Healthcare should not be a PROFIT driven field

We have great care, not great delivery. Yes, we have some of the best...if you can PAY for it. How much is life worth, Puppy?

Exactly sweetie, how much is life worth? I'd say every penny I have and then some. But apparently, life to you is put all that important since you're not willing to pay for it. You get what you pay for sweetie, and I want the best. Your cheap ass just wants free regardless of what that does to quality.

Again missing the point. If you've got billions, you can get the best care money can buy. Your life is worth more if you have more? No.

Socialized medicine devalues the life of the individual. This is done by using mathematical probabilities of survival, longevity, functional use in the labor force, probability of full recovery, etc...Simply put, these decisions will be made by unaccountable federal bureaucrats who will be unknown to the people whose lives they affect.
The difference between private insurance and single payer is that in the private market, the consumer can make the best choice their needs. While single payer is a captive market. In other words the govt says "if you don't like it, tough shit. Oh may we suggest you get your affairs in order. Here's your pills."
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I could go for a mandatory participation in Universal Health Care.

Something like Switzerland's for instance.

Which, believe it or not, the dimocraps were shooting for that.... To try and sort of copy it.

But here's the problem people......

We're talking dimocraps here. The dumbest motherfuckers that have ever lived. I mean STUPID. I'm talking mouth-breathing, drool-cup, sons and daughters of brothers and sisters stupid. Eyes so close together they look like a Cyclops stupid.

IOW, dimocraps. The most stupid fucks to ever live.

I could go for a mandatory participation in Universal health Care and -- Here's the Truth...

So could most Republicans.

But dimocrap scum wouldn't let us participate in the process.

Where is the Tort Reform?

We should have a system like Workers Compensation uses -- A table of distribution, if you will.

Lose an arm? $50k and $XXX.00 a Month or take a lump sum or whatever.

Lose your brain? $0 if you're a dimocrap, $100,000,000 if you're a Conservative Patriot.

No lawyers. Bring a Lawyer and you get put in the back of the file.... See ya in a ten years, asshole.

There's so much good that could have been done. We could.... No -- We SHOULD have a working Mandatory Participation Health Care system in place RIGHT NOW!

But the problem is simple..... dimocrap scum were in charge.

And like EVERYTHING else they touch, they turned it to shit.

You'd be amazed how much I have in common with actual liberals.... I mean Liberals.

With dimocraps? Nothing.

With socialists? There should be a bounty on those motherfuckers.

With liberals? You'd be surprised how much I agree with them.

But not as long as they back dimocraps. Never. Never in a million years will I back a dimocrap. Not under ANY circumstance or for any reason.

Things need to get done, and dimocraps get in the way.

Republicans? They're just the cranky old men sitting on the couch that don't want to move but as soon as you get them motivated, they're hard to stop.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth

Switzerland does not have mexico on its southern border with swarms of illegals bleeding the health care system down to the bone.

In addition, every person covered has to pay an annual deductible. The poor get basic service and die if they require more. The wealthy buy supplemental plans or pay out of pocket. Very few medical malpractice claims are filed and those are only for the most serious of injuries.

It's true dimocraps are the scum of the earth.
Ok. Just to put it bluntly: The ability to save a human life, or vastly improve their life, should NOT be one that is driven by profit.

Whats the answer? Im not sure. People have to get paid for their work, yes. But the HUGE profits being raked in by the pharma companies, hospitals, doctors, etc, at the expense of what?

I recently read of a new pill that can literally cure Hepatitis C. But....the pills are $1,000 each, and a person would need many of them, making the cost prohibitive to insurance companies.

So you have a big pharma company who developed the very expensive pill; And hospitals who can give the very expensive pill; And insurance companies who may have to pay for the pill. And insurance companies don't wanna pay for it.

Just one of many countless examples of how we humans COULD save or help someone.....but, is it profitable? The profit seems to matter more than the end result lately, and it is a bunch of nonsense.

The pure greed of this nation's population is what will destroy us. Not some cavemen in the Middle East.

You didn't even try to support your claim. Why shouldn't medicine be driven by profit? Why do you think people should perform a service for free?

