Healthcare should not be a PROFIT driven field

Healthcare should not be profit driven?

Oh, I see.

Well, then, I guess food should not be profit driven. We all need food, too!

I guess building roads should not be profit driven.

Fuck. We should just let the State take over the means of production for everything.

That's the idea :dunno:

Then they can decide who can give the most, and take from them, and decide who deserves the most, and give to them.
What a great idea!
Really? Is that how health care professionals live in:

Norway, New Zealand, Japan, Germany, Belgium, UK, Sweden etc? No, of course not. Try harder.

planes leave hourly

As much as I appreciate your "love it or leave it" conservative meme, I'd rather stay here in the country I love and work to get the rest of America the socialist healthcare I enjoy. :lol:

Work to get the best healthcare?
Define "work" as it applies ot this post.
If that means posting on here and bitching about how rotten our medical care system is, you certainly are breaking a sweat now aren't you.
Look, socialized medicine in this country is a logistical impossibility.
The sooner you realize that, the sooner you'll be getting on to more productive pursuits.
Healthcare should not be profit driven?

Oh, I see.

Well, then, I guess food should not be profit driven. We all need food, too!

I guess building roads should not be profit driven.

Fuck. We should just let the State take over the means of production for everything.

That's the idea :dunno:

Then they can decide who can give the most, and take from them, and decide who deserves the most, and give to them.
What a great idea!

But only according to their ability or their need.

dimocraps are such STUPID motherfuckers.

Of course, the absolutely DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM isn't even covering this little bit of 'news'

socialism fails. Has 100% record. Fails EVERY time. EVERY time.

Venezuela is the ONLY Country to ever VOLUNTARILY vote socialists into Office.

The argument could be made for Hitler being voted in but he was appointed, not voted in, the first time.

Same with Mussolini but he was a Fascist and not a socialist like Hitler. Although there's not a lot of difference..... Anyway

Ford Suspends All Operations In Venezuela Over Lack Of Currency


Isn’t Socialism great?

Via Business Insider:

U.S. automaker Ford has halted operations in Venezuela on Monday due to a lack of foreign currency to import parts for assembly, workers at its plant said.

Like other private businesses in Venezuela, carmakers have been complaining that the socialist government’s currency controls are preventing them from importing essential products due to restrictions and delays in purchases of dollars.

Workers, who spoke to Reuters on condition of anonymity, said the plant in the central city of Valencia would be paralyzed until the end of May.

Transport Minister Haiman El Troudi confirmed the stoppage at the plant but said it should reopen in two weeks after a meeting between Ford representatives and government officials that resolved some “critical bottlenecks.”
Really? Is that how health care professionals live in:

Norway, New Zealand, Japan, Germany, Belgium, UK, Sweden etc? No, of course not. Try harder.

Well let's see - Japan is bankrupt and about to collapse. UK is bankrupt and about to collapse (in fact, the UK is currently decentralizing their national healthcare).

So that's the model you want to being to America? Dumb ass...

None of which has to do with their healthcare delivery system. Come on, Puppy, you aren't even trying.

Name a country that has abandoned their system and adopted a twisted mess like ours? What? None you say? Imagine that?

Until we move to a two tier system with single payer as a base and insurance companies surviving selling supplemental plans, we will continue to fall behind other developed nations.
Right. Any person that has more than two brain cells colliding knows that once an entitlement is in place, it stays in place for ever.
Get this through your head..There will be no single payer system here.
Can someone please give me one good reason someone shouldn't be compensated for their labor to improve the health of another?
As much as I appreciate your "love it or leave it" conservative meme, I'd rather stay here in the country I love and work to get the rest of America the socialist healthcare I enjoy. :lol:

Except that you don't have "socialist" healthcare, sweetie. You earn your healthcare by serving in the military. And so can everyone else crying about healthcare. Problem solved!

