Heated disagreement breaks out in Situation Room over hydroxychloroquine, Navarro vs Fauci

I thought this thread was about the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine. If so, there is no debate. Fauci is correct. No scientifically verified data supports the hypothesis that hydroxychloroquine is an effective treatment for CV-19. Full stop.
There is no scientifically verified data that supports the hypothesis that hydroxychloroquine is never an effective treatment for COVID-19.

And there's no scientifically verified data that supports the hypothesis that if you jump from the top of Trump Tower, it won't cure your migraine headache either. So go ahead - ya might as well JUMP!! :D

The woman I know here in the Orlando area had pneumonia and liver failure and the malaria drug among others worked for her.

Something anecdotal has to do with anecdotes — little stories. Anecdotalevidence is based on hearsay rather than hard facts.
People like to share stories about things that happened to them, or that they heard about, to make a point. That kind of talk is anecdotal: based on small, personal accounts. Anecdotal stories are helpful when you’re trying to give an example of something, but there's a downside to anecdotal information: since it’s not based on facts, you never know if you can totally trust it. So it's best to go beyond the anecdotal and get more solid information.

An actual clinical study could take years, and we have people dying of this thing by the minute. We don't have time to try this treatment after the problem has completely gone away. Look.......if you are a patient that's in misery, certain it's the end of the line, would you not try it out? You can't get either of these drugs unless it's prescribed by your doctor. Even Fauci would never recommend something for a patient he is not personally treating.
I know this much, Navarro has been a hawk on China, well ahead of the game in terms of what threat they pose to the world. The guy I probably most trust in his administration to stay the course on confronting abusers of America.

Fauci, has been getting sunshine shined up his behind by CNN in particular for some time. This article was co-written by that guy in high school who I would expect to rat someone out to the teacher if he heard them curse in gym class, Jim Acosta. I think Fauci seeks the spotlight too often and he is a little too sure of himself for my tastes for this type of situation with many unknowns. I'm glad when Trump calls him out about wanting to shut the country down for 2 years, I think it's an odd, broad position to take considering how some states are far less impacted by this virus than others.

Heated disagreement breaks out in Situation Room over hydroxychloroquine

(CNN)There was a heated disagreement in the Situation Room this weekend over the efficacy of the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine -- but multiple sources say it was mostly one-sided, as President Donald Trump's top trade adviser Peter Navarro feuded with other officials over the drug's unproven effectiveness to treat coronavirus.

The debate is not a new one inside the coronavirus task force -- and medical experts have repeatedly explained to the President that there is a risk in enthusiastically touting hydroxychloroquine in case the drug doesn't ultimately work to combat the virus. But other aides and outside advisers have sided with Trump, including Navarro, who is still not a formal part of the task force but has wedged himself into the meetings.

Axios first reported on the disagreement inside the White House about the drug.

While discussing the latest on hydroxychloroquine this weekend, an exasperated Navarro lashed out at Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the advisers who has urged caution about the drug, a person familiar with the meeting told CNN.

What in the hell is a "trade adviser" doing analyzing the effectiveness of a drug to treat a virus and challenging a doctor and researcher? This "trade adviser" should not even be in the room. This is just another example of the trump administration putting people in charge who have no expertise in their fields while ignoring the experts.
I know this much, Navarro has been a hawk on China, well ahead of the game in terms of what threat they pose to the world. The guy I probably most trust in his administration to stay the course on confronting abusers of America.

Fauci, has been getting sunshine shined up his behind by CNN in particular for some time. This article was co-written by that guy in high school who I would expect to rat someone out to the teacher if he heard them curse in gym class, Jim Acosta. I think Fauci seeks the spotlight too often and he is a little too sure of himself for my tastes for this type of situation with many unknowns. I'm glad when Trump calls him out about wanting to shut the country down for 2 years, I think it's an odd, broad position to take considering how some states are far less impacted by this virus than others.

Heated disagreement breaks out in Situation Room over hydroxychloroquine

(CNN)There was a heated disagreement in the Situation Room this weekend over the efficacy of the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine -- but multiple sources say it was mostly one-sided, as President Donald Trump's top trade adviser Peter Navarro feuded with other officials over the drug's unproven effectiveness to treat coronavirus.

The debate is not a new one inside the coronavirus task force -- and medical experts have repeatedly explained to the President that there is a risk in enthusiastically touting hydroxychloroquine in case the drug doesn't ultimately work to combat the virus. But other aides and outside advisers have sided with Trump, including Navarro, who is still not a formal part of the task force but has wedged himself into the meetings.

