He wasn't kidding: Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states

Mass deportation was not a Trump agenda. He said it was the primaries but (at the time) was unaware that each deportation had to go through court proceedings.

What to do with illegals? Send them back where they came from. Unlike Obama, Trump is taking this issue seriously, and word gets around to people that plan on overstaying their visas or sneaking into this country some other way. That would help reduce new offenders.

Correct, some of these jobs will go unfulfilled unless we drastically reduce our government dependency. Today, $10.00 an hour doesn't seem like enough to take a job. But if there is nothing to eat in the house and you don't have electricity, that $10.00 an hour job will seem like a blessing.

Trump is only deporting those illegals with criminal records which is no different from Obama. I have not seen Trump taking this seriously so I'm waiting. And how do you suppose Trump can stop those over stay visas? Unless he stop tourism industry completely.

Yes Trump did mentioned that there will be a force deportation....... So if there's no mass deportation. Again what should we do with them? You and I can't deport them.

That's tough to say what Trump is going to do about the Visa's because activist judges already put a snag in his temporary ban on people coming here from terrorist countries. So I'm sure he's now spending a lot of time on that instead of progressing to other things such as the Visa's.

If it were up to me, it would be a five year minimum federal prison sentence for anybody caught here illegally. It would solve our problem with no wall at all. People would be fighting to get the hell out of this country. Self-deporation is the cheapest and quickest.

Look. Do I like illegals draining our resources especially here in California? HELL NO.
However just like majority of Americans and so with GOPs like Paul Ryan or Rubio support comprehensive immigration reform.

I know tons of business owners from different kinds of enterprises from aqua farming, agricultural farming, low/high tech, building, wineries to casino owners etc etc etc. But I'll just pick 2 as an example.
1. Home care located in Hawaii, Beverly Hills and Anaheim. All these 3 only catered to *very rich* patients with lots of luxuries like round the clock RNs, physical therapist, view your love one from your iPad 24hours etc etc etc. Which btw they have a very long waiting list. All these 3 .......... no employees making less than $18, no illegals, most are asians/hispanics, only 3 whites are RNs, 1 white physical therapist......... but no blacks or whites that take care patients. Why? Few maybe but If people are not used or born to do these kind work you don't expect people would last.

2. Central California and Avocado farmers here in San Diego. Without these illegals they might as well just shut down their farms. It's as simple as that. Here are 2 (links) good examples from Georgia when they acted HB-56 against illegals.
This is the one of the reason why Trump hired foreign workers ( link below) for his vineyard in Virginia because they cannot find Americans that are willing or stay for these kind of work. Actually it's worst and cost more than $15/hour bc they have to feed and shelter these foreign workers.

NOW.......... Tell me where I'm wrong from all my post?

Ga. immigrant crackdown backfires

Georgia's Harsh Immigration Law Costs Millions in Unharvested Crops - The Atlantic


Where you are wrong is stating no Americans will take these jobs. Americans will do any job for proper compensation. The problem is the consumer is too cheap and demands low prices for just about anything.

The supply and demand process is nearly perfect when it comes to jobs and employment provided we don't throw monkey wrenches into the works like unions and foreigners. Without those two things, jobs will increase in wages and Americans will take those jobs when the wages reach satisfactory levels.

I see it in my line of work constantly. Transportation companies can't find workers to do the labor for cheap, so they are bringing in foreigners instead of increasing wage and benefit offers. That's part of the problem. The other problem is our social programs that pay enough for people to live comfortably without taking those jobs.

Im not sure what proper compensation for these kind of work. How much are they willing to get paid for those kinds of work? The $18 I gave you are the starters.
I gave you 2 examples and 3 links which included Trump to prove these people are not taking these jobs.
Agree part of the problem is our social program. The other one that worries me are these kids coming out from college crap of bs majors with massive loans that can't find a high paying jobs. I have lots of these kids.

a. $18/hour ain't gonna cut it in Beverly Hills. ($3117/mo gross, $37K/yr gross). Fed local taxes? ~10%?

So you got to commute in. A good car for 1.5 hour commute is going to cost you $800/mo easily with Gas, insurance, maintenance, purchase etc. Rent is $2K. food $400/mo, daycare $1000/mo, utilities $100/mo, cable/internet/phone $200/mo? Unless you got family helping..........sharing costs. you are wiped out.
Nancy Pelosi doing what Nancy Pelosi does best - ignoring the facts, avoiding a legitimate question, and patronizing a victim of tragedy...all so that she can continue with her messed up ideology.

"...but I do want to say to you, that in our sanctuary cities, our people are not disobeying the law. These are law-abiding citizens."

