Healthcare should not be a PROFIT driven field

I recently read of a new pill that can literally cure Hepatitis C. But....the pills are $1,000 each, and a person would need many of them, making the cost prohibitive to insurance companies.

So you have a big pharma company who developed the very expensive pill; And hospitals who can give the very expensive pill; And insurance companies who may have to pay for the pill. And insurance companies don't wanna pay for it.

If they don't spend the money to cure the patients Hepatitis C, that patient will likely continue on & infect others driving profits up further for the healthcare industry. They hate curing people & love treating more sick people. Regulation is required to lower cost & make this country competitive.

When did regulation every lower the cost of anything?

If it was that easy to contract Hepatitis C, then everyone would have it. It's about as hard to get it as it is to get HIV. Your theory is obvious horseshit.
uh nowhere makes drugs like yes I think it works. Take the profit out of it, then instead of expensive drugs you get no drugs.

So you want the govt to make drugs? the govt sucks at everything they do. And I don't want them making decisions on which drugs are made.

Yeah, except the 3rd largest drug company in the world isn't American. Hmm. Or the 4th, or the 5th, 6th, or 7th. Well i'll be damned.

The govt doesn't suck at everything it does. However the US govt and political system isn't exactly my favorite way of doing things.

But the govt probably does have some input into what drugs are made anyway, seeing as they can ban them, promote them etc.
In what country other than the United States are block-buster drugs developed and marketed?

Switzerland (Roche and Novartis)
UK (GloxoSmithKline and Astrazeneca)
France (Sanofi)
Germany (Bayer Healthcare)
And these are in the top 10 or so of Drug producing companies in the world. There are plenty more.
We are light-years ahead of all other nations in the healthcare industry (knowledge, technology, facilities, and breakthroughs) simply because we are (or were) a for-profit industry.

When there is no profit involved, you get Cuba (liberal paradise of poverty and misery). When there is major profit to be made, you get America (conservative paradise of prosperity).

What do you mean by this? The US has 5 of the top 10 companies by revenue, (perhaps), but there are still 5 other companies from Europe in there. Europe is up there too.
Ok. Just to put it bluntly: The ability to save a human life, or vastly improve their life, should NOT be one that is driven by profit.

Whats the answer? Im not sure. People have to get paid for their work, yes. But the HUGE profits being raked in by the pharma companies, hospitals, doctors, etc, at the expense of what?

I recently read of a new pill that can literally cure Hepatitis C. But....the pills are $1,000 each, and a person would need many of them, making the cost prohibitive to insurance companies.

So you have a big pharma company who developed the very expensive pill; And hospitals who can give the very expensive pill; And insurance companies who may have to pay for the pill. And insurance companies don't wanna pay for it.

Just one of many countless examples of how we humans COULD save or help someone.....but, is it profitable? The profit seems to matter more than the end result lately, and it is a bunch of nonsense.

The pure greed of this nation's population is what will destroy us. Not some cavemen in the Middle East.

All businesses exist for ONE REASON and ONE REASON ONLY..... PROFIT. If there is no profit to be made in something, nobody with any modicrum of intelligence goes into business doing it. Medicine/Health Care is the exact same way. That's not a Democrat or Republican thing, that's a COMMON SENSE thing.

As soon as people on the Left begin to comprehend that, and the idea that nothing happens if there is no profit in it, things will begin to turn around. I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for that day.

Yep. And THAT is why healthcare should not be run by BUSINESS.

If patient A has cancer
And patient B has cancer

And patient A is rich
And patient B is not

Which patient is a doctor most likely to spend time saving?

Helping and saving fellow man should NOT be a decision driven by profit. Your savior, Jesus Christ, would not want us behaving like this towards each other. Would Jesus heal a man based on how much gold he could receive in return?
Ok. Just to put it bluntly: The ability to save a human life, or vastly improve their life, should NOT be one that is driven by profit.

Whats the answer? Im not sure. People have to get paid for their work, yes. But the HUGE profits being raked in by the pharma companies, hospitals, doctors, etc, at the expense of what?

I recently read of a new pill that can literally cure Hepatitis C. But....the pills are $1,000 each, and a person would need many of them, making the cost prohibitive to insurance companies.

So you have a big pharma company who developed the very expensive pill; And hospitals who can give the very expensive pill; And insurance companies who may have to pay for the pill. And insurance companies don't wanna pay for it.

Just one of many countless examples of how we humans COULD save or help someone.....but, is it profitable? The profit seems to matter more than the end result lately, and it is a bunch of nonsense.

