Heard it on faux news first


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
What do you want to see. A photo shot of Obama on the phone to Japan. Beck is taking on Obama today. "While the world is having a meltdown, Obama is playing golf." FAUXNEWS never pass a chance to take a cheap shot at Obama. OBAMA is acting faster the Bush did on 9-11 and during Katrina. Photo shot at his ranch in Texas while our children are being blown to bits in Iraq. Talk about a melt down.

Where ever Obama is, on the toilet, you can bet he is in control.
Even Clinton was on the phone taking care of business when “what’s her face” was giving him a rubdown.

What do you expect Obama to do that he has not already done?
He is way ahead of you fools. Always has been and always will be. He is on top of Libya and Japan and the problem we are having here. He is doing the job he was hired to do. That's more than Bush "The Destroyer" did.
What I hear coming from you people is just a replay of what I've heard coming from FOUX NEWS.

Obama: Japan earthquake potentially 'catastrophic'
By JULIE PACE Associated Press © 2011
The Associated Press March 11, 2011
WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama said he was "heartbroken" by images of devastation in Japan following Friday's deadly earthquake and tsunami, and pledged U.S. assistance to help the country recover.
"Our hearts go out to our friends in Japan and across the region, and we're going to stand with them as they recover and rebuild from this tragedy," Obama said during a White House news conference
Obama: Japan earthquake potentially 'catastrophic' | Top AP Stories | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Japan Earthquake 2011: Obama, Cameron And Other Leaders React (PHOTOS) Posted: 03-11-11
"The United States stands ready to help the Japanese people in this time of great trial ... The friendship and alliance between our two nations is unshakeable, and only strengthens our resolve to stand with the people of Japan as they overcome this tragedy."
Japan Earthquake 2011: Obama, Cameron And Other Leaders React (PHOTOS)

This morning, as Japan’s nuclear crisis enters a potentially catastrophic phase, we are told that Obama is videotaping his NCAA tournament picks and that we’ll be able to tune into ESPN Wednesday to find out who he likes.

Saturday, he made his 61st outing to the golf course as president, and got back to the White House with just enough time for a quick shower before heading out to party with Washington’s elite journalists at the annual Gridiron Dinner.

With various urgencies swirling about him, Saturday’s weekly videotaped presidential address focusing on “Women’s History Month” seemed bizarrely out of touch.

Obama Friday took time out to honor the 2009-10 Stanley Cup Champion Chicago Blackhawks. Thursday was a White House conference on bullying – not a bad idea perhaps, but not quite Leader of the Free World stuff either.

Obama appeared a little sleepy as he weighed in against the bullies, perhaps because he’d spent the night before partying with lawmakers as they took in a Chicago Bulls vs. Charlotte Bobcats game.

President Obama’s Trivial Pursuits | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier
Beck is taking on Obama today. "While the world is having a meltdown, Obama is playing golf." FAUXNEWS never pass a chance to take a cheap shot at Obama

Oh my God, what is that horrible smell. It's HYPOCRISY. Or did you have a meltdown when the liberal media did that to Bush? I know what my guess is on that...
Just curious, if you hate Fox so much, why do you watch it? I mean I don't care for MSNBC. I don't bad mouth them like you guys do, but then I don't watch it and have no clue what they are saying most of the time.

it just makes no sense to watch someone you hate. Why would you want to be angry at them?
What do you want to see. A photo shot of Obama on the phone to Japan. Beck is taking on Obama today. "While the world is having a meltdown, Obama is playing golf." FAUXNEWS never pass a chance to take a cheap shot at Obama.

In other news Obama never passes a chance at a "chip shot" :lol:
I don't understand the lefts obsession with ragging all over Fox News and then use as examples the shows on Fox that are not their news shows.

The Left really doesn't believe that Beck,Hannity,and O'reilly are news shows...

Geez I hope they are a little smarter then that.
Just curious, if you hate Fox so much, why do you watch it? I mean I don't care for MSNBC. I don't bad mouth them like you guys do, but then I don't watch it and have no clue what they are saying most of the time.

it just makes no sense to watch someone you hate. Why would you want to be angry at them?

"but then I don't watch it and have no clue"

this is as close to the truth you guys can get. you don't watch anything that isn't sent out to you from Republican HQ, because you know before you hear anything your not going to understand it or agree with it.

well he was interrupted reading my pet goat to a a bunch of school kids and after being told that a plane just flew into one of the twin towers he said OK, and then went on reading with the class as thousands burned up when the second building was struck.

Or we could go back to MISSION ACCOMPLISH, where was that he was talking about as he made a show out of letting the people know I am a WAR president as he said himself.
I don't understand the lefts obsession with ragging all over Fox News and then use as examples the shows on Fox that are not their news shows.

The Left really doesn't believe that Beck,Hannity,and O'reilly are news shows...

Geez I hope they are a little smarter then that.

Oh we understand that, but your people don't as they rely heavily on these three and of course the MAN of THE HOUR for republican news, RUSH.

well he was interrupted reading my pet goat to a a bunch of school kids and after being told that a plane just flew into one of the twin towers he said OK, and then went on reading with the class as thousands burned up when the second building was struck.

Or we could go back to MISSION ACCOMPLISH, where was that he was talking about as he made a show out of letting the people know I am a WAR president as he said himself.

In case you've missed it, Bush hasnt been president for over 2 years. And that excuse is worn out. You'll need a new one here.

well he was interrupted reading my pet goat to a a bunch of school kids and after being told that a plane just flew into one of the twin towers he said OK, and then went on reading with the class as thousands burned up when the second building was struck.

Or we could go back to MISSION ACCOMPLISH, where was that he was talking about as he made a show out of letting the people know I am a WAR president as he said himself.

In case you've missed it, Bush hasnt been president for over 2 years. And that excuse is worn out. You'll need a new one here.
Not a prob.

Everyone's laughin' at......



Just curious, if you hate Fox so much, why do you watch it? I mean I don't care for MSNBC. I don't bad mouth them like you guys do, but then I don't watch it and have no clue what they are saying most of the time.

it just makes no sense to watch someone you hate. Why would you want to be angry at them?

The reason why you dont badmouth msnbc is because they dont do the crap fox does. Dont get it?

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