Heated disagreement breaks out in Situation Room over hydroxychloroquine, Navarro vs Fauci

A memo from Peter Navarro said failure to contain a coronavirus outbreak could lead to hundreds of thousands of deaths and trillions of dollars in economic losses. It is the most direct warning known to have circulated at a key moment among top administration officials.
I wonder if Navarro himself leaked the memo. It makes him look pretty damn good while it makes Trump look asleep at the wheel, doing nothing to guard the country against this deadly virus despite warnings.
Apparently no one else in the world got that memo because so far no country on the planet has contained the virus better than us. Hey, I sent out a memo years ago that failure to stop the next Earth impacting asteroid could lead to hundreds of thousands of deaths and trillions of dollars in economic losses. Now it is just a matter of waiting for the asteroid to prove me true. Shame on YOU for not being prepared. You were WARNED.
A memo from Peter Navarro said failure to contain a coronavirus outbreak could lead to hundreds of thousands of deaths and trillions of dollars in economic losses. It is the most direct warning known to have circulated at a key moment among top administration officials.
I wonder if Navarro himself leaked the memo. It makes him look pretty damn good while it makes Trump look asleep at the wheel, doing nothing to guard the country against this deadly virus despite warnings.
Been awhile since we had a real President. Time to get one. Sure could use one.

Thought you offed yourself.
Unfortunately I can't, I am the chosen one..

Sucks to be you

You're something all right. Chosen one wasn't quite what I had in mind.

Wonder how long Navarro will last now he has crossed THE Chosen One..
A memo from Peter Navarro said failure to contain a coronavirus outbreak could lead to hundreds of thousands of deaths and trillions of dollars in economic losses. It is the most direct warning known to have circulated at a key moment among top administration officials.
I wonder if Navarro himself leaked the memo. It makes him look pretty damn good while it makes Trump look asleep at the wheel, doing nothing to guard the country against this deadly virus despite warnings.
Been awhile since we had a real President. Time to get one. Sure could use one.

Thought you offed yourself.
Unfortunately I can't, I am the chosen one..

Sucks to be you

You must be posting from hell.


I think you meant heli..

Luke chapter 3
A memo from Peter Navarro said failure to contain a coronavirus outbreak could lead to hundreds of thousands of deaths and trillions of dollars in economic losses. It is the most direct warning known to have circulated at a key moment among top administration officials.
I wonder if Navarro himself leaked the memo. It makes him look pretty damn good while it makes Trump look asleep at the wheel, doing nothing to guard the country against this deadly virus despite warnings.
Apparently no one else in ther world got that memo because so far no country on ther planet has contained the virus better than us. Hey, I sent out a memo years afgo that failure to stop the next Earth impacting asteroid could lead to hundreds of thousands of deaths and trillions of dollars in economic losses. Now it is just a matter of waiting for the asteroid to prove me true. Shame on YOU for not being prepared. You were WARNED.
A memo from Peter Navarro said failure to contain a coronavirus outbreak could lead to hundreds of thousands of deaths and trillions of dollars in economic losses. It is the most direct warning known to have circulated at a key moment among top administration officials.
I wonder if Navarro himself leaked the memo. It makes him look pretty damn good while it makes Trump look asleep at the wheel, doing nothing to guard the country against this deadly virus despite warnings.
And? You think any President is going to be able to prevent a virus like this from entering the country? President Trump made all the right moves to slow the entry of it and allow us to prepare for it. That’s why our very large nation had less deaths than Italy, as well as Spain.
A memo from Peter Navarro said failure to contain a coronavirus outbreak could lead to hundreds of thousands of deaths and trillions of dollars in economic losses. It is the most direct warning known to have circulated at a key moment among top administration officials.
I wonder if Navarro himself leaked the memo. It makes him look pretty damn good while it makes Trump look asleep at the wheel, doing nothing to guard the country against this deadly virus despite warnings.
Been awhile since we had a real President. Time to get one. Sure could use one.

Thought you offed yourself.
Unfortunately I can't, I am the chosen one..

Sucks to be you

You're something all right. Chosen one wasn't quite what I had in mind.

Wonder how long Navarro will last now he has crossed THE Chosen One..