And everyone paying taxes will pay for single payer. Duh.
No....all those who are in the tax brackets which result in them NOT paying taxes which make up nearly half of all workers, will pay nothing.
Of course that's the beauty of this. Democrats get to use the illusion of free shit to get votes from those who benefit from the free shit.
How the fuck do you expect a single payer system to function when less than half the population is paying for the system?
The utter stupidity and lack of aforethought on the part of the political left is astounding.
People come from all over the world to get healthcare here in America. If nationalized healthcare is so great, why don't people go to England for their healthcare? Better yet, why does the Canadian PM come to America for his life saving heart surgery?!?

Don't let the facts get in the way of your narrative though SeaWytch

We have great care, not great delivery. Yes, we have some of the best...if you can PAY for it. How much is life worth, Puppy?

Do you believe medical care should be free of out of pocket expense?
Can someone please give me one good reason someone shouldn't be compensated for their labor to improve the health of another?

Because money is impure? :dunno:

But dimocrap scum sure do like stealing yours, huh?

Or is it that -- It's not so much the money, it's who's getting it. Namely, not them.

dimocraps are scum

all of them
Can someone please give me one good reason someone shouldn't be compensated for their labor to improve the health of another?

Because money is impure? :dunno:

But dimocrap scum sure do like stealing yours, huh?

Or is it that -- It's not so much the money, it's who's getting it. Namely, not them.

dimocraps are scum

all of them

If money is so impure, then logically we should stop taxing people. We wouldn't want to corrupt the government with such filth
Except that you don't have "socialist" healthcare, sweetie. You earn your healthcare by serving in the military. And so can everyone else crying about healthcare. Problem solved!

And everyone paying taxes will pay for single payer. Duh.
No....all those who are in the tax brackets which result in them NOT paying taxes which make up nearly half of all workers, will pay nothing.
Of course that's the beauty of this. Democrats get to use the illusion of free shit to get votes from those who benefit from the free shit.
How the fuck do you expect a single payer system to function when less than half the population is paying for the system?
The utter stupidity and lack of aforethought on the part of the political left is astounding.

A National Sales Tax.

But dimocraps will never go for that. Ever.

They want people who actually work for a living -- <sigh>

For you dimocraps.......

activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result.
"he was tired after a day's work in the fields"
synonyms: labor, toil, slog, drudgery, exertion, effort, industry, service; More
antonyms: leisure, rest
a place or premises for industrial activity, typically manufacturing.
"he found a job in the ironworks"
mental or physical activity as a means of earning income; employment.
"I'm still looking for work"
synonyms: employment, a job, a position, a situation, a post; More
antonyms: unemployment, retirement
the place where one works.
"I was returning home from work on a packed subway"
the period of time spent during the day engaged in such activity.
"he was going to the theater after work"

But dimocraps want people who care enough to get off their asses and get out of bed then go to a job where they perform duties that require, a) Physical Labor, b) Mental Labor, c) Repetitive Tasks, or some other enterprise when you'd much rather be sitting and spitting on the corner outside the Drug Store talking shit and selling drugs, or home talking care of your third baby by the third man...... And you're pretty sure you know this one's name.

Anyway, they want us to pay for it.

So a National Sales Tax will never happen.

Or, if it does, EBT card-users will probably be exempted.

So, it can't happen. Unless we get another Lying Cocksucker in Chief elected.

Which is ENTIRELY possible
Ahhh, so those who show some interest in health care as a career shall be required to live as 13th century monks, complete with vow of poverty, burlap clothing and wooden bunks, or companies seeking to develop healthcare equipment, machinery or medicines should do so out of thin air.

As with all such price fixing schemes, once the price is set the supply dries up.

Really? Is that how health care professionals live in:

Norway, New Zealand, Japan, Germany, Belgium, UK, Sweden etc? No, of course not. Try harder.

In these countries, medical professionals are de facto government employees. Their wages are set by policy. Treatment is administered by committee and scheduled on time frames that are far longer than here in the US.
Medical care is carefully rationed. IN many instances, the health and medical care expenses have nearly bankrupted some EU countries.
Look, if you want single payer, go live in one those countries.

