He wasn't kidding: Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states

When you say stop immigration, what do you mean?

It means stop letting foreigners come here to work and live. Until American wages increase, we have more Americans working, when we return back to a single language country, then we can think about letting foreigners back in.
That doesn't make sense to me. If stopping foreigners from working in the US would cause wages to rise then letting them comeback would push wages back down again. Right?

Yes it would, but not as far down as they are now. The median family income has been stagnant for the last decade. Once we can get that back on track, we may be able to stir up enough economic activity to produce real jobs--not minimum wage or part-time jobs.

Getting rid of Obama Care will be a good step in that direction. Employers wouldn't have that burden to deal with; making sure they keep under the 50 full-time employee limit by making more part-time jobs or hiring foreigners since they don't count as part of that 50 employee limit.
There are approximately 12 million lawful permanent resident working in the US. This is 1 in 14 every employees. I really don't see how their presence would make much difference in what people are paid. There is certainly not enough to significantly alter the supply of workers and since they are legal there's no reason to believe that they would work at a lower rate.

Consider also that there about 8 or 9 million Americans working abroad. Suppose other countries matched the US by sending Americans back home to work.

Not that difficult really. If employers have the ability to hold out for lower pay, they will. Up to 2014, the amount of new jobs created equaled the amount of immigrants that took employment in this country. Your figure included all employment positions. However, if you look at the jobs immigrants are only capable of doing, it works out to much more than 1out of ever 14 employees.
I have seen several studies for different time periods that make similar claims. However, there are a number assumptions made that serious effect the outcome. One being limiting the study to those under 65, an age group that has few immigrants compared to other age groups. Also the assumption as to the number of undocumented immigrants are usually on the high side. Since there is no way of knowing how many there are nor how many are holding jobs, estimates vary widely. What this means is you can construct any scenario involving undocumented and number of new jobs and come out with all kinds conclusions depending on the assumptions you make.

It is certainly true that in some jobs categories such as agricultural workers, less immigrants would have an effect on pay. However, in skilled job categories where there are much fewer immigrants, there would be little effect at all. I believe other factors in the economy would be far more significant than the number immigrants.
Oh man...where to start with this gem?

I guess we can begin with the fact that this PoS keeps coming back into our country illegally:
"Chavez Corona was convicted of a felony drug charge and deported four times between 1996 and 2000, ICE officials told the paper"

But it only gets better from there:
Grace Chavez, the American-born wife of Chavez Corona, told the paper she’s weighing legal action against the state police. The couple has three children, all who are U.S. citizens, she added to the News-Tribune.

“They violated our rights,” Grace Chavez told the paper. “He was the victim of the accident.”
Um.....sweetheart....you have no "rights". The U.S. Constitution is not an international document. It applies to U.S. citizens only on U.S. soil only. If you're not a legal U.S. citizen on U.S. soil - the document is null and void.

You're a criminal. It's imperative that the people of Washington put tremendous pressure to have 'ole Grace here deported as well.

Trooper under 'review' over calling ICE after car crash
Oh man...where to start with this gem?

I guess we can begin with the fact that this PoS keeps coming back into our country illegally:
"Chavez Corona was convicted of a felony drug charge and deported four times between 1996 and 2000, ICE officials told the paper"

But it only gets better from there:
Grace Chavez, the American-born wife of Chavez Corona, told the paper she’s weighing legal action against the state police. The couple has three children, all who are U.S. citizens, she added to the News-Tribune.

“They violated our rights,” Grace Chavez told the paper. “He was the victim of the accident.”
Um.....sweetheart....you have no "rights". The U.S. Constitution is not an international document. It applies to U.S. citizens only on U.S. soil only. If you're not a legal U.S. citizen on U.S. soil - the document is null and void.

You're a criminal. It's imperative that the people of Washington put tremendous pressure to have 'ole Grace here deported as well.

Trooper under 'review' over calling ICE after car crash

There you are. Look idiot people that understand constitution will not argue with you. So not sure what are you trying to imply here.

Since you are such a douche bag why don't you post something else credible like cooking or cleaning houses.
There you are. Look idiot people that understand constitution will not argue with you. So not sure what are you trying to imply here.
You've got that right you illiterate, illegal.

I used to think you were Mexican but now I'm starting to think Native American based on your insanely broken English:

"Look idiot people...that understand 'em constitution....will not argue with you". How - White Man! :laugh:
There you are. Look idiot people that understand constitution will not argue with you. So not sure what are you trying to imply here.
You've got that right you illiterate, illegal.