Smoking to much peyote are we " full of crap" DR. Full of shit?
A memo from Peter Navarro said failure to contain a coronavirus outbreak could lead to hundreds of thousands of deaths and trillions of dollars in economic losses. It is the most direct warning known to have circulated at a key moment among top administration officials.
I wonder if Navarro himself leaked the memo. It makes him look pretty damn good while it makes Trump look asleep at the wheel, doing nothing to guard the country against this deadly virus despite warnings.
Been awhile since we had a real President. Time to get one. Sure could use one.

Thought you offed yourself.
Unfortunately I can't, I am the chosen one..

Sucks to be you

You must be posting from hell.
How did you know conversing with you is hell?
A memo from Peter Navarro said failure to contain a coronavirus outbreak could lead to hundreds of thousands of deaths and trillions of dollars in economic losses. It is the most direct warning known to have circulated at a key moment among top administration officials.
I wonder if Navarro himself leaked the memo. It makes him look pretty damn good while it makes Trump look asleep at the wheel, doing nothing to guard the country against this deadly virus despite warnings.
Been awhile since we had a real President. Time to get one. Sure could use one.

Thought you offed yourself.
Unfortunately I can't, I am the chosen one..

Sucks to be you

You're something all right. Chosen one wasn't quite what I had in mind.

Wonder how long Navarro will last now he has crossed THE Chosen One..

Smoking to much peyote are we " full of crap" DR. Full of shit?
About an hour or two will you be licking the sidewalk?
A memo from Peter Navarro said failure to contain a coronavirus outbreak could lead to hundreds of thousands of deaths and trillions of dollars in economic losses. It is the most direct warning known to have circulated at a key moment among top administration officials.
I wonder if Navarro himself leaked the memo. It makes him look pretty damn good while it makes Trump look asleep at the wheel, doing nothing to guard the country against this deadly virus despite warnings.
Been awhile since we had a real President. Time to get one. Sure could use one.

Thought you offed yourself.
Unfortunately I can't, I am the chosen one..

Sucks to be you

You must be posting from hell.
How did you know conversing with you is hell?
I'm not your problem... look in the mirror.
It’s working but scientist can’t prove “why” so they want to research.
This is a time for results over methodology.
Yawn.............1999 to 2000 study on malaria drugs......


What a bunch of leftwing tools here.

People use this stuff all the time going on vacation to Kenya.


I thought we were talking about taking a malaria drug for COVID 19 where it may or may not be beneficial.
I saw posts Fear mongering the side effects of using drugs that we have used for DECADES......hell.......for 40 plus years....................

And now..........it's IF YOU TAKE THEM YOU ARE GOING TO DIE.............LOL

That is a JOKE........I took the dang things when we ported in Kenya in the 80's..........lol

I don't think we know the true effects of this drug combined with what COVID-19 is already doing to the body. For example both are not good for people with heart conditions.

Which I'm sure you would be pointing out if Piglosi was behind it's usage and the President against it.

Call me crazy, but I don't believe anything about my health coming out of the mouths of politicians, reality TV hosts, or con artist, and Trump is all three in one ugly orange package. This may make me an outlier, but before I will take medical advice from someone, they must have actual medical training.
A memo from Peter Navarro said failure to contain a coronavirus outbreak could lead to hundreds of thousands of deaths and trillions of dollars in economic losses. It is the most direct warning known to have circulated at a key moment among top administration officials.
I wonder if Navarro himself leaked the memo. It makes him look pretty damn good while it makes Trump look asleep at the wheel, doing nothing to guard the country against this deadly virus despite warnings.
Yep....Trump is doing nothing.......just like Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, and Barack H. Obama....umm....ummm...ummmmm

He's doing things:
Throwing tantrums,
Spreading misinformation,
Blaming others,
Making an ass of himself

Normal stuff.
Side effects from hydroxychloroquine are really very minimal. It’s used as first line in Lupus and rheumatoid arthritis specifically because it’s so benign.

The people listing what is on the packet insert really don’t know what they’re talking about.

