Health Care - we gotta fix this shit...

Didn't run your subsidy, did you?

Just using a Panama City zip code for the hell of it and without knowing what your zip and ages of you, your wife and children, used 50 for you and your wife and put you kids in their teens this is the estimated subsidy you'd receive for $75,000.

You are likely eligible for financial help
Based on the information you provided, your income is equal to 255% of the poverty level. This means you are likely eligible for financial help through the Health Insurance Marketplace. An estimate of your cost for coverage and amount of financial help in 2019 are provided below. To find out your actual amount of financial help and to get coverage, you must go to or your state’s Health Insurance Marketplace.

Estimated financial help:
$1,576 per month ($18,907 per year)
as a premium tax credit. This covers 75% of the monthly costs.
Your cost for a silver plan:
$532 per month ($6,383 per year)
in premiums (which equals 8.51% of your household income).
The most you have to pay for a silver plan:
8.51% of income for the second-lowest cost silver plan
Without financial help, your silver plan would cost:
$2,107 per month ($25,289 per year)

Health Insurance Marketplace Calculator
The problem is healthcare costs so ridiculous prices... We need to regulate insurers and hospitals big health and big Pharma. And get more competition in the exchanges and I have nothing against National exchanges... However, 75% of those on the exchanges pay less than $100 a month after subsidies. Republicans believe a whole lot of garbage about Obamacare as well as everything else....
Keep Obamacare to yourselves... The rest of us want nothing to do with it

We don't care do what you want.
Then quit trying to get us to pay for other peoples shit...
Fuck the collective

I'm not trying to make you pay for anything I for the most part just stating facts. Yes, it is very expensive for some and not so for other's. You and other's are throwing out these huge deductibles that just aren't so. I for one (selfish reason) would like to go back to under writing days, but do see the need for coverage of the uninsured.
Simple solution, make Obamacare an opt in The people that want it they can sign up for it the rest are automatically exempt
Obamacare is hardly the answer. Have you ever logged onto their website and checked their rates, for shits and giggles?
I have.
Bronze plan, family of 5, income 75k.
10k deductible.
My bookkeeper looked, the bronze plan for her and her family was 9k deductible and 3200 a month

No 9 grand deductible with any obamacare plan. Max for 2019 is $7900.
That’s what she told me... unaffordable

Costs may vary depending on location :dunno:

Every county in the U.S. has different prices I was disputing the deductible. it possible the deductible is variable as well?
I'm a conservative.
But even I realize that our health Care system is screwed.
Pharmacutical companies are gouging us out of our retirement savings.
Insurance companies are gouging us out of our 401k's.
Doctors and hospitals are performing unneeded procedures and prescribing unneeded drugs for profit.
I'm all about profit - but not profit over deceit.
And not profit over the well-being of American citizens.
I always thought the federal government was fundamental for our national defense, and national defense only.
Not any more.
Get rid of Medicare and Medicaid. Both systems are abused and bankrupt.
Have a single payer system. Tack on 5% on our paychecks and have the government have oversight.
Everybody has health care.
I hate to say it, but that's what it's come down to.
Complex issue. But you are correct. A 'for profit' healthcare system doesn't work.

How do people that are retired have 5% taken from their paychecks? Do self employed people pay 10%? Medicare fraud is perpetrated by providers, not patients.

Start with a public option, when anyone can purchase Medicare plans to rival private insurance. It will help Medicare, and it will be a great option for younger/healthier people who don't use doctors/meds at the same rate as others.
As long as, in no way insurance/coverage is mandated.
My bookkeeper looked, the bronze plan for her and her family was 9k deductible and 3200 a month

No 9 grand deductible with any obamacare plan. Max for 2019 is $7900.
That’s what she told me... unaffordable

Costs may vary depending on location :dunno:

Every county in the U.S. has different prices I was disputing the deductible. it possible the deductible is variable as well?
Because it is
My bookkeeper looked, the bronze plan for her and her family was 9k deductible and 3200 a month

No 9 grand deductible with any obamacare plan. Max for 2019 is $7900.
That’s what she told me... unaffordable

Costs may vary depending on location :dunno:

Every county in the U.S. has different prices I was disputing the deductible.
The fact remains Obamacare is unaffordable for most people...
75% of those on the exchanges pay less than $100 a month... Be a dope and a dupe then...
No 9 grand deductible with any obamacare plan. Max for 2019 is $7900.
That’s what she told me... unaffordable

Costs may vary depending on location :dunno:

Every county in the U.S. has different prices I was disputing the deductible.
The fact remains Obamacare is unaffordable for most people...
75% of those on the exchanges pay less than $100 a month... Be a dope and a dupe then...
Na, not really
My bookkeeper looked, the bronze plan for her and her family was 9k deductible and 3200 a month

No 9 grand deductible with any obamacare plan. Max for 2019 is $7900.
That’s what she told me... unaffordable

Costs may vary depending on location :dunno:

Every county in the U.S. has different prices I was disputing the deductible. it possible the deductible is variable as well?