Obviously they are not Nancy or this woman's son would not have been horribly tortured and murdered. As usual, she doesn't answer the question head on. She gives fake sympathy and then immediately shifts back to her false narrative. :eusa_doh:

Woman whose son was killed by an illegal alien confronts Nancy Pelosi about ‘sanctuary cities’

Haha....Nancy Pelosi
I think she was the first to refer to illegals as "Dreamers"
She's fully aware of who will be buttering her parties bread.
Well there is the problem: a BS illiberal arts???

When kids go to school they are not taking the courses needed to secure a financial or professional future, they are taking courses that are easy to pass.

For example, the son of your house sitter doesn't need your help. If you are an RN today, you can easily get a job anytime--anywhere in the country. He chose a field in great demand.

The cost of training in the medical field helps to fuel our problem of being able to afford medical care; college costs play a part in that. Unions were another problem.

Back in the 80's when I was working in the medical field, our company had weekly meetings. At the time, the company was erecting a pharmacy; not like CVS or anything, but a section of the building so the pharmacist could make medications for our customers.

After one of our Monday morning meetings, we went into the warehouse where the coffee pot was, and started our own conversation which at the time, was the UPS strike.

Our newest employee--the pharmacist, listened on as we discussed the problem. Her face turned red with ire, and she abruptly walked away from us without saying a word. We kind of looked at each other like WTF???

Our coffee pot meeting broke up and as usual, I was the last one standing there. The pharmacist returned, and in her hand was her pharmacist magazine. Still in anger, she shoved it in my chest. She told me to read the article that she had highlighted.

What the article said was that senior UPS drivers made around 55K a year at the time. A pharmacist made about 60K a year. She said "Do you know what I went through to become a pharmacist? Do you know what my parents went through to send me to college? If I would have known I would only be making 5K more than a Fn UPS driver, I wouldn't' be here right now, I would be delivering packages to this Fn place instead...... and THEY ARE THE PEOPLE GOING ON STRIKE????"

When talking about medical costs, I always remembered that encounter. She had a vary valid point, and that's why many younger people at the time never pursued a professional career. Yes, unions did increase the cost of our delivered products, but the domino effect into other professional fields cost us even more. You simply can't expect people to go hundreds of thousands of dollars into debt, give up the best part of their lives, only to make as much as an assembly line worker at the Ford plant or a UPS driver. That's why today, a pharmacist makes twice what our pharmacist made in the mid 80's.
I think for the most part, salaries are determined by supply and demand, and only indirectly by the cost of education and training. Doctors can command the salaries they do because very few people are able or willing to suffer through 4 years of premed, 4 years of medical school, interning and residency which takes 3 to 7 years more. Thus it limits supply.

Only partly true. Education is only good if you get into a field of demand.

Years ago I was repairing medical equipment so my company sent me to electronics school. Working full-time, supporting a family, and going to school three nights a week wore me out quickly. So after a couple of months, I asked my teacher what kind of money I could make after the first year of school and getting my FCC license. He told me about 16K a year. Shocked, I asked what I could be making after two years of school getting an associates degree, he told me 18K a year. Hell, I was making more than that with the job I had.

I dropped out. Electronics is very hard. It's all math. So why such low pay? Because everybody and their mother wanted to be in electronics at the time. Too much supply. A couple of years later cable television came to town and I jumped on it. The guy that came out to install it was a former classmate I had in electronics school. He told me how smart I was to get the hell out of there. He couldn't find any kind of work in the field, and the work that was out there was like our teacher told us--low pay.

It's the same thing with cosmetology. Cutting hair is on the top ten worst paid professions in the country. That too takes a lot of work and training, and then you have to mess around with the state and their certifications and regulations. But for many women, cutting hair is a dream job come true so again, the profession is flooded with workers. The problem is you can probably make more at Walmart.
The pay for cutting hair is low because there is a lot of people cutting hair relative to the demand which drives down wages. You can get the training you need to become a barber in about 3 months at a cost as low as $1500 so any increase in demand can be easily met.

It takes a minimum 8 years of education plus residency to become a doctor with an average cost, excusing living expenses of over $200,000. So becoming a doctor is neither easy nor inexpensive which limits the supply relative to the demand.

Supply and demand in the labor force is of course altered by unions and civil service but it is the most important factor in determining wages.

BTW The mean wage for an electrician today is $55,590. The highest-paid earned about $88,000, while the lowest-paid electricians earned around $31,000 a year excluding benefits. However, entry into the field takes time and money. Programs include both classroom courses and on-the-job training, and can take about 4 years to complete.

A 4 year degree in electrical engineer which cost a lot more is a good choice if you can make it through school. Electrical Engineers earn a median salary of $93,010 per year. Salaries typically start from $59,240 and go up to $146,820.

