Hear what citizens in Springfield told their elected officials before the Trump debate

They bring evil wherever they gol
As all people do , they make a difference. Springfield Ohio was a decaying rust belt city. There are many articles on how the Haitians are helping to rejuvenate and revive the city. It's not all bad. Few people are inherently evil , if any ; just misunderstood. In the one big speech against them , the woman speaking was very prejudiced ; blaming all of them for everything under the sun. She never singled out an individual for any of these acts. Probably had hate in her heart and didn't even know anyone's name. This is what Vance seized up on without any followers w through to see if it was true or not. Again a poor sign for any human being.

These are the people democrats are calling liars.

These are the people Kamala disdains and wants replaced. or worse.

Notice, Kamala never sends Haitians to rich democrat strongholds where she resides, where her rich elitist friends reside. No, she just sends them to red rural states to dilute her political opponents as she replaces them.

We all know Kamala will pack the Supreme Court if she ever gets the chance in order to take it over, but in the interim, she will pack places like Springfield Ohio with her cronies as she methodically turns red states into blue ones to take them over.

But but but dave Muir said.......
As all people do , they make a difference. Springfield Ohio was a decaying rust belt city. There are many articles on how the Haitians are helping to rejuvenate and revive the city. It's not all bad. Few people are inherently evil , if any ; just misunderstood. In the one big speech against them , the woman speaking was very prejudiced ; blaming all of them for everything under the sun. She never singled out an individual for any of these acts. Probably had hate in her heart and didn't even know anyone's name. This is what Vance seized up on without any followers w through to see if it was true or not. Again a poor sign for any human being.
Haitians have reinvigorated nothing except crime.
But but but dave Muir said.......
Growing pains ! They will become socialized to their new surroundings and adjust. BUT there are always exceptions. Send the exceptions back
Don't be a bigot , Don't let hate and prejudice rule. Get to know them by their first and last names , get to know their situations and tell them your concerns. There are no enemies except the ones we allow ourselves to create. Plus if you can identify them and they're really bad you can charge them in court. WIN-WIN for everyone.
But but but dave Muir said.......
Both the city officials and the police say " fear-mongering " is the biggest problem. Coming from both sides. No one is innocent here , it's a failure on both parties involved. To blame one over the other is foolish. The town was in dire straights before the immigrants showed up. Now the people just complain about new problems in a new situation. Better to solve it. The rust belt town was dying now it's growing maybe not in the way some want it but it's better. The Haitians are boosting the economy with most being allowed to work and the majority employed. Growth = growing pains. You can be pessimistic and negative but that doesn't help the situation. The police and city officials are all too aware of that. Daily they refute false claims. Opportunity always comes with problems. The trick is to utilize the best of a situation and be positive for a change.
Every one. EVERY ONE as in all of them. If they aren't actively committing crimes they hide the criminals among them. Back them up and send them back to the hell hole that spawned them. The reason why Haiti is the way it is, is because of the people who make it.
You have been radicalized by your hatred. Even in the biblical story of Sodom and Gomorrah the Hebrew God found some good in all that purported evil. You are allowing your own evil to control you. Good luck with that.
Not having an argument tells me all I need to know about what kind of pussy you are. Be that as it may, my argument isn't at all that they were invited, I don't even know what the fuck that means. They heard there were jobs in Ohio and went looking. That's the same immigrant story that's been happening in America since it's founding you dumb fuckers. :lol: We have a Little Haiti down here in South Florida too because as a community that's where they decided to put down roots. Feel free to feel fearful about it you Fuckwits.

You have 20,000 Haitians in the past 4 years in south Florida? Cool I’m sure there was plenty of work and places to live for all 20k of them you dimwit fucktard inbred
You have 20,000 Haitians in the past 4 years in south Florida? Cool I’m sure there was plenty of work and places to live for all 20k of them you dimwit fucktard inbred
It isn't Haitians fucking with our housing market and availability, it's retirees. Every old fuck with money wants to retire down here in South Florida. Your party elected one as your nominee. But again, I see you yourself too pussy to put forth your theory. That's what being a MAGAt forces you to choose between. You either have to be too pussy to have an argument or so stupid that your argument is some moronic conspiracy theory that has Kamala sneaking Haitians in one by one at night like a ninja or something equally similar and silly. :lol:
It isn't Haitians fucking with our housing market and availability, it's retirees. Every old fuck with money wants to retire down here in South Florida. Your party elected one as your nominee. But again, I see you yourself too pussy to put forth your theory. That's what being a MAGAt forces you to choose between. You either have to be too pussy to have an argument or so stupid that your argument is some moronic conspiracy theory that has Kamala sneaking Haitians in one by one at night like a ninja or something equally similar and silly. :lol:
Old people have been retiring to Florida since the 1950's. Nothing new there. Your party has an old crazy coot as it's leader. Biden was able to relate to others and work with them. trump's record is terrible on cooperation and progress.
Old people have been retiring to Florida since the 1950's. Nothing new there. Your party has an old crazy coot as it's leader. Biden was able to relate to others and work with them. trump's record is terrible on cooperation and progress.
My party? I'm not a Republican, Moron.
My party? I'm not a Republican, Moron.
Sorry , you sound like oné. I see problems with both major political parties , just more so with the new republicans. I am an Independent myself. trump's fascist and authoritarian traits pushed me further left than I've ever been before. I consider myself a pragmatic realist.

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