Headline: We disagree on abortion. Here’s a pro-family agenda both parties can support.

May 4, 2022
I wonder what people who've stumbled upon usmb think of this kind of approach. I've posted the sub headlines and paragraph headings, and headlines attached to a few graphs. Best I could do for now (if you lack access over paywalls -- paying for news content).

WAPO Opinion We disagree on abortion. Here’s a pro-family agenda both parties can support.

By Marc A. Thiessen and Alyssa Rosenberg
September 5, 2023

Make pregnancy less dangerous

America’s failure to support young families is most bluntly expressed in its disgraceful infant and maternal mortality rates, which even before the pandemic reached rates unseen since the early 1970s and disproportionately affect Black women.

Maternal deaths are on the rise
For decades, pregnancy and birth got safer in the United States. In the late 1990s, that progress started to erode.

In just three years, the number of women who start pregnancy with serious health conditions has increased

Blue Cross Blue Shield found many more women with diagnosed obesity and anxiety disorders.

More women are suffering from common pregnancy complications

Help parents afford babies

Having children is an expensive pastime
Diapers and college are expensive. So are Cheerios, blueberries and new shoes. This is what married couples with kids under 6 years old spend each year.

Support child-care needs

The amount parents can save pretax to pay for child care hasn't changed since 1986.
That $5,000 limit doesn't cover the cost of care in a state like Mississippi, where care is cheaper. And it doesn't come close to covering costs in a pricey state like Massachusetts.

The cost of after-school care has almost tripled since 2004
Not all parents who want care can get it. This spring, 47 percent of programs reported wait-listing children.

I've argued this for years. I've argued it here many times.

"Shareholder value" is more important than the life of mothers and their babies.
I wonder what people who've stumbled upon usmb think of this kind of approach. I've posted the sub headlines and paragraph headings, and headlines attached to a few graphs. Best I could do for now (if you lack access over paywalls -- paying for news content).

WAPO Opinion We disagree on abortion. Here’s a pro-family agenda both parties can support.

By Marc A. Thiessen and Alyssa Rosenberg
September 5, 2023

Make pregnancy less dangerous

America’s failure to support young families is most bluntly expressed in its disgraceful infant and maternal mortality rates, which even before the pandemic reached rates unseen since the early 1970s and disproportionately affect Black women.

Maternal deaths are on the rise
For decades, pregnancy and birth got safer in the United States. In the late 1990s, that progress started to erode.

In just three years, the number of women who start pregnancy with serious health conditions has increased

Blue Cross Blue Shield found many more women with diagnosed obesity and anxiety disorders.

More women are suffering from common pregnancy complications

Help parents afford babies

Having children is an expensive pastime
Diapers and college are expensive. So are Cheerios, blueberries and new shoes. This is what married couples with kids under 6 years old spend each year.

Support child-care needs

The amount parents can save pretax to pay for child care hasn't changed since 1986.
That $5,000 limit doesn't cover the cost of care in a state like Mississippi, where care is cheaper. And it doesn't come close to covering costs in a pricey state like Massachusetts.

The cost of after-school care has almost tripled since 2004
Not all parents who want care can get it. This spring, 47 percent of programs reported wait-listing children.

The only argument here is to increase the size and scope of government.

What could possibly go wrong?

Yea, we know, government simply is not big enough and never will be.
I wonder what people who've stumbled upon usmb think of this kind of approach. I've posted the sub headlines and paragraph headings, and headlines attached to a few graphs. Best I could do for now (if you lack access over paywalls -- paying for news content).

WAPO Opinion We disagree on abortion. Here’s a pro-family agenda both parties can support.

By Marc A. Thiessen and Alyssa Rosenberg
September 5, 2023

Make pregnancy less dangerous

America’s failure to support young families is most bluntly expressed in its disgraceful infant and maternal mortality rates, which even before the pandemic reached rates unseen since the early 1970s and disproportionately affect Black women.

Maternal deaths are on the rise
For decades, pregnancy and birth got safer in the United States. In the late 1990s, that progress started to erode.

In just three years, the number of women who start pregnancy with serious health conditions has increased

Blue Cross Blue Shield found many more women with diagnosed obesity and anxiety disorders.

More women are suffering from common pregnancy complications

Help parents afford babies

Having children is an expensive pastime
Diapers and college are expensive. So are Cheerios, blueberries and new shoes. This is what married couples with kids under 6 years old spend each year.

Support child-care needs

The amount parents can save pretax to pay for child care hasn't changed since 1986.
That $5,000 limit doesn't cover the cost of care in a state like Mississippi, where care is cheaper. And it doesn't come close to covering costs in a pricey state like Massachusetts.

The cost of after-school care has almost tripled since 2004
Not all parents who want care can get it. This spring, 47 percent of programs reported wait-listing children.

A defining characteristic of terrorism, is the willingness to kill or harm innocent third parties in support of a cause.

What this proposal amounts to is a corrupt political cause, being promoted by the threat to murder innocent children if the promoters of this cause do not get their way.

I think that is all that we need to know, to evaluate the legitimacy of this proposal.
A defining characteristic of terrorism, is the willingness to kill or harm innocent third parties in support of a cause.

What this proposal amounts to is a corrupt political cause, being promoted by the threat to murder innocent children if the promoters of this cause do not get their way.

I think that is all that we need to know, to evaluate the legitimacy of this proposal.
bizarre comment(s)
So it seems the stupid people being a threat when challenged is alive and kicking here @ usmb

“Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice. One may protest against evil; it can be exposed and, if need be, prevented by use of force. Evil always carries within itself the germ of its own subversion in that it leaves behind in human beings at least a sense of unease. Against stupidity we are defenseless. Neither protests nor the use of force accomplish anything here; reasons fall on deaf ears; facts that contradict one’s prejudgment simply need not be believed – in such moments the stupid person even becomes critical – and when facts are irrefutable they are just pushed aside as inconsequential, as incidental. In all this the stupid person, in contrast to the malicious one, is utterly self satisfied and, being easily irritated, becomes dangerous by going on the attack. For that reason, greater caution is called for when dealing with a stupid person than with a malicious one. Never again will we try to persuade the stupid person with reasons, for it is senseless and dangerous.”

― Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Letters and Papers from Prison
So you want to add this to the long list of social ills that the federal government has fixed.

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