Heating and AC , You're screwed

Correction sir: 97% of scientists in the "global warming" field. There's a bit of a difference there.

Not all scientists are "climate" scientists, while "climate scientists" have a vested stake in the game. Namely their livelihood.
This conversation is absolutely ridiculous! Have you seen parts of Greenland that have been under ice for the last 1000 years are now green pastures? Did you see that glacier the size of Rhode Island break off into the sea? Have you seen polar bears swimming at the arctic pole looking for land?

This is stupid! You fuckers can go to hell!
Correction sir: 97% of scientists in the "global warming" field. There's a bit of a difference there.

Not all scientists are "climate" scientists, while "climate scientists" have a vested stake in the game. Namely their livelihood.
This conversation is absolutely ridiculous! Have you seen parts of Greenland that have been under ice for the last 1000 years are now green pastures? Did you see that glacier the size of Rhode Island break off into the sea? Have you seen polar bears swimming at the arctic pole looking for land?

This is stupid! You fuckers can go to hell!

5%? more like 55% disagree with the religion of man made global warming.

Yo, Billo. if its daylight where you are look up in the sky, see that big ball of fire? its called the sun, it controls the climate of planet earth, not cow farts or soccer moms driving SUVs.
The sun controls life on planet earth and cow farts and soccer moms are allowing more of it to reach the surface which is making this planet more uninhabitable. But maybe that's a good thing, because if we all go, the planet will be rid of you fuckers!
Correction sir: 97% of scientists in the "global warming" field. There's a bit of a difference there.

Not all scientists are "climate" scientists, while "climate scientists" have a vested stake in the game. Namely their livelihood.
This conversation is absolutely ridiculous! Have you seen parts of Greenland that have been under ice for the last 1000 years are now green pastures? Did you see that glacier the size of Rhode Island break off into the sea? Have you seen polar bears swimming at the arctic pole looking for land?

This is stupid! You fuckers can go to hell!

post those pictures if you have them. The arctic and Antarctic ice is growing in its normal seasonal patterns. There are more polar bears today than there were 50 years ago. Glaciers have been calving for hundreds of thousands of years, nothing new about that.

the prophet algore said that florida would be under water by now and that there would be no ice in the arctic. He lied and you fools bought it.
5%? more like 55% disagree with the religion of man made global warming.

Yo, Billo. if its daylight where you are look up in the sky, see that big ball of fire? its called the sun, it controls the climate of planet earth, not cow farts or soccer moms driving SUVs.
The sun controls life on planet earth and cow farts and soccer moms are allowing more of it to reach the surface which is making this planet more uninhabitable. But maybe that's a good thing, because if we all go, the planet will be rid of you fuckers!
Um....wrong...get your fake science correct at least...:lol:
5%? more like 55% disagree with the religion of man made global warming.

Yo, Billo. if its daylight where you are look up in the sky, see that big ball of fire? its called the sun, it controls the climate of planet earth, not cow farts or soccer moms driving SUVs.
The sun controls life on planet earth and cow farts and soccer moms are allowing more of it to reach the surface which is making this planet more uninhabitable. But maybe that's a good thing, because if we all go, the planet will be rid of you fuckers!

are you really that stupid? One solar flare has more affect on the earth's climate than all the SUVs in the world and all the cow, human, and dinosaur farts in the last 100 million years.

If your issue is pollution, we are all with you ALL of us, 100%. But there is no need to create a fake link between pollution and climate in order to attack pollution.
LOL, and florida will be under water by the year 2010, there will be no polar bears and the arctic will be free of ice.

Its all bullshit.

Then you probably shouldn't keep spouting such nonsense, eh? Your cult has been predicting an ice age for 40 years now. It never gets here. Your record of failure is perfect. If you say something, it's almost certain the opposite in true.

In contrast, the real scientists have gotten everything right. That's why they have credibility, while you're considered to be clowns. Crying about how the whole planet is laughing at you won't earn you any credibility, but it's all you can do, being how all the science says that global warming deniers are outright frauds.

