Heated disagreement breaks out in Situation Room over hydroxychloroquine, Navarro vs Fauci

I didn't do that, you insufferable ass. Lil bitchboi doesn't even remember how not to troll.
Your Reich murdered 600,000 Americans.

You don't give a fuck - you care ONLY about power for your filthy Reich.

Most Nazi democrats would kill their own children to gain power for their vile party.
I didn't do that, you insufferable ass. Lil bitchboi doesn't even remember how not to troll.
Your Reich murdered 600,000 Americans.

You don't give a fuck - you care ONLY about power for your filthy Reich.

Most Nazi democrats would kill their own children to gain power for their vile party.
you really are insane, aren't you?
I know this much, Navarro has been a hawk on China, well ahead of the game in terms of what threat they pose to the world. The guy I probably most trust in his administration to stay the course on confronting abusers of America.

Fauci, has been getting sunshine shined up his behind by CNN in particular for some time. This article was co-written by that guy in high school who I would expect to rat someone out to the teacher if he heard them curse in gym class, Jim Acosta. I think Fauci seeks the spotlight too often and he is a little too sure of himself for my tastes for this type of situation with many unknowns. I'm glad when Trump calls him out about wanting to shut the country down for 2 years, I think it's an odd, broad position to take considering how some states are far less impacted by this virus than others.

Heated disagreement breaks out in Situation Room over hydroxychloroquine

(CNN)There was a heated disagreement in the Situation Room this weekend over the efficacy of the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine -- but multiple sources say it was mostly one-sided, as President Donald Trump's top trade adviser Peter Navarro feuded with other officials over the drug's unproven effectiveness to treat coronavirus.

The debate is not a new one inside the coronavirus task force -- and medical experts have repeatedly explained to the President that there is a risk in enthusiastically touting hydroxychloroquine in case the drug doesn't ultimately work to combat the virus. But other aides and outside advisers have sided with Trump, including Navarro, who is still not a formal part of the task force but has wedged himself into the meetings.

Axios first reported on the disagreement inside the White House about the drug.

While discussing the latest on hydroxychloroquine this weekend, an exasperated Navarro lashed out at Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the advisers who has urged caution about the drug, a person familiar with the meeting told CNN.
So the bootlicking moron was wrong, while the world renowned scientist and doctor was correct.

What a surprise.

No, HCL is proven to work. Just not work as often or as well as other immuno suppressants like fluvoxamine.
For example, one of the main symptoms of covi-19 is a high fever, and HCL is good for that because fever does no good for a bat virus at all.
I think Fauci seeks the spotlight too often and he is a little too sure of himself for my tastes for this type of situation with many unknowns. I'm glad when Trump calls him out about wanting to shut the country down for 2 years
Whoa, hold the phone here! Can you link me to where Fauci said he wants to shut the country down for 2 years, or are you just lying?

There were only 2 possible strategies that work fast.

One is that if an epidemic is too deadly, like Ebola, then you do totally quarantine, with contact tracing.
That end any epidemic in 2 weeks if you catch it soon enough.

The other is if the epidemic is not very deadly, like covid-19, and then you want to accelerate it to reach herd immunity as quickly as possible.
Variolation of healthy volunteers is the historic means.

Flattening the curve is not a successful strategy since it can never end any epidemic.
It prevents herd immunity by conserving easy hosts, so then makes any epidemic last FOREVER, not just 2 years.
Not too deadly?
Two million dead with no mitigation and over 600,000 dead WITH mitigation is pretty fucking deadly

What has caused the high total is the fact we keep killing 30k people a month, and have kept the epidemic going over a year.
If we had not "flattened the curve" and let it spike last March, then we would have killed 60k that month, but it would have been completely over then.
So the death rate that you have to use to decide to do total quarantine or not, is not high enough.
Or are you suggesting we SHOULD have done total quarantine instead?
That is fine with me.
Anything other than "flattening the curve".
That is the one strategy that can not ever work and should never be used.
Herd immunity with accelerated infections might have been the best.
95 to 99 percent SURVIVAL rate.
When are you morons going to learn its not just about who lives and who dies? Gotdam you people are dumb.

We know.

It's about POWER, for both your filthy and evil Reich and your Chinese masters. China unleashed a biological weapon that was partially funded by the Obama regime and pushed by Dr. Mengele (fauci).

We know EXACTLY what it's about now that Mengele's emails have been revealed.

Judicial Watch Obtains Records Showing NIAID under Dr. Fauci Gave Wuhan Lab $826k for Bat Coronavirus Research From 2014 to 2019 - Judicial Watch

Looks like we have the smoking gun. It was the United States that was
financing gain of function research on bat viruses in Wuhan. ...}

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