Yes, I know. A close friend of mine is an electrical engineer, and he does pretty good for himself.

Supply and demand in the labor force is of course altered by unions and civil service but it is the most important factor in determining wages.

It works the same in all fields, especially those that illegals and immigrants can do. If they create an over supply of labor, then wages (like the hairdresser) tumble. It's been going on for quite some time in this country and is even worse today than ever. If we don't close off the borders to nearly everybody, wages will remain stagnant.
There has never been any concrete evidence to support your assumption. Illegal working immigrants represent a very small percent of the workforce so they can't have much of impact on wages. It is easy to reach the conclusion that jobs are going to illegals by just looking at Taco Bell or McDonald. However, what you are seeing are legal immigrants and many 2nd and 3rd generation Americans who are Hispanic, Filipino, Thai, or Arab. Contrary to popular opinion illegal immigrants look exactly the same as legal immigrants and often the same as 2nd and 3rd generation Americans. Being poor and speaking Spanish does not make you illegal.

Not illeglas, all immigrants. They come here, take our jobs, work for less than Americans, and send the money home. We don't have many Mexicans here up north, but from what I understand, they pack ten or fifteen people in two and three bedroom homes or apartments. It''s easier to work for less money when you live like that.

They don't take up much of the workforce? Don't you believe it:

Report: Immigrant workers account for all employment growth since 2007
I think for the most part, salaries are determined by supply and demand, and only indirectly by the cost of education and training. Doctors can command the salaries they do because very few people are able or willing to suffer through 4 years of premed, 4 years of medical school, interning and residency which takes 3 to 7 years more. Thus it limits supply.

Only partly true. Education is only good if you get into a field of demand.

Years ago I was repairing medical equipment so my company sent me to electronics school. Working full-time, supporting a family, and going to school three nights a week wore me out quickly. So after a couple of months, I asked my teacher what kind of money I could make after the first year of school and getting my FCC license. He told me about 16K a year. Shocked, I asked what I could be making after two years of school getting an associates degree, he told me 18K a year. Hell, I was making more than that with the job I had.

I dropped out. Electronics is very hard. It's all math. So why such low pay? Because everybody and their mother wanted to be in electronics at the time. Too much supply. A couple of years later cable television came to town and I jumped on it. The guy that came out to install it was a former classmate I had in electronics school. He told me how smart I was to get the hell out of there. He couldn't find any kind of work in the field, and the work that was out there was like our teacher told us--low pay.

It's the same thing with cosmetology. Cutting hair is on the top ten worst paid professions in the country. That too takes a lot of work and training, and then you have to mess around with the state and their certifications and regulations. But for many women, cutting hair is a dream job come true so again, the profession is flooded with workers. The problem is you can probably make more at Walmart.
The pay for cutting hair is low because there is a lot of people cutting hair relative to the demand which drives down wages. You can get the training you need to become a barber in about 3 months at a cost as low as $1500 so any increase in demand can be easily met.

It takes a minimum 8 years of education plus residency to become a doctor with an average cost, excusing living expenses of over $200,000. So becoming a doctor is neither easy nor inexpensive which limits the supply relative to the demand.

Supply and demand in the labor force is of course altered by unions and civil service but it is the most important factor in determining wages.

BTW The mean wage for an electrician today is $55,590. The highest-paid earned about $88,000, while the lowest-paid electricians earned around $31,000 a year excluding benefits. However, entry into the field takes time and money. Programs include both classroom courses and on-the-job training, and can take about 4 years to complete.

A 4 year degree in electrical engineer which cost a lot more is a good choice if you can make it through school. Electrical Engineers earn a median salary of $93,010 per year. Salaries typically start from $59,240 and go up to $146,820.

Yes, I know. A close friend of mine is an electrical engineer, and he does pretty good for himself.

Supply and demand in the labor force is of course altered by unions and civil service but it is the most important factor in determining wages.

It works the same in all fields, especially those that illegals and immigrants can do. If they create an over supply of labor, then wages (like the hairdresser) tumble. It's been going on for quite some time in this country and is even worse today than ever. If we don't close off the borders to nearly everybody, wages will remain stagnant.
There has never been any concrete evidence to support your assumption. Illegal working immigrants represent a very small percent of the workforce so they can't have much of impact on wages. It is easy to reach the conclusion that jobs are going to illegals by just looking at Taco Bell or McDonald. However, what you are seeing are legal immigrants and many 2nd and 3rd generation Americans who are Hispanic, Filipino, Thai, or Arab. Contrary to popular opinion illegal immigrants look exactly the same as legal immigrants and often the same as 2nd and 3rd generation Americans. Being poor and speaking Spanish does not make you illegal.

