Hear exclusive audio of Trump discussing classified documents in 2021

I am sure it has been said but Trump is his own worse enemy. He cannot just shut up.

"Whatever documents a president decides to take with him, he has the absolute right to take them," the former president told his crowd of supporters. "He has the absolute right to keep them or he can give them back to NARA if he wants, he talks to them like we were doing and he can do that if he wants. That's the law and it couldn't be more clear."

So he is saying that he told NARA that he will be keeping these documents which apparently include classified documents.

Slight twist to the declassification prior arguments. Now he is saying that nuclear secrets, American government secrets, notes on other countries that may be less than flattering. Trump has a right to take them because there are his and not the US governments or the people.

First he could declassify but there is a process that is documented, now he is alluding that he can just decide what records he wants to keep.. Then he can show them to anyone he wants to show them to when he leaves office. Impressing his guest at the big partay!

President can do anything and are above the law. Gee where have we heard that before.

What is Classified National Security Information?

Classified national security information is information created or received by an agency of the federal government or a government contractor that would damage national security if improperly released. Since 1940, the President has managed the system of classifying information by executive order (E.O.); the most recent order concerning classified national security information is E.O. 13526, signed by President Obama on December 29, 2009.

Gee if only he had done an E.O. , he could have specifically put in that Donald Trump and keep any record that he wants.

Is there a standard procedure for notifying the Archivist in case of reclassification?
Notification of the Archivist would be accomplished in the same manner that official notifications are made to other heads of Executive branch agencies.

Yeah a president can declassify but he must notify people. "D'OH" I wonder who then slaps him upside the head. Sounds like a job for Melanie.

How can I identify Classified National Security Information?

There should be a classification marking on the top and bottom of every page of the document.

  • The document should not be marked as declassified. A declassification marking should look like an official stamp that indicates the name and office of the person who authorized the declassification action. A copy of a declassified document from the National Archives and Records Administration should include a marking that includes a project number starting with “NND” or “NW.”
So Trump just can't write declassified on the document. Probably why they took that marker away from him. Also there is an official stamp declassified.

Gee how hard is that. I would suspect that his staffers hid that stamp from him.

Trump logic I think therefore its true


We have no idea what these supposed papers actually detailed, but let's assume that they were top secret Iran attack plans that still have relevance and are in classified storage in the DOD somewhere....

Let's also assume that Trump did not declassify these records, even though one could argue that his mere act of taking them affirmatively shows that he declassified them.

Trump says that these documents were given to him. That means, clearly, that they were his presidential records, doesn't it?

Here is a legal definition of presidential records...
The term “Presidential records” means documentary materials, or any reasonably segregable portion thereof, created or received by the President, the President’s immediate staff, or a unit or individual of the Executive Office of the President whose function is to advise or assist the President, in the course of conducting activities which relate to or have an effect upon the carrying out of the constitutional, statutory, or other official or ceremonial duties of the President.

And if they are his presidential records, then they are covered by 44 US Code, The Presidential Records Act.

This act is specific to documents (etc) possessed by presidents and former presidents. As such, it supersedes other general laws related to classified documents (Bill Clinton Sock Drawer).

The act states:
(1) Upon the conclusion of a President’s term of office, or if a President serves consecutive terms upon the conclusion of the last term, the Archivist of the United States shall assume responsibility for the custody, control, and preservation of, and access to, the Presidential records of that President. The Archivist shall have an affirmative duty to make such records available to the public as rapidly and completely as possible consistent with the provisions of this chapter.

The main goal here is to facilitate prompt release to the public. The subject documents would not be released to us little people anyway, and Trump's position is that he was actively working with the Archivist to return relevant records as time permitted.

(3) the Presidential records of a former President shall be available to such former President or the former President’s designated representative.

This does not necessarily mean that he gets to keep everything, but he is still authorized to see it all, as he has seen it before.

There are no criminal penalties whatsoever applicable to a former president under the act.

1. He knew he was being recorded.
2. We have no idea what these papers were, and no way to prove it now.
3. The conversation was light-hearted - "Weiner is a pervert."
4. Why is the Left taking Trump's word for everything - they say he lies about everything, but they believe him when he says Milley wanted to attack Iran?

Not going to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Trump was violating the espionage act, withholding documents, false statements, and conspiracy obstruction.


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So Trump on that recording was laughing & joking with a few of his lackeys over what? A dog eared copy out of his collection of Hustler magazine?
So Trump on that recording was laughing & joking with a few of his lackeys over what? A dog eared copy out of his collection of Hustler magazine?
It's being reported at multiple sources that the whole conversation was farcical and Trump was saying these things in jest over non-classified papers.

I don't buy that yet, but it is plausible, and the entire audio does have a certain jocular nature about it.

It is an interesting defense, for sure, and without video or other physical evidence, could be sufficient to provide reasonable doubt on this basis alone.
CNN has exclusively obtained the audio recording of the 2021 meeting in Bedminster, New Jersey. This is where former President Donald Trump discusses holding secret documents he did not declassify. Listen to the tape.
Edited in a period and two words for thread start rule conformity. White 6.

