He wasn't kidding: Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states

Blah blah blah blah. Idiot. I stop reading after 2 sentences.
And that folks is how one becomes an uneducated, ignorant, left-wing hatriot. Note how he said "I stop reading". He didn't say "I stopped reading". As in - just this particular time I stopped reading. Nope - like all government-dependent, left-wing dropouts, he stops reading anything that is more than 2 sentences.

That's exactly why these people don't understand the U.S. Constitution, can't hold a job, and need to mooch off of society.

I stop reading because it's all non sense idiot.
Blah blah blah blah. Idiot. I stop reading after 2 sentences.
And that folks is how one becomes an uneducated, ignorant, left-wing hatriot. Note how he said "I stop reading". He didn't say "I stopped reading". As in - just this particular time I stopped reading. Nope - like all government-dependent, left-wing dropouts, he stops reading anything that is more than 2 sentences.

That's exactly why these people don't understand the U.S. Constitution, can't hold a job, and need to mooch off of society.

BTW. Didn't I challenged you directly but you are fucking coward you ignored me?
Agree on most part of your post Ray.

But........... There will be no mass deportation or force deportation by Mr. Trump. He is a very successful businessman and he knows the impact to the economy if you deport these people by the millions. I don't believe my fellow Americans will fill in those jobs some maybe but I'm not sure the rest.
So if we do not have a force deportation....... What should we do with these illegals?

Mass deportation was not a Trump agenda. He said it was the primaries but (at the time) was unaware that each deportation had to go through court proceedings.

What to do with illegals? Send them back where they came from. Unlike Obama, Trump is taking this issue seriously, and word gets around to people that plan on overstaying their visas or sneaking into this country some other way. That would help reduce new offenders.

Correct, some of these jobs will go unfulfilled unless we drastically reduce our government dependency. Today, $10.00 an hour doesn't seem like enough to take a job. But if there is nothing to eat in the house and you don't have electricity, that $10.00 an hour job will seem like a blessing.
Migrants are not concerned about deportation until they have been in the US for sometime and establish themselves so deportation is not much of a deterrent. If there was lengthy prison time, then it might be.

A policy of work in the fields for $10/hr or starve is not likely to happen. Most American are just to softhearted for that. If you have been to some of the cities in Bangladesh a few years and seen the bodies in the street in early morning, I think would agree.

I don't know how old you are, but that's the way it was years ago. Social programs didn't pay very much and it forced people to go out and look for work......any kind of work, and there weren't any dead bodies in the street.

I worked minimum wage jobs for the first couple of years after school. By the time the Reagan recession hit, I had my first apartment and lost my job. I went back to working minimum wage jobs, it's just that I had to work a lot of hours.

The only people that I know of today who work seven days a week, a lot of overtime, or have two jobs are older people. Younger people will choose to go on government programs before they do that.

So don't worry, if we cut social programs, people will just have to learn how to try harder to make ends meet. The problem in this country is we make it too easy for people not to try.
Unless you have a family, goverment welfare programs are rather limited. Food stamps for singles are limited to 90 days every 3 years. TANF is not available, and except in cases of disability or age neither is housing.

Somewhere in the last half of the 20th century, liberals began proclaiming that with the great wealth of America, no child should have to go to bed hunger, no family should be have to live on the streets, every child who has the ability should be able to attend college, etc... Out of this grew the social programs we have today.

However, the real problem is not the lack of jobs. It's the lack of jobs that pay enough money to support a family. Over half the families that receive government support have jobs, many full time jobs. They just don't earn enough money to put food on the table and pay for other necessities. So when you say they have to get off their ass and get job, they already have a job, often more than one.
Last edited:

41 arrested in NY-area ICE operation targeting criminal aliens, illegal re-entrants & immigration fugitives

ICE arrests 161 in Los Angeles-area operation

235 arrested by ICE in 7 Midwestern states

190 arrested in GA, Carolinas by ICE

he wasn't kidding!

No kidding. Most of these has criminal records which is no difference from what Obama was doing. If he is that serious......... Why not raid the local markets and barrios?

Illegal Immigration 2015: ICE Arrests 2,000 'Worst Of The Worst' Immigrants In Nationwide Sweep

331 immigrants arrested in Midwest deportation raids | Fusion
Agree on most part of your post Ray.

But........... There will be no mass deportation or force deportation by Mr. Trump. He is a very successful businessman and he knows the impact to the economy if you deport these people by the millions. I don't believe my fellow Americans will fill in those jobs some maybe but I'm not sure the rest.
So if we do not have a force deportation....... What should we do with these illegals?

Mass deportation was not a Trump agenda. He said it was the primaries but (at the time) was unaware that each deportation had to go through court proceedings.

What to do with illegals? Send them back where they came from. Unlike Obama, Trump is taking this issue seriously, and word gets around to people that plan on overstaying their visas or sneaking into this country some other way. That would help reduce new offenders.

Correct, some of these jobs will go unfulfilled unless we drastically reduce our government dependency. Today, $10.00 an hour doesn't seem like enough to take a job. But if there is nothing to eat in the house and you don't have electricity, that $10.00 an hour job will seem like a blessing.

Trump is only deporting those illegals with criminal records which is no different from Obama. I have not seen Trump taking this seriously so I'm waiting. And how do you suppose Trump can stop those over stay visas? Unless he stop tourism industry completely.

Yes Trump did mentioned that there will be a force deportation....... So if there's no mass deportation. Again what should we do with them? You and I can't deport them.

That's tough to say what Trump is going to do about the Visa's because activist judges already put a snag in his temporary ban on people coming here from terrorist countries. So I'm sure he's now spending a lot of time on that instead of progressing to other things such as the Visa's.

If it were up to me, it would be a five year minimum federal prison sentence for anybody caught here illegally. It would solve our problem with no wall at all. People would be fighting to get the hell out of this country. Self-deporation is the cheapest and quickest.

Look. Do I like illegals draining our resources especially here in California? HELL NO.
However just like majority of Americans and so with GOPs like Paul Ryan or Rubio support comprehensive immigration reform.

