the medical field, our company had weekly meetings. At the time, the company was erecting a pharmacy; not like CVS or anything, but a section of the building so the pharmacist could make medications for our customers.

After one of our Monday morning meetings, we went into the warehouse where the coffee pot was, and started our own conversation which at the time, was the UPS strike.

Our newest employee--the pharmacist, listened on as we discussed the problem. Her face turned red with ire, and she abruptly walked away from us without saying a word. We kind of looked at each other like WTF???

Our coffee pot meeting broke up and as usual, I was the last one standing there. The pharmacist returned, and in her hand was her pharmacist magazine. Still in anger, she shoved it in my chest. She told me to read the article that she had highlighted.

What the article said was that senior UPS drivers made around 55K a year at the time. A pharmacist made about 60K a year. She said "Do you know what I went through to become a pharmacist? Do you know what my parents went through to send me to college? If I would have known I would only be making 5K more than a Fn UPS driver, I wouldn't' be here right now, I would be delivering packages to this Fn place instead...... and THEY ARE THE PEOPLE GOING ON STRIKE????"

When talking about medical costs, I always remembered that encounter. She had a vary valid point, and that's why many younger people at the time never pursued a professional career. Yes, unions did increase the cost of our delivered products, but the domino effect into other professional fields cost us even more. You simply can't expect people to go hundreds of thousands of dollars into debt, give up the best part of their lives, only to make as much as an assembly line worker at the Ford plant or a UPS driver. That's why today, a pharmacist makes twice what our pharmacist made in the mid 80's.
I think for the most part, salaries are determined by supply and demand, and only indirectly by the cost of education and training. Doctors can command the salaries they do because very few people are able or willing to suffer through 4 years of premed, 4 years of medical school, interning and residency which takes 3 to 7 years more. Thus it limits supply.

Only partly true. Education is only good if you get into a field of demand.

Years ago I was repairing medical equipment so my company sent me to electronics school. Working full-time, supporting a family, and going to school three nights a week wore me out quickly. So after a couple of months, I asked my teacher what kind of money I could make after the first year of school and getting my FCC license. He told me about 16K a year. Shocked, I asked what I could be making after two years of school getting an associates degree, he told me 18K a year. Hell, I was making more than that with the job I had.

I dropped out. Electronics is very hard. It's all math. So why such low pay? Because everybody and their mother wanted to be in electronics at the time. Too much supply. A couple of years later cable television came to town and I jumped on it. The guy that came out to install it was a former classmate I had in electronics school. He told me how smart I was to get the hell out of there. He couldn't find any kind of work in the field, and the work that was out there was like our teacher told us--low pay.

It's the same thing with cosmetology. Cutting hair is on the top ten worst paid professions in the country. That too takes a lot of work and training, and then you have to mess around with the state and their certifications and regulations. But for many women, cutting hair is a dream job come true so again, the profession is flooded with workers. The problem is you can probably make more at Walmart.
The pay for cutting hair is low because there is a lot of people cutting hair relative to the demand which drives down wages. You can get the training you need to become a barber in about 3 months at a cost as low as $1500 so any increase in demand can be easily met.

It takes a minimum 8 years of education plus residency to become a doctor with an average cost, excusing living expenses of over $200,000. So becoming a doctor is neither easy nor inexpensive which limits the supply relative to the demand.

Supply and demand in the labor force is of course altered by unions and civil service but it is the most important factor in determining wages.

BTW The mean wage for an electrician today is $55,590. The highest-paid earned about $88,000, while the lowest-paid electricians earned around $31,000 a year excluding benefits. However, entry into the field takes time and money. Programs include both classroom courses and on-the-job training, and can take about 4 years to complete.

A 4 year degree in electrical engineer which cost a lot more is a good choice if you can make it through school. Electrical Engineers earn a median salary of $93,010 per year. Salaries typically start from $59,240 and go up to $146,820.

Yes, I know. A close friend of mine is an electrical engineer, and he does pretty good for himself.

Supply and demand in the labor force is of course altered by unions and civil service but it is the most important factor in determining wages.

It works the same in all fields, especially those that illegals and immigrants can do. If they create an over supply of labor, then wages (like the hairdresser) tumble. It's been going on for quite some time in this country and is even worse today than ever. If we don't close off the borders to nearly everybody, wages will remain stagnant.
My live in house sitter in Key Biscayne has the same problem with his 32yo son but at least he went back to school and took nursing. He graduated last month and he will take his board exam first week of April. If he passed his RN board exam I can help him get a job here in SD at Kaiser. But lord his nursing school loan alone is about $70k not sure how much is his other loan with his bs psychology.
My daughter's maid is a 28yo with bs liberal arts making $13/hour but free food and lodging with health insurance. I can say she is just lucky otherwise she is homeless. This really bothers me bc how in the world are they going to make it. Her mother is my son's maid in last 18 years with a green card holder from the Philippines.

Well there is the problem: a BS illiberal arts???

When kids go to school they are not taking the courses needed to secure a financial or professional future, they are taking courses that are easy to pass.

For example, the son of your house sitter doesn't need your help. If you are an RN today, you can easily get a job anytime--anywhere in the country. He chose a field in great demand.

The cost of training in the medical field helps to fuel our problem of being able to afford medical care; college costs play a part in that. Unions were another problem.

