Heard this song today, and think we should send it to every member of the U. S. Congress!


Irritated Indy Voter
Apr 8, 2013
Pacific Palisades, CA & Albuquerque, NM
See for yourself, the U. S. Congress has a 9% approval rating!

When did these idiots stop listening to the music?


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First time listener, long time caller?

Absolutely. It was not until today that I Googled the 1992 song Right Now by Van Halen, though I did recall some of it's political foundation. Right Now Van Halen song - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

However, my point remains the same. With a 9% favorability rating, the U. S. Congress is useless and expendable. I will be voting every incumbent OUT this November regardless of party affiliation. Enough is enough, and I encourage others to do likewise.


Eddie Van Halen seems to have aged overnight.
Here are 27 celebs who have aged.
It is sad, but then I look at myself and think, not so bad!
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Only a few years ago, I would have given you a big patriotic speech about getting out to vote, but not anymore. More and more people are turning Independent.

In college I was a Republican, then became a Democrat, and while I have tried to resign my seat on the Democratic National Committee, they have refused to accept my resignation. The DNC seems to know that opinions are changing away from their partisan rhetoric.

I think President Obama reacted too slowly on the VA, and should have fired the Cabinet Secretary, not allowed him to resign. The hostage trade of one questionable American soldier for five Al Queda was a poor decision. Obama's policy on illegal immigration has managed to offend both sides of the issue. Not backing Israel as they are standing up for Western culture against Muslim Jihad was purely an Obama SELL OUT of many years of strong relations with Israel.

42% of voters now identify as Independent.
Record-High 42 of Americans Identify as Independents

On Ed Schultz television program yesterday he was discussing a possible race by Independent U. S. Senator Bernie Sanders for President. As an Indy Sanders caucuses with Democrats, but did not rule out running as a Republican or Independent. Sanders will be spending the next few weeks in town hall meetings in the Carolinas and New Hampshire. Getting down into the Carolinas, Sander's believes, will cut through party labels, and open doors with thinking people looking for realistic solutions. I like Sanders because he answers questions directly, not as some opinion poll suggests. Here is Sanders on the subject of the Middle Class wages.

Anybody in the low information "independent" rock and roll left remember that the US Senate is part of Congress?
Anybody in the low information "independent" rock and roll left remember that the US Senate is part of Congress?

Apparently, you have heard the term "low-information" many times, but unfortunately, because you are "low-information" you do not know what the term means. If you like I can get you a link on what the term "independent" voter means. I am not certain you would understand that either. Evidently, you have drunk your party's Kool Aid and have no idea of how to think for yourself.


At work, if someone hits 45% effectiveness without a health excuse, I fire them! By the way, how do you like unemployment? 9% is inexcusable.

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Like the stat about how lice has a higher approval rating than Congress. :)

Outta send em all a copy of Johnny Cash's "Hurt" Music to kill yourself by. :)
Anybody in the low information "independent" rock and roll left remember that the US Senate is part of Congress?

Apparently, you have heard the term "low-information" many times, but unfortunately, because you are "low-information" you do not know what the term means. If you like I can get you a link on what the term "independent" voter means. I am not certain you would understand that either. Evidently, you have drunk your party's Kool Aid and have no idea of how to think for yourself.


At work, if someone hits 45% effectiveness without a health excuse, I fire them! By the way, how do you like unemployment? 9% is inexcusable.

The definition of an "independent voter" is a low information victim of the US education system who thinks he is powerless unless he hears a rock and roll song he likes. The same people who claim to be "independent" usually ridicule the Tea Party for trying to make republican politicians more responsive to their constituents and laugh about the antics of the OWS whom they secretly admire.
Anybody in the low information "independent" rock and roll left remember that the US Senate is part of Congress?

Apparently, you have heard the term "low-information" many times, but unfortunately, because you are "low-information" you do not know what the term means. If you like I can get you a link on what the term "independent" voter means. I am not certain you would understand that either. Evidently, you have drunk your party's Kool Aid and have no idea of how to think for yourself.


At work, if someone hits 45% effectiveness without a health excuse, I fire them! By the way, how do you like unemployment? 9% is inexcusable.

The definition of an "independent voter" is a low information victim of the US education system who thinks he is powerless unless he hears a rock and roll song he likes. The same people who claim to be "independent" usually ridicule the Tea Party for trying to make republican politicians more responsive to their constituents and laugh about the antics of the OWS whom they secretly admire.