Follow the money that tries to corrupt climate science. It's all coming from the fossil fuel interests. The very few denier scientists are paid shills. None of the rational scientists are. Any rational scientist could instantly double their salary if they chose to lie for the deniers. They don't. They willingly take a pay cult to tell the truth, which gives them even more credibility. Any child who tries to pull the "those scientists just want grants!" reality-defying idiocy should be given a juicebox and told to go watch SpongeBob, because the grownups are trying to talk.

Getting back to the topic, it's interesting how poor quality of modern goods is being blamed on efficiency standards, even though the two topics are separate issues. Or they skimped on a heat pump and got the small one that couldn't do the job, and they blame that on efficiency standards. Or they can't figure out waste heat in the house is not an efficient use of electricity in summer or winter. Logic is not the strong point of the luddite crowd. They don't care if it makes any sense, they're going to blame all their problems on efficiency standards and environmentalists because they "feel" it has to be true. Then they're going lovingly stroke their obsolete light bulbs, and wonder why everyone won't join them in wasting money.
LOL, and florida will be under water by the year 2010, there will be no polar bears and the arctic will be free of ice.

Its all bullshit.

Then you probably shouldn't keep spouting such nonsense, eh? Your cult has been predicting an ice age for 40 years now. It never gets here. Your record of failure is perfect. If you say something, it's almost certain the opposite in true.

In contrast, the real scientists have gotten everything right. That's why they have credibility, while you're considered to be clowns. Crying about how the whole planet is laughing at you won't earn you any credibility, but it's all you can do, being how all the science says that global warming deniers are outright frauds.

Follow the money that tries to corrupt climate science. It's all coming from the fossil fuel interests. The very few denier scientists are paid shills. None of the rational scientists are. Any rational scientist could instantly double their salary if they chose to lie for the deniers. They don't. They willingly take a pay cult to tell the truth, which gives them even more credibility. Any child who tries to pull the "those scientists just want grants!" reality-defying idiocy should be given a juicebox and told to go watch SpongeBob, because the grownups are trying to talk.

Getting back to the topic, it's interesting how poor quality of modern goods is being blamed on efficiency standards, even though the two topics are separate issues. Or they skimped on a heat pump and got the small one that couldn't do the job, and they blame that on efficiency standards. Or they can't figure out waste heat in the house is not an efficient use of electricity in summer or winter. Logic is not the strong point of the luddite crowd. They don't care if it makes any sense, they're going to blame all their problems on efficiency standards and environmentalists because they "feel" it has to be true. Then they're going lovingly stroke their obsolete light bulbs, and wonder why everyone won't join them in wasting money.
No...that was your settled science then too...:lol:
Then you probably shouldn't keep spouting such nonsense, eh? Your cult has been predicting an ice age for 40 years now. It never gets here. Your record of failure is perfect. If you say something, it's almost certain the opposite in true.

In contrast, the real scientists have gotten everything right. That's why they have credibility, while you're considered to be clowns. Crying about how the whole planet is laughing at you won't earn you any credibility, but it's all you can do, being how all the science says that global warming deniers are outright frauds.

Follow the money that tries to corrupt climate science. It's all coming from the fossil fuel interests. The very few denier scientists are paid shills. None of the rational scientists are. Any rational scientist could instantly double their salary if they chose to lie for the deniers. They don't. They willingly take a pay cult to tell the truth, which gives them even more credibility. Any child who tries to pull the "those scientists just want grants!" reality-defying idiocy should be given a juicebox and told to go watch SpongeBob, because the grownups are trying to talk.

