Healthcare should not be a PROFIT driven field

this is why socialism sucks. People sacrifice a lot ot become chemists and drug designers. it takes a billion dollars to make a drug. IT aint cheap. so the rich get it first, it's sky high, but then it comes down and us masses get it.

I mean they are high paying jobs to make that stuff....we gonna make em min wage? and then bitch that people don't get paid shit?

no, they get paid well, because it's a real job, important job and helps people, but it doesn't come cheap.

One thing to make drugs cheaper and more affordable? Let people try them in clinical trials. it may kill them, it may cure them.....but if you have a terminal illness..why not?

Some would say that healthcare is something that shouldn't be for profit at all. Ie, drugs should be made by govt funded scientists.

Does it work? It might do, it depends on the govt I guess. Cuba is a country which has put a lot of effort into its healthcare system, but maybe isn't advanced enough to make high level drugs.

When decisions about what drugs to make are made, what are the deciding factors? Profit? Should this really be the case?

uh nowhere makes drugs like yes I think it works. Take the profit out of it, then instead of expensive drugs you get no drugs.

So you want the govt to make drugs? the govt sucks at everything they do. And I don't want them making decisions on which drugs are made.
Mexicans get better "free" Heath Care in their own country, it's in their Constitution. They aren't coming here for healthcare.

Bwahahahaha! They aren't? Do you ever get any "facts" straight SW?

By the way, if Mexico is so great, why aren't you moving there?
Is our nation defended "for free"?

Shouldn't it be? Don't people say it's an honor to serve our country? Then military personnel should serve for free. None of this pay shit. None of this pension shit. None of this free VA/socialist medical care that kills people to make things look better for life shit.

See, that's where y'all's bullshit fails. You can still make a good living even when your industry isn't driven by profit. It is unethical to make money from denying care.

It's also unethical to steal, but that doesn't stop you from advocating liberal theft policy.

There is a book you really need to read:
this is why socialism sucks. People sacrifice a lot ot become chemists and drug designers. it takes a billion dollars to make a drug. IT aint cheap. so the rich get it first, it's sky high, but then it comes down and us masses get it.

I mean they are high paying jobs to make that stuff....we gonna make em min wage? and then bitch that people don't get paid shit?

no, they get paid well, because it's a real job, important job and helps people, but it doesn't come cheap.

One thing to make drugs cheaper and more affordable? Let people try them in clinical trials. it may kill them, it may cure them.....but if you have a terminal illness..why not?

Some would say that healthcare is something that shouldn't be for profit at all. Ie, drugs should be made by govt funded scientists.

Does it work? It might do, it depends on the govt I guess. Cuba is a country which has put a lot of effort into its healthcare system, but maybe isn't advanced enough to make high level drugs.

When decisions about what drugs to make are made, what are the deciding factors? Profit? Should this really be the case?

In what country other than the United States are block-buster drugs developed and marketed?
this is why socialism sucks. People sacrifice a lot ot become chemists and drug designers. it takes a billion dollars to make a drug. IT aint cheap. so the rich get it first, it's sky high, but then it comes down and us masses get it.

I mean they are high paying jobs to make that stuff....we gonna make em min wage? and then bitch that people don't get paid shit?

no, they get paid well, because it's a real job, important job and helps people, but it doesn't come cheap.

One thing to make drugs cheaper and more affordable? Let people try them in clinical trials. it may kill them, it may cure them.....but if you have a terminal illness..why not?

Some would say that healthcare is something that shouldn't be for profit at all. Ie, drugs should be made by govt funded scientists.

Does it work? It might do, it depends on the govt I guess. Cuba is a country which has put a lot of effort into its healthcare system, but maybe isn't advanced enough to make high level drugs.

When decisions about what drugs to make are made, what are the deciding factors? Profit? Should this really be the case?

In what country other than the United States are block-buster drugs developed and marketed?

We are light-years ahead of all other nations in the healthcare industry (knowledge, technology, facilities, and breakthroughs) simply because we are (or were) a for-profit industry.

When there is no profit involved, you get Cuba (liberal paradise of poverty and misery). When there is major profit to be made, you get America (conservative paradise of prosperity).
Some would say that healthcare is something that shouldn't be for profit at all. Ie, drugs should be made by govt funded scientists.

Does it work? It might do, it depends on the govt I guess. Cuba is a country which has put a lot of effort into its healthcare system, but maybe isn't advanced enough to make high level drugs.

When decisions about what drugs to make are made, what are the deciding factors? Profit? Should this really be the case?

In what country other than the United States are block-buster drugs developed and marketed?

We are light-years ahead of all other nations in the healthcare industry (knowledge, technology, facilities, and breakthroughs) simply because we are (or were) a for-profit industry.

When there is no profit involved, you get Cuba (liberal paradise of poverty and misery). When there is major profit to be made, you get America (conservative paradise of prosperity).