The pure greed of this nation's population is what will destroy us. Not some cavemen in the Middle East.

All businesses exist for ONE REASON and ONE REASON ONLY..... PROFIT. If there is no profit to be made in something, nobody with any modicrum of intelligence goes into business doing it. Medicine/Health Care is the exact same way. That's not a Democrat or Republican thing, that's a COMMON SENSE thing.

As soon as people on the Left begin to comprehend that, and the idea that nothing happens if there is no profit in it, things will begin to turn around. I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for that day.

Yep. And THAT is why healthcare should not be run by BUSINESS.

If patient A has cancer
And patient B has cancer

And patient A is rich
And patient B is not

Which patient is a doctor most likely to spend time saving?

Helping and saving fellow man should NOT be a decision driven by profit. Your savior, Jesus Christ, would not want us behaving like this towards each other. Would Jesus heal a man based on how much gold he could receive in return?

Jesus would also not want you to take from your fellow man what does not belong to you.

Do you know what he would want you to do [MENTION=22689]bucs90[/MENTION]? He would want you to pay for the cancer treatment of patient B.

So that's the question you and SeaWytch refuse to answer (for obvious reasons - the question exposes you guys as heartless hypocrites). Why don't you pay the healthcare costs for your fellow man? Or why won't you open a hospital that provides free or low-cost healthcare? Or why won't you launch an insurance company and provide free or low-cost policies to those less privileged? Or why won't you become a doctor and provide free or low-cost policies to those less privileged?

See, that is the beauty of America and the free market. You are free to solve any problem yourself. So why do you want to force other people to solve it for you through communism?
It's called capitalism. If you don't like it, move to Russia or China, and send me a post card. If they allow it...

It's hilarious how none of them can answer how the system is supposed to work if not for profits.

Someone made a great point earlier that none of them will touch - we all need food more than we need healthcare. Does that mean food should "not be a PROFIT driven field"?

We are literally living Atlas Shrugged with these buffoons... :eusa_doh:
It's called capitalism. If you don't like it, move to Russia or China, and send me a post card. If they allow it...

It's hilarious how none of them can answer how the system is supposed to work if not for profits.

Someone made a great point earlier that none of them will touch - we all need food more than we need healthcare. Does that mean food should "not be a PROFIT driven field"?

We are literally living Atlas Shrugged with these buffoons... :eusa_doh:

I can answer how it would work if it weren't for profit. It's not difficult, the NHS in the UK is an example of a healthcare system where not for profit has existed for a long time. Cuba and other places have also done the same thing.

People pay taxes, the taxes go into the healthcare system, which then treats everyone who comes in.
It's a lot more efficient than the US system which seems maybe 30% go on corruption, or even more.

Seeing as Canada manages to spend 15% on admin, but the US makes it 30%, with all the insurance companies making a killing, and the drugs companies paying doctors to use their more expensive drugs and so on, it's a wonder that the people of the US haven't demanded that things change.

I mean, people talk about Obamacare as costing too much, when the system they're using right now is basically stealing money from them. Who wants to see?

Yes we need food, and we need healthcare. But they are two different things. One you require every day, the other once in a while (hopefully). One is affordable every day, and you have many choices. The other can be prohibitively expensive to the point that it can ruin people.

You want to look at China, leading the way in Capitalism, with a healthcare system that is poor, and if you get cancer, well you can just kiss your life goodbye because the govt won't pay for treatment and if you can't afford health insurance (most can't) and you can't afford to pay for the expensive treatment (most can't) then you're screwed.
In what country other than the United States are block-buster drugs developed and marketed?

Switzerland (Roche and Novartis)
UK (GloxoSmithKline and Astrazeneca)
France (Sanofi)
Germany (Bayer Healthcare)
And these are in the top 10 or so of Drug producing companies in the world. There are plenty more.
Novartis moved their research to the US.
When have any of the others developed block buster drugs?
Ok. Just to put it bluntly: The ability to save a human life, or vastly improve their life, should NOT be one that is driven by profit.

Whats the answer? Im not sure. People have to get paid for their work, yes. But the HUGE profits being raked in by the pharma companies, hospitals, doctors, etc, at the expense of what?

I recently read of a new pill that can literally cure Hepatitis C. But....the pills are $1,000 each, and a person would need many of them, making the cost prohibitive to insurance companies.

So you have a big pharma company who developed the very expensive pill; And hospitals who can give the very expensive pill; And insurance companies who may have to pay for the pill. And insurance companies don't wanna pay for it.