Is our nation defended "for free"?
Ok. Just to put it bluntly: The ability to save a human life, or vastly improve their life, should NOT be one that is driven by profit.

Whats the answer? Im not sure. People have to get paid for their work, yes. But the HUGE profits being raked in by the pharma companies, hospitals, doctors, etc, at the expense of what?

I recently read of a new pill that can literally cure Hepatitis C. But....the pills are $1,000 each, and a person would need many of them, making the cost prohibitive to insurance companies.

So you have a big pharma company who developed the very expensive pill; And hospitals who can give the very expensive pill; And insurance companies who may have to pay for the pill. And insurance companies don't wanna pay for it.

Just one of many countless examples of how we humans COULD save or help someone.....but, is it profitable? The profit seems to matter more than the end result lately, and it is a bunch of nonsense.

The pure greed of this nation's population is what will destroy us. Not some cavemen in the Middle East.

You didn't even try to support your claim. Why shouldn't medicine be driven by profit? Why do you think people should perform a service for free?

Is our nation defended "for free"?

Shouldn't it be? Don't people say it's an honor to serve our country? Then military personnel should serve for free. None of this pay shit. None of this pension shit. None of this free VA/socialist medical care that kills people to make things look better for life shit.
You didn't even try to support your claim. Why shouldn't medicine be driven by profit? Why do you think people should perform a service for free?

Is our nation defended "for free"?

Shouldn't it be? Don't people say it's an honor to serve our country? Then military personnel should serve for free. None of this pay shit. None of this pension shit. None of this free VA/socialist medical care that kills people to make things look better for life shit.

See, that's where y'all's bullshit fails. You can still make a good living even when your industry isn't driven by profit. It is unethical to make money from denying care.
Is our nation defended "for free"?

Shouldn't it be? Don't people say it's an honor to serve our country? Then military personnel should serve for free. None of this pay shit. None of this pension shit. None of this free VA/socialist medical care that kills people to make things look better for life shit.

See, that's where y'all's bullshit fails. You can still make a good living even when your industry isn't driven by profit. It is unethical to make money from denying care.

It isnt unethical to make money from patriotism?
You think the defense industry isn't driven by profit? Yes, you really are that stupid.
I could go for a mandatory participation in Universal Health Care.

Something like Switzerland's for instance.

Which, believe it or not, the dimocraps were shooting for that.... To try and sort of copy it.

But here's the problem people......

We're talking dimocraps here. The dumbest motherfuckers that have ever lived. I mean STUPID. I'm talking mouth-breathing, drool-cup, sons and daughters of brothers and sisters stupid. Eyes so close together they look like a Cyclops stupid.

IOW, dimocraps. The most stupid fucks to ever live.

I could go for a mandatory participation in Universal health Care and -- Here's the Truth...

So could most Republicans.

But dimocrap scum wouldn't let us participate in the process.

Where is the Tort Reform?

We should have a system like Workers Compensation uses -- A table of distribution, if you will.

Lose an arm? $50k and $XXX.00 a Month or take a lump sum or whatever.

Lose your brain? $0 if you're a dimocrap, $100,000,000 if you're a Conservative Patriot.

No lawyers. Bring a Lawyer and you get put in the back of the file.... See ya in a ten years, asshole.

There's so much good that could have been done. We could.... No -- We SHOULD have a working Mandatory Participation Health Care system in place RIGHT NOW!

But the problem is simple..... dimocrap scum were in charge.

And like EVERYTHING else they touch, they turned it to shit.

You'd be amazed how much I have in common with actual liberals.... I mean Liberals.

With dimocraps? Nothing.

With socialists? There should be a bounty on those motherfuckers.

With liberals? You'd be surprised how much I agree with them.

But not as long as they back dimocraps. Never. Never in a million years will I back a dimocrap. Not under ANY circumstance or for any reason.

Things need to get done, and dimocraps get in the way.

Republicans? They're just the cranky old men sitting on the couch that don't want to move but as soon as you get them motivated, they're hard to stop.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth

So in all this rant you said the republicans would go along with some kind of universal healthcare system, but the dems won't allow you. How's that? From the reps who would love to see 15% of people not get any healthcare at all.