At least they aren't a slave to one of the majority parties.
Anybody in the low information "independent" rock and roll left remember that the US Senate is part of Congress?

Apparently, you have heard the term "low-information" many times, but unfortunately, because you are "low-information" you do not know what the term means. If you like I can get you a link on what the term "independent" voter means. I am not certain you would understand that either. Evidently, you have drunk your party's Kool Aid and have no idea of how to think for yourself.

At work, if someone hits 45% effectiveness without a health excuse, I fire them! By the way, how do you like unemployment? 9% is inexcusable.

The definition of an "independent voter" is a low information victim of the US education system who thinks he is powerless unless he hears a rock and roll song he likes. The same people who claim to be "independent" usually ridicule the Tea Party for trying to make republican politicians more responsive to their constituents and laugh about the antics of the OWS whom they secretly admire.


And people who post opinions without fact/links to support them are wasting everyone's time.

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Independent voter - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Independent (voter)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
An independent voter, often called an unaffiliated voter in the United States, is a voter who does not align him or herself with a political party. An independent is variously defined as a voter who votes for candidates and issues rather than on the basis of a political ideology or partisanship; a voter who does not have long-standing loyalty to, or identification with, a political party; a voter who does not usually vote for the same political party from election to election; or a voter who self-describes as an independent..........

Increase of independent voters

In the United States

Using the self-identification method of measuring political independence, surveys found an increasing number of independent voters beginning in 1966. In 1952, when modern polling on the issue began, the number of independent voters nationwide was 22 percent. By 1976, the number had risen more than half, to 36 percent of the electorate. Regionally, the rise of the independent voter was even more apparent. In the non-Deep South, the number of independent voters had risen from 22 percent to 37 percent. But in the Deep South, the number of independents rose steeply from 14 percent in 1952 to 32 percent in 1976 (and would rise even further, to 35 percent, by 1984)........

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I would consider myself an independent of the moderate variety. I agree with each party on some issues an disagree with them on others. I could never agree to either party's complete platform though.
Republican Chances of Winning the Senate Are Improving

A series of new polls show GOP challengers in contested races ahead of Democratic incumbents. That's bad news for Senate Democrats, who are looking to salvage the majority they've held since 2007, which currently stands at 55-45 over Republicans.

Three seats in conservative-leaning states are practically gone - West Virginia, South Dakota and Montana. That's been the case for much of the year. But here's the real disheartening news for Democrats. A new NBC News/Marist poll shows that GOP Senate candidates have opened up leads in key states.

Dear Beachboy: Did someone already post the link the article revealing that the Bush twins
might consider themselves independent and nonaffiliated (but their parents said that was a mistake and
not correct information). I think the issue was that one of them signed onto a website as "unaffiliated,"
so it isn't official, but was taken out of context to try to paint them as rejecting the Republican Party.

So what about being registered as one party or another.
The important point is whether you enforce the CONSTITUTION above partisan agenda.
And there ARE people inside and outside parties who DO and who DO NOT enforce the Constitution first.
Party affiliation is no guarantee either way.

I'm a registered, active Democrat and every time I interact with so-called RINO's I freak both
of us out that I am more conservative a Constitutionalist and make them look like liberals!!!!

And I am prochoice and respect prolife equally, so what do you call THAT???

Independent voter - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Independent (voter)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
An independent voter, often called an unaffiliated voter in the United States, is a voter who does not align him or herself with a political party. An independent is variously defined as a voter who votes for candidates and issues rather than on the basis of a political ideology or partisanship; a voter who does not have long-standing loyalty to, or identification with, a political party; a voter who does not usually vote for the same political party from election to election; or a voter who self-describes as an independent..........

Increase of independent voters

In the United States

Using the self-identification method of measuring political independence, surveys found an increasing number of independent voters beginning in 1966. In 1952, when modern polling on the issue began, the number of independent voters nationwide was 22 percent. By 1976, the number had risen more than half, to 36 percent of the electorate. Regionally, the rise of the independent voter was even more apparent. In the non-Deep South, the number of independent voters had risen from 22 percent to 37 percent. But in the Deep South, the number of independents rose steeply from 14 percent in 1952 to 32 percent in 1976 (and would rise even further, to 35 percent, by 1984)........


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