Haven't you been told.

We are number 37 on the WHO's list.

WHO as in who gives a *$% what the WHO says.

Ok. Just to put it bluntly: The ability to save a human life, or vastly improve their life, should NOT be one that is driven by profit.

Whats the answer? Im not sure. People have to get paid for their work, yes. But the HUGE profits being raked in by the pharma companies, hospitals, doctors, etc, at the expense of what?

I recently read of a new pill that can literally cure Hepatitis C. But....the pills are $1,000 each, and a person would need many of them, making the cost prohibitive to insurance companies.

So you have a big pharma company who developed the very expensive pill; And hospitals who can give the very expensive pill; And insurance companies who may have to pay for the pill. And insurance companies don't wanna pay for it.

Just one of many countless examples of how we humans COULD save or help someone.....but, is it profitable? The profit seems to matter more than the end result lately, and it is a bunch of nonsense.

The pure greed of this nation's population is what will destroy us. Not some cavemen in the Middle East.
The answer in a sentence is a government that represents the people not money masters, and if you want details on search on Youtube Liberating humanity. I also discus about how my father had to pay $1,297 for a bottle of eye drops in Philadelphia in the 1990's in this speech you may want to hear:

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What a fool you are.
A lying, slanderous, fool.

"The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)[1] is an act of the United States Congress, passed in 1986 as part of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). It requires hospitals to provide emergency health care treatment to anyone needing it regardless of citizenship, legal status, or ability to pay."
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bet you don't know who the President was who signed it.

But how many of his worshipers would repeal it if they could?


Try post #99...

Seems like Seaweed can move to Mexico.

She'll be happy.

We'll be happier :).

No thanks, I'll fix here, my country, instead Welcher. Appreciate the faux concern though.

Only a liberal could believe that the #1 healthcare in world history could require "fixing".

On a side note, how exactly do you plan to "fix" it SeaWytch when you can't even articulate what is wrong with it? In all fairness, your weak arguments and absurd points have been throughly annihilated by conservatives on this board.
planes leave hourly

As much as I appreciate your "love it or leave it" conservative meme, I'd rather stay here in the country I love and work to get the rest of America the socialist healthcare I enjoy. :lol:

Work to get the best healthcare?
Define "work" as it applies ot this post.
If that means posting on here and bitching about how rotten our medical care system is, you certainly are breaking a sweat now aren't you.
Look, socialized medicine in this country is a logistical impossibility.
The sooner you realize that, the sooner you'll be getting on to more productive pursuits.

Trust me, he means "work" in the same way your basic burglar or mugger means it: focusing his time and effort on forcibly taking what he wants from those who own it.
Can someone please give me one good reason someone shouldn't be compensated for their labor to improve the health of another?

You probably won't consider it a GOOD reason - Lord knows I don't - but the left thinks it should be just because you care so damned much about that person and think they deserve to be taken care of.

Of course, actually working in a healthcare-related field and dealing with the lazy, spoiled, entitlement-minded masses, I can honestly say that I couldn't give a rat's ass if they laid down and died right now. Cough up the money or get out of my face.

"Don't you understand that I NEED this medication to LIVE?!"

Yeah, I understand that. Don't you understand that we NEED you to pay for the LAST TWO shipments of the medication we sent you before we send you a third one, you deadbeat?
People come from all over the world to get healthcare here in America. If nationalized healthcare is so great, why don't people go to England for their healthcare? Better yet, why does the Canadian PM come to America for his life saving heart surgery?!?

Don't let the facts get in the way of your narrative though SeaWytch

We have great care, not great delivery. Yes, we have some of the best...if you can PAY for it. How much is life worth, Puppy?

Do you believe medical care should be free of out of pocket expense?

That was actually a good question. How much IS life worth? It's YOUR life. Why should it be worth more to me than it is to you?

I have never understood this odd attitude the left has, like they're going to hold themselves hostage to force us to comply. Why do they think we should, or do, care?
Mexicans get better "free" Heath Care in their own country, it's in their Constitution. They aren't coming here for healthcare.

Oh, yeah. Mexican doctors and hospitals are the bomb. :eusa_hand:

Be serious, dumbass. I wouldn't take my dog to be treated where your average Mexican citizen gets healthcare, unless I REALLY didn't like the dog.
I recently read of a new pill that can literally cure Hepatitis C. But....the pills are $1,000 each, and a person would need many of them, making the cost prohibitive to insurance companies.

So you have a big pharma company who developed the very expensive pill; And hospitals who can give the very expensive pill; And insurance companies who may have to pay for the pill. And insurance companies don't wanna pay for it.

If they don't spend the money to cure the patients Hepatitis C, that patient will likely continue on & infect others driving profits up further for the healthcare industry. They hate curing people & love treating more sick people. Regulation is required to lower cost & make this country competitive.

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