He wasn't kidding: Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states

"As we speak, our immigration Cops are throwing illegals who are drug dealers & violent criminals the hell out of our country" - Trump at CPAC
Why does any city give sanctuary to an illegal who has a violent criminal record?

Why is someone like that even in this country?

immigration officers are finding the gang members, the drug dealers, and the criminal aliens, and throwin them the hell out of our country. AND WE WILL NOT LET THEM BACK IN!
Where is the Democrat outrage with Obama???
i support legal immigration from countries like Venezuela and El Salvador. in fact, to all El Salvadoreans reading this, i say...juntense a nuestra causa de opportunidad para todos, a la causa de todos que aman la libertad y la causa noble de America!
Securing the border and ending Illegal Immigration, will increase security and wages for American Citizens. Trump's doing the right thing. He's representing American Citizen best interests. That's the oath he swore to uphold.

Trump's predecessor was in violation of his oath of office. He represented foreign interests over American Citizen interests. He should have been Impeached. It truly is refreshing seeing an American President fighting for Citizens again. Good on Trump.
Securing the border and ending Illegal Immigration, will increase security and wages for American Citizens. Trump's doing the right thing. He's representing American Citizen best interests. That's the oath he swore to uphold.

Trump's predecessor was in violation of his oath of office. He represented foreign interests over American Citizen interests. He should have been Impeached. It truly is refreshing seeing an American President fighting for Citizens again. Good on Trump.

You would have to impeach nearly every Democrat politician then. The goal of the Democrat party is to make whites a minority as quickly as possible turning us into a single-party government. Many white people realize this and ushered Donald Trump in, and the surrender-first whites on the left still have no clue.
Securing the border and ending Illegal Immigration, will increase security and wages for American Citizens. Trump's doing the right thing. He's representing American Citizen best interests. That's the oath he swore to uphold.

Trump's predecessor was in violation of his oath of office. He represented foreign interests over American Citizen interests. He should have been Impeached. It truly is refreshing seeing an American President fighting for Citizens again. Good on Trump.

You would have to impeach nearly every Democrat politician then. The goal of the Democrat party is to make whites a minority as quickly as possible turning us into a single-party government. Many white people realize this and ushered Donald Trump in, and the surrender-first whites on the left still have no clue.

Yeah, the Democratic Party is run by Cuckold White Left Wing Globalists. They don't put American Citizen interests first. The previous President served foreign interests. I felt he was in violation of his oath of office.

I don't want a 'President of the World.' I want a President of the United States of America. America first. I truly believe Trump's trying to look out for Americans. And that's very refreshing and welcomed. I wish him all the best.
ICE can't deport 11 million people but they can make deportations as cruel and arbitrary as possible and hope the rest flee voluntarily.

That's self-deportation which Trump once called "maniacal," "crazy," and "mean-spirited" and has now embraced.

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