HeartBroken: A-f'in-gain

Zhukov said:
What can I tell ya? If I could I'd buy you a beer and get you really stoned.
Z...your Location: Everywhere, simultaneously. So lets go! I'm in..and after I'll cook! Well, wait, how about a couple bags of krystals? :huddle:
Zhukov said:
Get drunk, get all that emotion out of your system, then allow your heart to re-cool into a shriveled black block of ice that sits like a stone at the bottom of the fog shrouded quiescent lake of your soul.


My goodness.
let it be like water off a ducks back. otherwise youll end up like me, a bitter dude.
i still think i should have stragled the life out of her, not that i hold grudges or anything.

but there are other ladies out there. dont get too wrapped up in one ( well not til both of you decide to get serious) until it happens.
rtwngAvngr said:

I was dating this girl. We were technically seeing other people, though I THOUGHT we had deep affection for each other. All the sudden she's in love with this other guy she's been talking to for several months, but didn't consider dating, until she met him in person. This dude swept her off her feet in a matter of a few days. M'ther f'er. He started using the M word. Marriage. This word made her go loony for him.

Now, I'm just some dude she used to see. I loved this girl and this sucks.

Any advice or pity or anything? From anyone? Libs? Here's a chance to kick me. I'm down.

You said that you were technically seeing other people.... that implies that the relationship was not serious. You can't have your cake and eat it, too.

If you have deep affection for one another, then the relationship should be exclusive.

You can't have a non-committal relationship and not expect what just happened to you. Eventually, one of you will decide to move on.

Sorry, I know that's not very comforting, but learn from your mistakes. The next time you meet a girl that you really like and want to keep her in your life, then tell her and try to get her to agree to a mutually monongamous relationship. If she doesn't agree, then move on. There are lots of fish in the sea. I guess I've grown cynical with my old age.

By the way, there is a difference between "the girl of your dreams" and the "right girl for you".... that's another fact of life that stinks. Oftentimes, they aren't the same person. I found that out the hard way.
Thanks Karl. Good advice.

I'm still twisting in a void of unending pain. Can't think about much else.
rtwngAvngr said:
Thanks Karl. Good advice.

I'm still twisting in a void of unending pain. Can't think about much else.

:huddle: (that'll have to do for a hug).. Thing's will be fine. Really. Better you find out now, than later.
Shattered said:
:huddle: (that'll have to do for a hug).. Thing's will be fine. Really. Better you find out now, than later.

Fine seems so far off.

Im so tired of getting back on this horse. I might be hanging up my spurs.
If any of you brilliant and beautiful USMB ladies have ever harbored a secret crush on The Wingmeister, now's you're chance!
rtwngAvngr said:
Fine seems so far off.

Im so tired of getting back on this horse. I might be hanging up my spurs.

Somebody told me once that, "Time wounds all heals..."
rtwngAvngr said:
Fine seems so far off.

Im so tired of getting back on this horse. I might be hanging up my spurs.
You could always go gay.
rtwngAvngr said:
If any of you brilliant and beautiful USMB ladies have ever harbored a secret crush on The Wingmeister, now's you're chance!



D and Shattered. How about that RWA? This might be the best thing that ever happened to you. Tough choice tho...

On the one hand you have that wonderful smile, the warm sense of humour, and that deep and reflective emotional soul.

And on the other hand you have Shattered....

Tough choice indeed.....
Zhukov said:
D and Shattered. How about that RWA? This might be the best thing that ever happened to you. Tough choice tho...

On the one hand you have that wonderful smile, the warm sense of humour, and that deep and reflective emtional soul.

And on the other hand you have Shattered....

Tough choice indeed.....

Hey!!! :spank3: :slap: :slap: :spank3:
Okay okay. settle down people. There's enought to go around. D, back of the line, Z no cockblockin's allowed!
rtwngAvngr said:
Okay okay. settle down people. There's enought to go around. D, back of the line, Z no cockblockin's allowed!
No cockblockin' here, man.

I'd be happy to loan her to you for a spell.

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