We have the best medical care in the world. That's a fact.[/QUOTE]

US healthcare is good, if you can afford it.

The amount of money that goes into the system, it should be the best, seeing as the 2nd country in the world for spending (per GDP) spends like half what the US spends and allows all people to use it too.

For quality based on each dollar, US healthcare isn't that good.
Mexicans get better "free" Heath Care in their own country, it's in their Constitution. They aren't coming here for healthcare.

That's a lie. I know dozens of them that will tell you that you're a liar
dimocraps are lying, dishonest scum.

That's why they're impossible to work with.

And why the party needs to be destroyed. Completely.

That way, maybe liberals can start over and build a party that gives us a choice.

Destroying the party wouldn't change who they are. They would simply create a new party or join existing ones.

People need to be changed. People in both parties. and It has to be done at a huge scale or we are in trouble.

Not true. And I mean that respectfully, of course :)

People follow the lead of those they look up to, work for or otherwise respect.

Always have, always will.

When you've got a Lying Cocksucker like obama talking more shit than a campaigning southern democrat, people follow his lead.

I think back to before obama, to before Clinton and to the time when the peanut was president.

Things were even worse back then. Carter had just pardoned 30,000 cowards (dimocrap scum to the man) dimocraps had just stabbed the Vietnamese people in the back and looked away as communists murdered MILLIONS of innocents in SE Asia, our Military was gutted, Veterans were treated like Lepers, the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM was calling for the collapse of America... The collapse was coming and only dimocrap scum could save us all.... I remember that.

But they weren't Bald Faced Lying Motherfuckers. They actually BELIEVED what they were saying. Like the rapist said, 'It isn't a lie if you believed it when you said it'

There is truth to that statement.

Today? the dimocrap party lies out of its ass at every opportunity and at every turn about every thing. I mean EVERYTHING.

Were dimocrap scum to be destroyed as a political party (they're not a political party, they're a criminal organization) and an opposition party were re-formed on liberal but somewhat honest lines?

People would fall in line.

Trust me. They would

Im not so sure but I respect your opinion.
Ok. Just to put it bluntly: The ability to save a human life, or vastly improve their life, should NOT be one that is driven by profit.

Whats the answer? Im not sure. People have to get paid for their work, yes. But the HUGE profits being raked in by the pharma companies, hospitals, doctors, etc, at the expense of what?

I recently read of a new pill that can literally cure Hepatitis C. But....the pills are $1,000 each, and a person would need many of them, making the cost prohibitive to insurance companies.

So you have a big pharma company who developed the very expensive pill; And hospitals who can give the very expensive pill; And insurance companies who may have to pay for the pill. And insurance companies don't wanna pay for it.

Just one of many countless examples of how we humans COULD save or help someone.....but, is it profitable? The profit seems to matter more than the end result lately, and it is a bunch of nonsense.

The pure greed of this nation's population is what will destroy us. Not some cavemen in the Middle East.

You didn't even try to support your claim. Why shouldn't medicine be driven by profit? Why do you think people should perform a service for free?

Is our nation defended "for free"?

No, it's not, but the Army doesn't make a profit, if that's what you mean. The army isn't a private corporation. If the military were to be handed over too private corporations that earn a profit, then it would be run much more efficiently and cheaply. The Founding Fathers didn't believe that was feasible. Hence the military is government run. If we want healthcare to be run as efficiently as the military, $600 toilet seats and all, then we should turn it over to the government. However, as long as it is in private hands, then private corporations will need to make a profit off of it.
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Mexicans get better "free" Heath Care in their own country, it's in their Constitution. They aren't coming here for healthcare.

That's a lie. I know dozens of them that will tell you that you're a liar

It's not just a is an out and out truckload of crap.

There was a rather high profile instance of a fellow (a liberal) in California who was fired from his government job for raising a stink about all the illegals in our e-rooms...but we couldn't treat our own citizens.

He stated that on more than one occasion pregnant mexican women crossed the boarder (near San Diego), had their kids, demanded post natal care, and told everyone they were head home after junior was able to leave the hospital.