Axios first reported on the disagreement inside the White House about the drug.

While discussing the latest on hydroxychloroquine this weekend, an exasperated Navarro lashed out at Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the advisers who has urged caution about the drug, a person familiar with the meeting told CNN.

What in the hell is a "trade adviser" doing analyzing the effectiveness of a drug to treat a virus and challenging a doctor and researcher? This "trade adviser" should not even be in the room. This is just another example of the trump administration putting people in charge who have no expertise in their fields while ignoring the experts.

When did Trump ignore the experts? He has a slight difference in opinion is all. Trump has said repeatedly there is no conflict between him and Fauci.
I thought this thread was about the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine. If so, there is no debate. Fauci is correct. that hydroxychloroquine is an effective treatment for CV-19. Full stop.
"No scientifically verified data supports the hypothesis"

But there is over 3,900 cases of positive cases of anecdotal evidence that it does!

Can you provide the class a list of those 3,900 cases please? Looks to me like their were a FEW and all but one turned out inconclusive. The other may have had a placebo effect in which the subject would have recovered anyway.

A-N-E-C-D-O-T-A-L - Look it up!
The woman I know here in the Orlando area had pneumonia and liver failure and the malaria drug among others worked for her.

Something anecdotal has to do with anecdotes — little stories. Anecdotalevidence is based on hearsay rather than hard facts.
People like to share stories about things that happened to them, or that they heard about, to make a point. That kind of talk is anecdotal: based on small, personal accounts. Anecdotal stories are helpful when you’re trying to give an example of something, but there's a downside to anecdotal information: since it’s not based on facts, you never know if you can totally trust it. So it's best to go beyond the anecdotal and get more solid information.

An actual clinical study could take years, and we have people dying of this thing by the minute. We don't have time to try this treatment after the problem has completely gone away. Look.......if you are a patient that's in misery, certain it's the end of the line, would you not try it out? You can't get either of these drugs unless it's prescribed by your doctor. Even Fauci would never recommend something for a patient he is not personally treating.
Against the advice of medical experts, President Donald Trump again promoted the use of the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine as treatment for coronavirus on Sunday, asking “What do you have to lose?” The American Medical Association’s top doctor says lives could be lost.

“There could be negative side effects,” said Dr. Patrice Harris, president of the AMA, during an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. “There could be deaths. This is a new virus, and so we should not be promoting any medication or drug for any disease that has not been proven and approved by the FDA.”
Anyone who examines Trump's motive honestly comes to the conclusion he is promoting false hope for the sake of the economy...........not concern for people's lives.
Let’s trust the President, whom will make decisions taking into account both health and economic advice. How about that?
Right, let's trust the political guy and not the one with vast experience dealing with infectious diseases during a pandemic.

Trust an idiot dithered on COVID for nearly 3 months and lied to us over 16,000 times in the first three years?
Hope your second post is better than your first. :D
The preliminary report from NY is stunning...

Those given Hydrocloriquine have reduced hospital stays by 1/2. Virus shed rates have been lowered to just five days where no meidcations was 18 days. This means a patient will spend less than half the time in a hospital bed and infectious. The coming reports over the next week will vindicate Trump again. They are trying to discredit the preliminary reports and cast doubt.

The Democrats do NOT what to hear this. They need this to linger.
Fauci only has one focus, health. The economic team only has one focus, the economy. The President's responsibility is both, so he must merge ideas from these two teams together to come to solution that is best for the country overall.

Democrats would love nothing more than for our economy to continue a downward trend. They can promote more social welfare programs, online/voting my mail, which is ripe with potential for fraud and of course, they believe it can help get Biden elected. I wouldn't go so far as to say that Democrats want people to die, but suffice to say they would prefer the "fix" be shutting the country down vs a vaccine and a cure that would get everyone back to work much quicker. That is why they are hoping against hope that treatments will go through a very thorough and long vetting process. If this lasted all the way to the election and Biden was elected, these drugs would miraculously be approved shortly thereafter so Biden could claim the economic bump. This is how Democrats roll. The non-sense pork in the first stimulus bill proposed by Pelosi should be a wake up call as to their real agenda.

As I have said before, an old shirt can act as an adequate tourniquet in a fox hole. In a time of crisis, the idea of extensive long term testing for drugs that have shown promise and have already been on the market for many years, is non-pragmatic.

His responsibility is both? So where was the concern for the public health from January 22nd to March 13th? Because that is what the voters are ultimately going to judge him on.
And stop with just the Democrats put pork in the stimulus. Republicans got their share of the other white meat too.
The reason they keep asking it is because Trump keeps contradicting the professionals.