Not illeglas, all immigrants. They come here, take our jobs, work for less than Americans, and send the money home. We don't have many Mexicans here up north, but from what I understand, they pack ten or fifteen people in two and three bedroom homes or apartments. It''s easier to work for less money when you live like that.

They don't take up much of the workforce? Don't you believe it:

Report: Immigrant workers account for all employment growth since 2007
The report covers a period of zero to exceptional low job growth in the US, the beginning of great recession and the period of low growth following it's end.

If you want to see jobs really start disappearing stop all immigration. Immigrants are a goal mine when it comes to starting new businesses. They and there offspring are far more likely to open new businesses than native born Americans. Immigrants started 28% of all new U.S. businesses in 2011, despite accounting for just 12.9% of the U.S. population. Over the last 15 years, immigrants have increased the rate by which they start businesses by more than 50 percent, while the native-born have seen their business generation rate decline by 10 percent.

40 percent of Fortune 500 companies were founded by immigrants or their children. The list of large corporation founded by immigrants or their offspring is too large to list but for starters there's Apple Computers -115,000 employees, Google -72,000, Amazon -268,000 Home Depot -385,000, Oracle - 136,000 etc...
And there's the really big ones founded years ago such IBM, Intel, General Electric, McDonalds, etc.

Immigration is not just important to job creation, it's the life blood. Without it this country would stagnate within 10 years and turn into a 3rd world country by mid-century.
Open For Business: How Immigrants Are Driving Small Business Creation In The United States - Partnership for a New American Economy
40 Percent of Fortune 500 Companies Founded by Immigrants or Their Children
Only partly true. Education is only good if you get into a field of demand.

Years ago I was repairing medical equipment so my company sent me to electronics school. Working full-time, supporting a family, and going to school three nights a week wore me out quickly. So after a couple of months, I asked my teacher what kind of money I could make after the first year of school and getting my FCC license. He told me about 16K a year. Shocked, I asked what I could be making after two years of school getting an associates degree, he told me 18K a year. Hell, I was making more than that with the job I had.

I dropped out. Electronics is very hard. It's all math. So why such low pay? Because everybody and their mother wanted to be in electronics at the time. Too much supply. A couple of years later cable television came to town and I jumped on it. The guy that came out to install it was a former classmate I had in electronics school. He told me how smart I was to get the hell out of there. He couldn't find any kind of work in the field, and the work that was out there was like our teacher told us--low pay.

It's the same thing with cosmetology. Cutting hair is on the top ten worst paid professions in the country. That too takes a lot of work and training, and then you have to mess around with the state and their certifications and regulations. But for many women, cutting hair is a dream job come true so again, the profession is flooded with workers. The problem is you can probably make more at Walmart.
The pay for cutting hair is low because there is a lot of people cutting hair relative to the demand which drives down wages. You can get the training you need to become a barber in about 3 months at a cost as low as $1500 so any increase in demand can be easily met.

It takes a minimum 8 years of education plus residency to become a doctor with an average cost, excusing living expenses of over $200,000. So becoming a doctor is neither easy nor inexpensive which limits the supply relative to the demand.

Supply and demand in the labor force is of course altered by unions and civil service but it is the most important factor in determining wages.

BTW The mean wage for an electrician today is $55,590. The highest-paid earned about $88,000, while the lowest-paid electricians earned around $31,000 a year excluding benefits. However, entry into the field takes time and money. Programs include both classroom courses and on-the-job training, and can take about 4 years to complete.

A 4 year degree in electrical engineer which cost a lot more is a good choice if you can make it through school. Electrical Engineers earn a median salary of $93,010 per year. Salaries typically start from $59,240 and go up to $146,820.

Yes, I know. A close friend of mine is an electrical engineer, and he does pretty good for himself.

Supply and demand in the labor force is of course altered by unions and civil service but it is the most important factor in determining wages.

It works the same in all fields, especially those that illegals and immigrants can do. If they create an over supply of labor, then wages (like the hairdresser) tumble. It's been going on for quite some time in this country and is even worse today than ever. If we don't close off the borders to nearly everybody, wages will remain stagnant.
There has never been any concrete evidence to support your assumption. Illegal working immigrants represent a very small percent of the workforce so they can't have much of impact on wages. It is easy to reach the conclusion that jobs are going to illegals by just looking at Taco Bell or McDonald. However, what you are seeing are legal immigrants and many 2nd and 3rd generation Americans who are Hispanic, Filipino, Thai, or Arab. Contrary to popular opinion illegal immigrants look exactly the same as legal immigrants and often the same as 2nd and 3rd generation Americans. Being poor and speaking Spanish does not make you illegal.