AZ was shutting down E-rooms right and left over illegals.

CA too.

Illegal Aliens Drive Another Hospital To Closure : Diggers Realm
I could go for a mandatory participation in Universal Health Care.

Something like Switzerland's for instance.

Which, believe it or not, the dimocraps were shooting for that.... To try and sort of copy it.

But here's the problem people......

We're talking dimocraps here. The dumbest motherfuckers that have ever lived. I mean STUPID. I'm talking mouth-breathing, drool-cup, sons and daughters of brothers and sisters stupid. Eyes so close together they look like a Cyclops stupid.

IOW, dimocraps. The most stupid fucks to ever live.

I could go for a mandatory participation in Universal health Care and -- Here's the Truth...

So could most Republicans.

But dimocrap scum wouldn't let us participate in the process.

Where is the Tort Reform?

We should have a system like Workers Compensation uses -- A table of distribution, if you will.

Lose an arm? $50k and $XXX.00 a Month or take a lump sum or whatever.

Lose your brain? $0 if you're a dimocrap, $100,000,000 if you're a Conservative Patriot.

No lawyers. Bring a Lawyer and you get put in the back of the file.... See ya in a ten years, asshole.

There's so much good that could have been done. We could.... No -- We SHOULD have a working Mandatory Participation Health Care system in place RIGHT NOW!

But the problem is simple..... dimocrap scum were in charge.

And like EVERYTHING else they touch, they turned it to shit.

You'd be amazed how much I have in common with actual liberals.... I mean Liberals.

With dimocraps? Nothing.

With socialists? There should be a bounty on those motherfuckers.

With liberals? You'd be surprised how much I agree with them.

But not as long as they back dimocraps. Never. Never in a million years will I back a dimocrap. Not under ANY circumstance or for any reason.

Things need to get done, and dimocraps get in the way.

Republicans? They're just the cranky old men sitting on the couch that don't want to move but as soon as you get them motivated, they're hard to stop.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth

So in all this rant you said the republicans would go along with some kind of universal healthcare system, but the dems won't allow you. How's that? From the reps who would love to see 15% of people not get any healthcare at all.

48% of the 310 million Americans or 149,464,500 are covered by employers health plans.
16% or 51,097,300 Medicaid
14% or 41,956,500 Medicare
5% or 15,771,400 are private insurance
1% or 3,957,100 are public insurance plans.

Now this study says 15% or 47,950,700 are uninsured...
YET this study also like all people who falsely believe the 46 million uninsured myth FORGET these 3 glaring and totally provable FACTS that:
1) 10 million people counted as UNINSURED ARE NOT Citizens!
2) 14 million who said they were UNINSURED actually qualify for Medicaid BEFORE Obamacare and due primarily to Obama's administration's
total ineptness these people need only to have REGISTERED with Medicaid and they would be covered!
3) 18 million of the supposedly "uninsured" don't WANT insurance. They have no need as they are under 34. They can afford their
employers' plans as they make over $50,000 but spend less on health services then their share of the the employers plans.

Health Insurance Coverage of the Total Population | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

So When Kaiser if they were HONEST would subtract:
42 million from the reportedly and FALSE 47 million there would be LESS THEN 5 million that truly need coverage!!!
Ok. Just to put it bluntly: The ability to save a human life, or vastly improve their life, should NOT be one that is driven by profit.

Whats the answer? Im not sure. People have to get paid for their work, yes. But the HUGE profits being raked in by the pharma companies, hospitals, doctors, etc, at the expense of what?

I recently read of a new pill that can literally cure Hepatitis C. But....the pills are $1,000 each, and a person would need many of them, making the cost prohibitive to insurance companies.

So you have a big pharma company who developed the very expensive pill; And hospitals who can give the very expensive pill; And insurance companies who may have to pay for the pill. And insurance companies don't wanna pay for it.

Just one of many countless examples of how we humans COULD save or help someone.....but, is it profitable? The profit seems to matter more than the end result lately, and it is a bunch of nonsense.