I know tons of business owners from different kinds of enterprises from aqua farming, agricultural farming, low/high tech, building, wineries to casino owners etc etc etc. But I'll just pick 2 as an example.
1. Home care located in Hawaii, Beverly Hills and Anaheim. All these 3 only catered to *very rich* patients with lots of luxuries like round the clock RNs, physical therapist, view your love one from your iPad 24hours etc etc etc. Which btw they have a very long waiting list. All these 3 .......... no employees making less than $18, no illegals, most are asians/hispanics, only 3 whites are RNs, 1 white physical therapist......... but no blacks or whites that take care patients. Why? Few maybe but If people are not used or born to do these kind work you don't expect people would last.

2. Central California and Avocado farmers here in San Diego. Without these illegals they might as well just shut down their farms. It's as simple as that. Here are 2 (links) good examples from Georgia when they acted HB-56 against illegals.
This is the one of the reason why Trump hired foreign workers ( link below) for his vineyard in Virginia because they cannot find Americans that are willing or stay for these kind of work. Actually it's worst and cost more than $15/hour bc they have to feed and shelter these foreign workers.

NOW.......... Tell me where I'm wrong from all my post?

Ga. immigrant crackdown backfires

Georgia's Harsh Immigration Law Costs Millions in Unharvested Crops - The Atlantic

Agree on most part of your post Ray.

But........... There will be no mass deportation or force deportation by Mr. Trump. He is a very successful businessman and he knows the impact to the economy if you deport these people by the millions. I don't believe my fellow Americans will fill in those jobs some maybe but I'm not sure the rest.
So if we do not have a force deportation....... What should we do with these illegals?

Mass deportation was not a Trump agenda. He said it was the primaries but (at the time) was unaware that each deportation had to go through court proceedings.

What to do with illegals? Send them back where they came from. Unlike Obama, Trump is taking this issue seriously, and word gets around to people that plan on overstaying their visas or sneaking into this country some other way. That would help reduce new offenders.

Correct, some of these jobs will go unfulfilled unless we drastically reduce our government dependency. Today, $10.00 an hour doesn't seem like enough to take a job. But if there is nothing to eat in the house and you don't have electricity, that $10.00 an hour job will seem like a blessing.

Trump is only deporting those illegals with criminal records which is no different from Obama. I have not seen Trump taking this seriously so I'm waiting. And how do you suppose Trump can stop those over stay visas? Unless he stop tourism industry completely.

Yes Trump did mentioned that there will be a force deportation....... So if there's no mass deportation. Again what should we do with them? You and I can't deport them.

That's tough to say what Trump is going to do about the Visa's because activist judges already put a snag in his temporary ban on people coming here from terrorist countries. So I'm sure he's now spending a lot of time on that instead of progressing to other things such as the Visa's.

If it were up to me, it would be a five year minimum federal prison sentence for anybody caught here illegally. It would solve our problem with no wall at all. People would be fighting to get the hell out of this country. Self-deporation is the cheapest and quickest.

Look. Do I like illegals draining our resources especially here in California? HELL NO.
However just like majority of Americans and so with GOPs like Paul Ryan or Rubio support comprehensive immigration reform.

I know tons of business owners from different kinds of enterprises from aqua farming, agricultural farming, low/high tech, building, wineries to casino owners etc etc etc. But I'll just pick 2 as an example.
1. Home care located in Hawaii, Beverly Hills and Anaheim. All these 3 only catered to *very rich* patients with lots of luxuries like round the clock RNs, physical therapist, view your love one from your iPad 24hours etc etc etc. Which btw they have a very long waiting list. All these 3 .......... no employees making less than $18, no illegals, most are asians/hispanics, only 3 whites are RNs, 1 white physical therapist......... but no blacks or whites that take care patients. Why? Few maybe but If people are not used or born to do these kind work you don't expect people would last.

2. Central California and Avocado farmers here in San Diego. Without these illegals they might as well just shut down their farms. It's as simple as that. Here are 2 (links) good examples from Georgia when they acted HB-56 against illegals.
This is the one of the reason why Trump hired foreign workers ( link below) for his vineyard in Virginia because they cannot find Americans that are willing or stay for these kind of work. Actually it's worst and cost more than $15/hour bc they have to feed and shelter these foreign workers.

NOW.......... Tell me where I'm wrong from all my post?

Ga. immigrant crackdown backfires

Georgia's Harsh Immigration Law Costs Millions in Unharvested Crops - The Atlantic

Did they catch you yet?
Agree on most part of your post Ray.

But........... There will be no mass deportation or force deportation by Mr. Trump. He is a very successful businessman and he knows the impact to the economy if you deport these people by the millions. I don't believe my fellow Americans will fill in those jobs some maybe but I'm not sure the rest.
So if we do not have a force deportation....... What should we do with these illegals?

Mass deportation was not a Trump agenda. He said it was the primaries but (at the time) was unaware that each deportation had to go through court proceedings.

What to do with illegals? Send them back where they came from. Unlike Obama, Trump is taking this issue seriously, and word gets around to people that plan on overstaying their visas or sneaking into this country some other way. That would help reduce new offenders.

Correct, some of these jobs will go unfulfilled unless we drastically reduce our government dependency. Today, $10.00 an hour doesn't seem like enough to take a job. But if there is nothing to eat in the house and you don't have electricity, that $10.00 an hour job will seem like a blessing.

Trump is only deporting those illegals with criminal records which is no different from Obama. I have not seen Trump taking this seriously so I'm waiting. And how do you suppose Trump can stop those over stay visas? Unless he stop tourism industry completely.

Yes Trump did mentioned that there will be a force deportation....... So if there's no mass deportation. Again what should we do with them? You and I can't deport them.

That's tough to say what Trump is going to do about the Visa's because activist judges already put a snag in his temporary ban on people coming here from terrorist countries. So I'm sure he's now spending a lot of time on that instead of progressing to other things such as the Visa's.

If it were up to me, it would be a five year minimum federal prison sentence for anybody caught here illegally. It would solve our problem with no wall at all. People would be fighting to get the hell out of this country. Self-deporation is the cheapest and quickest.