Not illeglas, all immigrants. They come here, take our jobs, work for less than Americans, and send the money home. We don't have many Mexicans here up north, but from what I understand, they pack ten or fifteen people in two and three bedroom homes or apartments. It''s easier to work for less money when you live like that.

They don't take up much of the workforce? Don't you believe it:

Report: Immigrant workers account for all employment growth since 2007
The report covers a period of zero to exceptional low job growth in the US, the beginning of great recession and the period of low growth following it's end.

If you want to see jobs really start disappearing stop all immigration. Immigrants are a goal mine when it comes to starting new businesses. They and there offspring are far more likely to open new businesses than native born Americans. Immigrants started 28% of all new U.S. businesses in 2011, despite accounting for just 12.9% of the U.S. population. Over the last 15 years, immigrants have increased the rate by which they start businesses by more than 50 percent, while the native-born have seen their business generation rate decline by 10 percent.

40 percent of Fortune 500 companies were founded by immigrants or their children. The list of large corporation founded by immigrants or their offspring is too large to list but for starters there's Apple Computers -115,000 employees, Google -72,000, Amazon -268,000 Home Depot -385,000, Oracle - 136,000 etc...
And there's the really big ones founded years ago such IBM, Intel, General Electric, McDonalds, etc.

Immigration is not just important to job creation, it's the life blood. Without it this country would stagnate within 10 years and turn into a 3rd world country by mid-century.
Open For Business: How Immigrants Are Driving Small Business Creation In The United States - Partnership for a New American Economy
40 Percent of Fortune 500 Companies Founded by Immigrants or Their Children

Oh I think we'd do just fine without them, in fact, much better.

So what happens if that Indian doesn't open up that 7-11 or convenient store? I just shop at another store run by an American.

Plus we are not talking a very fair game here. Immigrants do have the advantage over white America:

Back to the USPAACC. Who pays for them? We all do. Aside from the numerous government agencies they name, they have plenty of corporate sponsors too. Lockheed Martin, Frito Lays, Dallas/Fort Worth Airport, Verizon, it just goes on and on. It’s one thing for Businesses to give to the Community but it’s discrimination to set aside business opportunities and/or funding for minorities because they’re “minorities”. Minorities have done nothing for America except be non-white and/or female and that’s just not a contribution worthy of any “recognition” or the “Supplier Diversity Program” these companies have set up for them.

What’s a Supplier Diversity Program? That is a program created by yet another minority group called “The National Minority Supplier Development Council” who created “The Business Consortium Fund, Inc. (BCF) which “provides contract financing to NMSDC certified minority businesses across America through a network of local participating banks and NMSDC affiliates.” And who funds the BCF? According to them, it comes from “several sources including corporations, state governments and foundations.” [5]

The Supplier Diversity Program is a program that is used by businesses in which they purchase goods and services from minority owned businesses. Minorities get help from government and businesses because they’re “minorities” and then they get business from businesses because they’re “minorities”.

The Privilege for Non-Whites shall not end as is proven with this gem from allBusiness: “The Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) is the only federal agency created specifically to foster the establishment and growth of minority-owned businesses. MBDA provides funding for a network of Minority Business Development Centers (MBDCs), Native American Business Development Centers (NABDCs), and Business Resource Centers (BRCs) located throughout the country. The centers provide minority entrepreneurs with personalized assistance in writing business plans, marketing, management and technical assistance, and financial planning to secure adequate financing for business ventures.” [6]

The MBDA’s Organizational Chart begins with the “Office of the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders” [7] Aside from Affirmative Action, this is the most blatant form of discrimination I can name.

This Federally Funded Department promotes non-whites and only non-whites. Does this sound fair to you? “Federal” means you’re payin’ for it and worse, this Program assumes minorities need Help so, not only are they eligible for various Welfare Programs because they’re “poor” but also, they get extra help because they’re “minorities”. Huh? Confusing, I know. It’s a Double Dip and when they play it right, a Triple Dip and for all nothing but for our American Gullibility.

How Asian immigrants get preferential treatment when starting a business
Trump is only deporting those illegals with criminal records which is no different from Obama. I have not seen Trump taking this seriously so I'm waiting. And how do you suppose Trump can stop those over stay visas? Unless he stop tourism industry completely.

Yes Trump did mentioned that there will be a force deportation....... So if there's no mass deportation. Again what should we do with them? You and I can't deport them.

That's tough to say what Trump is going to do about the Visa's because activist judges already put a snag in his temporary ban on people coming here from terrorist countries. So I'm sure he's now spending a lot of time on that instead of progressing to other things such as the Visa's.

If it were up to me, it would be a five year minimum federal prison sentence for anybody caught here illegally. It would solve our problem with no wall at all. People would be fighting to get the hell out of this country. Self-deporation is the cheapest and quickest.