And you cannot sue the doctor or hospital when things go wrong and your right leg is amputated instead of your left arm.
you mindless morons on the Left ikeep forgetting YOU'RE IN CHARGE!1

THIS IS THE EIGHTH-STRAIGHT year of overall Progressive majority rule in the USA
why dont you ask yourselves where the river of good jobs is?

oh wait i know why; because you losers live in a world of denial and projection of your own failures onto others

Progressives are not in charge, we wanted a clean single payer health care system and got this shit. I am probably as sick of fucking democrat neo-cons as you are.

Oh really? The GOP was SHUT OUT off all meetings where decisions were made as to the writing and implementation of the law. Every single GOP proposal was denied out of hand.
And FYI, there was NEVER any intent to pass a single payer law.
It is impossible for a single payer system to cover 315 million people without a gargantuan bureaucracy and the funding would have driven taxation to levels that would stop the US economy from functioning.
We will NEVER have a single payer government run system. Never.
Why on Earth would anyone who knows how inefficient and expensive ways government does things want that very same government put in charge of their medical needs.

Republicans were told they could come along for the ride but they had to sit in the back. Election was OVER...isn't that what Obama stated?
In conservative land poor people are practically worthless excess population, why should their misery cost the suits a thin dime? In their cold calculus life itself has been turned into a commodity to be bought, sold and even hoarded.

What a fool you are.
A lying, slanderous, fool.

"The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)[1] is an act of the United States Congress, passed in 1986 as part of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). It requires hospitals to provide emergency health care treatment to anyone needing it regardless of citizenship, legal status, or ability to pay."
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bet you don't know who the President was who signed it.

But how many of his worshipers would repeal it if they could?

Thats just too fuckin funny.
Umm, we had a GOP sweeping majority in Washington during the mid 2000's and the GOP was the majority party in DC during the 90's. NOT ONCE was a bill that even suggested the that Act be repealed.
Once again a lib pinned in a corner has to resort to asking others to prove a negative.
I could go for a mandatory participation in Universal Health Care.

Something like Switzerland's for instance.

Which, believe it or not, the dimocraps were shooting for that.... To try and sort of copy it.

But here's the problem people......

We're talking dimocraps here. The dumbest motherfuckers that have ever lived. I mean STUPID. I'm talking mouth-breathing, drool-cup, sons and daughters of brothers and sisters stupid. Eyes so close together they look like a Cyclops stupid.

IOW, dimocraps. The most stupid fucks to ever live.

I could go for a mandatory participation in Universal health Care and -- Here's the Truth...

So could most Republicans.

But dimocrap scum wouldn't let us participate in the process.

Where is the Tort Reform?

We should have a system like Workers Compensation uses -- A table of distribution, if you will.

Lose an arm? $50k and $XXX.00 a Month or take a lump sum or whatever.

Lose your brain? $0 if you're a dimocrap, $100,000,000 if you're a Conservative Patriot.

No lawyers. Bring a Lawyer and you get put in the back of the file.... See ya in a ten years, asshole.

There's so much good that could have been done. We could.... No -- We SHOULD have a working Mandatory Participation Health Care system in place RIGHT NOW!

But the problem is simple..... dimocrap scum were in charge.

And like EVERYTHING else they touch, they turned it to shit.

You'd be amazed how much I have in common with actual liberals.... I mean Liberals.

With dimocraps? Nothing.

With socialists? There should be a bounty on those motherfuckers.

With liberals? You'd be surprised how much I agree with them.

But not as long as they back dimocraps. Never. Never in a million years will I back a dimocrap. Not under ANY circumstance or for any reason.

Things need to get done, and dimocraps get in the way.

Republicans? They're just the cranky old men sitting on the couch that don't want to move but as soon as you get them motivated, they're hard to stop.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth
What a fool you are.
A lying, slanderous, fool.

"The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)[1] is an act of the United States Congress, passed in 1986 as part of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). It requires hospitals to provide emergency health care treatment to anyone needing it regardless of citizenship, legal status, or ability to pay."
Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bet you don't know who the President was who signed it.