Look. Do I like illegals draining our resources especially here in California? HELL NO.
However just like majority of Americans and so with GOPs like Paul Ryan or Rubio support comprehensive immigration reform.

I know tons of business owners from different kinds of enterprises from aqua farming, agricultural farming, low/high tech, building, wineries to casino owners etc etc etc. But I'll just pick 2 as an example.
1. Home care located in Hawaii, Beverly Hills and Anaheim. All these 3 only catered to *very rich* patients with lots of luxuries like round the clock RNs, physical therapist, view your love one from your iPad 24hours etc etc etc. Which btw they have a very long waiting list. All these 3 .......... no employees making less than $18, no illegals, most are asians/hispanics, only 3 whites are RNs, 1 white physical therapist......... but no blacks or whites that take care patients. Why? Few maybe but If people are not used or born to do these kind work you don't expect people would last.

2. Central California and Avocado farmers here in San Diego. Without these illegals they might as well just shut down their farms. It's as simple as that. Here are 2 (links) good examples from Georgia when they acted HB-56 against illegals.
This is the one of the reason why Trump hired foreign workers ( link below) for his vineyard in Virginia because they cannot find Americans that are willing or stay for these kind of work. Actually it's worst and cost more than $15/hour bc they have to feed and shelter these foreign workers.

NOW.......... Tell me where I'm wrong from all my post?

Ga. immigrant crackdown backfires

Georgia's Harsh Immigration Law Costs Millions in Unharvested Crops - The Atlantic

Did they catch you yet?

Why? Please explain.
Agree on most part of your post Ray.

But........... There will be no mass deportation or force deportation by Mr. Trump. He is a very successful businessman and he knows the impact to the economy if you deport these people by the millions. I don't believe my fellow Americans will fill in those jobs some maybe but I'm not sure the rest.
So if we do not have a force deportation....... What should we do with these illegals?

Mass deportation was not a Trump agenda. He said it was the primaries but (at the time) was unaware that each deportation had to go through court proceedings.

What to do with illegals? Send them back where they came from. Unlike Obama, Trump is taking this issue seriously, and word gets around to people that plan on overstaying their visas or sneaking into this country some other way. That would help reduce new offenders.

Correct, some of these jobs will go unfulfilled unless we drastically reduce our government dependency. Today, $10.00 an hour doesn't seem like enough to take a job. But if there is nothing to eat in the house and you don't have electricity, that $10.00 an hour job will seem like a blessing.

Trump is only deporting those illegals with criminal records which is no different from Obama. I have not seen Trump taking this seriously so I'm waiting. And how do you suppose Trump can stop those over stay visas? Unless he stop tourism industry completely.

Yes Trump did mentioned that there will be a force deportation....... So if there's no mass deportation. Again what should we do with them? You and I can't deport them.

That's tough to say what Trump is going to do about the Visa's because activist judges already put a snag in his temporary ban on people coming here from terrorist countries. So I'm sure he's now spending a lot of time on that instead of progressing to other things such as the Visa's.

If it were up to me, it would be a five year minimum federal prison sentence for anybody caught here illegally. It would solve our problem with no wall at all. People would be fighting to get the hell out of this country. Self-deporation is the cheapest and quickest.

Look. Do I like illegals draining our resources especially here in California? HELL NO.
However just like majority of Americans and so with GOPs like Paul Ryan or Rubio support comprehensive immigration reform.

I know tons of business owners from different kinds of enterprises from aqua farming, agricultural farming, low/high tech, building, wineries to casino owners etc etc etc. But I'll just pick 2 as an example.
1. Home care located in Hawaii, Beverly Hills and Anaheim. All these 3 only catered to *very rich* patients with lots of luxuries like round the clock RNs, physical therapist, view your love one from your iPad 24hours etc etc etc. Which btw they have a very long waiting list. All these 3 .......... no employees making less than $18, no illegals, most are asians/hispanics, only 3 whites are RNs, 1 white physical therapist......... but no blacks or whites that take care patients. Why? Few maybe but If people are not used or born to do these kind work you don't expect people would last.

2. Central California and Avocado farmers here in San Diego. Without these illegals they might as well just shut down their farms. It's as simple as that. Here are 2 (links) good examples from Georgia when they acted HB-56 against illegals.
This is the one of the reason why Trump hired foreign workers ( link below) for his vineyard in Virginia because they cannot find Americans that are willing or stay for these kind of work. Actually it's worst and cost more than $15/hour bc they have to feed and shelter these foreign workers.

NOW.......... Tell me where I'm wrong from all my post?

Ga. immigrant crackdown backfires

Georgia's Harsh Immigration Law Costs Millions in Unharvested Crops - The Atlantic


Where you are wrong is stating no Americans will take these jobs. Americans will do any job for proper compensation. The problem is the consumer is too cheap and demands low prices for just about anything.

The supply and demand process is nearly perfect when it comes to jobs and employment provided we don't throw monkey wrenches into the works like unions and foreigners. Without those two things, jobs will increase in wages and Americans will take those jobs when the wages reach satisfactory levels.

I see it in my line of work constantly. Transportation companies can't find workers to do the labor for cheap, so they are bringing in foreigners instead of increasing wage and benefit offers. That's part of the problem. The other problem is our social programs that pay enough for people to live comfortably without taking those jobs.
Agree on most part of your post Ray.

But........... There will be no mass deportation or force deportation by Mr. Trump. He is a very successful businessman and he knows the impact to the economy if you deport these people by the millions. I don't believe my fellow Americans will fill in those jobs some maybe but I'm not sure the rest.
So if we do not have a force deportation....... What should we do with these illegals?

Mass deportation was not a Trump agenda. He said it was the primaries but (at the time) was unaware that each deportation had to go through court proceedings.

What to do with illegals? Send them back where they came from. Unlike Obama, Trump is taking this issue seriously, and word gets around to people that plan on overstaying their visas or sneaking into this country some other way. That would help reduce new offenders.

Correct, some of these jobs will go unfulfilled unless we drastically reduce our government dependency. Today, $10.00 an hour doesn't seem like enough to take a job. But if there is nothing to eat in the house and you don't have electricity, that $10.00 an hour job will seem like a blessing.
Migrants are not concerned about deportation until they have been in the US for sometime and establish themselves so deportation is not much of a deterrent. If there was lengthy prison time, then it might be.

