Head of Line at the VA

They should go by a case by case basis.

A purple heart medal is awarded for any combat wound.

From a wound only requiring a few stitches, to horrible skin burns, limb amputations and severe head trauma. ... :cool:
The V.A. should not be engaging in discrimanatory practices period.

When you get involved in trying to determine who deserves priority...you are off on the wrong trackl

Treat all veterans the same should be the credo of the V.A.

It should be the severity of the injury or sickness that determines who gets priority.

Well like any emergency room does....treating the sick should be not based however on such things as awards, medals or politics ....ridiculous.

Treat all vets the same generally speaking.....if someone has a medical emergency they should be treated first.....it is insane we even have to have this conversation.

Keep the politics and favortism out of the V.A. like it has always been V.A. policy to give preferance to P.O.W.'s as an example they qualify for dental service but that basic service is denied to most Vets.

Why should a guy who was captured or perhaps just gave up instead of fighting be given better treatment than anyone else....this is stupidity and an insult to most veterans.
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It should be the severity of the injury or sickness that determines who gets priority.

Well like any emergency room does....treating the sick should be not based however on such things as awards, medals or politics ....ridiculous.

Treat all vets the same generally speaking.....if someone has a medical emergencthy ey should be treated first.....it is insane we even have to have this conversation.

Keep the politics and favortism out of the V.A. like it has always been V.A. policy to give preferance to P.O.W.'s as an example they qualify for dental service but that basic service is denied to most Vets.

Why should a guy who was captured or perhaps just gave up instead of fighting be given better treatment than anyone else....this is stupidity and an insult to most veterans.

Veterans were all part of the team and as such they all deserve equal treatment at the V.A. but of course we know this is not the way it works.
They should go by a case by case basis.

A purple heart medal is awarded for any combat wound.

From a wound only requiring a few stitches, to horrible skin burns, limb amputations and severe head trauma. ... :cool:

All vets who were wounded deserve our respect....however they nor any other vet deserves to go to the head of the line just because of an award, medal or because they are good friends of some politician.

All medical treatments should be based on medical reasons not politics nor the opinion of someone who thinks they have the right to determine who is the most deserving....first of all know one knows who is most deserving....so best not to go down that road.

Now of course in the civilian world we know those with the best insurance get the best treatment....let us not try and do something similar in the V.A.
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Keep the politics and favortism out of the V.A. like it has always been V.A. policy to give preferance to P.O.W.'s as an example they qualify for dental service but that basic service is denied to most Vets.
Any veteran who was a POW went thru hell and deserves to go to the front of the line.

There isn't that many of them, so it shouldn't be a big deal. ... :cool:
Keep the politics and favortism out of the V.A. like it has always been V.A. policy to give preferance to P.O.W.'s as an example they qualify for dental service but that basic service is denied to most Vets.
Any veteran who was a POW went thru hell and deserves to go to the front of the line.

There isn't that many of them, so it shouldn't be a big deal. ... :cool:

Bullshilt....I was in an elite unit and the first thing they rammed down our throats was to never,never get captured.

Now of course many have no option as they are fished out of the pond so to speak...aka pilots who are shot down and wind up paracuting into a hopeless situation with no chance or opportunity of fighting back or fleeing.

But unfortunately....some just give up instead of resisting to their utmost....more common in past wars when our training was not the best nor were many of our troops....we have a much higher quality military now than we have ever had ....generally speaking.

Yes...the numbers of former pows have decreased dramatically and it may not be all that much of problem now to let them go to the head of the line....however they are not the only ones that are given preferential treatment.

Anytime you give someone the power to say who should get preferential treatment you open up the doors of abuse. Politicians with friends. V.A. officials pressured by politicians etc.etc. and so on and so forth.

Overall...for the sake of fairness it is much better to simply have a policy of allowing those with immediate health issues to go to the head of the line...and not someone with some award, medal or political connections.

AP: More POW claimants than actual POWs
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Don't be obtuse.

Of course someone with a medical emergency will be seen first, regardless of their rank or awards. .... :cool:

And they are the only ones that should be allowed to go to the head of the line so to speak.....but that is not the case and has never been the case....some for various reasons have been allowed to buck the line.

I think that we perhaps honor pow's too much.....I like the bushido code....as those who fought the japs in WWII well knew....very, very few of them ever surrendered.

Now I do not think that those who do surrender for whatever reason or reasons should be penalized or dis-honored....yet...I do think we tend to try and make them into heroes just because they had to endure the hardships of being prisoners.

Now, undeniably some of them were heroes....did incredible heroic things whilst in captivity...but just being a prisoner should not automatically grant one heroic status like John McCain was given even though he admitted he was broken and co-operated with the enemy.

Unfortunately he then made a political career out of his supposed heroism.

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