Look. Do I like illegals draining our resources especially here in California? HELL NO.
However just like majority of Americans and so with GOPs like Paul Ryan or Rubio support comprehensive immigration reform.

I know tons of business owners from different kinds of enterprises from aqua farming, agricultural farming, low/high tech, building, wineries to casino owners etc etc etc. But I'll just pick 2 as an example.
1. Home care located in Hawaii, Beverly Hills and Anaheim. All these 3 only catered to *very rich* patients with lots of luxuries like round the clock RNs, physical therapist, view your love one from your iPad 24hours etc etc etc. Which btw they have a very long waiting list. All these 3 .......... no employees making less than $18, no illegals, most are asians/hispanics, only 3 whites are RNs, 1 white physical therapist......... but no blacks or whites that take care patients. Why? Few maybe but If people are not used or born to do these kind work you don't expect people would last.

2. Central California and Avocado farmers here in San Diego. Without these illegals they might as well just shut down their farms. It's as simple as that. Here are 2 (links) good examples from Georgia when they acted HB-56 against illegals.
This is the one of the reason why Trump hired foreign workers ( link below) for his vineyard in Virginia because they cannot find Americans that are willing or stay for these kind of work. Actually it's worst and cost more than $15/hour bc they have to feed and shelter these foreign workers.

NOW.......... Tell me where I'm wrong from all my post?

Ga. immigrant crackdown backfires

Georgia's Harsh Immigration Law Costs Millions in Unharvested Crops - The Atlantic


Where you are wrong is stating no Americans will take these jobs. Americans will do any job for proper compensation. The problem is the consumer is too cheap and demands low prices for just about anything.

The supply and demand process is nearly perfect when it comes to jobs and employment provided we don't throw monkey wrenches into the works like unions and foreigners. Without those two things, jobs will increase in wages and Americans will take those jobs when the wages reach satisfactory levels.

I see it in my line of work constantly. Transportation companies can't find workers to do the labor for cheap, so they are bringing in foreigners instead of increasing wage and benefit offers. That's part of the problem. The other problem is our social programs that pay enough for people to live comfortably without taking those jobs.

Im not sure what proper compensation for these kind of work. How much are they willing to get paid for those kinds of work? The $18 I gave you are the starters.
I gave you 2 examples and 3 links which included Trump to prove these people are not taking these jobs.
Agree part of the problem is our social program. The other one that worries me are these kids coming out from college crap of bs majors with massive loans that can't find a high paying jobs. I have lots of these kids.

a. $18/hour ain't gonna cut it in Beverly Hills. ($3117/mo gross, $37K/yr gross). Fed local taxes? ~10%?

So you got to commute in. A good car for 1.5 hour commute is going to cost you $800/mo easily with Gas, insurance, maintenance, purchase etc. Rent is $2K. food $400/mo, daycare $1000/mo, utilities $100/mo, cable/internet/phone $200/mo? Unless you got family helping..........sharing costs. you are wiped out.

Don't forget that includes benefits like health insurance, OT etc etc etc.
I understand it's not enough to support a family but............ How much do you think these starters should get paid in order to entice others to work for these kind of places?
Patriot. What is the status?
My cameras are set up and ready for this live conference debate. One here in Palm Spring and my other house in Key Biscayne.
After Palm Spring another camera will be switch to Key Biscayne where my live in house sitter will show you my house, set of sports cars and my yacht as shown in my Avatar. I need to know what city you live so I can set up the account.

My Yacht is docked behind my house.

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U.S. immigration authorities arrested hundreds of undocumented immigrants in at least a half-dozen states this week in a series of raids that marked the first large-scale enforcement of President Trump’s Jan. 26 order to crack down on the estimated 11 million immigrants living here illegally.

The raids, which officials said targeted known criminals, also netted some immigrants who did not have criminal records, an apparent departure from similar enforcement waves during the Obama administration that aimed to just corral and deport those who had committed crimes.

Trump has pledged to deport as many as 3 million undocumented immigrants with criminal records. Last month he also made a change to the Obama administration’s policy of prioritizing deportation for convicted criminals, substantially broadening the scope of who the Department of Homeland Security can target to include those with minor offenses or no convictions at all.

Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states

Eventually, if you have an outstanding parking ticket, out you go the way it should be.

Attention liberals: keep those pussy hats ready to go because I'm sure you are going to get the call to protest and riot. Today six states, tomorrow twelve. :banana::banana::banana:
Well, if that Indian down street doesn't open that convenience store you will probably end up at a 7-11 founded by Kazuki Furuya, or a Convenience Food Mart, co-founded by the son of a Jewish immigrant, or one of the 2400 Kroger Stores founded by the son a German immigrant, or Acme Supermarket founded by an Irish immigrant, or the Market Basket Food stores founded by a Greek immigrant, or A&C markets founded by a Mexican immigrant, or one of 17,000 other grocery stores in the US founded by immigrants.