A policy of work in the fields for $10/hr or starve is not likely to happen. Most American are just to softhearted for that. If you have been to some of the cities in Bangladesh a few years and seen the bodies in the street in early morning, I think would agree.

I don't know how old you are, but that's the way it was years ago. Social programs didn't pay very much and it forced people to go out and look for work......any kind of work, and there weren't any dead bodies in the street.

I worked minimum wage jobs for the first couple of years after school. By the time the Reagan recession hit, I had my first apartment and lost my job. I went back to working minimum wage jobs, it's just that I had to work a lot of hours.

The only people that I know of today who work seven days a week, a lot of overtime, or have two jobs are older people. Younger people will choose to go on government programs before they do that.

So don't worry, if we cut social programs, people will just have to learn how to try harder to make ends meet. The problem in this country is we make it too easy for people not to try.
Unless you have a family, goverment welfare programs are rather limited. Food stamps for singles are limited to 90 days every 3 years. TANF is not available, and except in cases of disability or age neither is housing.

Somewhere in the last half of the 20th century, liberals began proclaiming that with the great wealth of America, no child should have to go to bed hunger, no family should be have to live on the streets, every child who has the ability should be able to attend college, etc... Out of this grew the social programs we have today.

However, the real problem is not the lack of jobs. It's the lack of jobs that pay enough money to support a family. Over half the families that receive government support have jobs, many full time jobs. They just don't earn enough money to put food on the table and pay for other necessities. So when you say they have to get off their ass and get job, they already have a job, often more than one.

I seriously doubt they have more than one job. At least in my experiences, those people who do work and collect welfare of some sorts are discouraged from making too much money. The more money they make, the less goodies they get from the government, so they make sure to limit their income.

Several of our customers use temporary services. They do so to try out workers before they go through the painstaking process of hiring and training. What I've been told is that when they ask those temporary workers to work more hours, they refuse because it's almost like working for free. If they were not receiving any government benefits, those very same people would jump at the opportunity to make more money and some may even get hired by the company outright.
Haha...a very on-point assessment of this clown. He's got himself amused with his illiterate un-American rhetoric. I'd bet he's posting from his little hut in Tijuana Mexico right now.
He would respond to you - but he "stops reading after two sentences". Which means he only saw what is in blue in your post.
Blah blah blah blah. Idiot. I stop reading after 2 sentences.
And that folks is how one becomes an uneducated, ignorant, left-wing hatriot. Note how he said "I stop reading". He didn't say "I stopped reading". As in - just this particular time I stopped reading. Nope - like all government-dependent, left-wing dropouts, he stops reading anything that is more than 2 sentences.

That's exactly why these people don't understand the U.S. Constitution, can't hold a job, and need to mooch off of society.

I stop reading because it's all non sense idiot.
How would you know it's "all nonsense" if you stop after 2 sentences? Maybe the third sentence wasn't nonsense at all.

So either you did read further and you're lying about it, or you're lying about it "all" being "nonsense". Care to comment which one you are lying about?
Agree on most part of your post Ray.

But........... There will be no mass deportation or force deportation by Mr. Trump. He is a very successful businessman and he knows the impact to the economy if you deport these people by the millions. I don't believe my fellow Americans will fill in those jobs some maybe but I'm not sure the rest.
So if we do not have a force deportation....... What should we do with these illegals?

Mass deportation was not a Trump agenda. He said it was the primaries but (at the time) was unaware that each deportation had to go through court proceedings.

What to do with illegals? Send them back where they came from. Unlike Obama, Trump is taking this issue seriously, and word gets around to people that plan on overstaying their visas or sneaking into this country some other way. That would help reduce new offenders.

Correct, some of these jobs will go unfulfilled unless we drastically reduce our government dependency. Today, $10.00 an hour doesn't seem like enough to take a job. But if there is nothing to eat in the house and you don't have electricity, that $10.00 an hour job will seem like a blessing.

Trump is only deporting those illegals with criminal records which is no different from Obama. I have not seen Trump taking this seriously so I'm waiting. And how do you suppose Trump can stop those over stay visas? Unless he stop tourism industry completely.

Yes Trump did mentioned that there will be a force deportation....... So if there's no mass deportation. Again what should we do with them? You and I can't deport them.

That's tough to say what Trump is going to do about the Visa's because activist judges already put a snag in his temporary ban on people coming here from terrorist countries. So I'm sure he's now spending a lot of time on that instead of progressing to other things such as the Visa's.

If it were up to me, it would be a five year minimum federal prison sentence for anybody caught here illegally. It would solve our problem with no wall at all. People would be fighting to get the hell out of this country. Self-deporation is the cheapest and quickest.

Well Ray overstay violators are the tourist coming from all over the world from Asia to Africa. Especially rich Asians. Last time I checked is about 500k/year. Putting them in jail will cost at least $30k a year so............. Why not just deport them right away? that is if you can catch them. How are you going to rounded them up? Check points all over America? Are you going to stop tourism business? Some countries do require to deposit a bond when traveling as a tourist coming to US but lots of them just decided to stay here......... then pay and marry a US citizen to get green card.
As I said repeatedly. There is no such thing as self deportation.

I don't have any solution to offer Ray except that I'm just trying to explain the reality and facts that we are facing. It's not that simple to say ............... *deport them all* without consequences.

I never said there would be no consequences, but welcome consequences I'm sure.

Nobody wants to live in fear I don't care how great of an environment you live in. Just deport them? Well we do, and they just come right back. So there needs to be a strong enough deterrent to those that plan on overstaying their Visa's. Right now, there is no such deterrent, so why not stay? Same holds true for green card holders, illegals that sneak across the desert or paddle their way here on a makeshift raft. No deterrent whatsoever.
Agree on most part of your post Ray.

But........... There will be no mass deportation or force deportation by Mr. Trump. He is a very successful businessman and he knows the impact to the economy if you deport these people by the millions. I don't believe my fellow Americans will fill in those jobs some maybe but I'm not sure the rest.
So if we do not have a force deportation....... What should we do with these illegals?