But how many of his worshipers would repeal it if they could?

Thats just too fuckin funny.
Umm, we had a GOP sweeping majority in Washington during the mid 2000's and the GOP was the majority party in DC during the 90's. NOT ONCE was a bill that even suggested the that Act be repealed.
Once again a lib pinned in a corner has to resort to asking others to prove a negative.

dimocraps are lying, dishonest scum.

That's why they're impossible to work with.

And why the party needs to be destroyed. Completely.

That way, maybe liberals can start over and build a party that gives us a choice.
I could go for a mandatory participation in Universal Health Care.

Something like Switzerland's for instance.

Which, believe it or not, the dimocraps were shooting for that.... To try and sort of copy it.

But here's the problem people......

We're talking dimocraps here. The dumbest motherfuckers that have ever lived. I mean STUPID. I'm talking mouth-breathing, drool-cup, sons and daughters of brothers and sisters stupid. Eyes so close together they look like a Cyclops stupid.

IOW, dimocraps. The most stupid fucks to ever live.

I could go for a mandatory participation in Universal health Care and -- Here's the Truth...

So could most Republicans.

But dimocrap scum wouldn't let us participate in the process.

Where is the Tort Reform?

We should have a system like Workers Compensation uses -- A table of distribution, if you will.

Lose an arm? $50k and $XXX.00 a Month or take a lump sum or whatever.

Lose your brain? $0 if you're a dimocrap, $100,000,000 if you're a Conservative Patriot.

No lawyers. Bring a Lawyer and you get put in the back of the file.... See ya in a ten years, asshole.

There's so much good that could have been done. We could.... No -- We SHOULD have a working Mandatory Participation Health Care system in place RIGHT NOW!

But the problem is simple..... dimocrap scum were in charge.

And like EVERYTHING else they touch, they turned it to shit.

You'd be amazed how much I have in common with actual liberals.... I mean Liberals.

With dimocraps? Nothing.

With socialists? There should be a bounty on those motherfuckers.

With liberals? You'd be surprised how much I agree with them.

But not as long as they back dimocraps. Never. Never in a million years will I back a dimocrap. Not under ANY circumstance or for any reason.

Things need to get done, and dimocraps get in the way.

Republicans? They're just the cranky old men sitting on the couch that don't want to move but as soon as you get them motivated, they're hard to stop.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth

Without your usual ranting, what do you like about the Swiss system?
But how many of his worshipers would repeal it if they could?

Thats just too fuckin funny.
Umm, we had a GOP sweeping majority in Washington during the mid 2000's and the GOP was the majority party in DC during the 90's. NOT ONCE was a bill that even suggested the that Act be repealed.
Once again a lib pinned in a corner has to resort to asking others to prove a negative.

dimocraps are lying, dishonest scum.

That's why they're impossible to work with.

And why the party needs to be destroyed. Completely.

That way, maybe liberals can start over and build a party that gives us a choice.

Destroying the party wouldn't change who they are. They would simply create a new party or join existing ones.

People need to be changed. People in both parties. and It has to be done at a huge scale or we are in trouble.
I could go for a mandatory participation in Universal Health Care.

Something like Switzerland's for instance.

Which, believe it or not, the dimocraps were shooting for that.... To try and sort of copy it.

But here's the problem people......

We're talking dimocraps here. The dumbest motherfuckers that have ever lived. I mean STUPID. I'm talking mouth-breathing, drool-cup, sons and daughters of brothers and sisters stupid. Eyes so close together they look like a Cyclops stupid.

IOW, dimocraps. The most stupid fucks to ever live.

I could go for a mandatory participation in Universal health Care and -- Here's the Truth...

So could most Republicans.

But dimocrap scum wouldn't let us participate in the process.

Where is the Tort Reform?

We should have a system like Workers Compensation uses -- A table of distribution, if you will.

Lose an arm? $50k and $XXX.00 a Month or take a lump sum or whatever.