I used to think you were Mexican but now I'm starting to think Native American based on your insanely broken English:

"Look idiot people...that understand 'em constitution....will not argue with you". How - White Man! :laugh:

Bullshit. You talk too much. What don't we make it live and see what you got mother fucker.
There you are. Look idiot people that understand constitution will not argue with you. So not sure what are you trying to imply here.
You've got that right you illiterate, illegal.

I used to think you were Mexican but now I'm starting to think Native American based on your insanely broken English:

"Look idiot people...that understand 'em constitution....will not argue with you". How - White Man! :laugh:

Based from your post and bastard behavior I doubt it if you even have a college degree. Maybe just a used car salesman or a grocery clerk.
Bullshit. You talk too much. What don't we make it live and see what you got mother fucker.
LMAO!!! You are seriously the gift that keeps on giving. The correct grammar would be "Why don't we make it live...".

So seriously - what is your native language? Why are you so afraid to tell us? It's not a big deal that English is not your native language.
Based from your post and bastard behavior I doubt it if you even have a college degree. Maybe just a used car salesman or a grocery clerk.
Sadly.... "used care salesmen" and "grocery clerks" all have exponentially better grammar than you do. Their literacy is exponentially better as well.

In case you're curious though - I have never held either one of those jobs. And I really do have a college degree!
It means stop letting foreigners come here to work and live. Until American wages increase, we have more Americans working, when we return back to a single language country, then we can think about letting foreigners back in.
That doesn't make sense to me. If stopping foreigners from working in the US would cause wages to rise then letting them comeback would push wages back down again. Right?

Yes it would, but not as far down as they are now. The median family income has been stagnant for the last decade. Once we can get that back on track, we may be able to stir up enough economic activity to produce real jobs--not minimum wage or part-time jobs.

Getting rid of Obama Care will be a good step in that direction. Employers wouldn't have that burden to deal with; making sure they keep under the 50 full-time employee limit by making more part-time jobs or hiring foreigners since they don't count as part of that 50 employee limit.
There are approximately 12 million lawful permanent resident working in the US. This is 1 in 14 every employees. I really don't see how their presence would make much difference in what people are paid. There is certainly not enough to significantly alter the supply of workers and since they are legal there's no reason to believe that they would work at a lower rate.

Consider also that there about 8 or 9 million Americans working abroad. Suppose other countries matched the US by sending Americans back home to work.

Not that difficult really. If employers have the ability to hold out for lower pay, they will. Up to 2014, the amount of new jobs created equaled the amount of immigrants that took employment in this country. Your figure included all employment positions. However, if you look at the jobs immigrants are only capable of doing, it works out to much more than 1out of ever 14 employees.
I have seen several studies for different time periods that make similar claims. However, there are a number assumptions made that serious effect the outcome. One being limiting the study to those under 65, an age group that has few immigrants compared to other age groups. Also the assumption as to the number of undocumented immigrants are usually on the high side. Since there is no way of knowing how many there are nor how many are holding jobs, estimates vary widely. What this means is you can construct any scenario involving undocumented and number of new jobs and come out with all kinds conclusions depending on the assumptions you make.

It is certainly true that in some jobs categories such as agricultural workers, less immigrants would have an effect on pay. However, in skilled job categories where there are much fewer immigrants, there would be little effect at all. I believe other factors in the economy would be far more significant than the number immigrants.

Sure there are, but immigration is leading the problem.

The second of course is getting Americans off of welfare and taking some of these jobs.

My father is a retired bricklayer. He did very well for himself, but of course it all depended on the construction industry. One year when things were slow, he was invited to Florida to work for a couple of months. He was all prepared to go until he found out what they were paying; less than a third of what he made up here. The reason? Too many immigrants down there taking jobs as bricklayers.

I thought about this topic today when a coworker of mine and I were sitting around during dead time. There is a dead end street that we can park our trucks at where we can BS. At the end of this cup-de-sac is a self-serve truck fueling station.

Some joker pulls into the tip of the driveway of the station, stops, and starts to monkey around with the axles on his trailer. My coworker and I just looked at each other like WTF? As we watched him adjust his axles, I asked my coworker "Doesn't this moron realize it's a truck fueling station and they designed it so trucks could get into the place???

Then we watched him get out again, and noticed he looked middle-eastern with the sandals and all. We just shook our heads and I said "Well that figures."

He blocked the driveway for about five minutes while other trucks were waiting for him to get out of the way.
Based from your post and bastard behavior I doubt it if you even have a college degree. Maybe just a used car salesman or a grocery clerk.
Sadly.... "used care salesmen" and "grocery clerks" all have exponentially better grammar than you do. Their literacy is exponentially better as well.