Mass deportation was not a Trump agenda. He said it was the primaries but (at the time) was unaware that each deportation had to go through court proceedings.

What to do with illegals? Send them back where they came from. Unlike Obama, Trump is taking this issue seriously, and word gets around to people that plan on overstaying their visas or sneaking into this country some other way. That would help reduce new offenders.

Correct, some of these jobs will go unfulfilled unless we drastically reduce our government dependency. Today, $10.00 an hour doesn't seem like enough to take a job. But if there is nothing to eat in the house and you don't have electricity, that $10.00 an hour job will seem like a blessing.

Trump is only deporting those illegals with criminal records which is no different from Obama. I have not seen Trump taking this seriously so I'm waiting. And how do you suppose Trump can stop those over stay visas? Unless he stop tourism industry completely.

Yes Trump did mentioned that there will be a force deportation....... So if there's no mass deportation. Again what should we do with them? You and I can't deport them.

That's tough to say what Trump is going to do about the Visa's because activist judges already put a snag in his temporary ban on people coming here from terrorist countries. So I'm sure he's now spending a lot of time on that instead of progressing to other things such as the Visa's.

If it were up to me, it would be a five year minimum federal prison sentence for anybody caught here illegally. It would solve our problem with no wall at all. People would be fighting to get the hell out of this country. Self-deporation is the cheapest and quickest.

Look. Do I like illegals draining our resources especially here in California? HELL NO.
However just like majority of Americans and so with GOPs like Paul Ryan or Rubio support comprehensive immigration reform.

I know tons of business owners from different kinds of enterprises from aqua farming, agricultural farming, low/high tech, building, wineries to casino owners etc etc etc. But I'll just pick 2 as an example.
1. Home care located in Hawaii, Beverly Hills and Anaheim. All these 3 only catered to *very rich* patients with lots of luxuries like round the clock RNs, physical therapist, view your love one from your iPad 24hours etc etc etc. Which btw they have a very long waiting list. All these 3 .......... no employees making less than $18, no illegals, most are asians/hispanics, only 3 whites are RNs, 1 white physical therapist......... but no blacks or whites that take care patients. Why? Few maybe but If people are not used or born to do these kind work you don't expect people would last.

2. Central California and Avocado farmers here in San Diego. Without these illegals they might as well just shut down their farms. It's as simple as that. Here are 2 (links) good examples from Georgia when they acted HB-56 against illegals.
This is the one of the reason why Trump hired foreign workers ( link below) for his vineyard in Virginia because they cannot find Americans that are willing or stay for these kind of work. Actually it's worst and cost more than $15/hour bc they have to feed and shelter these foreign workers.

NOW.......... Tell me where I'm wrong from all my post?

Ga. immigrant crackdown backfires

Georgia's Harsh Immigration Law Costs Millions in Unharvested Crops - The Atlantic


Where you are wrong is stating no Americans will take these jobs. Americans will do any job for proper compensation. The problem is the consumer is too cheap and demands low prices for just about anything.

The supply and demand process is nearly perfect when it comes to jobs and employment provided we don't throw monkey wrenches into the works like unions and foreigners. Without those two things, jobs will increase in wages and Americans will take those jobs when the wages reach satisfactory levels.

I see it in my line of work constantly. Transportation companies can't find workers to do the labor for cheap, so they are bringing in foreigners instead of increasing wage and benefit offers. That's part of the problem. The other problem is our social programs that pay enough for people to live comfortably without taking those jobs.

Im not sure what proper compensation for these kind of work. How much are they willing to get paid for those kinds of work? The $18 I gave you are the starters.
I gave you 2 examples and 3 links which included Trump to prove these people are not taking these jobs.
Agree part of the problem is our social program. The other one that worries me are these kids coming out from college crap of bs majors with massive loans that can't find a high paying jobs. I have lots of these kids.
U.S. immigration authorities arrested hundreds of undocumented immigrants in at least a half-dozen states this week in a series of raids that marked the first large-scale enforcement of President Trump’s Jan. 26 order to crack down on the estimated 11 million immigrants living here illegally.

The raids, which officials said targeted known criminals, also netted some immigrants who did not have criminal records, an apparent departure from similar enforcement waves during the Obama administration that aimed to just corral and deport those who had committed crimes.

Trump has pledged to deport as many as 3 million undocumented immigrants with criminal records. Last month he also made a change to the Obama administration’s policy of prioritizing deportation for convicted criminals, substantially broadening the scope of who the Department of Homeland Security can target to include those with minor offenses or no convictions at all.

Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states

Eventually, if you have an outstanding parking ticket, out you go the way it should be.

Attention liberals: keep those pussy hats ready to go because I'm sure you are going to get the call to protest and riot. Today six states, tomorrow twelve. :banana::banana::banana:
According to immigration authorities these raid are not a result of Trump's immigration order but are routinely carried out 3 or 4 times a year. These raids were planed before Trump was inaugurated.

Possibly Trump will deport 3 million beating Obama's record of 2 million. However, the number entering illegally and the number becoming illegal because of Visa expiration will keep the number of undocumented immigrants about the same. However, it Trump policies creates a financial crisis in Mexico, Mexicans will pour across boarder as they did in 2000-2003 and we could well end up with more than we have today.
Fact check: Are recent immigration raids result of Trump policy?

The only way Trump can radically reduce the number of undocumented immigrants during his term in office is going to be detention camps and mass deportations. However, without the help of local communities, that's not possible.

If Trump went to mass deportation, the only thing stopping him would be the courts where it's already cumbersome. He may decide to open up dozens of new depression courts to speed up the process.

As for Trump doing the same as Obama, you sure wouldn't' know it by the press. If that's so, then it's a clear demonstration how the media has most of us brainwashed into believing whatever they want us to believe. Now we have more protests that (for whatever reason) we've never seen during the DumBama administration. And who said the MSM was left????