Back in the 80's when I was working in the medical field, our company had weekly meetings. At the time, the company was erecting a pharmacy; not like CVS or anything, but a section of the building so the pharmacist could make medications for our customers.

After one of our Monday morning meetings, we went into the warehouse where the coffee pot was, and started our own conversation which at the time, was the UPS strike.

Our newest employee--the pharmacist, listened on as we discussed the problem. Her face turned red with ire, and she abruptly walked away from us without saying a word. We kind of looked at each other like WTF???

Our coffee pot meeting broke up and as usual, I was the last one standing there. The pharmacist returned, and in her hand was her pharmacist magazine. Still in anger, she shoved it in my chest. She told me to read the article that she had highlighted.

What the article said was that senior UPS drivers made around 55K a year at the time. A pharmacist made about 60K a year. She said "Do you know what I went through to become a pharmacist? Do you know what my parents went through to send me to college? If I would have known I would only be making 5K more than a Fn UPS driver, I wouldn't' be here right now, I would be delivering packages to this Fn place instead...... and THEY ARE THE PEOPLE GOING ON STRIKE????"

When talking about medical costs, I always remembered that encounter. She had a vary valid point, and that's why many younger people at the time never pursued a professional career. Yes, unions did increase the cost of our delivered products, but the domino effect into other professional fields cost us even more. You simply can't expect people to go hundreds of thousands of dollars into debt, give up the best part of their lives, only to make as much as an assembly line worker at the Ford plant or a UPS driver. That's why today, a pharmacist makes twice what our pharmacist made in the mid 80's.
I think for the most part, salaries are determined by supply and demand, and only indirectly by the cost of education and training. Doctors can command the salaries they do because very few people are able or willing to suffer through 4 years of premed, 4 years of medical school, interning and residency which takes 3 to 7 years more. Thus it limits supply.

Only partly true. Education is only good if you get into a field of demand.

Years ago I was repairing medical equipment so my company sent me to electronics school. Working full-time, supporting a family, and going to school three nights a week wore me out quickly. So after a couple of months, I asked my teacher what kind of money I could make after the first year of school and getting my FCC license. He told me about 16K a year. Shocked, I asked what I could be making after two years of school getting an associates degree, he told me 18K a year. Hell, I was making more than that with the job I had.

I dropped out. Electronics is very hard. It's all math. So why such low pay? Because everybody and their mother wanted to be in electronics at the time. Too much supply. A couple of years later cable television came to town and I jumped on it. The guy that came out to install it was a former classmate I had in electronics school. He told me how smart I was to get the hell out of there. He couldn't find any kind of work in the field, and the work that was out there was like our teacher told us--low pay.

It's the same thing with cosmetology. Cutting hair is on the top ten worst paid professions in the country. That too takes a lot of work and training, and then you have to mess around with the state and their certifications and regulations. But for many women, cutting hair is a dream job come true so again, the profession is flooded with workers. The problem is you can probably make more at Walmart.
The pay for cutting hair is low because there is a lot of people cutting hair relative to the demand which drives down wages. You can get the training you need to become a barber in about 3 months at a cost as low as $1500 so any increase in demand can be easily met.

It takes a minimum 8 years of education plus residency to become a doctor with an average cost, excusing living expenses of over $200,000. So becoming a doctor is neither easy nor inexpensive which limits the supply relative to the demand.

Supply and demand in the labor force is of course altered by unions and civil service but it is the most important factor in determining wages.

BTW The mean wage for an electrician today is $55,590. The highest-paid earned about $88,000, while the lowest-paid electricians earned around $31,000 a year excluding benefits. However, entry into the field takes time and money. Programs include both classroom courses and on-the-job training, and can take about 4 years to complete.

A 4 year degree in electrical engineer which cost a lot more is a good choice if you can make it through school. Electrical Engineers earn a median salary of $93,010 per year. Salaries typically start from $59,240 and go up to $146,820.

Yes, I know. A close friend of mine is an electrical engineer, and he does pretty good for himself.

Supply and demand in the labor force is of course altered by unions and civil service but it is the most important factor in determining wages.

It works the same in all fields, especially those that illegals and immigrants can do. If they create an over supply of labor, then wages (like the hairdresser) tumble. It's been going on for quite some time in this country and is even worse today than ever. If we don't close off the borders to nearly everybody, wages will remain stagnant.
There has never been any concrete evidence to support your assumption. Illegal working immigrants represent a very small percent of the workforce so they can't have much of impact on wages. It is easy to reach the conclusion that jobs are going to illegals by just looking at Taco Bell or McDonald. However, what you are seeing are legal immigrants and many 2nd and 3rd generation Americans who are Hispanic, Filipino, Thai, or Arab. Contrary to popular opinion illegal immigrants look exactly the same as legal immigrants and often the same as 2nd and 3rd generation Americans. Being poor and speaking Spanish does not make you illegal.
Nancy Pelosi doing what Nancy Pelosi does best - ignoring the facts, avoiding a legitimate question, and patronizing a victim of tragedy...all so that she can continue with her messed up ideology.

"...but I do want to say to you, that in our sanctuary cities, our people are not disobeying the law. These are law-abiding citizens."

Obviously they are not Nancy or this woman's son would not have been horribly tortured and murdered. As usual, she doesn't answer the question head on. She gives fake sympathy and then immediately shifts back to her false narrative. :eusa_doh:

Woman whose son was killed by an illegal alien confronts Nancy Pelosi about ‘sanctuary cities’

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