Trump is a child who can’t tolerate being questioned.

Actually, what he has been saying is that the "professionals" need to get their head of of the sand. There is a time for long term testing and trials and there is a time to go with what appears to have been working in non-clinical trials with existing drugs that have been widely prescribed for years. What lemmings don't understand is that Democrats WANT this to drag out as long as possible.
Fauci only has one focus, health. The economic team only has one focus, the economy. The President's responsibility is both, so he must merge ideas from these two teams together to come to solution that is best for the country overall.

Democrats would love nothing more than for our economy to continue a downward trend. They can promote more social welfare programs, online/voting my mail, which is ripe with potential for fraud and of course, they believe it can help get Biden elected. I wouldn't go so far as to say that Democrats want people to die, but suffice to say they would prefer the "fix" be shutting the country down vs a vaccine and a cure that would get everyone back to work much quicker. That is why they are hoping against hope that treatments will go through a very thorough and long vetting process. If this lasted all the way to the election and Biden was elected, these drugs would miraculously be approved shortly thereafter so Biden could claim the economic bump. This is how Democrats roll. The non-sense pork in the first stimulus bill proposed by Pelosi should be a wake up call as to their real agenda.

As I have said before, an old shirt can act as an adequate tourniquet in a fox hole. In a time of crisis, the idea of extensive long term testing for drugs that have shown promise and have already been on the market for many years, is non-pragmatic.

His responsibility is both? So where was the concern for the public health from January 22nd to March 13th? Because that is what the voters are ultimately going to judge him on.
And stop with just the Democrats put pork in the stimulus. Republicans got their share of the other white meat too.

What did Republicans get that was not related to economic recovery as it relates to the virus?
I know this much, Navarro has been a hawk on China, well ahead of the game in terms of what threat they pose to the world. The guy I probably most trust in his administration to stay the course on confronting abusers of America.

Fauci, has been getting sunshine shined up his behind by CNN in particular for some time. This article was co-written by that guy in high school who I would expect to rat someone out to the teacher if he heard them curse in gym class, Jim Acosta. I think Fauci seeks the spotlight too often and he is a little too sure of himself for my tastes for this type of situation with many unknowns. I'm glad when Trump calls him out about wanting to shut the country down for 2 years, I think it's an odd, broad position to take considering how some states are far less impacted by this virus than others.

Heated disagreement breaks out in Situation Room over hydroxychloroquine

(CNN)There was a heated disagreement in the Situation Room this weekend over the efficacy of the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine -- but multiple sources say it was mostly one-sided, as President Donald Trump's top trade adviser Peter Navarro feuded with other officials over the drug's unproven effectiveness to treat coronavirus.

The debate is not a new one inside the coronavirus task force -- and medical experts have repeatedly explained to the President that there is a risk in enthusiastically touting hydroxychloroquine in case the drug doesn't ultimately work to combat the virus. But other aides and outside advisers have sided with Trump, including Navarro, who is still not a formal part of the task force but has wedged himself into the meetings.

Axios first reported on the disagreement inside the White House about the drug.

While discussing the latest on hydroxychloroquine this weekend, an exasperated Navarro lashed out at Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the advisers who has urged caution about the drug, a person familiar with the meeting told CNN.

What in the hell is a "trade adviser" doing analyzing the effectiveness of a drug to treat a virus and challenging a doctor and researcher? This "trade adviser" should not even be in the room. This is just another example of the trump administration putting people in charge who have no expertise in their fields while ignoring the experts.
Multidisciplinary teams are far more effective than are one sided chop shops.... No one is ignoring the experts. You guys just keep on spinning because a win for Trump is not acceptable.. You folks dont care who it kills just that you keep power... Fuck You!
I know this much, Navarro has been a hawk on China, well ahead of the game in terms of what threat they pose to the world. The guy I probably most trust in his administration to stay the course on confronting abusers of America.

Fauci, has been getting sunshine shined up his behind by CNN in particular for some time. This article was co-written by that guy in high school who I would expect to rat someone out to the teacher if he heard them curse in gym class, Jim Acosta. I think Fauci seeks the spotlight too often and he is a little too sure of himself for my tastes for this type of situation with many unknowns. I'm glad when Trump calls him out about wanting to shut the country down for 2 years, I think it's an odd, broad position to take considering how some states are far less impacted by this virus than others.