Just one of many countless examples of how we humans COULD save or help someone.....but, is it profitable? The profit seems to matter more than the end result lately, and it is a bunch of nonsense.

The pure greed of this nation's population is what will destroy us. Not some cavemen in the Middle East.

All businesses exist for ONE REASON and ONE REASON ONLY..... PROFIT. If there is no profit to be made in something, nobody with any modicrum of intelligence goes into business doing it. Medicine/Health Care is the exact same way. That's not a Democrat or Republican thing, that's a COMMON SENSE thing.

As soon as people on the Left begin to comprehend that, and the idea that nothing happens if there is no profit in it, things will begin to turn around. I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for that day.

Yep. And THAT is why healthcare should not be run by BUSINESS.

If patient A has cancer
And patient B has cancer

And patient A is rich
And patient B is not

Which patient is a doctor most likely to spend time saving?

Helping and saving fellow man should NOT be a decision driven by profit. Your savior, Jesus Christ, would not want us behaving like this towards each other. Would Jesus heal a man based on how much gold he could receive in return?

That's utter bullshit and demonstrates your lack of knowledge of medicine. Do doctors ask you how money you have in the bank? No. Has there ever been a case where a doctor didnt treat someone because he had less money than someone else? No, never.
You want people to work for free. Life isn't like that.
Yep. And THAT is why healthcare should not be run by BUSINESS.

If patient A has cancer
And patient B has cancer

And patient A is rich
And patient B is not

Which patient is a doctor most likely to spend time saving?

Helping and saving fellow man should NOT be a decision driven by profit. Your savior, Jesus Christ, would not want us behaving like this towards each other. Would Jesus heal a man based on how much gold he could receive in return?
Let me see, would I rather work for a rich man or someone that couldn't pay his bills. Hmmmm, I'll have to ponder that for a few years on a mountain top.
Jesus would also not want you to take from your fellow man what does not belong to you.

Do you know what he would want you to do [MENTION=22689]bucs90[/MENTION]? He would want you to pay for the cancer treatment of patient B.

So that's the question you and SeaWytch refuse to answer (for obvious reasons - the question exposes you guys as heartless hypocrites). Why don't you pay the healthcare costs for your fellow man? Or why won't you open a hospital that provides free or low-cost healthcare? Or why won't you launch an insurance company and provide free or low-cost policies to those less privileged? Or why won't you become a doctor and provide free or low-cost policies to those less privileged?

See, that is the beauty of America and the free market. You are free to solve any problem yourself. So why do you want to force other people to solve it for you through communism?

Do you think he has the money to pay for this?

You think it's Communism because someone has a health system that works for the people run by the govt? Actually it would be socialism, and don't forget that one of the US's biggest allies in the Cold War was a country which had and still has to a certain extent, the NHS, a health system which is free at the point of demand in many cases.
Yep. And THAT is why healthcare should not be run by BUSINESS.

If patient A has cancer
And patient B has cancer

And patient A is rich
And patient B is not

Which patient is a doctor most likely to spend time saving?

Helping and saving fellow man should NOT be a decision driven by profit. Your savior, Jesus Christ, would not want us behaving like this towards each other. Would Jesus heal a man based on how much gold he could receive in return?
Let me see, would I rather work for a rich man or someone that couldn't pay his bills. Hmmmm, I'll have to ponder that for a few years on a mountain top.

lol, me too
the left has been swallowing to much of the Democrat/Progressives propaganda on SOCIALISM...what the want is we all be EQUALLY POOR except the MASTERS lording Over us in Government
some people have no concept, OF FREEOM from Government
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Socialist such as the bucky vision of what our health care should be like and filled with a bunch of people who don't get paid much so they could give a shit less about you...not to worry with ObamaCare it's coming soon enough

Yep. And THAT is why healthcare should not be run by BUSINESS.

If patient A has cancer
And patient B has cancer

And patient A is rich
And patient B is not

Which patient is a doctor most likely to spend time saving?

Helping and saving fellow man should NOT be a decision driven by profit. Your savior, Jesus Christ, would not want us behaving like this towards each other. Would Jesus heal a man based on how much gold he could receive in return?
Let me see, would I rather work for a rich man or someone that couldn't pay his bills. Hmmmm, I'll have to ponder that for a few years on a mountain top.

lol, me too
the left has been swallowing to much of the Democrat/Progressives propaganda on SOCIALISM...what the want is we all be EQUALLY POOR except the MASTERS lording Over us in Government
some people have no concept, OF FREEOM from Government
Yep, you should work for free but they want to be well compensated themselves. Apparently, whether they provide something useful or not.

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