It is variable but none for one individual is more than $7900 for 2019 and it was a little less this year.
No 9 grand deductible with any obamacare plan. Max for 2019 is $7900.
That’s what she told me... unaffordable

Costs may vary depending on location :dunno:

Every county in the U.S. has different prices I was disputing the deductible. it possible the deductible is variable as well?

It is variable but none for one individual is more than $7900 for 2019 and it was a little less this year.
She said for her and her family
That’s what she told me... unaffordable

Costs may vary depending on location :dunno:

Every county in the U.S. has different prices I was disputing the deductible. it possible the deductible is variable as well?
It is variable but none for one individual is more than $7900 for 2019 and it was a little less this year.
She said for her and her family

You see that is the problem she went to or whatever exchange you have and saw x number/xnumber, individual deductible/family deductible. She should have called an agent to explain and not rely on the federal or local exchange to explain. The people at the federal exchange has quite often given out wrong information. Over the past 5 years I can't even count anymore the people that have screwed themselves by going direct without and agents help.
Costs may vary depending on location :dunno:

Every county in the U.S. has different prices I was disputing the deductible. it possible the deductible is variable as well?
It is variable but none for one individual is more than $7900 for 2019 and it was a little less this year.
She said for her and her family

You see that is the problem she went to or whatever exchange you have and saw x number/xnumber, individual deductible/family deductible. She should have called an agent to explain and not rely on the federal or local exchange to explain. The people at the federal exchange has quite often given out wrong information. Over the past 5 years I can't even count anymore the people that have screwed themselves by going direct without and agents help.
Well, every part of it is unaffordable for her.
That’s why these socialist entitlement programs do not work for progressives
What works in other advanced democracies won't work in America because we're terminally unique.
In the aftermath of WWII, European nations enacted national healthcare programs because wars - fought on their soil - taught them they were all in it together.

In the US, at the time, not everyone could drink out of the same water fountain.
Nationalism - as advocated by D. Trump - is supposed to indicate a sense of national consciousness, while maintaining a contradictory every-man-for-himself approach to survival.
I'm a conservative....
Everybody has health care.
I hate to say it, but that's what it's come down to.
Long story short, the country is going to go bankrupt if the system isn't COMPLETELY overhauled. From the skimming and waste, to corrupt doctors and pharma companies, insurance rackets, runaway costs on insurance, claims adjusters making your premiums a form of armed all has to end. YESTERDAY.

There isn't one person on these boards or in Congress who doesn't personally know someone who has been screwed, bankrupted or even killed by the total disgrace that our country calls "healthcare". And if you're dumb enough to belong to the epitome of these scams (HMOs), have fun getting "bottom-lined" as you age after paying through the nose. They'll kill you. It makes the stockholders happy...
Obamacare is hardly the answer. Have you ever logged onto their website and checked their rates, for shits and giggles?
I have.
Bronze plan, family of 5, income 75k.
10k deductible.

Didn't run your subsidy, did you?

Just using a Panama City zip code for the hell of it and without knowing what your zip and ages of you, your wife and children, used 50 for you and your wife and put you kids in their teens this is the estimated subsidy you'd receive for $75,000.

You are likely eligible for financial help
Based on the information you provided, your income is equal to 255% of the poverty level. This means you are likely eligible for financial help through the Health Insurance Marketplace. An estimate of your cost for coverage and amount of financial help in 2019 are provided below. To find out your actual amount of financial help and to get coverage, you must go to or your state’s Health Insurance Marketplace.

Estimated financial help:
$1,576 per month ($18,907 per year)
as a premium tax credit. This covers 75% of the monthly costs.
Your cost for a silver plan:
$532 per month ($6,383 per year)
in premiums (which equals 8.51% of your household income).
The most you have to pay for a silver plan:
8.51% of income for the second-lowest cost silver plan
Without financial help, your silver plan would cost:
$2,107 per month ($25,289 per year)

Health Insurance Marketplace Calculator
The problem is healthcare costs so ridiculous prices... We need to regulate insurers and hospitals big health and big Pharma. And get more competition in the exchanges and I have nothing against National exchanges... However, 75% of those on the exchanges pay less than $100 a month after subsidies. Republicans believe a whole lot of garbage about Obamacare as well as everything else....
Keep Obamacare to yourselves... The rest of us want nothing to do with it

We don't care do what you want.
Then quit trying to get us to pay for other peoples shit...
Fuck the collective

But you admit there are nescessities where it’s ok to get you to pay for other people’s shit, like military for example.

So liberals (and SmokeALib) are saying that healthcare is a necessity. Doesn’t seem too unreasonable, does it?
Nationalism - as advocated by D. Trump - is supposed to indicate a sense of national consciousness, while maintaining a contradictory every-man-for-himself approach to survival.