Heated disagreement breaks out in Situation Room over hydroxychloroquine

(CNN)There was a heated disagreement in the Situation Room this weekend over the efficacy of the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine -- but multiple sources say it was mostly one-sided, as President Donald Trump's top trade adviser Peter Navarro feuded with other officials over the drug's unproven effectiveness to treat coronavirus.

The debate is not a new one inside the coronavirus task force -- and medical experts have repeatedly explained to the President that there is a risk in enthusiastically touting hydroxychloroquine in case the drug doesn't ultimately work to combat the virus. But other aides and outside advisers have sided with Trump, including Navarro, who is still not a formal part of the task force but has wedged himself into the meetings.

Axios first reported on the disagreement inside the White House about the drug.

While discussing the latest on hydroxychloroquine this weekend, an exasperated Navarro lashed out at Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the advisers who has urged caution about the drug, a person familiar with the meeting told CNN.

What in the hell is a "trade adviser" doing analyzing the effectiveness of a drug to treat a virus and challenging a doctor and researcher? This "trade adviser" should not even be in the room. This is just another example of the trump administration putting people in charge who have no expertise in their fields while ignoring the experts.

No, this is an example of how it works in the real world. Government/Medical bureaucracy will not fix this problem. Ridiculous clinical trials for drugs that have been used for years is absurd. If they don't work, it was certainly better than doing nothing or spinning our wheels for months that will ultimately lead to the same result.
I know this much, Navarro has been a hawk on China, well ahead of the game in terms of what threat they pose to the world. The guy I probably most trust in his administration to stay the course on confronting abusers of America.

Fauci, has been getting sunshine shined up his behind by CNN in particular for some time. This article was co-written by that guy in high school who I would expect to rat someone out to the teacher if he heard them curse in gym class, Jim Acosta. I think Fauci seeks the spotlight too often and he is a little too sure of himself for my tastes for this type of situation with many unknowns. I'm glad when Trump calls him out about wanting to shut the country down for 2 years, I think it's an odd, broad position to take considering how some states are far less impacted by this virus than others.

Heated disagreement breaks out in Situation Room over hydroxychloroquine

(CNN)There was a heated disagreement in the Situation Room this weekend over the efficacy of the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine -- but multiple sources say it was mostly one-sided, as President Donald Trump's top trade adviser Peter Navarro feuded with other officials over the drug's unproven effectiveness to treat coronavirus.

The debate is not a new one inside the coronavirus task force -- and medical experts have repeatedly explained to the President that there is a risk in enthusiastically touting hydroxychloroquine in case the drug doesn't ultimately work to combat the virus. But other aides and outside advisers have sided with Trump, including Navarro, who is still not a formal part of the task force but has wedged himself into the meetings.

Axios first reported on the disagreement inside the White House about the drug.

While discussing the latest on hydroxychloroquine this weekend, an exasperated Navarro lashed out at Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the advisers who has urged caution about the drug, a person familiar with the meeting told CNN.

Fauci's been good to have in our corner but OTOH reminds me of that saying "When you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail". He's too insular. Trump is wise to bring other people in and listen.
Yeah, let's listen to what the economist has to say over the health care professional with over 50 years experience during a pandemic.

Yeah, let's stay in our houses like hermits for two years. Brilliant plan. There will be NO viruses left likely, but also, no economy. And no America.

Great idea. Brilliant.
You should find a packed church and go hang out in there for about a week. But straight home after that, we don't want you infecting any other people.

Ah, the wonderful heart of a liberal. You disagree with me, so get that virus we hate and infect your family.

The difference between you and me, you absolute cretin? I don't want ANYONE to get the virus. Really. No...I mean it...really. Not even you.
well maybe if ya do not want people to get the virus maybe you should tell them to listen to a doctor over an economist. Maybe then you will not recieve so much sarcasm.
Are you sure it was 16,000 times Trump lies and not 16,001 times?
Ha ha ha
Please cite your source!
The reason they keep asking it is because Trump keeps contradicting the professionals.

Trump is a child who can’t tolerate being questioned.

Actually, what he has been saying is that the "professionals" need to get their head of of the sand. There is a time for long term testing and trials and there is a time to go with what appears to have been working in non-clinical trials with existing drugs that have been widely prescribed for years. What lemmings don't understand is that Democrats WANT this to drag out as long as possible.
Attitudes like that hurt people. Professionals know that.
The truth is, we do both, with caution.

Making this a political issue is stupid.
Are you sure it was 16,000 times Trump lies and not 16,001 times?
Ha ha ha
Please cite your source!

WaPo's count not mine. But since you'll discredit WaPo - This should get you started.

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