Heating and AC , You're screwed

Settled science is not evidence of anything....ever...
"...settled science..."
"...fake news..."
"...liberal media..."
"...tin foil hats..."
"...death panels..."
"...voter fraud..."
"...illegal aliens..."
"...war on terror..."

Is that all you people do, is sit around and come up with these bullshit mantra's that you recite over and over and over...then turnaround and act like you just said something of substance?
Settled science is not evidence of anything....ever...
"...settled science..."
"...fake news..."
"...liberal media..."
"...tin foil hats..."
"...death panels..."
"...voter fraud..."
"...illegal aliens..."
"...war on terror..."

Is that all you people do, is sit around and come up with these bullshit mantra's that you recite over and over and over...then turnaround and act like you just said something of substance?
It's an American thing....you wouldn't understand.....
You mean settled scientists....

There is no such thing in real science....
I mean ALL scientists and there is a mountain of evidence out there proving it. You want to look like a dumbass and act like there isn't, then go right ahead.

And just where do these scientists get their money to do their work? Oh yeah, that's right, politicians.

List of scientists opposing the mainstream scientific assessment of global warming - Wikipedia

Busting the 97% Myth | Climategate Book

Purdue: Just 50%, not media-hyped 97%, of scientists blame humans for climate change
I didn't even realize...

I guess this January the government , with their "efficiency" BS , made 14 SEER heating and air conditioning the minimum which can be sold in the U.S.

One of the manufacturers told us they are barley scraping by making 14 SEER equipment, if the government raises the minimum to 15 SEER (which I think they are already planning to do) then we're talking about high efficiency motors. In my area high efficiency motors average $1500.

The high efficiency equipment designers have a habit of placing several circuit boards into one system. circuit boards are $400 to $800. Many go out without any reason.

Like everything else, the government is going to save you 5 bucks on your monthly bill , but send the money back to the economy with high repair costs.

By-the-way, I heard something about a new refrigerant for cars, R1234 , currently selling for $1000 per jug
Have faith. Trump hopes to abolish the EPA and a/c manufactures and other industries can do anything they want to the environment and long after Trump is gone we will be paying the price.

LOL, and florida will be under water by the year 2010, there will be no polar bears and the arctic will be free of ice.

Its all bullshit.
And where do the 5% shills get their money from? The fossil fuel industry.

5%? more like 55% disagree with the religion of man made global warming.

Yo, Billo. if its daylight where you are look up in the sky, see that big ball of fire? its called the sun, it controls the climate of planet earth, not cow farts or soccer moms driving SUVs.
MMGW is a hoax....science is very clear...
Not according to 95% of the scientists in the world.

Correction sir: 97% of scientists in the "global warming" field. There's a bit of a difference there.

Not all scientists are "climate" scientists, while "climate scientists" have a vested stake in the game. Namely their livelihood.

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