High deportation figures are misleading

Court Deportations Drop 43 Percent in Past Five Years

Continue reading the main story
Deporting known criminals with felony convictions is really not that hard. Most cities and states, even those that claim to be sanctuaries, report the last address of an undocumented felon. The law has been changed to remove almost all grounds for appeal for convicted felons, so deportation is fairly sure and rapid. In general, locals in Hispanic areas are usually supportive because they are glad to get these people out of their neighborhood. However, Trump has managed to infuriate so many Hispanics by calling them disease ridden, rapist and murders, thieves, a dangers to economy, that they will protest anything he does.

When ICE breaks down the doors of local churches drags out women and children seeking sanctuary, for transportation to deportation camps, support will rapidly turn to resistance in the communities, cities, and the congress. With the vast majority of Americans opposed to mass deportation and favoring a path to citizenship, a mass deportation is not likely to happen, but who knows what Trump will do.
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BTW. Didn't I challenged challenge you directly but you are were a fucking coward and you ignored me?
That is some seriously broken English there. What part of Mexico are you from? And how long have you been an illegal alien in my country?

Look coward. Is this all you got? Just insult?

I like to challenge you live one on one debate.
TOPIC: Quantum Physics, DNA/Genome Counting, both Chemistry and Hematology, Mechanical/ Electrical Engineering and Medical instrumentations. IN 6 LANGUAGES.
Tell me what city you live and I will direct you to a local place where they have a live conference system. My cost....... I will issue you an 1800 number which you can block your number.

On the subject of quantum physics I will let you use a calculator and I will only use the bulletin board. Plus bring all the cash you can afford. If you say $10k I will multiply it by 10x or 20x remember banks are half day tomorrow.
I will stay in my house with a special camera that handle this kind of conference so I can move around my home. That way you can view my house, cash and my cars.
If you don't take my challenge. I say you are fucking coward. I'm waiting.
Agree on most part of your post Ray.

But........... There will be no mass deportation or force deportation by Mr. Trump. He is a very successful businessman and he knows the impact to the economy if you deport these people by the millions. I don't believe my fellow Americans will fill in those jobs some maybe but I'm not sure the rest.
So if we do not have a force deportation....... What should we do with these illegals?

Mass deportation was not a Trump agenda. He said it was the primaries but (at the time) was unaware that each deportation had to go through court proceedings.

What to do with illegals? Send them back where they came from. Unlike Obama, Trump is taking this issue seriously, and word gets around to people that plan on overstaying their visas or sneaking into this country some other way. That would help reduce new offenders.

Correct, some of these jobs will go unfulfilled unless we drastically reduce our government dependency. Today, $10.00 an hour doesn't seem like enough to take a job. But if there is nothing to eat in the house and you don't have electricity, that $10.00 an hour job will seem like a blessing.

Trump is only deporting those illegals with criminal records which is no different from Obama. I have not seen Trump taking this seriously so I'm waiting. And how do you suppose Trump can stop those over stay visas? Unless he stop tourism industry completely.

Yes Trump did mentioned that there will be a force deportation....... So if there's no mass deportation. Again what should we do with them? You and I can't deport them.

That's tough to say what Trump is going to do about the Visa's because activist judges already put a snag in his temporary ban on people coming here from terrorist countries. So I'm sure he's now spending a lot of time on that instead of progressing to other things such as the Visa's.

If it were up to me, it would be a five year minimum federal prison sentence for anybody caught here illegally. It would solve our problem with no wall at all. People would be fighting to get the hell out of this country. Self-deporation is the cheapest and quickest.

Look. Do I like illegals draining our resources especially here in California? HELL NO.
However just like majority of Americans and so with GOPs like Paul Ryan or Rubio support comprehensive immigration reform.

I know tons of business owners from different kinds of enterprises from aqua farming, agricultural farming, low/high tech, building, wineries to casino owners etc etc etc. But I'll just pick 2 as an example.
1. Home care located in Hawaii, Beverly Hills and Anaheim. All these 3 only catered to *very rich* patients with lots of luxuries like round the clock RNs, physical therapist, view your love one from your iPad 24hours etc etc etc. Which btw they have a very long waiting list. All these 3 .......... no employees making less than $18, no illegals, most are asians/hispanics, only 3 whites are RNs, 1 white physical therapist......... but no blacks or whites that take care patients. Why? Few maybe but If people are not used or born to do these kind work you don't expect people would last.

2. Central California and Avocado farmers here in San Diego. Without these illegals they might as well just shut down their farms. It's as simple as that. Here are 2 (links) good examples from Georgia when they acted HB-56 against illegals.
This is the one of the reason why Trump hired foreign workers ( link below) for his vineyard in Virginia because they cannot find Americans that are willing or stay for these kind of work. Actually it's worst and cost more than $15/hour bc they have to feed and shelter these foreign workers.

NOW.......... Tell me where I'm wrong from all my post?

Ga. immigrant crackdown backfires

Georgia's Harsh Immigration Law Costs Millions in Unharvested Crops - The Atlantic


Where you are wrong is stating no Americans will take these jobs. Americans will do any job for proper compensation. The problem is the consumer is too cheap and demands low prices for just about anything.

The supply and demand process is nearly perfect when it comes to jobs and employment provided we don't throw monkey wrenches into the works like unions and foreigners. Without those two things, jobs will increase in wages and Americans will take those jobs when the wages reach satisfactory levels.

I see it in my line of work constantly. Transportation companies can't find workers to do the labor for cheap, so they are bringing in foreigners instead of increasing wage and benefit offers. That's part of the problem. The other problem is our social programs that pay enough for people to live comfortably without taking those jobs.
What you're saying is the American consumers should be willing to subside the American farmer by paying more at the grocery store so the farmer can hire Americans to do the same work migrants were doing only at a higher cost. Forcing consumers to pay more money so businesses can run inefficiently and unable to compete in world markets is not the way to solve the problem.

American supermarkets will buy produce from Mexico because it's cheaper. Then what happens. To protect US farmers, we put import tariff on Mexican produce. Mexico retaliates by putting a tariff on the import of US tomatoes. ect etc.... Both countries loose. America workers are doing jobs they aren't well suited to do and don't want to do. Mexicans working are working at a lower pay in jobs they don't want. Both Mexican and American consumers are paying more, often poor for lower quality products.
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Mass deportation was not a Trump agenda. He said it was the primaries but (at the time) was unaware that each deportation had to go through court proceedings.

