Health Law Maze Imperils Subsidies


Diamond Member
Jul 10, 2004
Interesting article. Hope the low income ACA beneficiaries are aware of this......

Health law maze imperils subsidies

1.8M households could lose credits due to issues with tax filings this year

By Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar

Aug. 5, 2015

WASHINGTON — About 1.8 million households that got financial help for health insurance under President Barack Obama’s law now have issues with their tax returns that could jeopardize their subsidies next year. Administration officials say those taxpayers will have to act quickly.

“There’s still time, but people need to take action soon,” said Lori Lodes, communications director for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which

The health-care law provides tax credits to help people afford private insurance. Nationally, that aid averages $272 a month, covering roughly three fourths of the premium. By funneling the aid through the income-tax system, Democrats were able to call the overhaul the largest middle-class tax cut for health care in history. But they also spliced together two really complicated areas for consumers: health insurance and taxes. Confusion has been the result for many.

Consumers who got healthcare tax credits are required to file tax returns that properly account for them. Unless they follow through, “they will not be able to receive tax credits to help lower the cost of their health insurance for 2016,” Lodes explained.

Treasury officials said 1.8 million households are at risk of losing subsidies for next year, and that number breaks down as follows:

About 710,000 households that have not filed a 2014 tax return, although they were legally required to account for health-insurance tax credits that they received.

Some 360,000 households that got tax credits and requested an extension to file their returns. They have until Oct. 15.

About 760,000 households that got tax credits and filed their tax returns omitted a new form that is the key to accounting for the subsidies. Called Form 8962, it was new for this year’s tax-filing season.

“I think it was definitely confusing for people,” said Elizabeth Colvin of Foundation Communities, an Austin, Texas, nonprofit that helps low-income people. “It could have been worse, quite honestly. I think a lot of tax preparers didn’t know how to do these (forms) either.”

The 1.8 million households with tax issues represent 40 percent of 4.5 million households that had tax credits provided on their behalf and must account for them. The rest had their returns successfully processed by the IRS as of the end of May.

Earlier this summer, a Supreme Court decision preserved health-care tax credits for consumers in all 50 states, turning back a challenge from conservatives opposed to Obamacare. Because of the law’s complexity, some of those consumers may now be at risk of losing their assistance.

May have to subscribe to read...not sure.

Albuquerque Journal Mobile
About how sucky Obamacare is?

Here is an article from July of this year

This could be when everyone gets sick of Obamacare: Susan Shelley

Liked this.......

Covered California just announced that the average cost of premiums for policies sold on the state health insurance exchange will be 13.2 percent higher next year. In 14 other states, premiums for widely sold silver plans will rise an average of 11 percent.

The worse news is why: Health care costs are higher, two temporary programs to reduce risk for insurers are ending, and people signing up have been sicker than expected.

That’s the opposite of what was intended. The Affordable Care Act was supposed to reduce health care costs, outgrow its need for insurer subsidies, and get young and healthy people into the risk pool with its mandate to buy health insurance.


8,500 per person per year.....and that has not changed.

The losers on the left can't stand this.

The right has no answer.....
I especially like the part where Obama spent 7 billion dollars illegally without authorization.

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