Lose your brain? $0 if you're a dimocrap, $100,000,000 if you're a Conservative Patriot.

No lawyers. Bring a Lawyer and you get put in the back of the file.... See ya in a ten years, asshole.

There's so much good that could have been done. We could.... No -- We SHOULD have a working Mandatory Participation Health Care system in place RIGHT NOW!

But the problem is simple..... dimocrap scum were in charge.

And like EVERYTHING else they touch, they turned it to shit.

You'd be amazed how much I have in common with actual liberals.... I mean Liberals.

With dimocraps? Nothing.

With socialists? There should be a bounty on those motherfuckers.

With liberals? You'd be surprised how much I agree with them.

But not as long as they back dimocraps. Never. Never in a million years will I back a dimocrap. Not under ANY circumstance or for any reason.

Things need to get done, and dimocraps get in the way.

Republicans? They're just the cranky old men sitting on the couch that don't want to move but as soon as you get them motivated, they're hard to stop.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth

Without your usual ranting, what do you like about the Swiss system?

Obamacare Sees Swiss Show Mandatory-Private System Works - Bloomberg

Here’s how it works in Switzerland: Unlike many of its European neighbors, Switzerland has no government-funded health insurance system. All residents are obliged to buy a basic private health-insurance policy that provides a standard set of benefits. Insurers must accept all applicants, regardless of their age or state of health, according to the nation’s public health office.
Thats just too fuckin funny.
Umm, we had a GOP sweeping majority in Washington during the mid 2000's and the GOP was the majority party in DC during the 90's. NOT ONCE was a bill that even suggested the that Act be repealed.
Once again a lib pinned in a corner has to resort to asking others to prove a negative.

dimocraps are lying, dishonest scum.

That's why they're impossible to work with.

And why the party needs to be destroyed. Completely.

That way, maybe liberals can start over and build a party that gives us a choice.

Destroying the party wouldn't change who they are. They would simply create a new party or join existing ones.

People need to be changed. People in both parties. and It has to be done at a huge scale or we are in trouble.

Not true. And I mean that respectfully, of course :)

People follow the lead of those they look up to, work for or otherwise respect.

Always have, always will.

When you've got a Lying Cocksucker like obama talking more shit than a campaigning southern democrat, people follow his lead.

I think back to before obama, to before Clinton and to the time when the peanut was president.

Things were even worse back then. Carter had just pardoned 30,000 cowards (dimocrap scum to the man) dimocraps had just stabbed the Vietnamese people in the back and looked away as communists murdered MILLIONS of innocents in SE Asia, our Military was gutted, Veterans were treated like Lepers, the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM was calling for the collapse of America... The collapse was coming and only dimocrap scum could save us all.... I remember that.

But they weren't Bald Faced Lying Motherfuckers. They actually BELIEVED what they were saying. Like the rapist said, 'It isn't a lie if you believed it when you said it'

There is truth to that statement.

Today? the dimocrap party lies out of its ass at every opportunity and at every turn about every thing. I mean EVERYTHING.

Were dimocrap scum to be destroyed as a political party (they're not a political party, they're a criminal organization) and an opposition party were re-formed on liberal but somewhat honest lines?

People would fall in line.

Trust me. They would
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Without your usual ranting, what do you like about the Swiss system?

Obamacare Sees Swiss Show Mandatory-Private System Works - Bloomberg

Here&#8217;s how it works in Switzerland: Unlike many of its European neighbors, Switzerland has no government-funded health insurance system. All residents are obliged to buy a basic private health-insurance policy that provides a standard set of benefits. Insurers must accept all applicants, regardless of their age or state of health, according to the nation&#8217;s public health office.

That sounds even more socialistic than ObamaCare. It has the same insurance mandate, and the same subsidies for the poor. But the Swiss insurance companies are banned from making a profit except on supplemental insurance.

This topic was started by someone saying health care should not be profit driven. You have pointed to a system which forbids insurance companies from making a profit as being one you like.
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