What to do with illegals? Send them back where they came from. Unlike Obama, Trump is taking this issue seriously, and word gets around to people that plan on overstaying their visas or sneaking into this country some other way. That would help reduce new offenders.

Correct, some of these jobs will go unfulfilled unless we drastically reduce our government dependency. Today, $10.00 an hour doesn't seem like enough to take a job. But if there is nothing to eat in the house and you don't have electricity, that $10.00 an hour job will seem like a blessing.

Trump is only deporting those illegals with criminal records which is no different from Obama. I have not seen Trump taking this seriously so I'm waiting. And how do you suppose Trump can stop those over stay visas? Unless he stop tourism industry completely.

Yes Trump did mentioned that there will be a force deportation....... So if there's no mass deportation. Again what should we do with them? You and I can't deport them.

That's tough to say what Trump is going to do about the Visa's because activist judges already put a snag in his temporary ban on people coming here from terrorist countries. So I'm sure he's now spending a lot of time on that instead of progressing to other things such as the Visa's.

If it were up to me, it would be a five year minimum federal prison sentence for anybody caught here illegally. It would solve our problem with no wall at all. People would be fighting to get the hell out of this country. Self-deporation is the cheapest and quickest.

Look. Do I like illegals draining our resources especially here in California? HELL NO.
However just like majority of Americans and so with GOPs like Paul Ryan or Rubio support comprehensive immigration reform.

I know tons of business owners from different kinds of enterprises from aqua farming, agricultural farming, low/high tech, building, wineries to casino owners etc etc etc. But I'll just pick 2 as an example.
1. Home care located in Hawaii, Beverly Hills and Anaheim. All these 3 only catered to *very rich* patients with lots of luxuries like round the clock RNs, physical therapist, view your love one from your iPad 24hours etc etc etc. Which btw they have a very long waiting list. All these 3 .......... no employees making less than $18, no illegals, most are asians/hispanics, only 3 whites are RNs, 1 white physical therapist......... but no blacks or whites that take care patients. Why? Few maybe but If people are not used or born to do these kind work you don't expect people would last.

2. Central California and Avocado farmers here in San Diego. Without these illegals they might as well just shut down their farms. It's as simple as that. Here are 2 (links) good examples from Georgia when they acted HB-56 against illegals.
This is the one of the reason why Trump hired foreign workers ( link below) for his vineyard in Virginia because they cannot find Americans that are willing or stay for these kind of work. Actually it's worst and cost more than $15/hour bc they have to feed and shelter these foreign workers.

NOW.......... Tell me where I'm wrong from all my post?

Ga. immigrant crackdown backfires

Georgia's Harsh Immigration Law Costs Millions in Unharvested Crops - The Atlantic


Where you are wrong is stating no Americans will take these jobs. Americans will do any job for proper compensation. The problem is the consumer is too cheap and demands low prices for just about anything.

The supply and demand process is nearly perfect when it comes to jobs and employment provided we don't throw monkey wrenches into the works like unions and foreigners. Without those two things, jobs will increase in wages and Americans will take those jobs when the wages reach satisfactory levels.

I see it in my line of work constantly. Transportation companies can't find workers to do the labor for cheap, so they are bringing in foreigners instead of increasing wage and benefit offers. That's part of the problem. The other problem is our social programs that pay enough for people to live comfortably without taking those jobs.
What you're saying is the American consumers should be willing to subside the American farmer by paying more at the grocery store so the farmer can hire Americans to do the same work migrants were doing only at a higher cost. Forcing consumers to pay more money so businesses can run inefficiently and unable to compete in world markets is not the way to solve the problem.

American supermarkets will buy produce from Mexico because it's cheaper. Then what happens. To protect US farmers, we put import tariff on Mexican produce. Mexico retaliates by putting a tariff on the import of US tomatoes. ect etc.... Both countries loose. America workers are doing jobs they aren't well suited to do and don't want to do. Mexicans working are working at a lower pay in jobs they don't want. Both Mexican and American consumers are paying more, often poor for lower quality products.

I think you're putting the cart before the horse. If Mexico is such a threat, why don't they undercut us now? It can't be just because of the illegals because not everybody in the US uses illegals or even legal immigrants.

Most producers (of any product) like to produce near their customers because of transportation costs that go up all the time because of our wonderful environmental regulations. I seriously doubt we in Ohio would be buying grapes from Mexico instead of a closer producer that harvests them at a higher cost.
U.S. immigration authorities arrested hundreds of undocumented immigrants in at least a half-dozen states this week in a series of raids that marked the first large-scale enforcement of President Trump’s Jan. 26 order to crack down on the estimated 11 million immigrants living here illegally.

The raids, which officials said targeted known criminals, also netted some immigrants who did not have criminal records, an apparent departure from similar enforcement waves during the Obama administration that aimed to just corral and deport those who had committed crimes.

Trump has pledged to deport as many as 3 million undocumented immigrants with criminal records. Last month he also made a change to the Obama administration’s policy of prioritizing deportation for convicted criminals, substantially broadening the scope of who the Department of Homeland Security can target to include those with minor offenses or no convictions at all.

Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states

Eventually, if you have an outstanding parking ticket, out you go the way it should be.

Attention liberals: keep those pussy hats ready to go because I'm sure you are going to get the call to protest and riot. Today six states, tomorrow twelve. :banana::banana::banana:
According to immigration authorities these raid are not a result of Trump's immigration order but are routinely carried out 3 or 4 times a year. These raids were planed before Trump was inaugurated.

Possibly Trump will deport 3 million beating Obama's record of 2 million. However, the number entering illegally and the number becoming illegal because of Visa expiration will keep the number of undocumented immigrants about the same. However, it Trump policies creates a financial crisis in Mexico, Mexicans will pour across boarder as they did in 2000-2003 and we could well end up with more than we have today.
Fact check: Are recent immigration raids result of Trump policy?

The only way Trump can radically reduce the number of undocumented immigrants during his term in office is going to be detention camps and mass deportations. However, without the help of local communities, that's not possible.

