Heads up* Part 8 of Wikileaks emailed just released

WikiLeaks hasn't proven up to its hype. The thought that a politician (Hillary in particular) is looking out for nobody but herself isn't a "stop the presses" sort of thing. What I can't get over is how Trump and GOP has allowed this campaign to slip away through abandonment of its focus against big (bigly?) government. WikiLeaks, just another unhelpful distraction from real issues.
WikiLeaks hasn't proven up to its hype. The thought that a politician (Hillary in particular) is looking out for nobody but herself isn't a "stop the presses" sort of thing. What I can't get over is how Trump and GOP has allowed this campaign to slip away through abandonment of its focus against big (bigly?) government. WikiLeaks, just another unhelpful distraction from real issues.
What real issues? The Russians prepping for a nuclear war? Ahhhhh, nothing to it.

Btw there have been world wars that started with nonchalant Saber rattling. WWI for example was a war that really should have never happened.

You know how many wars were started under the stupidest of reasons?

Meanwhile our military issue is accepting more transgenders and taking the word "man" out of miltary nomenclature.

Like those big issues? The man made global warming that does not exist?
How many thousand E-mails and NOTHING? Except for the dupes in the ridiculous spin room...
Just more distorted/doctored/fake bullshit from Putin and Assange. Nothing to see here...

"Unaware and compliant citizenry"

That's how the Dems want their base. Congrats, Libs. Your heroes want you stupid and submissive.
the strategist sending that note is BRILLIANT and was right on the money!!!

where is the rest of his letter?
Wikileaks Releases 8th Batch Of Emails From Clinton Chair Podesta
WikiLeaks has uploaded a new batch of 1,000 emails from Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair, John Podesta. The latest, eighth, release of emails brings the total number of files released to over 11,000. These emails shed more light on the Clinton campaign’s efforts to control and shape media coverage of Hillary, their monitoring of Bernie Sanders’ campaign, and discussions on assault allegations made against Bill Clinton.
Wikileaks releases 8th batch of emails from Clinton chair Podesta

Julian comes through just in time for the election. Just as the Elites are pushing fake information out on Trump hopefully Julian can cause it all to back fire . The Clintons are evil to the core.
The Most Explosive WikiLeaks Clinton Revelations (So Far) @ The Most Explosive WikiLeaks Clinton Revelations (So Far)

Each of these has a direct link to back up the claim. There are 18 of them in this article so I won't post any but this one:

16. Clinton knew Libya was a disaster: Her hindsight about the bloody, world-destabilizing fallout from the overthrow of Qaddafi, and the inability of the new Libyan government to provide security for Americans, was 20/20… but what good does that do anyone, especially the Americans who died in Benghazi? It’s laughable to hear Clinton and her supporters brag about her great resume. Her resume is the world outside your window, and what she says about it to her big donors is very different from what she says to the general public.
See how the Libs are exactly what the Dem party want?

Stupid sheep.
How many more women are accusing Trump? Why are their voices being silenced?

WTF are you talking about?

If their voices are being silenced, how the fuck do you know about them?

The Drumpfsters are doing the same thing to Drumpf's accusers that H. Clinton did to her husband's accusers......and then they whine about her. Pretty hypocritical.
See how the Libs are exactly what the Dem party want?

Stupid sheep.
How many more women are accusing Trump? Why are their voices being silenced?

WTF are you talking about?

If their voices are being silenced, how the fuck do you know about them?

The Drumpfsters are doing the same thing to Drumpf's accusers that H. Clinton did to her husband's accusers......and then they whine about her. Pretty hypocritical.

Just what does this bit of garbage have to do with anything in this thread?

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