In case you're curious though - I have never held either one of those jobs. And I really do have a college degree!

Blah blah blah. Idiot you talk me too much.

College degree? Bullshit. Dude based from your rotten bastard attitude you are uneducated piece of shit.
Why don't you lay out here what the hell you do for a living and where the hell you live?
As I said I want to challenge you live. Forget my specialty but pick any topic. How about it coward?
Compassion? Where are illegals compassion for added expenses they cause American families struggling? They don't give a shit.
Based from your post and bastard behavior I doubt it if you even have a college degree. Maybe just a used car salesman or a grocery clerk.
Sadly.... "used care salesmen" and "grocery clerks" all have exponentially better grammar than you do. Their literacy is exponentially better as well.

In case you're curious though - I have never held either one of those jobs. And I really do have a college degree!

Blah blah blah. Idiot you talk me too much.

College degree? Bullshit. Dude based from your rotten bastard attitude you are uneducated piece of shit.
Why don't you lay out here what the hell you do for a living and where the hell you live?
As I said I want to challenge you live. Forget my specialty but pick any topic. How about it coward?
I see you've been triggered. Excellent, most excellent!
Blah blah blah. Idiot you talk me too much. College degree? Bullshit. Dude based from your rotten bastard attitude you are uneducated piece of shit. Why don't you lay out here what the hell you do for a living and where the hell you live? As I said I want to challenge you live. Forget my specialty but pick any topic. How about it coward?
He speaks about being "uneducated" while he states "idiot you talk me too much" followed by the Native American sounding "you are uneducated piece of shit" (he's not terribly big on prepositions such as an).

Let's just let this one sit out there for a while and simmer... :lmao:
As I said I want to challenge you live. Forget my specialty but pick any topic. How about it coward?
I already gave you the topic snowflake - the U.S. Constitution. The problem is, you'll cheat and Google every question/issue. You already admitted that you've never read the document even once.
Why don't you lay out here what the hell you do for a living and where the hell you live?
Why don't you lay it out here? Where do you live? What do you do for a living? And what is your native language (you've refused to answer this simple question for days now)?
Why don't you lay out here what the hell you do for a living and where the hell you live?
Why don't you lay it out here? Where do you live? What do you do for a living? And what is your native language (you've refused to answer this simple question for days now)?

I already told you a lot about myself. So far you have not said any diddly shit about your self.
You are so scared to tell me what you do for a living and where the hell you live. Why don't you start with that idiot.

This is the reason why I want to challenge you live so far...... all you did is keep giving me your usual bullshit.
As I said I want to challenge you live. Forget my specialty but pick any topic. How about it coward?
I already gave you the topic snowflake - the U.S. Constitution. The problem is, you'll cheat and Google every question/issue. You already admitted that you've never read the document even once.

Constitution? I said yes and I agree....... What made you think I didn't read the constitution?
Where did I say that I never read the constitution?
This is the reason why I want I live debate because idiot like you will just google it.

As I said you talk too much.
Blah blah blah. Idiot you talk me too much. College degree? Bullshit. Dude based from your rotten bastard attitude you are uneducated piece of shit. Why don't you lay out here what the hell you do for a living and where the hell you live? As I said I want to challenge you live. Forget my specialty but pick any topic. How about it coward?
He speaks about being "uneducated" while he states "idiot you talk me too much" followed by the Native American sounding "you are uneducated piece of shit" (he's not terribly big on prepositions such as an).

Let's just let this one sit out there for a while and simmer... :lmao:

Blah blah blah......... i know you are uneducated piece of shit.
This is the reason I want to debate live and see who is more educated between the two of us.
Why not take my challenge so I can end your misery? How about it coward?
Blah blah blah. Idiot you talk me too much. College degree? Bullshit. Dude based from your rotten bastard attitude you are uneducated piece of shit. Why don't you lay out here what the hell you do for a living and where the hell you live? As I said I want to challenge you live. Forget my specialty but pick any topic. How about it coward?
He speaks about being "uneducated" while he states "idiot you talk me too much" followed by the Native American sounding "you are uneducated piece of shit" (he's not terribly big on prepositions such as an).

Let's just let this one sit out there for a while and simmer... :lmao:

Blah blah blah......... i know you are uneducated piece of shit.
This is the reason I want to debate live and see who is more educated between the two of us.
Why not take my challenge so I can end your misery? How about it coward?

And don't expect me to back off.

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