The audio recording comes from a July 2021 interview Trump gave at his Bedminster resort for people working on the memoir of Mark Meadows, Trump’s former chief of staff. The special counsel’s indictment alleges that those in attendance – a writer, publisher and two of Trump’s staff members – were shown classified information about the plan of attack on Iran.

The episode is one of two referenced in the indictment where prosecutors allege that Trump showed classified information to others who did not have security clearances.

Trump’s statements on the audio recording, saying “these are the papers” and referring to something he calls “highly confidential” and seems to be showing others in the room, could undercut the former president’s claims in an interview last week with Fox News’ Bret Baier that he did not have any documents with him.

He turned the Mara Lago patio into a situation room in 2017.

CNN has exclusively obtained the audio recording of the 2021 meeting in Bedminster, New Jersey. This is where former President Donald Trump discusses holding secret documents he did not declassify. Listen to the tape.
Edited in a period and two words for thread start rule conformity. White 6.

The audio recording comes from a July 2021 interview Trump gave at his Bedminster resort for people working on the memoir of Mark Meadows, Trump’s former chief of staff. The special counsel’s indictment alleges that those in attendance – a writer, publisher and two of Trump’s staff members – were shown classified information about the plan of attack on Iran.

The episode is one of two referenced in the indictment where prosecutors allege that Trump showed classified information to others who did not have security clearances.

Trump’s statements on the audio recording, saying “these are the papers” and referring to something he calls “highly confidential” and seems to be showing others in the room, could undercut the former president’s claims in an interview last week with Fox News’ Bret Baier that he did not have any documents with him.

That was a dirty trick. Trump was right to keep the document to protect himself from the pirhanas in the Sociocommunist Democrat Party. Defend criminal politics all you want. I'm not buying into such a performance on the part of pirhana reporters set on destroying an innocent man so they can get more and more and more Soros payoffs.
yea, really. Have you guys came up with those tapes Comer and Grassley were talking about?
The Gestapo has them, so they will probably be destroyed. Fortunately "us guys" have indisputable bank records, a hidden network of 20 LLCs and 6 banks that the Bidens use for their elaborate money laundering business. I'll ask you the same question I ask all the Democrat minions. What product or services did the Bidens provide for payments of $20 Million dollars (so far) from foreign nationals?
The Gestapo has them, so they will probably be destroyed. Fortunately "us guys" have indisputable bank records, a hidden network of 20 LLCs and 6 banks that the Bidens use for their elaborate money laundering business. I'll ask you the same question I ask all the Democrat minions. What product or services did the Bidens provide for payments of $20 Million dollars (so far) from foreign nationals?

Asked and answered.
CNN has exclusively obtained the audio recording of the 2021 meeting in Bedminster, New Jersey. This is where former President Donald Trump discusses holding secret documents he did not declassify. Listen to the tape.
Edited in a period and two words for thread start rule conformity. White 6.

The audio recording comes from a July 2021 interview Trump gave at his Bedminster resort for people working on the memoir of Mark Meadows, Trump’s former chief of staff. The special counsel’s indictment alleges that those in attendance – a writer, publisher and two of Trump’s staff members – were shown classified information about the plan of attack on Iran.

The episode is one of two referenced in the indictment where prosecutors allege that Trump showed classified information to others who did not have security clearances.

Trump’s statements on the audio recording, saying “these are the papers” and referring to something he calls “highly confidential” and seems to be showing others in the room, could undercut the former president’s claims in an interview last week with Fox News’ Bret Baier that he did not have any documents with him.

Trump says that he never showed anyone any classified documents and everyone in that room during the recording confirms that, and the FBI never found iranian war plans in his documents, and he isnt being charged for showing people the iranian war plans, so good luck with that recording. :laugh:
Trump says that he never showed anyone any classified documents and everyone in that room during the recording confirms that, and the FBI never found iranian war plans in his documents, and he isnt being charged for showing people the iranian war plans, so good luck with that recording. :laugh:

"Whatever documents a president decides to take with him, he has the absolute right to take them," the former president told his crowd of supporters. "He has the absolute right to keep them or he can give them back to NARA if he wants, he talks to them like we were doing and he can do that if he wants. That's the law and it couldn't be more clear."
Well if that's the law then Trump hasn't broken the law.
Trump says that he never showed anyone any classified documents and everyone in that room during the recording confirms that, and the FBI never found iranian war plans in his documents, and he isnt being charged for showing people the iranian war plans, so good luck with that recording. :laugh:
Sure, try that out in court. That's going to be a big help. :itsok:
Sure, try that out in court. That's going to be a big help. :itsok:
He isnt being charged for having iran war plans. They never found any such document. Trump doesnt need to try anything as far as thats concerned. It simply is not part of their case against him.
Trump is now saying that he did not show anyone these classified documents despite the tape which says otherwise. Well there are witnesses in the room and will testify at his trial.
Video recording has been released and available for anyone to hear what he is saying


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