Our forefathers certainly did not share your beliefs as over 60% of the US population is 3rd generation immigrant or less including our current president and probably half of those on this board.
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Well, if that Indian down street doesn't open that convenience store you will probably end up at a 7-11 founded by Kazuki Furuya, or a Convenience Food Mart, co-founded by the son of a Jewish immigrant, or one of the 2400 Kroger Stores founded by the son a German immigrant, or Acme Supermarket founded by an Irish immigrant, or the Market Basket Food stores founded by a Greek immigrant, or A&C markets founded by a Mexican immigrant, or one of 17,000 other grocery stores in the US founded by immigrants.

Our forefathers certainly did not share your beliefs as over 60% of the US population is 3rd generation immigrant or less including our current president and probably half of those on this board.

It's not immigration but the odds that are favoring your position:

Current and Historical Numbers and Shares
How many immigrants reside in the United States?

The U.S. immigrant population stood at more than 42.4 million, or 13.3 percent, of the total U.S. population of 318.9 million in 2014, according to ACS data. Between 2013 and 2014, the foreign-born population increased by 1 million, or 2.5 percent.

Immigrants in the United States and their U.S.-born children now number approximately 81 million people, or 26 percent of the overall U.S. population.

Frequently Requested Statistics on Immigrants and Immigration in the United States

So over one-quarter of our population are immigrants or children of immigrants. With the help WE and various organizations provide them to open up businesses, how could your figures be so surprising?

Perhaps if Trump does what he says he's going to do, and that is lower taxation and regulation on ALL businesses, then maybe we Americans would be on a more level playing field when it comes to new businesses; even more so if we quit helping immigrants and minorities.

Bottom line: immigration is not why new businesses start. They will start with or without them.
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Finally, a president with balls large enough to have the courage to do the right thing.

Ah, the snowflakes will be siding with the criminals as usual.

Obama deported thousands. Trump is like a shortbus student by comparison
Trump has only been at it for a couple weeks, and he actually is letting homeland security do its job.
Unlike banana boy who tied the hands of homeland security and refused to do anything about the grease leak on the southern border.

Wou know Trump is 2,000,000 deportations behind schedule

Really? You mean to tell me Trump said he would deport 2 million people in less than three weeks? Have a link to that by any chance?

Trump said "on day one during the first hour" the criminal illegal aliens "GONE"

August 2016

No link?
Thank you president Trump. I saw the tear fest on TV, "he's ripping families apart". Cry me a river. How odd to leftists that the laws are for everyone and should be enforced. For me they are more than welcome to join their illegal immigrant.
Trump said he would not rip families apart....was he LYING again?
That's too bad, she should not have used someone elses social security number. Identity thief is a felony and Trump also promised to deport criminal illegals

Use of some elses SSN with ones own name is noj a violation of 18 usc 1028 according to USSC overturning lower courts 2009

Do you not know how to link?
From what I understand, this so called crackdown on illegals didn't have anything to do with Trump. And yet Mexicans are ducking for cover and whining about racism. Side question: How is accepting illegal aliens fighting racism? How does one have any connection to the other?
From what I understand, this so called crackdown on illegals didn't have anything to do with Trump. And yet Mexicans are ducking for cover and whining about racism. Side question: How is accepting illegal aliens fighting racism? How does one have any connection to the other?

Because racism is the leftists default position. It's the boy that cried wolf and nobody pays attention anymore, but they don't know that.
We have a major disconnect here. Americans are all over the place here on "illegal aliens". I use that term specifically, to parse illegal aliens from IMMIGRANTS. It isn't a pejorative hateful term, it's descriptive and goes to the point. Illegal aliens are many things, refugees, liars, frauds, "immigrants" are the LAST thing I would deem them. If they they want legitimacy, immigrate legally. Or all bets are off, forget about it.
From what I understand, this so called crackdown on illegals didn't have anything to do with Trump. And yet Mexicans are ducking for cover and whining about racism......

Another genius who thinks all Mexicans are illegals and all illegals are Mexican. ^^^^^^^^
We have a major disconnect here. Americans are all over the place here on "illegal aliens". I use that term specifically, to parse illegal aliens from IMMIGRANTS. It isn't a pejorative hateful term, it's descriptive and goes to the point. Illegal aliens are many things, refugees, liars, frauds, "immigrants" are the LAST thing I would deem them. If they they want legitimacy, immigrate legally. Or all bets are off, forget about it.