Getting back to the topic, it's interesting how poor quality of modern goods is being blamed on efficiency standards, even though the two topics are separate issues. Or they skimped on a heat pump and got the small one that couldn't do the job, and they blame that on efficiency standards. Or they can't figure out waste heat in the house is not an efficient use of electricity in summer or winter. Logic is not the strong point of the luddite crowd. They don't care if it makes any sense, they're going to blame all their problems on efficiency standards and environmentalists because they "feel" it has to be true. Then they're going lovingly stroke their obsolete light bulbs, and wonder why everyone won't join them in wasting money.
I was taught about the impending ice age in school in the 70s. That was the consensus of the time. A consensus isn't science, it's a group of opinions and when you have facts you don't need opinions.

But hey, if it's settled science let's pull all the funds for something else.
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Fuck liberals, I purchased a government regulated low flow shower head at Home Depot and drilled a big ass hole in the low flow restrictor with my cordless drill, eat it libs! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
post those pictures if you have them. The arctic and Antarctic ice is growing in its normal seasonal patterns. There are more polar bears today than there were 50 years ago. Glaciers have been calving for hundreds of thousands of years, nothing new about that.

the prophet algore said that florida would be under water by now and that there would be no ice in the arctic. He lied and you fools bought it.
Fuck liberals, I purchased a government regulated low flow shower head at Home Depot and drilled a big ass hole in the low flow restrictor with my cordless drill, eat it libs! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
The Russians drilled mine out.

How dare you allow Russia to interfere with our showerheads, did they also interfere with your sink and soap dispenser? I smell a Russian conspiracy here. :eusa_think:
]I was taught about the impending ice age in school in the 70s. That was the consensus of the time.

No, it wasn't. You're confusing media hype with science. The consensus of the scientists at that time was a prediction of global warming, and the scientists were proven correct. The science has been that good for that long.

Only deniers were predicting an ice age in the 1970s, and they've been predicting it nonstop ever since. They were proven to be totally wrong, but they still have faith that the ice age will get here soon, you just wait and see! The ice age nonsense was the brainchild of Dr. Reid Bryson and his clique, and he was a hardcore global warming denier until he died.

A consensus isn't science, it's a group of opinions and when you have facts you don't need opinions.

But we have the facts as well, which is why there's a consensus. All you have is opinions that are contradicted by the facts. Contrary to your PC beliefs, all opinions are not equal. Yours is just wrong.

But hey, if it's settled science let's pull all the funds for something else.

Do you not see how dumb that logic is? Probably not, given you got sucked in by the denier scam.

Let's try your bad logic further. "Gravity is settled science, so why study it further? Weather is settled science, so why spend money on forecasting? We know smoking causes cancer, so why spend money on cancer research?" The fact that the basics are settled doesn't mean more research is not a good thing.
]I was taught about the impending ice age in school in the 70s. That was the consensus of the time.

No, it wasn't. You're confusing media hype with science. The consensus of the scientists at that time was a prediction of global warming, and the scientists were proven correct. The science has been that good for that long.

Only deniers were predicting an ice age in the 1970s, and they've been predicting it nonstop ever since. They were proven to be totally wrong, but they still have faith that the ice age will get here soon, you just wait and see! The ice age nonsense was the brainchild of Dr. Reid Bryson and his clique, and he was a hardcore global warming denier until he died.

A consensus isn't science, it's a group of opinions and when you have facts you don't need opinions.

But we have the facts as well, which is why there's a consensus. All you have is opinions that are contradicted by the facts. Contrary to your PC beliefs, all opinions are not equal. Yours is just wrong.

But hey, if it's settled science let's pull all the funds for something else.

Do you not see how dumb that logic is? Probably not, given you got sucked in by the denier scam.

Let's try your bad logic further. "Gravity is settled science, so why study it further? Weather is settled science, so why spend money on forecasting? We know smoking causes cancer, so why spend money on cancer research?" The fact that the basics are settled doesn't mean more research is not a good thing.
No it wasn't????? You know my education better than I do? What a 'tard!

Denying is what a healthy mind does when confronted with wild ass theories and attempts to intimidate. You have no facts, just opinions that feed off the Warmer industry.

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