Several years ago my throat began to swell up. It got a little difficult to breathe and swallow. About 2:00 am I went to the emergency room, and they took me right away. They started an IV on me. When the doctor came in, he told me the swelling in my throat was serious, and caused by my high blood pressure medication. I told the doctor I have been taking that medication for a couple of years. He told me that is irrelevant.

They cleaned me out, he instructed me never to take the medication again, and consult my doctor for a replacement.

A few weeks later, I looked into the drug. Other people experienced what I did. Some have died from being suffocated to death. They still sell that drug on the market today.

Angioedema is not extremely uncommon with that drug and probably way over reported. Deaths from it are extremely uncommon. The thing Is there is a significant mortality benefit from using that drug so benefits outweigh risks.

In terms of hydroxychloroqine, the benefits are uncertain. Let’s say it prevents every single death from COVID. Since mortality is only 1%, you have to treat 100 patients just to save one life. In terms of medicine, that’s called number needed to treat, and 100 is up there, although not extremely high. The benefit is probably pretty low. The risks are also low.

In the grand scheme of things, big picture stuff, this is really just not very relevant. If it works, or doesn’t work, this is really not that important.

From what I understand, the symptoms of this thing can be torturous. So even if somebody could survive without it, the drug itself might make people much more comfortable until they are over it. If so, that in itself would be worth using it.

Again, I'd rather endure some discomfort than permanent kidney damage or blindness. I endured 28 hours of labour with no pain meds (they reduced the effectiveness of the contractions), I can do torturous. I have experience.

Good for you, but some people can't. Furthermore it makes no sense to allow people to suffer like that if they don't have to because of politics, which this is really all about.

No Ray. This is not all about politics. This is about science. What Trump is doing is giving false hope. It's selling snake oil to frightened and desperate people. It would not suprise me one bit if the company which manufactures this drug is owned by friends of Donald Trump.

I have read every report I could find on this drug and I read nothing, that leads me to believe this drug is any kind of cure for this virus. As an asthmatic, I'll look at everything out there, and I've taken drugs, knowing that it has probably done real damage, but on the other hand, I'd be dead without it. There is nothing that I've seen that would give me any real hope on this one.

This is no different than Trump telling you that one day the virus will disappear, like magic. He desperately wants a magic pill to make it all go away, and that's not going to happen.
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A memo from Peter Navarro said failure to contain a coronavirus outbreak could lead to hundreds of thousands of deaths and trillions of dollars in economic losses. It is the most direct warning known to have circulated at a key moment among top administration officials.
I wonder if Navarro himself leaked the memo. It makes him look pretty damn good while it makes Trump look asleep at the wheel, doing nothing to guard the country against this deadly virus despite warnings.

trump had tons of warnings going back to January.

He called it all a hoax and went golfing.
so far no country on ther planet has contained the virus better than us.

LOL...:laughing0301::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:...you funny freakazoid...
Guess where that quote of tooby came from? Today's presser. Straight out of Fat Donnie's mouth.
Actually, asshole, it came from ME, based on research I've been linked to by many people. I don't even know where these "pressers" are you talk about, but apparerntly YOU FOLLOW THEM CLOSELY! Do tell us what nations have better contained the virus than us adjusted for a population of 340 million?
Actually, asshole, it came from ME, based on research I've been linked to by many people. I don't even know where these "pressers" are you talk about, but apparerntly YOU FOLLOW THEM CLOSELY! Do tell us what nations have better contained the virus than us adjusted for a population of 340 million?
South Korea. Australia. New Zealand, Switzerland, Germany. Just off the top of my head.
Stop your bullshit, once again the libtards fought against trumps travel ban, fuck face
That was too little too late.

Just more racism porn.

Go blow it out your loose and gaping ass pissaunt.

To little to late needle dick?

He made the ban in 2016 yet your favorite negro Eric holder took Trump to the supreme court

What drugs are you on?

trump wasn't president in 2016. trump couldn't make any travel ban to anywhere in 2016.

Eric Holder wasn't attorney general in 2016 so he couldn't take anyone to the supreme court. Eric Holder stopped being AG in 2015. The person who took over from him and was AG in 2015 is Loretta Lynch.

Really your posts make a total fool of yourself and shows just how down right stupid you are.

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