Well........ Democrat voters always do what their overlords tell them to do. Ask them why, and they can't tell you. So what you see here in discussions about foreigners are hand fed propaganda giving to them by their leaders.

They want to discuss how hard workers these people are. They want to discuss how they pay taxes and get nothing back. They want to discuss how law biding these people are. What they don't want to discuss is all the problems they bring to this country; problems we don't need because we have plenty of our own without them.
That's tough to say what Trump is going to do about the Visa's because activist judges already put a snag in his temporary ban on people coming here from terrorist countries. So I'm sure he's now spending a lot of time on that instead of progressing to other things such as the Visa's.

If it were up to me, it would be a five year minimum federal prison sentence for anybody caught here illegally. It would solve our problem with no wall at all. People would be fighting to get the hell out of this country. Self-deporation is the cheapest and quickest.

Look. Do I like illegals draining our resources especially here in California? HELL NO.
However just like majority of Americans and so with GOPs like Paul Ryan or Rubio support comprehensive immigration reform.

I know tons of business owners from different kinds of enterprises from aqua farming, agricultural farming, low/high tech, building, wineries to casino owners etc etc etc. But I'll just pick 2 as an example.
1. Home care located in Hawaii, Beverly Hills and Anaheim. All these 3 only catered to *very rich* patients with lots of luxuries like round the clock RNs, physical therapist, view your love one from your iPad 24hours etc etc etc. Which btw they have a very long waiting list. All these 3 .......... no employees making less than $18, no illegals, most are asians/hispanics, only 3 whites are RNs, 1 white physical therapist......... but no blacks or whites that take care patients. Why? Few maybe but If people are not used or born to do these kind work you don't expect people would last.

2. Central California and Avocado farmers here in San Diego. Without these illegals they might as well just shut down their farms. It's as simple as that. Here are 2 (links) good examples from Georgia when they acted HB-56 against illegals.
This is the one of the reason why Trump hired foreign workers ( link below) for his vineyard in Virginia because they cannot find Americans that are willing or stay for these kind of work. Actually it's worst and cost more than $15/hour bc they have to feed and shelter these foreign workers.

NOW.......... Tell me where I'm wrong from all my post?

Ga. immigrant crackdown backfires

Georgia's Harsh Immigration Law Costs Millions in Unharvested Crops - The Atlantic


Where you are wrong is stating no Americans will take these jobs. Americans will do any job for proper compensation. The problem is the consumer is too cheap and demands low prices for just about anything.

The supply and demand process is nearly perfect when it comes to jobs and employment provided we don't throw monkey wrenches into the works like unions and foreigners. Without those two things, jobs will increase in wages and Americans will take those jobs when the wages reach satisfactory levels.

I see it in my line of work constantly. Transportation companies can't find workers to do the labor for cheap, so they are bringing in foreigners instead of increasing wage and benefit offers. That's part of the problem. The other problem is our social programs that pay enough for people to live comfortably without taking those jobs.

Im not sure what proper compensation for these kind of work. How much are they willing to get paid for those kinds of work? The $18 I gave you are the starters.
I gave you 2 examples and 3 links which included Trump to prove these people are not taking these jobs.
Agree part of the problem is our social program. The other one that worries me are these kids coming out from college crap of bs majors with massive loans that can't find a high paying jobs. I have lots of these kids.

a. $18/hour ain't gonna cut it in Beverly Hills. ($3117/mo gross, $37K/yr gross). Fed local taxes? ~10%?

So you got to commute in. A good car for 1.5 hour commute is going to cost you $800/mo easily with Gas, insurance, maintenance, purchase etc. Rent is $2K. food $400/mo, daycare $1000/mo, utilities $100/mo, cable/internet/phone $200/mo? Unless you got family helping..........sharing costs. you are wiped out.

Don't forget that includes benefits like health insurance, OT etc etc etc.
I understand it's not enough to support a family but............ How much do you think these starters should get paid in order to entice others to work for these kind of places?

Good question Charwin. How much? I am no expert (of course). It depends on the area. Take SF (please), I am not even sure $50/hr is enough to drag me into that area (commute costs, forget living there, food, time etc.). I suppose if you lived way out in Antioch or some other bedroom hellhole you could get into SF within 2 hours?

But if you lived and worked in Wichita, KS, $18/hr is probably good enough to get ahead? I really don't know? I don't know how they do it........especially a family with kids? Makes no sense to send Mom out for14 hours to earn $50/day to clean motel rooms unless Grandma watches the baby? Dads' making $32K/year hourly at some crap job, driving 2 hours each way. They never get ahead? Can never save for down payment on a home for them and kids.

I do know in Silicon Valley they have private (Asian foundation type stuff). They help young Asian couples with down payments etc.

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