The pure greed of this nation's population is what will destroy us. Not some cavemen in the Middle East.

this is why socialism sucks. People sacrifice a lot ot become chemists and drug designers. it takes a billion dollars to make a drug. IT aint cheap. so the rich get it first, it's sky high, but then it comes down and us masses get it.

I mean they are high paying jobs to make that stuff....we gonna make em min wage? and then bitch that people don't get paid shit?

no, they get paid well, because it's a real job, important job and helps people, but it doesn't come cheap.

One thing to make drugs cheaper and more affordable? Let people try them in clinical trials. it may kill them, it may cure them.....but if you have a terminal illness..why not?
48% of the 310 million Americans or 149,464,500 are covered by employers health plans.
16% or 51,097,300 Medicaid
14% or 41,956,500 Medicare
5% or 15,771,400 are private insurance
1% or 3,957,100 are public insurance plans.

Now this study says 15% or 47,950,700 are uninsured...
YET this study also like all people who falsely believe the 46 million uninsured myth FORGET these 3 glaring and totally provable FACTS that:
1) 10 million people counted as UNINSURED ARE NOT Citizens!
2) 14 million who said they were UNINSURED actually qualify for Medicaid BEFORE Obamacare and due primarily to Obama's administration's
total ineptness these people need only to have REGISTERED with Medicaid and they would be covered!
3) 18 million of the supposedly "uninsured" don't WANT insurance. They have no need as they are under 34. They can afford their
employers' plans as they make over $50,000 but spend less on health services then their share of the the employers plans.

Health Insurance Coverage of the Total Population | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

So When Kaiser if they were HONEST would subtract:
42 million from the reportedly and FALSE 47 million there would be LESS THEN 5 million that truly need coverage!!!

Wait, so you're using this as fact, and then it says that 15% are uninsured?

"People were considered “insured” if they were covered by any type of health insurance
for part or all of the previous calendar year. They were considered "uninsured" if, for the entire year, they were not covered by any type of health insurance."

As for non-citizens, do you think that someone who is working in a country illegally should simply forgo healthcare? I don't.

You say people don't want insurance. You're going to have to back that one up.

Also those who you claim are eligible but don't take it up, you're going to have to prove that one too.
this is why socialism sucks. People sacrifice a lot ot become chemists and drug designers. it takes a billion dollars to make a drug. IT aint cheap. so the rich get it first, it's sky high, but then it comes down and us masses get it.

I mean they are high paying jobs to make that stuff....we gonna make em min wage? and then bitch that people don't get paid shit?

no, they get paid well, because it's a real job, important job and helps people, but it doesn't come cheap.

One thing to make drugs cheaper and more affordable? Let people try them in clinical trials. it may kill them, it may cure them.....but if you have a terminal illness..why not?

Some would say that healthcare is something that shouldn't be for profit at all. Ie, drugs should be made by govt funded scientists.

Does it work? It might do, it depends on the govt I guess. Cuba is a country which has put a lot of effort into its healthcare system, but maybe isn't advanced enough to make high level drugs.

When decisions about what drugs to make are made, what are the deciding factors? Profit? Should this really be the case?
this is why socialism sucks. People sacrifice a lot ot become chemists and drug designers. it takes a billion dollars to make a drug. IT aint cheap. so the rich get it first, it's sky high, but then it comes down and us masses get it.

I mean they are high paying jobs to make that stuff....we gonna make em min wage? and then bitch that people don't get paid shit?

no, they get paid well, because it's a real job, important job and helps people, but it doesn't come cheap.

One thing to make drugs cheaper and more affordable? Let people try them in clinical trials. it may kill them, it may cure them.....but if you have a terminal illness..why not?

Some would say that healthcare is something that shouldn't be for profit at all. Ie, drugs should be made by govt funded scientists.

Does it work? It might do, it depends on the govt I guess. Cuba is a country which has put a lot of effort into its healthcare system, but maybe isn't advanced enough to make high level drugs.

When decisions about what drugs to make are made, what are the deciding factors? Profit? Should this really be the case?
What incentive would anyone in his right mind have to research and test cutting edge drugs if he didnt stand to benefit from it?
Bonus question: how many new drugs come from countries with socialized medicine?

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