So it may seem, but we know it isn't true. The Trumpy advocates a kind of nationalism displacing the notion of a national consciousness with his own - at best with White male - consciousness, while indicating that voting for him ensures the otherwise completely worthless government will grant to all with that White male consciousness a helping hand, just as it was in the olden times.
But you admit there are nescessities where it’s ok to get you to pay for other people’s shit, like military for example.

So liberals (and SmokeALib) are saying that healthcare is a necessity. Doesn’t seem too unreasonable, does it?

It's not unreasonable as a proposition. But expecting to enact it with a simple majority vote in Congress is unreasonable. Such radical change to society requires real consensus, it requires more than slim majority support. It requires amending the Constitution. If we try to force such a change without that consensus, we'll just create more problems than we solve.
But you admit there are nescessities where it’s ok to get you to pay for other people’s shit, like military for example.

So liberals (and SmokeALib) are saying that healthcare is a necessity. Doesn’t seem too unreasonable, does it?

It's not unreasonable as a proposition. But expecting to enact it with a simple majority vote in Congress is unreasonable. Such radical change to society requires real consensus, it requires more than slim majority support. It requires amending the Constitution. If we try to force such a change without that consensus, we'll just create more problems than we solve.

I agree a large majority coming together to create a stable health care system covering all would be immensely helpful, but doing it by a slim parliamentary majority is not in itself unreasonable. A Constitutional Amendment is certainly not a requirement, as the Constitution isn't supposed to mandate policy aims. All told, the ACA didn't suffer because there was something wrong with it, but because there was a mouth-breathing propaganda campaign to frighten the rubes aiming at destroying the legislation. Now that this "consensus" is growing, the Goobers find it hard to repeal the law. Yes, progress is obviously not a straight line, and it's even more difficult since the ACA had to deal with, and tried to preserve, a deeply dysfunctional health care system to begin with.

So, yes, it's hard, but in the end there won't be strike through the Gordian Knot any time soon, and all there is is the arc of history bending toward justice, toward the reasonable, and the hard work of moving that darned boulder up the hill to get it done.
I'm a conservative.
But even I realize that our health Care system is screwed.
Pharmacutical companies are gouging us out of our retirement savings.
Insurance companies are gouging us out of our 401k's.
Doctors and hospitals are performing unneeded procedures and prescribing unneeded drugs for profit.
I'm all about profit - but not profit over deceit.
And not profit over the well-being of American citizens.
I always thought the federal government was fundamental for our national defense, and national defense only.
Not any more.
Get rid of Medicare and Medicaid. Both systems are abused and bankrupt.
Have a single payer system. Tack on 5% on our paychecks and have the government have oversight.
Everybody has health care.
I hate to say it, but that's what it's come down to.

5% would not even come close to paying for "free" medical care for 330,000,000 people (plus 20 million illegals). Try 50% like the wonderful Scandinavian countries that everyone raves about. and even then it would end up being like the VA, long waits for crappy treatment.

I do agree that big pharma is raping us on drug prices, that needs to stop. the insurance company/hospital game also needs to stop, when you get a bill from a hospital for 250K and the insurance company pays 80K and everyone is happy, there is something going on that needs to be stopped. I understand that its a tax game whereby the hospitals claim a loss for tax purposes while actually making millions in profits.
But you admit there are nescessities where it’s ok to get you to pay for other people’s shit, like military for example.

So liberals (and SmokeALib) are saying that healthcare is a necessity. Doesn’t seem too unreasonable, does it?

It's not unreasonable as a proposition. But expecting to enact it with a simple majority vote in Congress is unreasonable. Such radical change to society requires real consensus, it requires more than slim majority support. It requires amending the Constitution. If we try to force such a change without that consensus, we'll just create more problems than we solve.

I agree a large majority coming together to create a stable health care system covering all would be immensely helpful, but doing it by a slim parliamentary majority is not in itself unreasonable. A Constitutional Amendment is certainly not a requirement, as the Constitution isn't supposed to mandate policy aims. All told, the ACA didn't suffer because there was something wrong with it, but because there was a mouth-breathing propaganda campaign to frighten the rubes aiming at destroying the legislation. Now that this "consensus" is growing, the Goobers find it hard to repeal the law. Yes, progress is obviously not a straight line, and it's even more difficult since the ACA had to deal with, and tried to preserve, a deeply dysfunctional health care system to begin with.

So, yes, it's hard, but in the end there won't be strike through the Gordian Knot any time soon, and all there is is the arc of history bending toward justice, toward the reasonable, and the hard work of moving that darned boulder up the hill to get it done.

wrong ACA failed because it was based on taxing the shit out of young people to pay for medicine for old people.

IMHO the only real fix is to go back to what we had 50 years, you paid your doctor out of your pocket for routine treatment and most prescriptions cost less than $10. Insurance only kicked in if you were hospitalized. We did not expect insurance, or medicare, or Medicaid to pay for routine stuff, and the poor got treatment at the ER or a free clinic. It worked for generations.

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