Hear Hillary Whine about Comey and Putin

Had the Russian hacked emails (lol) shown Hillary in a good light, the outcome might have been different
None of the emails had anything to do with my voting for Trump. Do you think I need emails to tell me the Clintons are lying corrupt scumbags? Nope! Other than them fucking over Bernie I don't even recall what the emails said.
Aren't you glad this pathetic hack lost? Boo hoo Putin doesn't like me, he passed a note around study hall saying I'm a bad person and and and its so unfair :crybaby:
and how come Hillary wont take any interviews about this situation?
She's been coerced into silence by the Russians no doubt. Putin told her if she didn't shut her trap he was going to send in the Russian Air Force to Afghanistan and napalm every last fucking poppy field in the country ..... and then she'll be confined to crutches for the rest of her life.
and how come Hillary wont take any interviews about this situation?

She's pouting.
she can bitch and bitch,blaming others why she lost, yet wont talk to any reporters? what? afraid that a reporter might bring up 3 of her scandals, or that 75% of America think shes a witch?
So it wasn't her sleaze or even her emails that broke the Beast's back:


"Hear Hillary Whine about Comey and Putin".
What? "Hear"? What "hear" are you talking about?
It's in the link. Is that too difficult for you?
Apparently the link doesn't agree with you. Maybe you don't know the difference between "hear" and "read".
and how come Hillary wont take any interviews about this situation?

She's pouting.
she can bitch and bitch,blaming others why she lost, yet wont talk to any reporters? what? afraid that a reporter might bring up 3 of her scandals, or that 75% of America think shes a witch?

She has to wait until they find some excuse that sticks as to why she lost. The latest nonsense is this was all a personal grudge Putin has against her? I mean come on she was SOS not the president. Possibly the dumbest thing we have seen yet.

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