If Trump went to mass deportation, the only thing stopping him would be the courts where it's already cumbersome. He may decide to open up dozens of new depression courts to speed up the process.

As for Trump doing the same as Obama, you sure wouldn't' know it by the press. If that's so, then it's a clear demonstration how the media has most of us brainwashed into believing whatever they want us to believe. Now we have more protests that (for whatever reason) we've never seen during the DumBama administration. And who said the MSM was left????

High deportation figures are misleading

Court Deportations Drop 43 Percent in Past Five Years

Continue reading the main story
Deporting known criminals with felony convictions is really not that hard. Most cities and states, even those that claim to be sanctuaries, report the last address of an undocumented felon. The law has been changed to remove almost all grounds for appeal for convicted felons, so deportation is fairly sure and rapid. In general, locals in Hispanic areas are usually supportive because they are glad to get these people out of their neighborhood. However, Trump has managed to infuriate so many Hispanics by calling them disease ridden, rapist and murders, thieves, a dangers to economy, that they will protest anything he does.

When ICE breaks down the doors of local churches drags out women and children seeking sanctuary, for transportation to deportation camps, support will rapidly turn to resistance in the communities, cities, and the congress. With the vast majority of Americans opposed to mass deportation and favoring a path to citizenship, a mass deportation is not likely to happen, but who knows what Trump will do.

Well...... Trump didn't infuriate many Hispanics with his comments. He got more of the Latino vote than Romney did; Romney, who supported "a pathway to citizenship" when he was running for President.

As I stated earlier, Trump changed his mass deportation stance when he was advised of the difficulty of the process, so it's not going to happen unfortunately. But I do believe he will work hard on deporting more illegals than any past Presidents. It was a campaign promise to us who voted for him. As for criminal illegals, they are still committing crime in this country, so that problem is long from being solved.
Mass deportation was not a Trump agenda. He said it was the primaries but (at the time) was unaware that each deportation had to go through court proceedings.

What to do with illegals? Send them back where they came from. Unlike Obama, Trump is taking this issue seriously, and word gets around to people that plan on overstaying their visas or sneaking into this country some other way. That would help reduce new offenders.

Correct, some of these jobs will go unfulfilled unless we drastically reduce our government dependency. Today, $10.00 an hour doesn't seem like enough to take a job. But if there is nothing to eat in the house and you don't have electricity, that $10.00 an hour job will seem like a blessing.

Trump is only deporting those illegals with criminal records which is no different from Obama. I have not seen Trump taking this seriously so I'm waiting. And how do you suppose Trump can stop those over stay visas? Unless he stop tourism industry completely.

Yes Trump did mentioned that there will be a force deportation....... So if there's no mass deportation. Again what should we do with them? You and I can't deport them.

That's tough to say what Trump is going to do about the Visa's because activist judges already put a snag in his temporary ban on people coming here from terrorist countries. So I'm sure he's now spending a lot of time on that instead of progressing to other things such as the Visa's.

If it were up to me, it would be a five year minimum federal prison sentence for anybody caught here illegally. It would solve our problem with no wall at all. People would be fighting to get the hell out of this country. Self-deporation is the cheapest and quickest.

Look. Do I like illegals draining our resources especially here in California? HELL NO.
However just like majority of Americans and so with GOPs like Paul Ryan or Rubio support comprehensive immigration reform.

I know tons of business owners from different kinds of enterprises from aqua farming, agricultural farming, low/high tech, building, wineries to casino owners etc etc etc. But I'll just pick 2 as an example.
1. Home care located in Hawaii, Beverly Hills and Anaheim. All these 3 only catered to *very rich* patients with lots of luxuries like round the clock RNs, physical therapist, view your love one from your iPad 24hours etc etc etc. Which btw they have a very long waiting list. All these 3 .......... no employees making less than $18, no illegals, most are asians/hispanics, only 3 whites are RNs, 1 white physical therapist......... but no blacks or whites that take care patients. Why? Few maybe but If people are not used or born to do these kind work you don't expect people would last.

2. Central California and Avocado farmers here in San Diego. Without these illegals they might as well just shut down their farms. It's as simple as that. Here are 2 (links) good examples from Georgia when they acted HB-56 against illegals.
This is the one of the reason why Trump hired foreign workers ( link below) for his vineyard in Virginia because they cannot find Americans that are willing or stay for these kind of work. Actually it's worst and cost more than $15/hour bc they have to feed and shelter these foreign workers.

NOW.......... Tell me where I'm wrong from all my post?

Ga. immigrant crackdown backfires

Georgia's Harsh Immigration Law Costs Millions in Unharvested Crops - The Atlantic


Where you are wrong is stating no Americans will take these jobs. Americans will do any job for proper compensation. The problem is the consumer is too cheap and demands low prices for just about anything.

The supply and demand process is nearly perfect when it comes to jobs and employment provided we don't throw monkey wrenches into the works like unions and foreigners. Without those two things, jobs will increase in wages and Americans will take those jobs when the wages reach satisfactory levels.

I see it in my line of work constantly. Transportation companies can't find workers to do the labor for cheap, so they are bringing in foreigners instead of increasing wage and benefit offers. That's part of the problem. The other problem is our social programs that pay enough for people to live comfortably without taking those jobs.

Im not sure what proper compensation for these kind of work. How much are they willing to get paid for those kinds of work? The $18 I gave you are the starters.
I gave you 2 examples and 3 links which included Trump to prove these people are not taking these jobs.
Agree part of the problem is our social program. The other one that worries me are these kids coming out from college crap of bs majors with massive loans that can't find a high paying jobs. I have lots of these kids.

I think that's a huge problem. My sister will be paying off college loans for my niece and nephew until after she retries. My nephew isn't doing bad. He got a Masters degree and was working in the field before he graduated. My niece? She graduated several years ago and is still waiting tables at a restaurant in Florida.

The problem with college is supply and demand; more demand than supply. As a baby boomer when I was in school, out of a class of 35 kids, maybe seven or eight went to college. Lord knows how many graduated. Today, it's almost a must to get an advanced education because those big paying union days are long gone.

I don't know what the solution is other than erecting more colleges which I don't think Trump is in control of, but you never know.

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